
408 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

This file is part of moses. Its use is licensed under the GNU Lesser General
Public License version 2.1 or, at your option, any later version.
function setup() {
$setup = file("setup");
head("All Experimental Setups");
print "<table border=1 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0>\n";
print "<TR><TD>ID</TD><TD>User</TD><TD>Task</TD><TD>Directory</TD></TR>\n";
$rev = array_reverse($setup);
while (list($i,$line) = each($rev)) {
$dir = explode(";",$line);
print "<TR><TD><A HREF=\"?setup=$dir[0]\">$dir[0]</A></TD><TD>$dir[1]</TD><TD>$dir[2]</TD><TD>$dir[3]</TD></TR>\n";
print "</TABLE>\n";
print "<p>To add experiment, edit the \"setup\" file.</p>";
function overview() {
global $evalset;
global $experiment,$comment;
global $task,$user,$setup;
global $dir;
global $has_analysis;
$has_analysis = array();
head("Task: $task ($user)");
print "<a href=\"$setup\">Wiki Notes</a>";
print " &nbsp; &nbsp; | &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href=\"?\">Overview of experiments</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; | &nbsp; &nbsp; <code>$dir</code><p>";
print "<form action=\"\" method=get>\n";
// count how many analyses there are for each test set
while (list($id,$info) = each($experiment)) {
while (list($set,$dummy) = each($evalset)) {
$analysis = "$dir/evaluation/$set.analysis.$id";
$report_info = "$dir/steps/$id/REPORTING_report.$id.INFO";
// does the analysis file exist?
if (file_exists($analysis)) {
if (!array_key_exists($set,$has_analysis)) {
$has_analysis[$set] = 0;
print "<table border=1 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0>
<tr><td><input type=submit name=diff value=\"compare\"></td>
<td align=center>ID</td>
<td align=center>start</td>
<td align=center>end</td>\n";
while (list($set,$dummy) = each($evalset)) {
if (array_key_exists($set,$has_analysis)) {
print "<td align=center colspan=2>";
if ($has_analysis[$set]>=2) {
print " <input type=submit name=\"analysis_diff_home\" value=\"$set\">";
else {
print $set;
print "</td>";
else {
print "<td align=center>$set</td>";
print "</tr>\n";
while (list($id,$info) = each($experiment)) {
$state = return_state_for_link();
print "<tr id=\"row-$id\" onMouseOver=\"highlightLine($id);\" onMouseOut=\"highlightBest();\"><td><input type=checkbox name=run[] value=$id><a href=\"?$state&show=config.$id\">cfg</a>|<a href=\"?$state&show=parameter.$id\">par</a>|<a href=\"?$state&show=graph.$id.png\">img</a></td><td><span id=run-$setup-$id><a href='javascript:createCommentBox(\"$setup-$id\");'>[$setup-$id]</a>";
if (array_key_exists("$setup-$id",$comment)) {
print " ".$comment["$setup-$id"]->name;
print "</span></td><td align=center>".mytime($info->start,0)."</td><td align=center>";
if (mytime($info->end,1) == "running") {
print "<font size=-2>".$info->last_step;
if ($info->last_step == "TUNING<BR>tune") {
print "<BR>".tune_status($id);
else if ($info->last_step == "TRAINING<BR>run-giza" ||
$info->last_step == "TRAINING<BR>run-giza-inverse" ||
preg_match('/EVALUATION.+decode/',$info->last_step,$dummy) ||
$info->last_step == "TRAINING<BR>extract-phrases") {
$module_step = explode("<BR>",$info->last_step);
$step_file = "$dir/steps/$id/$module_step[0]_$module_step[1].$id";
print "<BR><span id='$module_step[0]-$module_step[1]-$id'><img src=\"spinner.gif\" width=12 height=12></span>";
?><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
new Ajax.Updater("<?php print "$module_step[0]-$module_step[1]-$id"; ?>", '?setStepStatus=' + encodeURIComponent("<?php print $step_file; ?>"), { method: 'get', evalScripts: true });</script>
else if (property_exists($info,"result")) {
print mytime($info->end,1);
print "<br><font size=-2>";
print dev_score("$dir/tuning/moses.ini.$id");
else {
print "<font color=red>crashed";
print "</td>";
print "</tr>\n";
print "</table>";
print "<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\">\n";
print "var currentComment = new Array();\n";
while (list($id,$info) = each($experiment)) {
if (array_key_exists("$setup-$id",$comment)) {
print "currentComment[\"$setup-$id\"] = \"".$comment["$setup-$id"]->name."\";\n";
$best = array();
print "var score = [];\n";
while (list($id,$info) = each($experiment)) {
print "score[$id] = [];\n";
while (list($set,$dummy) = each($evalset)) {
if (property_exists($info,"result") &&
array_key_exists($set,$info->result)) {
list($score) = sscanf($info->result[$set],"%f%s");
if ($score > 0) {
print "score[$id][\"$set\"] = $score;\n";
if (!array_key_exists($set,$best) || $score > $best[$set]) {
$best[$set] = $score;
else { $score = ""; }
print "var best_score = [];\n";
while (list($set,$dummy) = each($evalset)) {
if ($best[$set] != "" && $best[$set]>0) {
print "best_score[\"$set\"] = ".$best[$set].";\n";
// Get the HTTP Object
function getHTTPObject(){
if (window.ActiveXObject) return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
else if (window.XMLHttpRequest) return new XMLHttpRequest();
else {
alert("Your browser does not support AJAX.");
return null;
function createCommentBox( runID ) {
document.getElementById("run-" + runID).innerHTML = "<form onsubmit=\"return false;\"><input id=\"comment-" + runID + "\" name=\"comment-" + runID + "\" size=30><br><input type=submit onClick=\"addComment('" + runID + "');\" value=\"Add Comment\"></form>";
if (currentComment[runID]) {
document.getElementById("comment-" + runID).value = currentComment[runID];
document.getElementById("comment-" + runID).focus();
var httpObject = null;
function addComment( runID ) {
httpObject = null;
httpObject = getHTTPObject();
if (httpObject != null) {
httpObject.onreadystatechange = setComment;"GET", "comment.php?run="+encodeURIComponent(runID)+"&text="
+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('comment-'+runID).value), true);
currentComment[runID] = document.getElementById('comment-'+runID).value;
document.getElementById("run-" + runID).innerHTML = "<a href='javascript:createCommentBox(\"" + runID + "\");'>[" + runID + "]</a> " + document.getElementById('comment-'+runID).value;
return true;
function setComment() {
if(httpObject.readyState == 4){
//alert("c:" +httpObject + httpObject.status + " " + httpObject.responseText);
httpObject = null;
function highlightBest() {
for (set in best_score) {
for (run in score) {
var column = "score-"+run+"-"+set;
if ($(column)) {
if (score[run][set] == best_score[set]) {
$(column).setStyle({ backgroundColor: '#a0ffa0'});
else if (score[run][set]+1 >= best_score[set]) {
$(column).setStyle({ backgroundColor: '#e0ffe0'});
function highlightLine( id ) {
var row = "row-"+id;
$(row).setStyle({ backgroundColor: '#f0f0f0'});
for (set in score[id]) {
for (run in score) {
var column = "score-"+run+"-"+set;
if ($(column)) {
if (run == id) {
$(column).setStyle({ backgroundColor: '#ffffff'});
else {
if (score[run][set] < score[id][set]-1) {
$(column).setStyle({ backgroundColor: '#ffa0a0'});
else if (score[run][set] < score[id][set]) {
$(column).setStyle({ backgroundColor: '#ffe0e0'});
else if (score[run][set] > score[id][set]+1) {
$(column).setStyle({ backgroundColor: '#a0ffa0'});
else if (score[run][set] > score[id][set]) {
$(column).setStyle({ backgroundColor: '#e0ffe0'});
function lowlightAll() {
for (run in score) {
var row = "row-"+run
if ($(row)) {
$(row).setStyle({ backgroundColor: 'transparent' });
for (set in best_score) {
var column = "score-"+run+"-"+set;
if ($(column)) {
$(column).setStyle({ backgroundColor: 'transparent' });
function mytime($timestamp,$running) {
if ($running && $timestamp + 300 > time()) {
return "running";
if ($timestamp + 12*3600 > time()) {
return strftime("%T",$timestamp);
if ($timestamp + 5*24*3600 > time()) {
return strftime("%a %H:%M",$timestamp);
if ($timestamp + 180*24*3600 > time()) {
return strftime("%d %b",$timestamp);
return strftime("%d %b %g",$timestamp);
function output_score($id,$info) {
global $evalset;
global $has_analysis;
global $setup;
global $dir;
$state = return_state_for_link();
while (list($set,$dummy) = each($evalset)) {
if (property_exists($info,"result") &&
array_key_exists($set,$info->result)) {
$score = $info->result[$set];
else { $score = ""; }
print "<td align=center id=\"score-$id-$set\">";
// print "<table><tr><td>";
$each_score = explode(" ; ",$score);
for($i=0;$i<count($each_score);$i++) {
if (preg_match('/([\d\(\)\.\s]+) (BLEU[\-c]*)/',$each_score[$i],$match) ||
2014-04-23 16:50:08 +04:00
preg_match('/([\d\(\)\.\s]+) (IBM[\-c]*)/',$each_score[$i],$match) ||
preg_match('/([\d\(\)\.\s]+) (METEOR[\-c]*)/',$each_score[$i],$match)) {
if ($i>0) { print "<BR>"; }
$opened_a_tag = 0;
if ($set != "avg") {
if (file_exists("$dir/evaluation/$set.cleaned.$id")) {
print "<a href=\"?$state&show=evaluation/$set.cleaned.$id\">";
$opened_a_tag = 1;
else if (file_exists("$dir/evaluation/$set.output.$id")) {
print "<a href=\"?$state&show=evaluation/$set.output.$id\">";
$opened_a_tag = 1;
if ($set == "avg" && count($each_score)>1) { print $match[2].": "; }
print $match[1];
if ($opened_a_tag) { print "</a>"; }
else {
print "-";
print "</td>";
if ($has_analysis && array_key_exists($set,$has_analysis)) {
print "<td align=center>";
global $dir;
$analysis = get_analysis_version($dir,$set,$id);
if ($analysis["basic"]) {
print "<a href=\"?analysis=show&setup=$setup&set=$set&id=$id\">&#x24B6;</a> <input type=checkbox name=analysis-$id-$set value=1>";
print "</td>";
function tune_status($id) {
global $dir;
$max_iteration = 0;
if (! file_exists($dir."/tuning/tmp.".$id)) { return ""; }
$d = dir($dir."/tuning/tmp.".$id);
while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) {
if (preg_match('/run(\d+).moses.ini/',$entry,$match)
&& $match[1] > $max_iteration) {
$max_iteration = $match[1];
if ($max_iteration <= 1) { return $max_iteration; }
return dev_score("$dir/tuning/tmp.$id/run$max_iteration.moses.ini");
function dev_score($moses_ini) {
if (! file_exists($moses_ini)) { return ""; }
$moses_ini = file($moses_ini);
$last_iter = -1;
$info = "";
while (list($id,$line) = each($moses_ini)) {
if (preg_match('/# BLEU ([\d\. \-\>]+)/',$line,$match)) {
$info = $match[1];
if (preg_match('/# We were before running iteration (\d+)/',$line,$match)) {
$last_iter = $match[1];
if ($last_iter>=0) { $info = "$last_iter: $info"; };
return $info;
function output_state_for_form() {
global $setup;
print "<input type=hidden name=setup value=\"$setup\">\n";
function return_state_for_link() {
global $setup;
return "setup=$setup";
function show() {
global $dir;
$extra = "";
if (preg_match("/\.(\d+)/",$_GET["show"],$match)) {
$run = $match[1];
if (file_exists($dir."/steps/new") || file_exists($dir."/steps/$run")) {
$extra = "$run/";
$fullname = $dir."/steps/".$extra.$_GET["show"];
if (preg_match("/\//",$_GET["show"])) {
$fullname = $dir."/".$_GET["show"];
if (preg_match("/graph/",$fullname)) {
header("Content-type: image/png");
else {
header("Content-type: text/plain");
function set_step_status($fileName) {
$cmd = "./progress.perl $fileName 2>/dev/null";
#print $cmd."<p>";