2008-05-16 23:57:01 +04:00
* Extract features and score statistics from nvest file, optionally merging with
* those from the previous iteration.
* Developed during the 2nd MT marathon.
2008-05-15 12:35:56 +04:00
#include <iostream>
2008-05-16 23:57:01 +04:00
#include <string>
#include <vector>
2008-05-15 12:35:56 +04:00
2008-05-16 23:57:01 +04:00
#include <getopt.h>
2008-05-15 12:35:56 +04:00
2008-05-16 23:57:01 +04:00
#include "Data.h"
#include "Scorer.h"
2008-05-27 20:50:52 +04:00
#include "ScorerFactory.h"
2008-05-16 23:57:01 +04:00
#include "Timer.h"
#include "Util.h"
2008-05-15 12:35:56 +04:00
2008-05-16 23:57:01 +04:00
using namespace std;
2008-05-15 12:35:56 +04:00
2011-02-24 15:42:19 +03:00
void usage()
2008-05-16 23:57:01 +04:00
cerr<<"usage: extractor [options])"<<endl;
cerr<<"[--sctype|-s] the scorer type (default BLEU)"<<endl;
2008-06-24 23:27:18 +04:00
cerr<<"[--scconfig|-c] configuration string passed to scorer"<<endl;
cerr<<"\tThis is of the form NAME1:VAL1,NAME2:VAL2 etc "<<endl;
2008-06-03 12:56:37 +04:00
cerr<<"[--reference|-r] comma separated list of reference files"<<endl;
cerr<<"[--binary|-b] use binary output format (default to text )"<<endl;
cerr<<"[--nbest|-n] the nbest file"<<endl;
cerr<<"[--scfile|-S] the scorer data output file"<<endl;
cerr<<"[--ffile|-F] the feature data output file"<<endl;
2011-02-24 15:42:19 +03:00
cerr<<"[--prev-ffile|-E] comma separated list of previous feature data" <<endl;
2008-06-03 12:56:37 +04:00
cerr<<"[--prev-scfile|-R] comma separated list of previous scorer data"<<endl;
2008-05-16 23:57:01 +04:00
cerr<<"[-v] verbose level"<<endl;
cerr<<"[--help|-h] print this message and exit"<<endl;
2008-05-15 12:35:56 +04:00
2011-02-24 15:42:19 +03:00
static struct option long_options[] = {
{0, 0, 0, 0}
2008-05-16 23:57:01 +04:00
int option_index;
2011-02-24 15:42:19 +03:00
int main(int argc, char** argv)
Timer timer;
string scorerType("BLEU");
string scorerConfig("");
string referenceFile("");
string nbestFile("");
string scoreDataFile("statscore.data");
string featureDataFile("features.data");
string prevScoreDataFile("");
string prevFeatureDataFile("");
bool binmode = false;
int verbosity = 0;
int c;
while ((c=getopt_long (argc,argv, "s:r:n:S:F:R:E:v:hb", long_options, &option_index)) != -1) {
switch(c) {
2011-11-12 04:24:19 +04:00
case 's':
scorerType = string(optarg);
case 'c':
scorerConfig = string(optarg);
case 'r':
referenceFile = string(optarg);
case 'b':
binmode = true;
case 'n':
nbestFile = string(optarg);
case 'S':
scoreDataFile = string(optarg);
case 'F':
featureDataFile = string(optarg);
case 'E':
prevFeatureDataFile = string(optarg);
case 'R':
prevScoreDataFile = string(optarg);
case 'v':
verbosity = atoi(optarg);
2008-05-16 23:57:01 +04:00
2011-02-24 15:42:19 +03:00
try {
2011-11-12 03:58:23 +04:00
// check whether score statistics file is specified
2011-02-24 15:42:19 +03:00
if (scoreDataFile.length() == 0) {
throw runtime_error("Error: output score statistics file is not specified");
2008-05-16 23:57:01 +04:00
2008-05-15 12:35:56 +04:00
2011-11-12 03:58:23 +04:00
// check wheter feature file is specified
2011-02-24 15:42:19 +03:00
if (featureDataFile.length() == 0) {
throw runtime_error("Error: output feature file is not specified");
2008-06-03 12:56:37 +04:00
2008-05-15 12:35:56 +04:00
2011-11-12 03:58:23 +04:00
// check whether reference file is specified when nbest is specified
2011-02-24 15:42:19 +03:00
if ((nbestFile.length() > 0 && referenceFile.length() == 0)) {
throw runtime_error("Error: reference file is not specified; you can not score the nbest");
2008-06-03 12:56:37 +04:00
2011-02-24 15:42:19 +03:00
2008-06-03 12:56:37 +04:00
vector<string> nbestFiles;
2011-02-24 15:42:19 +03:00
if (nbestFile.length() > 0) {
2011-11-11 17:00:30 +04:00
Tokenize(nbestFile.c_str(), ',', &nbestFiles);
2008-05-16 23:57:01 +04:00
2008-05-15 12:35:56 +04:00
2008-05-16 23:57:01 +04:00
vector<string> referenceFiles;
2011-02-24 15:42:19 +03:00
if (referenceFile.length() > 0) {
2011-11-11 17:00:30 +04:00
Tokenize(referenceFile.c_str(), ',', &referenceFiles);
2008-06-03 12:56:37 +04:00
vector<string> prevScoreDataFiles;
2011-02-24 15:42:19 +03:00
if (prevScoreDataFile.length() > 0) {
2011-11-11 17:00:30 +04:00
Tokenize(prevScoreDataFile.c_str(), ',', &prevScoreDataFiles);
2008-05-16 23:57:01 +04:00
2008-05-15 12:35:56 +04:00
2008-06-03 12:56:37 +04:00
vector<string> prevFeatureDataFiles;
2011-02-24 15:42:19 +03:00
if (prevFeatureDataFile.length() > 0) {
2011-11-11 17:00:30 +04:00
Tokenize(prevFeatureDataFile.c_str(), ',', &prevFeatureDataFiles);
2011-02-24 15:42:19 +03:00
if (prevScoreDataFiles.size() != prevFeatureDataFiles.size()) {
throw runtime_error("Error: there is a different number of previous score and feature files");
2008-06-03 12:56:37 +04:00
2011-02-24 15:42:19 +03:00
2012-04-30 08:29:18 +04:00
// if (binmode) cerr << "Binary write mode is selected" << endl;
// else cerr << "Binary write mode is NOT selected" << endl;
2011-02-24 15:42:19 +03:00
2012-04-30 08:29:18 +04:00
// TRACE_ERR("Scorer type: " << scorerType << endl);
2011-11-11 15:40:59 +04:00
// ScorerFactory sfactory;
Scorer* scorer = ScorerFactory::getScorer(scorerType,scorerConfig);
2011-02-24 15:42:19 +03:00
2011-11-12 03:58:23 +04:00
// load references
2011-02-24 15:42:19 +03:00
if (referenceFiles.size() > 0)
2012-04-30 08:29:18 +04:00
// PrintUserTime("References loaded");
2011-02-24 15:42:19 +03:00
Data data(*scorer);
2011-11-12 03:58:23 +04:00
// load old data
2011-02-24 15:42:19 +03:00
for (size_t i=0; i < prevScoreDataFiles.size(); i++) {
data.load(prevFeatureDataFiles.at(i), prevScoreDataFiles.at(i));
2008-06-03 12:56:37 +04:00
2012-04-30 08:29:18 +04:00
// PrintUserTime("Previous data loaded");
2011-02-24 15:42:19 +03:00
2011-11-12 03:58:23 +04:00
// computing score statistics of each nbest file
2011-02-24 15:42:19 +03:00
for (size_t i=0; i < nbestFiles.size(); i++) {
2008-05-15 18:13:32 +04:00
2008-05-15 12:35:56 +04:00
2012-04-30 08:29:18 +04:00
// PrintUserTime("Nbest entries loaded and scored");
2011-02-24 15:42:19 +03:00
2012-04-30 08:29:18 +04:00
// if (binmode)
// cerr << "Binary write mode is selected" << endl;
// else
// cerr << "Binary write mode is NOT selected" << endl;
2011-02-24 15:42:19 +03:00
data.save(featureDataFile, scoreDataFile, binmode);
2012-04-30 08:29:18 +04:00
// PrintUserTime("Stopping...");
2011-11-12 04:24:19 +04:00
// timer.stop("Stopping...");
2011-02-24 15:42:19 +03:00
2011-11-11 14:11:10 +04:00
delete scorer;
2011-02-24 15:42:19 +03:00
} catch (const exception& e) {
cerr << "Exception: " << e.what() << endl;
2008-05-15 12:35:56 +04:00