
1000 lines
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Moses - factored phrase-based language decoder
Copyright (C) 2010 University of Edinburgh
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <boost/mpi.hpp>
namespace mpi = boost::mpi;
#include "FeatureVector.h"
#include "StaticData.h"
#include "ChartTrellisPathList.h"
#include "ChartTrellisPath.h"
#include "ScoreComponentCollection.h"
#include "Decoder.h"
#include "Optimiser.h"
using namespace Mira;
using namespace std;
using namespace Moses;
namespace po = boost::program_options;
void OutputNBestList(const MosesChart::TrellisPathList &nBestList,
const TranslationSystem* system, long translationId);
bool loadSentences(const string& filename, vector<string>& sentences) {
ifstream in(filename.c_str());
if (!in)
return false;
string line;
while (getline(in, line)) {
return true;
bool evaluateModulo(size_t shard_position, size_t mix_or_dump_base, size_t actual_batch_size) {
if (actual_batch_size > 1) {
bool mix_or_dump = false;
size_t numberSubtracts = actual_batch_size;
do {
if (shard_position % mix_or_dump_base == 0) {
mix_or_dump = true;
} while (numberSubtracts > 0);
return mix_or_dump;
else {
return ((shard_position % mix_or_dump_base) == 0);
struct RandomIndex {
ptrdiff_t operator()(ptrdiff_t max) {
return static_cast<ptrdiff_t> (rand() % max);
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
size_t rank = 0;
size_t size = 1;
mpi::environment env(argc,argv);
mpi::communicator world;
rank = world.rank();
size = world.size();
cerr << "Rank: " << rank << " Size: " << size << endl;
bool help;
int verbosity;
string mosesConfigFile;
string inputFile;
vector<string> referenceFiles;
size_t epochs;
string learner;
bool shuffle;
bool hildreth;
size_t mixingFrequency;
size_t weightDumpFrequency;
string weightDumpStem;
float marginScaleFactor;
float marginScaleFactorStep;
float marginScaleFactorMin;
float min_learning_rate;
float min_sentence_update;
bool weightedLossFunction;
size_t n;
size_t batchSize;
bool distinctNbest;
bool onlyViolatedConstraints;
bool accumulateWeights;
float historySmoothing;
bool useScaledReference;
bool scaleByInputLength;
float BPfactor;
bool adapt_BPfactor;
float slack;
float slack_step;
float slack_max;
size_t maxNumberOracles;
bool accumulateMostViolatedConstraints;
bool pastAndCurrentConstraints;
bool weightConvergence;
bool controlUpdates;
float learning_rate;
bool logFeatureValues;
size_t baseOfLog;
string decoder_settings;
float min_weight_change;
float max_sentence_update;
float decrease_learning_rate;
float decrease_sentence_update;
bool devBleu;
bool normaliseWeights;
bool print_feature_values;
bool stop_dev_bleu;
bool stop_approx_dev_bleu;
int updates_per_epoch;
bool averageWeights;
bool stop_optimal;
po::options_description desc("Allowed options");
desc.add_options()("accumulate-most-violated-constraints", po::value<bool>(&accumulateMostViolatedConstraints)->default_value(false),"Accumulate most violated constraint per example")
("accumulate-weights", po::value<bool>(&accumulateWeights)->default_value(false), "Accumulate and average weights over all epochs")
("adapt-BP-factor", po::value<bool>(&adapt_BPfactor)->default_value(0), "Set factor to 1 when optimal translation length in reached")
("average-weights", po::value<bool>(&averageWeights)->default_value(false), "Set decoder weights to average weights after each update")
("base-of-log", po::value<size_t>(&baseOfLog)->default_value(10), "Base for log-ing feature values")
("batch-size,b", po::value<size_t>(&batchSize)->default_value(1), "Size of batch that is send to optimiser for weight adjustments")
("BP-factor", po::value<float>(&BPfactor)->default_value(1.0), "Increase penalty for short translations")
("config,f", po::value<string>(&mosesConfigFile), "Moses ini file")
("control-updates", po::value<bool>(&controlUpdates)->default_value(true), "Ignore updates that increase number of violated constraints AND increase the error")
("decoder-settings", po::value<string>(&decoder_settings)->default_value(""), "Decoder settings for tuning runs")
("decr-learning-rate", po::value<float>(&decrease_learning_rate)->default_value(0),"Decrease learning rate by the given value after every epoch")
("decr-sentence-update", po::value<float>(&decrease_sentence_update)->default_value(0), "Decrease maximum weight update by the given value after every epoch")
("dev-bleu", po::value<bool>(&devBleu)->default_value(true), "Compute BLEU score of oracle translations of the whole tuning set")
("distinct-nbest", po::value<bool>(&distinctNbest)->default_value(true), "Use nbest list with distinct translations in inference step")
("weight-dump-frequency", po::value<size_t>(&weightDumpFrequency)->default_value(1), "How often per epoch to dump weights, when using mpi")
("epochs,e", po::value<size_t>(&epochs)->default_value(5), "Number of epochs")
("help", po::value(&help)->zero_tokens()->default_value(false), "Print this help message and exit")
("hildreth", po::value<bool>(&hildreth)->default_value(true), "Use Hildreth's optimisation algorithm")
("history-smoothing", po::value<float>(&historySmoothing)->default_value(0.9), "Adjust the factor for history smoothing")
("input-file,i", po::value<string>(&inputFile), "Input file containing tokenised source")
("learner,l", po::value<string>(&learner)->default_value("mira"), "Learning algorithm")
("learning-rate", po::value<float>(&learning_rate)->default_value(1), "Learning rate (fixed or flexible)")
("log-feature-values", po::value<bool>(&logFeatureValues)->default_value(false), "Take log of feature values according to the given base.")
("max-number-oracles", po::value<size_t>(&maxNumberOracles)->default_value(1), "Set a maximum number of oracles to use per example")
("min-sentence-update", po::value<float>(&min_sentence_update)->default_value(0), "Set a minimum weight update per sentence")
("min-learning-rate", po::value<float>(&min_learning_rate)->default_value(0), "Set a minimum learning rate")
("max-sentence-update", po::value<float>(&max_sentence_update)->default_value(-1), "Set a maximum weight update per sentence")
("min-weight-change", po::value<float>(&min_weight_change)->default_value(0.01), "Set minimum weight change for stopping criterion")
("mixing-frequency", po::value<size_t>(&mixingFrequency)->default_value(1), "How often per epoch to mix weights, when using mpi")
("msf", po::value<float>(&marginScaleFactor)->default_value(1.0), "Margin scale factor, regularises the update by scaling the enforced margin")
("msf-min", po::value<float>(&marginScaleFactorMin)->default_value(1.0), "Minimum value that margin is scaled by")
("msf-step", po::value<float>(&marginScaleFactorStep)->default_value(0), "Decrease margin scale factor iteratively by the value provided")
("nbest,n", po::value<size_t>(&n)->default_value(10), "Number of translations in nbest list")
("normalise", po::value<bool>(&normaliseWeights)->default_value(false), "Whether to normalise the updated weights before passing them to the decoder")
("only-violated-constraints", po::value<bool>(&onlyViolatedConstraints)->default_value(false), "Add only violated constraints to the optimisation problem")
("past-and-current-constraints", po::value<bool>(&pastAndCurrentConstraints)->default_value(false), "Accumulate most violated constraint per example and use them along all current constraints")
("print-feature-values", po::value<bool>(&print_feature_values)->default_value(false), "Print out feature values")
("reference-files,r", po::value<vector<string> >(&referenceFiles), "Reference translation files for training")
("scale-by-input-length", po::value<bool>(&scaleByInputLength)->default_value(true), "Scale the BLEU score by a history of the input lengths")
("shuffle", po::value<bool>(&shuffle)->default_value(false), "Shuffle input sentences before processing")
("slack", po::value<float>(&slack)->default_value(0.01), "Use slack in optimizer")
("slack-max", po::value<float>(&slack_max)->default_value(0), "Maximum slack used")
("slack-step", po::value<float>(&slack_step)->default_value(0), "Increase slack from epoch to epoch by the value provided")
("stop-dev-bleu", po::value<bool>(&stop_dev_bleu)->default_value(false), "Stop when average Bleu (dev) decreases (or no more increases)")
("stop-approx-dev-bleu", po::value<bool>(&stop_approx_dev_bleu)->default_value(false), "Stop when average approx. sentence Bleu (dev) decreases (or no more increases)")
("stop-weights", po::value<bool>(&weightConvergence)->default_value(false), "Stop when weights converge")
("stop-optimal", po::value<bool>(&stop_optimal)->default_value(true), "Stop when the results of optimization do not improve further")
("updates-per-epoch", po::value<int>(&updates_per_epoch)->default_value(-1), "Accumulate updates and apply them to the weight vector the specified number of times per epoch")
("use-scaled-reference", po::value<bool>(&useScaledReference)->default_value(true), "Use scaled reference length for comparing target and reference length of phrases")
("verbosity,v", po::value<int>(&verbosity)->default_value(0), "Verbosity level")
("weighted-loss-function", po::value<bool>(&weightedLossFunction)->default_value(false), "Weight the loss of a hypothesis by its Bleu score")
("weight-dump-stem", po::value<string>(&weightDumpStem)->default_value("weights"), "Stem of filename to use for dumping weights");
po::options_description cmdline_options;
po::variables_map vm;
po::command_line_parser(argc, argv). options(cmdline_options).run(), vm);
if (help) {
std::cout << "Usage: " + string(argv[0])
+ " -f mosesini-file -i input-file -r reference-file(s) [options]"
<< std::endl;
std::cout << desc << std::endl;
return 0;
if (mosesConfigFile.empty()) {
cerr << "Error: No moses ini file specified" << endl;
return 1;
if (inputFile.empty()) {
cerr << "Error: No input file specified" << endl;
return 1;
if (!referenceFiles.size()) {
cerr << "Error: No reference files specified" << endl;
return 1;
// load input and references
vector<string> inputSentences;
if (!loadSentences(inputFile, inputSentences)) {
cerr << "Error: Failed to load input sentences from " << inputFile << endl;
return 1;
vector<vector<string> > referenceSentences(referenceFiles.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < referenceFiles.size(); ++i) {
if (!loadSentences(referenceFiles[i], referenceSentences[i])) {
cerr << "Error: Failed to load reference sentences from "
<< referenceFiles[i] << endl;
return 1;
if (referenceSentences[i].size() != inputSentences.size()) {
cerr << "Error: Input file length (" << inputSentences.size() << ") != ("
<< referenceSentences[i].size() << ") length of reference file " << i
<< endl;
return 1;
// initialise Moses
vector<string> decoder_params;
boost::split(decoder_params, decoder_settings, boost::is_any_of("\t "));
initMoses(mosesConfigFile, verbosity, decoder_params.size(), decoder_params);
MosesDecoder* decoder = new MosesDecoder(referenceSentences,
useScaledReference, scaleByInputLength, BPfactor, historySmoothing);
if (normaliseWeights) {
ScoreComponentCollection startWeights = decoder->getWeights();
// Optionally shuffle the sentences
vector<size_t> order;
if (rank == 0) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < inputSentences.size(); ++i) {
if (shuffle) {
cerr << "Shuffling input sentences.." << endl;
RandomIndex rindex;
random_shuffle(order.begin(), order.end(), rindex);
mpi::broadcast(world, order, 0);
// Create the shards according to the number of processes used
vector<size_t> shard;
float shardSize = (float) (order.size()) / size;
VERBOSE(1, "Shard size: " << shardSize << endl);
size_t shardStart = (size_t) (shardSize * rank);
size_t shardEnd = (size_t) (shardSize * (rank + 1));
if (rank == size - 1)
shardEnd = order.size();
VERBOSE(1, "Rank: " << rank << " Shard start: " << shardStart << " Shard end: " << shardEnd << endl);
copy(order.begin() + shardStart, order.begin() + shardEnd, shard.begin());
Optimiser* optimiser = NULL;
cerr << "adapt-BP-factor: " << adapt_BPfactor << endl;
cerr << "control-updates: " << controlUpdates << endl;
cerr << "mix-frequency: " << mixingFrequency << endl;
cerr << "weight-dump-frequency: " << weightDumpFrequency << endl;
cerr << "weight-dump-stem: " << weightDumpStem << endl;
cerr << "shuffle: " << shuffle << endl;
cerr << "hildreth: " << hildreth << endl;
cerr << "msf: " << marginScaleFactor << endl;
cerr << "msf-step: " << marginScaleFactorStep << endl;
cerr << "msf-min: " << marginScaleFactorMin << endl;
cerr << "weighted-loss-function: " << weightedLossFunction << endl;
cerr << "nbest: " << n << endl;
cerr << "batch-size: " << batchSize << endl;
cerr << "distinct-nbest: " << distinctNbest << endl;
cerr << "only-violated-constraints: " << onlyViolatedConstraints << endl;
cerr << "accumulate-weights: " << accumulateWeights << endl;
cerr << "history-smoothing: " << historySmoothing << endl;
cerr << "use-scaled-reference: " << useScaledReference << endl;
cerr << "scale-by-input-length: " << scaleByInputLength << endl;
cerr << "BP-factor: " << BPfactor << endl;
cerr << "slack: " << slack << endl;
cerr << "slack-step: " << slack_step << endl;
cerr << "slack-max: " << slack_max << endl;
cerr << "max-number-oracles: " << maxNumberOracles << endl;
cerr << "accumulate-most-violated-constraints: "
<< accumulateMostViolatedConstraints << endl;
cerr << "past-and-current-constraints: " << pastAndCurrentConstraints << endl;
cerr << "log-feature-values: " << logFeatureValues << endl;
cerr << "base-of-log: " << baseOfLog << endl;
cerr << "decoder-settings: " << decoder_settings << endl;
cerr << "min-weight-change: " << min_weight_change << endl;
cerr << "max-sentence-update: " << max_sentence_update << endl;
cerr << "decr-learning-rate: " << decrease_learning_rate << endl;
cerr << "dev-bleu: " << devBleu << endl;
cerr << "normalise: " << normaliseWeights << endl;
cerr << "print-feature-values: " << print_feature_values << endl;
cerr << "stop-dev-bleu: " << stop_dev_bleu << endl;
cerr << "stop-approx-dev-bleu: " << stop_approx_dev_bleu << endl;
cerr << "stop-optimal: " << stop_optimal << endl;
cerr << "stop-weights: " << weightConvergence << endl;
cerr << "updates-per-epoch: " << updates_per_epoch << endl;
cerr << "use-total-weights-for-pruning: " << averageWeights << endl;
if (learner == "mira") {
cerr << "Optimising using Mira" << endl;
optimiser = new MiraOptimiser(n, hildreth, marginScaleFactor,
onlyViolatedConstraints, slack, weightedLossFunction, maxNumberOracles,
accumulateMostViolatedConstraints, pastAndCurrentConstraints,
if (hildreth) {
cerr << "Using Hildreth's optimisation algorithm.." << endl;
} else if (learner == "perceptron") {
cerr << "Optimising using Perceptron" << endl;
optimiser = new Perceptron();
} else {
cerr << "Error: Unknown optimiser: " << learner << endl;
//Main loop:
// print initial weights
cerr << "Rank " << rank << ", initial weights: " << decoder->getWeights() << endl;
ScoreComponentCollection cumulativeWeights; // collect weights per epoch to produce an average
size_t numberOfUpdates = 0;
size_t numberOfUpdatesThisEpoch = 0;
time_t now = time(0); // get current time
struct tm* tm = localtime(&now); // get struct filled out
cerr << "Start date/time: " << tm->tm_mon + 1 << "/" << tm->tm_mday << "/"
<< tm->tm_year + 1900 << ", " << tm->tm_hour << ":" << tm->tm_min << ":"
<< tm->tm_sec << endl;
ScoreComponentCollection mixedAverageWeights;
ScoreComponentCollection mixedAverageWeightsPrevious;
ScoreComponentCollection mixedAverageWeightsBeforePrevious;
float averageRatio = 0;
float averageBleu = 0;
float prevAverageBleu = 0;
float beforePrevAverageBleu = 0;
float summedApproxBleu = 0;
float averageApproxBleu = 0;
float prevAverageApproxBleu = 0;
float beforePrevAverageApproxBleu = 0;
bool stop = false;
size_t sumStillViolatedConstraints;
size_t sumStillViolatedConstraints_lastEpoch = 0;
size_t sumConstraintChangeAbs;
size_t sumConstraintChangeAbs_lastEpoch = 0;
float *sendbuf, *recvbuf;
sendbuf = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float));
recvbuf = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float));
// Note: make sure that the variable mosesWeights always holds the current decoder weights
for (size_t epoch = 0; epoch < epochs && !stop; ++epoch) {
cerr << "\nRank " << rank << ", epoch " << epoch << endl;
// sum of violated constraints
sumStillViolatedConstraints = 0;
sumConstraintChangeAbs = 0;
// sum of approx. sentence bleu scores per epoch
summedApproxBleu = 0;
numberOfUpdatesThisEpoch = 0;
// Sum up weights over one epoch, final average uses weights from last epoch
if (!accumulateWeights) {
// number of weight dumps this epoch
size_t weightEpochDump = 0;
// collect best model score translations for computing bleu on dev set
vector<vector<const Word*> > allBestModelScore;
vector<size_t> all_ref_ids;
size_t shardPosition = 0;
vector<size_t>::const_iterator sid = shard.begin();
while (sid != shard.end()) {
// feature values for hypotheses i,j (matrix: batchSize x 3*n x featureValues)
vector<vector<ScoreComponentCollection> > featureValues;
vector<vector<float> > bleuScores;
// get moses weights
ScoreComponentCollection mosesWeights = decoder->getWeights();
cerr << "\nRank " << rank << ", next batch" << endl;
cerr << "Rank " << rank << ", weights: " << mosesWeights << endl;
// BATCHING: produce nbest lists for all input sentences in batch
vector<size_t> oraclePositions;
vector<float> oracleBleuScores;
vector<vector<const Word*> > oracles;
vector<ScoreComponentCollection> oracleFeatureValues;
vector<size_t> inputLengths;
vector<size_t> ref_ids;
size_t actualBatchSize = 0;
vector<size_t>::const_iterator current_sid = sid;
for (size_t batchPosition = 0; batchPosition < batchSize && sid
!= shard.end(); ++batchPosition) {
string& input = inputSentences[*sid];
const vector<string>& refs = referenceSentences[*sid];
cerr << "Rank " << rank << ", batch position " << batchPosition << endl;
cerr << "Rank " << rank << ", input sentence " << *sid << ": \"" << input << "\"" << endl;
vector<ScoreComponentCollection> newFeatureValues;
vector<float> newBleuScores;
cerr << "Rank " << rank << ", run decoder to get nbest wrt model score" << endl;
vector<const Word*> bestModel = decoder->getNBest(input, *sid, n, 0.0,
1.0, featureValues[batchPosition], bleuScores[batchPosition], true,
distinctNbest, rank);
cerr << "Rank " << rank << ", model length: " << bestModel.size() << " Bleu: " << bleuScores[batchPosition][0] << endl;
cerr << "Rank " << rank << ", run decoder to get nbest hope translations" << endl;
size_t oraclePos = featureValues[batchPosition].size();
vector<const Word*> oracle = decoder->getNBest(input, *sid, n, 1.0,
1.0, featureValues[batchPosition], bleuScores[batchPosition], true,
distinctNbest, rank);
cerr << "Rank " << rank << ", oracle length: " << oracle.size() << " Bleu: " << bleuScores[batchPosition][oraclePos] << endl;
float oracleBleuScore = bleuScores[batchPosition][oraclePos];
cerr << "Rank " << rank << ", run decoder to get nbest fear translations" << endl;
size_t fearPos = featureValues[batchPosition].size();
vector<const Word*> fear = decoder->getNBest(input, *sid, n, -1.0, 1.0,
featureValues[batchPosition], bleuScores[batchPosition], true,
distinctNbest, rank);
cerr << "Rank " << rank << ", fear length: " << fear.size() << " Bleu: " << bleuScores[batchPosition][fearPos] << endl;
// for (size_t i = 0; i < bestModel.size(); ++i) {
// delete bestModel[i];
// }
for (size_t i = 0; i < fear.size(); ++i) {
delete fear[i];
cerr << "Rank " << rank << ", " << *sid << ", best model Bleu (approximate sentence bleu): " << bleuScores[batchPosition][0] << endl;
summedApproxBleu += bleuScores[batchPosition][0];
// next input sentence
} // end of batch loop
// Set loss for each sentence as BLEU(oracle) - BLEU(hypothesis)
vector<vector<float> > losses(actualBatchSize);
for (size_t batchPosition = 0; batchPosition < actualBatchSize; ++batchPosition) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < bleuScores[batchPosition].size(); ++j) {
- bleuScores[batchPosition][j]);
// set weight for bleu feature to 0
const vector<const ScoreProducer*> featureFunctions =
mosesWeights.Assign(featureFunctions.back(), 0);
if (!hildreth && typeid(*optimiser) == typeid(MiraOptimiser)) {
((MiraOptimiser*) optimiser)->setOracleIndices(oraclePositions);
if (logFeatureValues) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < featureValues.size(); ++i) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < featureValues[i].size(); ++j) {
// get 1best model results with old weights
vector<float> bestModelOld;
if (actualBatchSize == 1) {
string& input = inputSentences[*current_sid];
bestModelOld = decoder->getBleuAndScore(input, *current_sid, 0.0, distinctNbest);
// optionally print out the feature values
if (print_feature_values) {
cerr << "\nRank " << rank << ", feature values: " << endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < featureValues.size(); ++i) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < featureValues[i].size(); ++j) {
cerr << featureValues[i][j] << endl;
cerr << endl;
// run optimiser on batch
cerr << "\nRank " << rank << ", run optimiser:" << endl;
ScoreComponentCollection oldWeights(mosesWeights);
vector<int> update_status = optimiser->updateWeights(mosesWeights, featureValues,
losses, bleuScores, oracleFeatureValues, oracleBleuScores, ref_ids,
learning_rate, max_sentence_update, rank, updates_per_epoch, controlUpdates);
if (update_status[0] == 1) {
cerr << "Rank " << rank << ", no update for batch" << endl;
else if (update_status[0] == -1) {
cerr << "Rank " << rank << ", update ignored" << endl;
else {
sumConstraintChangeAbs += abs(update_status[1] - update_status[2]);
sumStillViolatedConstraints += update_status[2];
if (updates_per_epoch == -1) {
// pass new weights to decoder
if (normaliseWeights) {
if (averageWeights) {
ScoreComponentCollection averageWeights(cumulativeWeights);
if (accumulateWeights) {
} else {
mosesWeights = averageWeights;
cerr << "Rank " << rank << ", set new average weights: " << mosesWeights << endl;
else {
cerr << "Rank " << rank << ", set new weights: " << mosesWeights << endl;
// set new Moses weights (averaged or not)
// compute difference to old weights
ScoreComponentCollection weightDifference(mosesWeights);
cerr << "Rank " << rank << ", weight difference: " << weightDifference << endl;
// get 1best model results with new weights
vector<float> bestModelNew;
if (actualBatchSize == 1) {
string& input = inputSentences[*current_sid];
bestModelNew = decoder->getBleuAndScore(input, *current_sid, 0.0, distinctNbest);
cerr << "Rank " << rank << ", epoch " << epoch << ", 1best model bleu, old: " << bestModelOld[0] << ", new: " << bestModelNew[0] << endl;
cerr << "Rank " << rank << ", epoch " << epoch << ", 1best model score, old: " << bestModelOld[1] << ", new: " << bestModelNew[1] << endl;
// update history (for approximate document Bleu)
for (size_t i = 0; i < oracles.size(); ++i) {
cerr << "Rank " << rank << ", oracle length: " << oracles[i].size() << " ";
decoder->updateHistory(oracles, inputLengths, ref_ids);
// clean up oracle translations after updating history
for (size_t i = 0; i < oracles.size(); ++i) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < oracles[i].size(); ++j) {
delete oracles[i][j];
bool makeUpdate = updates_per_epoch == -1 ? 0 : (shardPosition % (shard.size() / updates_per_epoch) == 0);
// apply accumulated updates
if (makeUpdate && typeid(*optimiser) == typeid(MiraOptimiser)) {
mosesWeights = decoder->getWeights();
ScoreComponentCollection accumulatedUpdates = ((MiraOptimiser*) optimiser)->getAccumulatedUpdates();
cerr << "\nRank " << rank << ", updates to apply during epoch " << epoch << ": " << accumulatedUpdates << endl;
if (accumulatedUpdates.GetWeightedScore() != 0) {
((MiraOptimiser*) optimiser)->resetAccumulatedUpdates();
if (normaliseWeights) {
if (averageWeights) {
ScoreComponentCollection averageWeights(cumulativeWeights);
if (accumulateWeights) {
} else {
mosesWeights = averageWeights;
cerr << "Rank " << rank << ", set new average weights after applying cumulative update: " << mosesWeights << endl;
else {
cerr << "Rank " << rank << ", set new weights after applying cumulative update: " << mosesWeights << endl;
// compute difference to old weights
ScoreComponentCollection weightDifference(mosesWeights);
cerr << "Rank " << rank << ", weight difference: " << weightDifference << endl;
else {
cerr << "Rank " << rank << ", cumulative update is empty.." << endl;
size_t mixing_base = shard.size() / mixingFrequency;
size_t dumping_base = shard.size() / weightDumpFrequency;
// mix weights?
if (evaluateModulo(shardPosition, mixing_base, actualBatchSize)) {
ScoreComponentCollection mixedWeights;
cerr << "\nRank " << rank << ", before mixing: " << mosesWeights << endl;
// collect all weights in mixedWeights and divide by number of processes
mpi::reduce(world, mosesWeights, mixedWeights, SCCPlus(), 0);
if (rank == 0) {
// divide by number of processes
// normalise weights after averaging
if (normaliseWeights) {
cerr << "Mixed weights (normalised): " << mixedWeights << endl;
else {
cerr << "Mixed weights: " << mixedWeights << endl;
// broadcast average weights from process 0
mpi::broadcast(world, mixedWeights, 0);
mosesWeights = mixedWeights;
#ifndef MPI_ENABLE
cerr << "\nRank " << rank << ", no mixing, weights: " << mosesWeights << endl;
} // end mixing
// Dump weights?
if (evaluateModulo(shardPosition, dumping_base, actualBatchSize)) {
ScoreComponentCollection tmpAverageWeights(cumulativeWeights);
if (accumulateWeights) {
} else {
// average across processes
mpi::reduce(world, tmpAverageWeights, mixedAverageWeights, SCCPlus(), 0);
#ifndef MPI_ENABLE
mixedAverageWeights = tmpAverageWeights;
if (rank == 0 && !weightDumpStem.empty()) {
// divide by number of processes
// normalise weights after averaging
if (normaliseWeights) {
// dump final average weights
ostringstream filename;
if (epoch < 10) {
filename << weightDumpStem << "_0" << epoch;
} else {
filename << weightDumpStem << "_" << epoch;
if (mixingFrequency > 1) {
filename << "_" << weightEpochDump;
if (accumulateWeights) {
cerr << "\nMixed average weights (cumulative) during epoch " << epoch << ": " << mixedAverageWeights << endl;
} else {
cerr << "\nMixed average weights during epoch " << epoch << ": " << mixedAverageWeights << endl;
cerr << "Dumping mixed average weights during epoch " << epoch << " to " << filename.str() << endl;
}// end dumping
} // end of shard loop, end of this epoch
size_t sumUpdates;
size_t *sendbuf_uint, *recvbuf_uint;
sendbuf_uint = (size_t *) malloc(sizeof(size_t));
recvbuf_uint = (size_t *) malloc(sizeof(size_t));
//mpi::reduce(world, numberOfUpdatesThisEpoch, sumUpdates, MPI_SUM, 0);
sendbuf_uint[0] = numberOfUpdatesThisEpoch;
recvbuf_uint[0] = 0;
MPI_Reduce(sendbuf_uint, recvbuf_uint, 1, MPI_UNSIGNED, MPI_SUM, 0, world);
sumUpdates = recvbuf_uint[0];
#ifndef MPI_ENABLE
sumUpdates = numberOfUpdatesThisEpoch;
if (rank == 0 && sumUpdates == 0) {
cerr << "\nNo weight updates during this epoch.. stopping." << endl;
stop = true;
mpi::broadcast(world, stop, 0);
if (stop_optimal) {
if (epoch > 0) {
if (sumConstraintChangeAbs_lastEpoch == sumConstraintChangeAbs && sumStillViolatedConstraints_lastEpoch == sumStillViolatedConstraints) {
cerr << "Rank " << rank << ", sum of violated constraints and constraint changes has stayed the same: " << sumStillViolatedConstraints << ", " << sumConstraintChangeAbs << endl;
else {
cerr << "Rank " << rank << ", sum of violated constraints: " << sumStillViolatedConstraints << ", sum of constraint changes " << sumConstraintChangeAbs << endl;
sumConstraintChangeAbs_lastEpoch = sumConstraintChangeAbs;
sumStillViolatedConstraints_lastEpoch = sumStillViolatedConstraints;
if (!stop) {
if (devBleu) {
// calculate bleu score of dev set
vector<float> bleuAndRatio = decoder->calculateBleuOfCorpus(allBestModelScore, all_ref_ids, epoch, rank);
float bleu = bleuAndRatio[0];
float ratio = bleuAndRatio[1];
for (size_t i = 0; i < allBestModelScore.size(); ++i) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < allBestModelScore[i].size(); ++j) {
delete allBestModelScore[i][j];
if (rank == 0) {
beforePrevAverageBleu = prevAverageBleu;
beforePrevAverageApproxBleu = prevAverageApproxBleu;
prevAverageBleu = averageBleu;
prevAverageApproxBleu = averageApproxBleu;
// average bleu across processes
sendbuf[0] = bleu;
recvbuf[0] = 0;
MPI_Reduce(sendbuf, recvbuf, 1, MPI_FLOAT, MPI_SUM, 0, world);
if (rank == 0) {
averageBleu = recvbuf[0];
// divide by number of processes
averageBleu /= size;
cerr << "Average Bleu (dev) after epoch " << epoch << ": " << averageBleu << endl;
// average ratio across processes
sendbuf[0] = ratio;
recvbuf[0] = 0;
MPI_Reduce(sendbuf, recvbuf, 1, MPI_FLOAT, MPI_SUM, 0, world);
if (rank == 0) {
averageRatio = recvbuf[0];
// divide by number of processes
averageRatio /= size;
cerr << "Average ratio (dev) after epoch " << epoch << ": " << averageRatio << endl;
if (averageRatio > 1.008 && adapt_BPfactor) {
BPfactor -= 0.05;
cerr << "Change BPfactor to " << BPfactor << ".." << endl;
else if (averageRatio > 1.0 && adapt_BPfactor) {
BPfactor = 1;
cerr << "Change BPfactor to 1.." << endl;
// average approximate sentence bleu across processes
sendbuf[0] = summedApproxBleu/numberOfUpdatesThisEpoch;
recvbuf[0] = 0;
MPI_Reduce(sendbuf, recvbuf, 1, MPI_FLOAT, MPI_SUM, 0, world);
if (rank == 0) {
averageApproxBleu = recvbuf[0];
// divide by number of processes
averageApproxBleu /= size;
cerr << "Average approx. sentence Bleu (dev) after epoch " << epoch << ": " << averageApproxBleu << endl;
#ifndef MPI_ENABLE
averageBleu = bleu;
cerr << "Average Bleu (dev) after epoch " << epoch << ": " << averageBleu << endl;
averageApproxBleu = summedApproxBleu / numberOfUpdatesThisEpoch;
cerr << "Average approx. sentence Bleu (dev) after epoch " << epoch << ": " << averageApproxBleu << endl;
if (rank == 0) {
if (stop_dev_bleu) {
if (averageBleu <= prevAverageBleu && prevAverageBleu <= beforePrevAverageBleu) {
stop = true;
cerr << "Average Bleu (dev) is decreasing or no more increasing.. stop tuning." << endl;
ScoreComponentCollection dummy;
ostringstream endfilename;
endfilename << "stopping";
if (stop_approx_dev_bleu) {
if (averageApproxBleu <= prevAverageApproxBleu && prevAverageApproxBleu <= beforePrevAverageApproxBleu) {
stop = true;
cerr << "Average approx. sentence Bleu (dev) is decreasing or no more increasing.. stop tuning." << endl;
ScoreComponentCollection dummy;
ostringstream endfilename;
endfilename << "stopping";
mpi::broadcast(world, stop, 0);
} // end if (dev_bleu)
// Test if weights have converged
if (weightConvergence) {
bool reached = true;
if (rank == 0 && (epoch >= 2)) {
ScoreComponentCollection firstDiff(mixedAverageWeights);
cerr << "Average weight changes since previous epoch: " << firstDiff << endl;
ScoreComponentCollection secondDiff(mixedAverageWeights);
cerr << "Average weight changes since before previous epoch: " << secondDiff << endl << endl;
// check whether stopping criterion has been reached
// (both difference vectors must have all weight changes smaller than min_weight_change)
FVector changes1 = firstDiff.GetScoresVector();
FVector changes2 = secondDiff.GetScoresVector();
FVector::const_iterator iterator1 = changes1.cbegin();
FVector::const_iterator iterator2 = changes2.cbegin();
while (iterator1 != changes1.cend()) {
if (abs((*iterator1).second) >= min_weight_change || abs(
(*iterator2).second) >= min_weight_change) {
reached = false;
if (reached) {
// stop MIRA
stop = true;
cerr << "Stopping criterion has been reached after epoch " << epoch << ".. stopping MIRA." << endl;
ScoreComponentCollection dummy;
ostringstream endfilename;
endfilename << "stopping";
mixedAverageWeightsBeforePrevious = mixedAverageWeightsPrevious;
mixedAverageWeightsPrevious = mixedAverageWeights;
mpi::broadcast(world, stop, 0);
} //end if (weightConvergence)
// if using flexible margin scale factor, increase scaling (decrease value) for next epoch
if (marginScaleFactorStep > 0) {
if (marginScaleFactor - marginScaleFactorStep >= marginScaleFactorMin) {
if (typeid(*optimiser) == typeid(MiraOptimiser)) {
marginScaleFactor -= marginScaleFactorStep;
cerr << "Change margin scale factor to: " << marginScaleFactor << endl;
((MiraOptimiser*) optimiser)->setMarginScaleFactor(marginScaleFactor);
// if using flexible slack, increase slack for next epoch
if (slack_step > 0) {
if (slack + slack_step <= slack_max) {
if (typeid(*optimiser) == typeid(MiraOptimiser)) {
slack += slack_step;
cerr << "Change slack to: " << slack << endl;
((MiraOptimiser*) optimiser)->setSlack(slack);
// change learning rate
if ((decrease_learning_rate > 0) && (learning_rate - decrease_learning_rate >= min_learning_rate)) {
learning_rate -= decrease_learning_rate;
if (learning_rate <= 0.0001) {
learning_rate = 0;
stop = true;
mpi::broadcast(world, stop, 0);
cerr << "Change learning rate to " << learning_rate << endl;
// change maximum sentence update
if ((decrease_sentence_update > 0) && (max_sentence_update - decrease_sentence_update >= min_sentence_update)) {
max_sentence_update -= decrease_sentence_update;
if (max_sentence_update <= 0.0001) {
max_sentence_update = 0;
stop = true;
mpi::broadcast(world, stop, 0);
cerr << "Change maximum sentence update to " << max_sentence_update << endl;
} // end of epoch loop
now = time(0); // get current time
tm = localtime(&now); // get struct filled out
cerr << "\nEnd date/time: " << tm->tm_mon + 1 << "/" << tm->tm_mday
<< "/" << tm->tm_year + 1900 << ", " << tm->tm_hour << ":"
<< tm->tm_min << ":" << tm->tm_sec << endl;
delete decoder;