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// $Id$
// vim:tabstop=2
Moses - factored phrase-based language decoder
Copyright (C) 2006 University of Edinburgh
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include "TranslationOption.h"
#include "TranslationOptionCollection.h"
#include "DummyScoreProducers.h"
#include "Hypothesis.h"
#include "Util.h"
#include "SquareMatrix.h"
#include "LexicalReordering.h"
#include "StaticData.h"
#include "InputType.h"
#include "LMList.h"
#include "hash.h"
using namespace std;
unsigned int Hypothesis::s_HypothesesCreated = 0;
ObjectPool<Hypothesis> Hypothesis::s_objectPool("Hypothesis", 300000);
Hypothesis::Hypothesis(InputType const& source, const TargetPhrase &emptyTarget)
: m_prevHypo(NULL)
, m_transOpt(NULL)
, m_targetPhrase(emptyTarget)
, m_sourcePhrase(0)
, m_sourceCompleted(source.GetSize())
, m_sourceInput(source)
, m_currSourceWordsRange(NOT_FOUND, NOT_FOUND)
, m_currTargetWordsRange(NOT_FOUND, NOT_FOUND)
, m_wordDeleted(false)
, m_languageModelStates(StaticData::Instance().GetLMSize(), LanguageModelSingleFactor::UnknownState)
, m_arcList(NULL)
, m_id(0)
, m_lmstats(NULL)
, m_alignPair(source.GetSize())
{ // used for initial seeding of trans process
// initialize scores
//_hash_computed = false;
s_HypothesesCreated = 1;
* continue prevHypo by appending the phrases in transOpt
Hypothesis::Hypothesis(const Hypothesis &prevHypo, const TranslationOption &transOpt)
: m_prevHypo(&prevHypo)
, m_transOpt(&transOpt)
, m_targetPhrase(transOpt.GetTargetPhrase())
, m_sourcePhrase(transOpt.GetSourcePhrase())
, m_sourceCompleted (prevHypo.m_sourceCompleted )
, m_sourceInput (prevHypo.m_sourceInput)
, m_currSourceWordsRange (transOpt.GetSourceWordsRange())
, m_currTargetWordsRange ( prevHypo.m_currTargetWordsRange.GetEndPos() + 1
,prevHypo.m_currTargetWordsRange.GetEndPos() + transOpt.GetTargetPhrase().GetSize())
, m_wordDeleted(false)
, m_totalScore(0.0f)
, m_futureScore(0.0f)
, m_scoreBreakdown (prevHypo.m_scoreBreakdown)
, m_languageModelStates(prevHypo.m_languageModelStates)
, m_arcList(NULL)
, m_id(s_HypothesesCreated++)
, m_lmstats(NULL)
, m_alignPair(prevHypo.m_alignPair)
// assert that we are not extending our hypothesis by retranslating something
// that this hypothesis has already translated!
//_hash_computed = false;
m_sourceCompleted.SetValue(m_currSourceWordsRange.GetStartPos(), m_currSourceWordsRange.GetEndPos(), true);
m_wordDeleted = transOpt.IsDeletionOption();
if (m_arcList)
ArcList::iterator iter;
for (iter = m_arcList->begin() ; iter != m_arcList->end() ; ++iter)
delete m_arcList;
m_arcList = NULL;
delete m_lmstats; m_lmstats = NULL;
void Hypothesis::AddArc(Hypothesis *loserHypo)
if (!m_arcList) {
if (loserHypo->m_arcList) // we don't have an arcList, but loser does
this->m_arcList = loserHypo->m_arcList; // take ownership, we'll delete
loserHypo->m_arcList = 0; // prevent a double deletion
{ this->m_arcList = new ArcList(); }
} else {
if (loserHypo->m_arcList) { // both have an arc list: merge. delete loser
size_t my_size = m_arcList->size();
size_t add_size = loserHypo->m_arcList->size();
this->m_arcList->resize(my_size + add_size, 0);
std::memcpy(&(*m_arcList)[0] + my_size, &(*loserHypo->m_arcList)[0], add_size * sizeof(Hypothesis *));
delete loserHypo->m_arcList;
loserHypo->m_arcList = 0;
} else { // loserHypo doesn't have any arcs
* return the subclass of Hypothesis most appropriate to the given translation option
Hypothesis* Hypothesis::CreateNext(const TranslationOption &transOpt, const Phrase* constraint) const
return Create(*this, transOpt, constraint);
* return the subclass of Hypothesis most appropriate to the given translation option
Hypothesis* Hypothesis::Create(const Hypothesis &prevHypo, const TranslationOption &transOpt, const Phrase* constrainingPhrase)
// This method includes code for constraint decoding
bool createHypothesis = true;
if (constrainingPhrase != NULL)
size_t constraintSize = constrainingPhrase->GetSize();
size_t start = 1 + prevHypo.GetCurrTargetWordsRange().GetEndPos();
const Phrase &transOptPhrase = transOpt.GetTargetPhrase();
size_t transOptSize = transOptPhrase.GetSize();
size_t endpoint = start + transOptSize - 1;
if (endpoint < constraintSize)
WordsRange range(start, endpoint);
Phrase relevantConstraint = constrainingPhrase->GetSubString(range);
if ( ! relevantConstraint.IsCompatible(transOptPhrase) )
createHypothesis = false;
createHypothesis = false;
if (createHypothesis)
Hypothesis *ptr = s_objectPool.getPtr();
return new(ptr) Hypothesis(prevHypo, transOpt);
return new Hypothesis(prevHypo, transOpt);
// If the previous hypothesis plus the proposed translation option
// fail to match the provided constraint,
// return a null hypothesis.
return NULL;
* return the subclass of Hypothesis most appropriate to the given target phrase
Hypothesis* Hypothesis::Create(InputType const& m_source, const TargetPhrase &emptyTarget)
Hypothesis *ptr = s_objectPool.getPtr();
return new(ptr) Hypothesis(m_source, emptyTarget);
return new Hypothesis(m_source, emptyTarget);
/** check, if two hypothesis can be recombined.
this is actually a sorting function that allows us to
keep an ordered list of hypotheses. This makes recombination
much quicker.
int Hypothesis::NGramCompare(const Hypothesis &compare) const
{ // -1 = this < compare
// +1 = this > compare
// 0 = this ==compare
if (m_languageModelStates < compare.m_languageModelStates) return -1;
if (m_languageModelStates > compare.m_languageModelStates) return 1;
int compareBitmap = m_sourceCompleted.Compare(compare.m_sourceCompleted);
if (compareBitmap != 0)
return compareBitmap;
if (m_currSourceWordsRange.GetEndPos() < compare.m_currSourceWordsRange.GetEndPos()) return -1;
if (m_currSourceWordsRange.GetEndPos() > compare.m_currSourceWordsRange.GetEndPos()) return 1;
if (! StaticData::Instance().GetSourceStartPosMattersForRecombination()) return 0;
if (m_currSourceWordsRange.GetStartPos() < compare.m_currSourceWordsRange.GetStartPos()) return -1;
if (m_currSourceWordsRange.GetStartPos() > compare.m_currSourceWordsRange.GetStartPos()) return 1;
return 0;
/** Calculates the overall language model score by combining the scores
* of language models generated for each of the factors. Because the factors
* represent a variety of tag sets, and because factors with smaller tag sets
* (such as POS instead of words) allow us to calculate richer statistics, we
* allow a different length of n-gram to be specified for each factor.
* /param lmListInitial todo - describe this parameter
* /param lmListEnd todo - describe this parameter
void Hypothesis::CalcLMScore(const LMList &languageModels)
const size_t startPos = m_currTargetWordsRange.GetStartPos();
LMList::const_iterator iterLM;
// will be null if LM stats collection is disabled
if (StaticData::Instance().IsComputeLMBackoffStats()) {
m_lmstats = new vector<vector<unsigned int> >(languageModels.size(), vector<unsigned int>(0));
size_t lmIdx = 0;
// already have LM scores from previous and trigram score of poss trans.
// just need trigram score of the words of the start of current phrase
for (iterLM = languageModels.begin() ; iterLM != languageModels.end() ; ++iterLM,++lmIdx)
const LanguageModel &languageModel = **iterLM;
size_t nGramOrder = languageModel.GetNGramOrder();
size_t currEndPos = m_currTargetWordsRange.GetEndPos();
float lmScore;
size_t nLmCallCount = 0;
if(m_currTargetWordsRange.GetNumWordsCovered() == 0) {
lmScore = 0; //the score associated with dropping source words is not part of the language model
} else { //non-empty target phrase
if (m_lmstats)
(*m_lmstats)[lmIdx].resize(m_currTargetWordsRange.GetNumWordsCovered(), 0);
// 1st n-gram
vector<const Word*> contextFactor(nGramOrder);
size_t index = 0;
for (int currPos = (int) startPos - (int) nGramOrder + 1 ; currPos <= (int) startPos ; currPos++)
if (currPos >= 0)
contextFactor[index++] = &GetWord(currPos);
contextFactor[index++] = &languageModel.GetSentenceStartArray();
lmScore = languageModel.GetValue(contextFactor);
if (m_lmstats) { languageModel.GetState(contextFactor, &(*m_lmstats)[lmIdx][nLmCallCount++]); }
//cout<<"context factor: "<<languageModel.GetValue(contextFactor)<<endl;
// main loop
size_t endPos = std::min(startPos + nGramOrder - 2
, currEndPos);
for (size_t currPos = startPos + 1 ; currPos <= endPos ; currPos++)
// shift all args down 1 place
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < nGramOrder - 1 ; i++)
contextFactor[i] = contextFactor[i + 1];
// add last factor
contextFactor.back() = &GetWord(currPos);
lmScore += languageModel.GetValue(contextFactor);
if (m_lmstats)
languageModel.GetState(contextFactor, &(*m_lmstats)[lmIdx][nLmCallCount++]);
//cout<<"context factor: "<<languageModel.GetValue(contextFactor)<<endl;
// end of sentence
if (m_sourceCompleted.IsComplete())
const size_t size = GetSize();
contextFactor.back() = &languageModel.GetSentenceEndArray();
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < nGramOrder - 1 ; i ++)
int currPos = (int)(size - nGramOrder + i + 1);
if (currPos < 0)
contextFactor[i] = &languageModel.GetSentenceStartArray();
contextFactor[i] = &GetWord((size_t)currPos);
if (m_lmstats) {
(*m_lmstats)[lmIdx].resize((*m_lmstats)[lmIdx].size() + 1); // extra space for the last call
lmScore += languageModel.GetValue(contextFactor, &m_languageModelStates[lmIdx], &(*m_lmstats)[lmIdx][nLmCallCount++]);
} else
lmScore += languageModel.GetValue(contextFactor, &m_languageModelStates[lmIdx]);
} else {
for (size_t currPos = endPos+1; currPos <= currEndPos; currPos++) {
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < nGramOrder - 1 ; i++)
contextFactor[i] = contextFactor[i + 1];
contextFactor.back() = &GetWord(currPos);
if (m_lmstats)
languageModel.GetState(contextFactor, &(*m_lmstats)[lmIdx][nLmCallCount++]);
m_scoreBreakdown.PlusEquals(&languageModel, lmScore);
void Hypothesis::CalcDistortionScore()
const DistortionScoreProducer *dsp = StaticData::Instance().GetDistortionScoreProducer();
float distortionScore = dsp->CalculateDistortionScore(
m_scoreBreakdown.PlusEquals(dsp, distortionScore);
void Hypothesis::ResetScore()
m_futureScore = m_totalScore = 0.0f;
* calculate the logarithm of our total translation score (sum up components)
void Hypothesis::CalcScore(const SquareMatrix &futureScore)
const StaticData &staticData = StaticData::Instance();
m_scoreBreakdown.PlusEquals(staticData.GetWordPenaltyProducer(), - (float) m_currTargetWordsRange.GetNumWordsCovered());
const std::vector<LexicalReordering*> &reorderModels = staticData.GetReorderModels();
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < reorderModels.size(); i++)
m_scoreBreakdown.PlusEquals(reorderModels[i], reorderModels[i]->CalcScore(this));
m_totalScore = m_scoreBreakdown.InnerProduct(staticData.GetAllWeights()) + m_futureScore;
void Hypothesis::CalcFutureScore(const SquareMatrix &futureScore)
const size_t maxSize= numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
size_t start = maxSize;
m_futureScore = 0.0f;
for(size_t currPos = 0 ; currPos < m_sourceCompleted.GetSize() ; currPos++)
if(m_sourceCompleted.GetValue(currPos) == 0 && start == maxSize)
start = currPos;
if(m_sourceCompleted.GetValue(currPos) == 1 && start != maxSize)
// m_score[ScoreType::FutureScoreEnum] += futureScore[start][currPos - 1];
m_futureScore += futureScore.GetScore(start, currPos - 1);
start = maxSize;
if (start != maxSize)
// m_score[ScoreType::FutureScoreEnum] += futureScore[start][m_sourceCompleted.GetSize() - 1];
m_futureScore += futureScore.GetScore(start, m_sourceCompleted.GetSize() - 1);
// you can't get future costs for distortion model anymore, because it is preloaded (see CalculateDistortionScore)
const Hypothesis* Hypothesis::GetPrevHypo()const{
return m_prevHypo;
* print hypothesis information for pharaoh-style logging
// outdated, see below
void Hypothesis::PrintHypothesis(const InputType &source, float /*weightDistortion*/, float /*weightWordPenalty*/) const
void Hypothesis::PrintHypothesis() const
if (!m_prevHypo) { TRACE_ERR(endl << "NULL hypo" << endl); return; }
TRACE_ERR(endl << "creating hypothesis "<< m_id <<" from "<< m_prevHypo->m_id<<" ( ");
int end = (int)(m_prevHypo->m_targetPhrase.GetSize()-1);
int start = end-1;
if ( start < 0 ) start = 0;
if ( m_prevHypo->m_currTargetWordsRange.GetStartPos() == NOT_FOUND ) {
TRACE_ERR( "<s> ");
else {
TRACE_ERR( "... ");
if (end>=0) {
WordsRange range(start, end);
TRACE_ERR( m_prevHypo->m_targetPhrase.GetSubString(range) << " ");
TRACE_ERR( ")"<<endl);
TRACE_ERR( "\tbase score "<< (m_prevHypo->m_totalScore - m_prevHypo->m_futureScore) <<endl);
TRACE_ERR( "\tcovering "<<m_currSourceWordsRange.GetStartPos()<<"-"<<m_currSourceWordsRange.GetEndPos()<<": "
<< *m_sourcePhrase <<endl);
TRACE_ERR( "\ttranslated as: "<<(Phrase&) m_targetPhrase<<endl); // <<" => translation cost "<<m_score[ScoreType::PhraseTrans];
if (PrintAlignmentInfo()){
TRACE_ERR( "\tsource-target word alignment: "<< m_targetPhrase.GetAlignmentPair().GetAlignmentPhrase(Input) << endl); // <<" => source to target word-to-word alignment
TRACE_ERR( "\ttarget-source word alignment: "<< m_targetPhrase.GetAlignmentPair().GetAlignmentPhrase(Output) << endl); // <<" => target to source word-to-word alignment
if (m_wordDeleted) TRACE_ERR( "\tword deleted"<<endl);
// TRACE_ERR( "\tdistance: "<<GetCurrSourceWordsRange().CalcDistortion(m_prevHypo->GetCurrSourceWordsRange())); // << " => distortion cost "<<(m_score[ScoreType::Distortion]*weightDistortion)<<endl;
// TRACE_ERR( "\tlanguage model cost "); // <<m_score[ScoreType::LanguageModelScore]<<endl;
// TRACE_ERR( "\tword penalty "); // <<(m_score[ScoreType::WordPenalty]*weightWordPenalty)<<endl;
TRACE_ERR( "\tscore "<<m_totalScore - m_futureScore<<" + future cost "<<m_futureScore<<" = "<<m_totalScore<<endl);
TRACE_ERR( "\tunweighted feature scores: " << m_scoreBreakdown << endl);
void Hypothesis::CleanupArcList()
// point this hypo's main hypo to itself
if (!m_arcList) return;
/* keep only number of arcs we need to create all n-best paths.
* However, may not be enough if only unique candidates are needed,
* so we'll keep all of arc list if nedd distinct n-best list
const StaticData &staticData = StaticData::Instance();
size_t nBestSize = staticData.GetNBestSize();
bool distinctNBest = staticData.GetDistinctNBest() || staticData.UseMBR() || staticData.GetOutputSearchGraph();
if (!distinctNBest && m_arcList->size() > nBestSize * 5)
{ // prune arc list only if there too many arcs
, m_arcList->begin() + nBestSize - 1
, m_arcList->end()
, CompareHypothesisTotalScore());
// delete bad ones
ArcList::iterator iter;
for (iter = m_arcList->begin() + nBestSize ; iter != m_arcList->end() ; ++iter)
Hypothesis *arc = *iter;
m_arcList->erase(m_arcList->begin() + nBestSize
, m_arcList->end());
// set all arc's main hypo variable to this hypo
ArcList::iterator iter = m_arcList->begin();
for (; iter != m_arcList->end() ; ++iter)
Hypothesis *arc = *iter;
// friend
ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Hypothesis& hypothesis)
// words bitmap
out << "[" << hypothesis.m_sourceCompleted << "] ";
// scores
out << " [total=" << hypothesis.GetTotalScore() << "]";
out << " " << hypothesis.GetScoreBreakdown();
// alignment
if (hypothesis.PrintAlignmentInfo()){
out << " [f2e:";
out << "]";
out << " [e2f:";
out << "]";
return out;
std::string Hypothesis::GetSourcePhraseStringRep(const vector<FactorType> factorsToPrint) const
if (!m_prevHypo) { return ""; }
return m_sourcePhrase->GetStringRep(factorsToPrint);
#if 0
return m_sourcePhrase->GetSubString(m_currSourceWordsRange).GetStringRep(factorsToPrint);
return m_sourceInput.GetSubString(m_currSourceWordsRange).GetStringRep(factorsToPrint);
std::string Hypothesis::GetTargetPhraseStringRep(const vector<FactorType> factorsToPrint) const
if (!m_prevHypo) { return ""; }
return m_targetPhrase.GetStringRep(factorsToPrint);
std::string Hypothesis::GetSourcePhraseStringRep() const
vector<FactorType> allFactors;
const size_t maxSourceFactors = StaticData::Instance().GetMaxNumFactors(Input);
for(size_t i=0; i < maxSourceFactors; i++)
return GetSourcePhraseStringRep(allFactors);
std::string Hypothesis::GetTargetPhraseStringRep() const
vector<FactorType> allFactors;
const size_t maxTargetFactors = StaticData::Instance().GetMaxNumFactors(Output);
for(size_t i=0; i < maxTargetFactors; i++)
return GetTargetPhraseStringRep(allFactors);
const ScoreComponentCollection &Hypothesis::GetCachedReorderingScore() const
return m_transOpt->GetReorderingScore();