
409 lines
15 KiB
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2016-01-13 02:09:07 +03:00
#include <vector>
#include <limits>
#include <boost/math/special_functions/fpclassify.hpp>
#include <assert.h>
#include "TargetPreferencesFeature.h"
#include "moses/StaticData.h"
#include "moses/InputFileStream.h"
#include "moses/ScoreComponentCollection.h"
#include "moses/Hypothesis.h"
#include "moses/ChartHypothesis.h"
#include "moses/ChartManager.h"
#include "moses/FactorCollection.h"
#include "moses/TreeInput.h"
#include "moses/PP/TargetPreferencesPhraseProperty.h"
using namespace std;
namespace Moses
2016-01-13 03:00:52 +03:00
void TargetPreferencesFeatureState::AddProbabilityForLHSLabel(size_t label, double cost)
2016-01-13 02:09:07 +03:00
std::pair< std::map<size_t,double>::iterator, bool > inserted =
if ( !inserted.second ) {
(inserted.first)->second += cost;
2016-01-13 03:00:52 +03:00
void TargetPreferencesFeatureState::NormalizeProbabilitiesForLHSLabels(double denominator)
2016-01-13 02:09:07 +03:00
for ( std::map<size_t,double>::iterator iter=m_probabilitiesForLHSLabels.begin();
iter!=m_probabilitiesForLHSLabels.end(); ++iter ) {
(iter->second) /= denominator;
2016-01-13 03:00:52 +03:00
double TargetPreferencesFeatureState::GetProbabilityForLHSLabel(size_t label, bool &isMatch) const
2016-01-13 02:09:07 +03:00
std::map<size_t,double>::const_iterator iter = m_probabilitiesForLHSLabels.find(label);
if ( iter != m_probabilitiesForLHSLabels.end() ) {
isMatch = true;
return iter->second;
isMatch = false;
return 0;
2016-01-13 03:00:52 +03:00
size_t TargetPreferencesFeatureState::hash() const
2016-01-13 02:09:07 +03:00
if (!m_distinguishStates) {
return 0;
size_t ret = 0;
boost::hash_combine(ret, m_probabilitiesForLHSLabels.size());
2016-01-13 03:00:52 +03:00
for (std::map<size_t,double>::const_iterator it=m_probabilitiesForLHSLabels.begin();
2016-01-13 02:09:07 +03:00
it!=m_probabilitiesForLHSLabels.end(); ++it) {
boost::hash_combine(ret, it->first);
return ret;
2016-01-13 03:00:52 +03:00
bool TargetPreferencesFeatureState::operator==(const FFState& other) const
2016-01-13 02:09:07 +03:00
if (!m_distinguishStates) {
return true;
if (this == &other) {
return true;
const TargetPreferencesFeatureState* otherState =
dynamic_cast<const TargetPreferencesFeatureState*>(&other);
UTIL_THROW_IF2(otherState == NULL, "Wrong state type");
if (m_probabilitiesForLHSLabels.size() != (otherState->m_probabilitiesForLHSLabels).size()) {
return false;
std::map<size_t,double>::const_iterator thisIt, otherIt;
for (thisIt=m_probabilitiesForLHSLabels.begin(), otherIt=(otherState->m_probabilitiesForLHSLabels).begin();
thisIt!=m_probabilitiesForLHSLabels.end(); ++thisIt, ++otherIt) {
if (thisIt->first != otherIt->first) {
return false;
return true;
TargetPreferencesFeature::TargetPreferencesFeature(const std::string &line)
: StatefulFeatureFunction(2, line)
, m_featureVariant(0)
, m_distinguishStates(false)
, m_noMismatches(false)
VERBOSE(1, "Initializing feature " << GetScoreProducerDescription() << " ...");
VERBOSE(1, " Done." << std::endl);
VERBOSE(1, " Feature variant: " << m_featureVariant << "." << std::endl);
void TargetPreferencesFeature::SetParameter(const std::string& key, const std::string& value)
if (key == "label-set-file") {
m_labelSetFile = value;
} else if (key == "unknown-word-labels-file") {
m_unknownLeftHandSideFile = value;
} else if (key == "variant") {
m_featureVariant = Scan<size_t>(value);
} else if (key == "distinguish-states") {
m_distinguishStates = Scan<bool>(value);
} else if (key == "no-mismatches") {
m_noMismatches = Scan<bool>(value);
} else {
StatefulFeatureFunction::SetParameter(key, value);
void TargetPreferencesFeature::Load(AllOptions::ptr const& opts)
// don't change the loading order!
void TargetPreferencesFeature::LoadLabelSet()
FEATUREVERBOSE(2, "Loading label set from file " << m_labelSetFile << " ...");
InputFileStream inFile(m_labelSetFile);
// read label set
std::string line;
while (getline(inFile, line)) {
std::istringstream tokenizer(line);
std::string label;
size_t index;
try {
tokenizer >> label >> index;
} catch (const std::exception &e) {
<< ": Error reading label set file " << m_labelSetFile << " .");
std::pair< boost::unordered_map<std::string,size_t>::iterator, bool > inserted = m_labels.insert( std::pair<std::string,size_t>(label,index) );
UTIL_THROW_IF2(!inserted.second, GetScoreProducerDescription()
<< ": Label set file " << m_labelSetFile << " should contain each label only once.");
if (index >= m_labelsByIndex.size()) {
m_labelsByIndex[index] = label;
std::list<std::string> specialLabels;
for (std::list<std::string>::const_iterator iter=specialLabels.begin();
iter!=specialLabels.end(); ++iter) {
boost::unordered_map<std::string,size_t>::iterator found = m_labels.find(*iter);
UTIL_THROW_IF2(found == m_labels.end(), GetScoreProducerDescription()
<< ": Label set file " << m_labelSetFile << " should contain an entry for the special label \"" << *iter << "\".");
if (!(found->first).compare("GlueTop")) {
m_GlueTopLabel = found->second;
FEATUREVERBOSE2(2, " Done." << std::endl);
// Make sure to call this method _after_ LoadLabelSet()
void TargetPreferencesFeature::LoadUnknownLeftHandSideFile()
FEATUREVERBOSE(2, "Loading left-hand side labels for unknowns from file " << m_unknownLeftHandSideFile << std::endl);
InputFileStream inFile(m_unknownLeftHandSideFile);
// read left-hand side labels for unknowns
std::string line;
double countsSum = 0.0;
while (getline(inFile, line)) {
istringstream tokenizer(line);
std::string label;
double count;
tokenizer >> label;
tokenizer >> count;
boost::unordered_map<std::string,size_t>::iterator found = m_labels.find( label );
if ( found != m_labels.end() ) {
std::pair< std::map<size_t,double>::iterator, bool > inserted =
m_unknownLHSProbabilities.insert( std::pair<size_t,double>(found->second,count) );
if ( !inserted.second ) {
(inserted.first)->second += count;
countsSum += count;
} else {
FEATUREVERBOSE(1, "WARNING: undefined label \"" << label << "\" in file " << m_unknownLeftHandSideFile << std::endl);
// compute probabilities from counts
countsSum += (double)m_labels.size();
for (std::map<size_t,double>::iterator iter=m_unknownLHSProbabilities.begin();
iter!=m_unknownLHSProbabilities.end(); ++iter) {
iter->second /= countsSum;
for (std::map<size_t,double>::iterator iter=m_unknownLHSProbabilities.begin();
iter!=m_unknownLHSProbabilities.end(); ++iter) {
FEATUREVERBOSE(3, GetScoreProducerDescription() << "::LoadUnknownLeftHandSideFile(): " << iter->first << " " << iter->second << std::endl);
FFState* TargetPreferencesFeature::EvaluateWhenApplied(
const ChartHypothesis& hypo,
int featureID, // used to index the state in the previous hypotheses
ScoreComponentCollection* accumulator) const
streamsize cerr_precision = std::cerr.precision();
std::cerr.precision(20); // TODO: remove. just for debug purposes.
// dense scores
std::vector<float> newScores(m_numScoreComponents,0); // m_numScoreComponents == 2
// state: used to store tree probabilities of partial hypotheses
// and access the respective tree probabilities of subderivations
TargetPreferencesFeatureState *state = new TargetPreferencesFeatureState(m_distinguishStates);
size_t nNTs = 1;
double overallTreeProbability = 0.0;
bool isGlueGrammarRule = false;
// read TargetPreferences property
const TargetPhrase &currTarPhr = hypo.GetCurrTargetPhrase();
FEATUREVERBOSE(2, "Phrase: " << currTarPhr << std::endl);
if (const PhraseProperty *property = currTarPhr.GetProperty("TargetPreferences")) {
const TargetPreferencesPhraseProperty *targetPreferencesPhraseProperty = static_cast<const TargetPreferencesPhraseProperty*>(property);
// const std::string *targetPreferencesPhrasePropertyValueString = targetPreferencesPhraseProperty->GetValueString();
// if (targetPreferencesPhrasePropertyValueString) {
// FEATUREVERBOSE(2, "PreferencesPhraseProperty " << *targetPreferencesPhrasePropertyValueString << std::endl);
// } else {
// FEATUREVERBOSE(2, "PreferencesPhraseProperty NULL" << std::endl);
// }
// }
nNTs = targetPreferencesPhraseProperty->GetNumberOfNonTerminals();
double totalCount = targetPreferencesPhraseProperty->GetTotalCount();
// get index map for underlying hypotheses
const AlignmentInfo::NonTermIndexMap &nonTermIndexMap =
// retrieve states from previous hypotheses, if any
std::vector< const TargetPreferencesFeatureState* > prevStatesByNonTerminal(nNTs-1);
if (nNTs > 1) { // rule has right-hand side non-terminals, i.e. it's a hierarchical rule
size_t nonTerminalNumber = 0;
for (size_t phrasePos=0; phrasePos<currTarPhr.GetSize(); ++phrasePos) {
// consult rule for either word or non-terminal
const Word &word = currTarPhr.GetWord(phrasePos);
if ( word.IsNonTerminal() ) {
// non-terminal: consult subderivation
size_t nonTermIndex = nonTermIndexMap[phrasePos];
const ChartHypothesis *prevHypo = hypo.GetPrevHypo(nonTermIndex);
const TargetPreferencesFeatureState* prevState =
static_cast<const TargetPreferencesFeatureState*>(prevHypo->GetFFState(featureID));
prevStatesByNonTerminal[nonTerminalNumber] = prevState;
// some log output that is not required in any way for the functionality
const std::map<size_t,double> &prevHypoTreeProbabilities =
FEATUREVERBOSE(2, "Previous tree probs:");
for (std::map<size_t,double>::const_iterator iter=prevHypoTreeProbabilities.begin();
iter!=prevHypoTreeProbabilities.end(); ++iter) {
FEATUREVERBOSE2(2, " " << m_labelsByIndex[iter->first] << " " << iter->second);
FEATUREVERBOSE2(2, std::endl);
// inspect labelled rule items
overallTreeProbability = 0.0;
const std::list<TargetPreferencesPhrasePropertyItem> &targetPreferencesItems = targetPreferencesPhraseProperty->GetTargetPreferencesItems();
for (std::list<TargetPreferencesPhrasePropertyItem>::const_iterator targetPreferencesItem = targetPreferencesItems.begin();
targetPreferencesItem != targetPreferencesItems.end(); ++targetPreferencesItem) {
const std::list<size_t> &targetPreferencesRHS = targetPreferencesItem->GetTargetPreferencesRHS();
const std::list< std::pair<size_t,float> > &targetPreferencesLHSList = targetPreferencesItem->GetTargetPreferencesLHSList();
assert(targetPreferencesRHS.size() == nNTs-1);
size_t currentTargetLabelsMismatches = nNTs - 1;
double matchingLabelsProbabilityProduct = 1.0;
size_t nonTerminalNumber=0;
for (std::list<size_t>::const_iterator targetPreferencesRHSIt = targetPreferencesRHS.begin();
targetPreferencesRHSIt != targetPreferencesRHS.end(); ++targetPreferencesRHSIt, ++nonTerminalNumber) {
bool isLabelMatch = false;
double matchingLabelsProbability =
matchingLabelsProbabilityProduct *= matchingLabelsProbability;
if ( isLabelMatch ) {
currentTargetLabelsMismatches -= 1;
FEATUREVERBOSE(2, "matchingLabelsProbabilityProduct = " << matchingLabelsProbabilityProduct << std::endl);
// LHS labels seen with this RHS
for (std::list< std::pair<size_t,float> >::const_iterator targetPreferencesLHSIt = targetPreferencesLHSList.begin();
targetPreferencesLHSIt != targetPreferencesLHSList.end(); ++targetPreferencesLHSIt) {
size_t targetPreferenceLHS = targetPreferencesLHSIt->first;
if ( targetPreferenceLHS == m_GlueTopLabel ) {
isGlueGrammarRule = true;
// proceed with the actual probability computations
double ruleTargetPreferenceCount = targetPreferencesLHSIt->second;
double ruleTargetPreferenceProbability = ruleTargetPreferenceCount / totalCount;
FEATUREVERBOSE(2, " ruleTargetPreferenceProbability = " << ruleTargetPreferenceProbability << std::endl);
double weightedTargetPreferenceRuleProbability = ruleTargetPreferenceProbability * matchingLabelsProbabilityProduct;
if ( weightedTargetPreferenceRuleProbability != 0 ) {
state->AddProbabilityForLHSLabel(targetPreferenceLHS, weightedTargetPreferenceRuleProbability);
overallTreeProbability += weightedTargetPreferenceRuleProbability;
FEATUREVERBOSE(2, "overallTreeProbability = " << overallTreeProbability);
if ( overallTreeProbability > 1.0001 ) { // account for some rounding error
2016-01-13 03:00:52 +03:00
FEATUREVERBOSE2(2, " -- WARNING: overallTreeProbability > 1");
2016-01-13 02:09:07 +03:00
FEATUREVERBOSE2(2, std::endl);
2016-01-13 03:00:52 +03:00
2016-01-13 02:09:07 +03:00
if ( overallTreeProbability != 0 ) {
UTIL_THROW_IF2(!boost::math::isnormal(overallTreeProbability), GetScoreProducerDescription()
<< ": Oops. Numerical precision issues.");
} else {
// abort with error message if the phrase does not translate an unknown word
UTIL_THROW_IF2(!currTarPhr.GetWord(0).IsOOV(), GetScoreProducerDescription()
<< ": Missing TargetPreferences property. Please check phrase table and glue rules.");
// unknown word
overallTreeProbability = 1.0;
for (std::map<size_t,double>::const_iterator iter=m_unknownLHSProbabilities.begin();
iter!=m_unknownLHSProbabilities.end(); ++iter) {
// update state
state->AddProbabilityForLHSLabel(iter->first, iter->second);
FEATUREVERBOSE(2, "-> OVERALLTREEPROB = " << overallTreeProbability << std::endl);
// add scores
// tree probability (preference grammar style)
newScores[0] = (overallTreeProbability == 0 ? 0 : std::log(overallTreeProbability) );
if ( m_noMismatches && (overallTreeProbability == 0) && !isGlueGrammarRule ) {
newScores[0] = -std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
// tree mismatch penalty
2016-01-13 03:00:52 +03:00
// TODO: deactivate the tree mismatch penalty score component automatically if feature configuration parameter no-mismatches=true
newScores[1] = (overallTreeProbability == 0 ? 1 : 0 );
2016-01-13 02:09:07 +03:00
accumulator->PlusEquals(this, newScores);
return state;