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// $Id$
// vim:tabstop=2
Moses - factored phrase-based language decoder
Copyright (C) 2006 University of Edinburgh
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include <cassert>
#include <algorithm>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include "memory.h"
#include "FactorCollection.h"
#include "Phrase.h"
#include "StaticData.h" // GetMaxNumFactors
using namespace std;
Phrase::Phrase(const Phrase &copy)
Phrase& Phrase::operator=(const Phrase& x)
m_words = x.m_words;
return *this;
Phrase::Phrase(FactorDirection direction)
: m_direction(direction)
, m_phraseSize(0)
, m_arraySize(ARRAY_SIZE_INCR)
, m_words(ARRAY_SIZE_INCR)
Phrase::Phrase(FactorDirection direction, const vector< const Word* > &mergeWords)
for (size_t currPos = 0 ; currPos < mergeWords.size() ; currPos++)
void Phrase::MergeFactors(const Phrase &copy)
assert(GetSize() == copy.GetSize());
size_t size = GetSize();
const size_t maxNumFactors = StaticData::Instance().GetMaxNumFactors(this->GetDirection());
for (size_t currPos = 0 ; currPos < size ; currPos++)
for (unsigned int currFactor = 0 ; currFactor < maxNumFactors ; currFactor++)
FactorType factorType = static_cast<FactorType>(currFactor);
const Factor *factor = copy.GetFactor(currPos, factorType);
if (factor != NULL)
SetFactor(currPos, factorType, factor);
void Phrase::MergeFactors(const Phrase &copy, FactorType factorType)
assert(GetSize() == copy.GetSize());
for (size_t currPos = 0 ; currPos < GetSize() ; currPos++)
SetFactor(currPos, factorType, copy.GetFactor(currPos, factorType));
void Phrase::MergeFactors(const Phrase &copy, const std::vector<FactorType>& factorVec)
assert(GetSize() == copy.GetSize());
for (size_t currPos = 0 ; currPos < GetSize() ; currPos++)
for (std::vector<FactorType>::const_iterator i = factorVec.begin();
i != factorVec.end(); ++i)
SetFactor(currPos, *i, copy.GetFactor(currPos, *i));
Phrase Phrase::GetSubString(const WordsRange &wordsRange) const
Phrase retPhrase(m_direction);
for (size_t currPos = wordsRange.GetStartPos() ; currPos <= wordsRange.GetEndPos() ; currPos++)
Word &word = retPhrase.AddWord();
word = GetWord(currPos);
return retPhrase;
std::string Phrase::GetStringRep(const vector<FactorType> factorsToPrint) const
Phrase retPhrase(m_direction);
stringstream strme;
for (size_t pos = 0 ; pos < GetSize() ; pos++)
strme << GetWord(pos).GetString(factorsToPrint, true);
return strme.str();
Word &Phrase::AddWord()
if ((m_phraseSize+1) % ARRAY_SIZE_INCR == 0)
{ // need to expand array
m_arraySize += ARRAY_SIZE_INCR;
return m_words[m_phraseSize++];
void Phrase::Append(const Phrase &endPhrase){
for (size_t i = 0; i < endPhrase.GetSize();i++){
vector< vector<string> > Phrase::Parse(const std::string &phraseString, const std::vector<FactorType> &factorOrder, const std::string& factorDelimiter)
bool isMultiCharDelimiter = factorDelimiter.size() > 1;
// parse
vector< vector<string> > phraseVector;
vector<string> annotatedWordVector = Tokenize(phraseString);
// KOMMA|none ART|Def.Z NN|Neut.NotGen.Sg VVFIN|none
// to
// "KOMMA|none" "ART|Def.Z" "NN|Neut.NotGen.Sg" "VVFIN|none"
for (size_t phrasePos = 0 ; phrasePos < annotatedWordVector.size() ; phrasePos++)
string &annotatedWord = annotatedWordVector[phrasePos];
vector<string> factorStrVector;
if (isMultiCharDelimiter) {
factorStrVector = TokenizeMultiCharSeparator(annotatedWord, factorDelimiter);
} else {
factorStrVector = Tokenize(annotatedWord, factorDelimiter);
// KOMMA|none
// to
// "KOMMA" "none"
if (factorStrVector.size() != factorOrder.size()) {
TRACE_ERR( "[ERROR] Malformed input at " << /*StaticData::Instance().GetCurrentInputPosition() <<*/ std::endl
<< " Expected input to have words composed of " << factorOrder.size() << " factor(s) (form FAC1|FAC2|...)" << std::endl
<< " but instead received input with " << factorStrVector.size() << " factor(s).\n");
return phraseVector;
void Phrase::CreateFromString(const std::vector<FactorType> &factorOrder
, const vector< vector<string> > &phraseVector)
FactorCollection &factorCollection = FactorCollection::Instance();
for (size_t phrasePos = 0 ; phrasePos < phraseVector.size() ; phrasePos++)
// add word this phrase
Word &word = AddWord();
for (size_t currFactorIndex= 0 ; currFactorIndex < factorOrder.size() ; currFactorIndex++)
FactorType factorType = factorOrder[currFactorIndex];
const string &factorStr = phraseVector[phrasePos][currFactorIndex];
const Factor *factor = factorCollection.AddFactor(m_direction, factorType, factorStr);
word[factorType] = factor;
void Phrase::CreateFromString(const std::vector<FactorType> &factorOrder
, const string &phraseString
, const string &factorDelimiter)
vector< vector<string> > phraseVector = Parse(phraseString, factorOrder, factorDelimiter);
CreateFromString(factorOrder, phraseVector);
bool Phrase::operator < (const Phrase &compare) const
#ifdef min
#undef min
size_t thisSize = GetSize()
,compareSize = compare.GetSize();
// decide by using length. quick decision
if (thisSize != compareSize)
return thisSize < compareSize;
size_t minSize = std::min( thisSize , compareSize );
const size_t maxNumFactors = StaticData::Instance().GetMaxNumFactors(this->GetDirection());
// taken from word.Compare()
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < maxNumFactors ; i++)
FactorType factorType = static_cast<FactorType>(i);
for (size_t currPos = 0 ; currPos < minSize ; currPos++)
const Factor *thisFactor = GetFactor(currPos, factorType)
,*compareFactor = compare.GetFactor(currPos, factorType);
if (thisFactor != NULL && compareFactor != NULL)
const int result = thisFactor->Compare(*compareFactor);
if (result == 0)
return (result < 0);
// identical
return false;
bool Phrase::Contains(const vector< vector<string> > &subPhraseVector
, const vector<FactorType> &inputFactor) const
const size_t subSize = subPhraseVector.size()
,thisSize= GetSize();
if (subSize > thisSize)
return false;
// try to match word-for-word
for (size_t currStartPos = 0 ; currStartPos < (thisSize - subSize + 1) ; currStartPos++)
bool match = true;
for (size_t currFactorIndex = 0 ; currFactorIndex < inputFactor.size() ; currFactorIndex++)
FactorType factorType = inputFactor[currFactorIndex];
for (size_t currSubPos = 0 ; currSubPos < subSize ; currSubPos++)
size_t currThisPos = currSubPos + currStartPos;
const string &subStr = subPhraseVector[currSubPos][currFactorIndex]
,&thisStr = GetFactor(currThisPos, factorType)->GetString();
if (subStr != thisStr)
match = false;
if (!match)
if (match)
return true;
return false;
bool Phrase::IsCompatible(const Phrase &inputPhrase) const
if (inputPhrase.GetSize() != GetSize())
return false;
const size_t size = GetSize();
const size_t maxNumFactors = StaticData::Instance().GetMaxNumFactors(this->GetDirection());
for (size_t currPos = 0 ; currPos < size ; currPos++)
for (unsigned int currFactor = 0 ; currFactor < maxNumFactors ; currFactor++)
FactorType factorType = static_cast<FactorType>(currFactor);
const Factor *thisFactor = GetFactor(currPos, factorType)
,*inputFactor = inputPhrase.GetFactor(currPos, factorType);
if (thisFactor != NULL && inputFactor != NULL && thisFactor != inputFactor)
return false;
return true;
bool Phrase::IsCompatible(const Phrase &inputPhrase, FactorType factorType) const
if (inputPhrase.GetSize() != GetSize()) { return false; }
for (size_t currPos = 0 ; currPos < GetSize() ; currPos++)
if (GetFactor(currPos, factorType) != inputPhrase.GetFactor(currPos, factorType))
return false;
return true;
bool Phrase::IsCompatible(const Phrase &inputPhrase, const std::vector<FactorType>& factorVec) const
if (inputPhrase.GetSize() != GetSize()) { return false; }
for (size_t currPos = 0 ; currPos < GetSize() ; currPos++)
for (std::vector<FactorType>::const_iterator i = factorVec.begin();
i != factorVec.end(); ++i)
if (GetFactor(currPos, *i) != inputPhrase.GetFactor(currPos, *i))
return false;
return true;
void Phrase::InitializeMemPool()
void Phrase::FinalizeMemPool()
// friend
ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Phrase& phrase)
// out << "(size " << phrase.GetSize() << ") ";
for (size_t pos = 0 ; pos < phrase.GetSize() ; pos++)
const Word &word = phrase.GetWord(pos);
out << word;
return out;