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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Usage:
# <foreign> <english> <decoder-executable> <decoder-config>
# For other options see below or run ' --help'
# Notes:
# <foreign> and <english> should be raw text files, one sentence per line
# <english> can be a prefix, in which case the files are <english>0, <english>1, etc. are used
# Revision history
# 29 Dec 2009 Derived from (Kamil Kos)
use FindBin qw($Bin);
use File::Basename;
$SCRIPTS_ROOTDIR =~ s/\/training$//;
# for each _d_istortion, _l_anguage _m_odel, _t_ranslation _m_odel and _w_ord penalty, there is a list
# of [ default value, lower bound, upper bound ]-triples. In most cases, only one triple is used,
# but the translation model has currently 5 features
# defaults for initial values and ranges are:
my $default_triples = {
# these two basic models exist even if not specified, they are
# not associated with any model file
"w" => [ [ 0.0, -1.0, 1.0 ] ], # word penalty
my $additional_triples = {
# if the more lambda parameters for the weights are needed
# (due to additional tables) use the following values for them
"d" => [ [ 1.0, 0.0, 2.0 ], # lexicalized reordering model
[ 1.0, 0.0, 2.0 ],
[ 1.0, 0.0, 2.0 ],
[ 1.0, 0.0, 2.0 ],
[ 1.0, 0.0, 2.0 ],
[ 1.0, 0.0, 2.0 ],
[ 1.0, 0.0, 2.0 ] ],
"lm" => [ [ 1.0, 0.0, 2.0 ] ], # language model
"g" => [ [ 1.0, 0.0, 2.0 ], # generation model
[ 1.0, 0.0, 2.0 ] ],
"tm" => [ [ 0.3, 0.0, 0.5 ], # translation model
[ 0.2, 0.0, 0.5 ],
[ 0.3, 0.0, 0.5 ],
[ 0.2, 0.0, 0.5 ],
[ 0.0,-1.0, 1.0 ] ], # ... last weight is phrase penalty
"lex"=> [ [ 0.1, 0.0, 0.2 ] ], # global lexical model
# moses.ini file uses FULL names for lambdas, while this training script internally (and on the command line)
# uses ABBR names.
my $ABBR_FULL_MAP = "d=weight-d lm=weight-l tm=weight-t w=weight-w g=weight-generation lex=weight-lex";
my %ABBR2FULL = map {split/=/,$_,2} split /\s+/, $ABBR_FULL_MAP;
my %FULL2ABBR = map {my ($a, $b) = split/=/,$_,2; ($b, $a);} split /\s+/, $ABBR_FULL_MAP;
# We parse moses.ini to figure out how many weights do we need to optimize.
# For this, we must know the correspondence between options defining files
# for models and options assigning weights to these models.
my $TABLECONFIG_ABBR_MAP = "ttable-file=tm lmodel-file=lm distortion-file=d generation-file=g global-lexical-file=lex";
my %TABLECONFIG2ABBR = map {split(/=/,$_,2)} split /\s+/, $TABLECONFIG_ABBR_MAP;
# There are weights that do not correspond to any input file, they just increase the total number of lambdas we optimize
#my $extra_lambdas_for_model = {
# "w" => 1, # word penalty
# "d" => 1, # basic distortion
my $verbose = 0;
my $___MERT_VERBOSE = 1; # verbosity of zmert (values: 0-2)
my $___DECODER_VERBOSE = 1; # should decoder output be included? - 0:no,1:yes
my $___SAVE_INTER = 2; # save intermediate nbest-lists
my $usage = 0; # request for --help
my $___WORKING_DIR = "mert-work";
my $___DEV_F = undef; # required, input text to decode
my $___DEV_E = undef; # required, basename of files with references
my $___DECODER = undef; # required, pathname to the decoder executable
my $___CONFIG = undef; # required, pathname to startup ini file
my $___N_BEST_LIST_SIZE = 100;
my $___MAX_MERT_ITER = 0; # do not limit the number of iterations
my $queue_flags = "-l mem_free=0.5G -hard"; # extra parameters for parallelizer
# the -l ws0ssmt is relevant only to JHU workshop
my $___JOBS = undef; # if parallel, number of jobs to use (undef -> serial)
my $___DECODER_FLAGS = ""; # additional parametrs to pass to the decoder
my $___LAMBDA = undef; # string specifying the seed weights and boundaries of all lambdas
my $skip_decoder = 0; # and should we skip the first decoder run (assuming we got interrupted during mert)
my $___FILTER_PHRASE_TABLE = 1; # filter phrase table
my $___METRIC = "BLEU 4 shortest"; # name of metric that will be used for minimum error training, followed by metric parameters (see zmert documentation)
my $___SEMPOSBLEU_WEIGHTS = "1 1"; # weights of SemPOS and BLEU
my $___LAMBDAS_OUT = undef; # file where final lambdas should be written
my $___EXTRACT_SEMPOS = "none"; # how shall we get the SemPOS factor (only for SemPOS metric)
# options: 1) 'none' - moses generates SemPOS factor in required format
# (<word_form>|<SemPOS>)
# 2) 'moses:<factor_index>' - extract SemPOS from <factor_index>
# position (moses output is <word>|<factor_1>|...|<factor_n>)
# 3) 'tmt' - moses outputs only <word_form> and we need to
# generate SemPOS with TectoMT
# set 1 if using with async decoder
my $___ASYNC = 0;
# Use "--norm" to select normalization in mert
my $___NORM = "none";
# set 0 if input type is text, set 1 if input type is confusion network
my $___INPUTTYPE = 0;
my $mertdir = "$SCRIPTS_ROOTDIR/../zmert/"; # path to zmert directory
my $filtercmd = undef; # path to
my $clonecmd = "$SCRIPTS_ROOTDIR/training/"; # executable
my $qsubwrapper = undef;
my $moses_parallel_cmd = undef;
my $old_sge = 0; # assume sge<6.0
my $___ACTIVATE_FEATURES = undef; # comma-separated (or blank-separated) list of features to work on
# if undef work on all features
# (others are fixed to the starting values)
my %active_features; # hash with features to optimize; optimize all if empty
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
"working-dir=s" => \$___WORKING_DIR,
"input=s" => \$___DEV_F,
"inputtype=i" => \$___INPUTTYPE,
"refs=s" => \$___DEV_E,
"decoder=s" => \$___DECODER,
"config=s" => \$___CONFIG,
"nbest:i" => \$___N_BEST_LIST_SIZE,
"maxiter:i" => \$___MAX_MERT_ITER,
"queue-flags:s" => \$queue_flags,
"jobs=i" => \$___JOBS,
"decoder-flags:s" => \$___DECODER_FLAGS,
"lambdas=s" => \$___LAMBDA,
"metric=s" => \$___METRIC,
"semposbleu-weights:s" => \$___SEMPOSBLEU_WEIGHTS,
"extract-sempos=s" => \$___EXTRACT_SEMPOS,
"norm:s" => \$___NORM,
"help" => \$usage,
"verbose" => \$verbose,
"mert-verbose:i" => \$___MERT_VERBOSE,
"decoder-verbose:i" => \$___DECODER_VERBOSE,
"mertdir:s" => \$mertdir, # allow to override the default location of zmert.jar
"lambdas-out:s" => \$___LAMBDAS_OUT,
"rootdir=s" => \$SCRIPTS_ROOTDIR,
"filtercmd=s" => \$filtercmd, # allow to override the default location
"qsubwrapper=s" => \$qsubwrapper, # allow to override the default location
"mosesparallelcmd=s" => \$moses_parallel_cmd, # allow to override the default location
"old-sge" => \$old_sge, #passed to moses-parallel
"filter-phrase-table!" => \$___FILTER_PHRASE_TABLE, # allow (disallow)filtering of phrase tables
"predictable-seeds:s" => \$___PREDICTABLE_SEEDS, # allow (disallow) switch on/off reseeding of random restarts
"async=i" => \$___ASYNC, #whether script to be used with async decoder
"activate-features=s" => \$___ACTIVATE_FEATURES #comma-separated (or blank-separated) list of features to work on (others are fixed to the starting values)
) or exit(1);
print "Predict $___PREDICTABLE_SEEDS\n";
# the 4 required parameters can be supplied on the command line directly
# or using the --options
if (scalar @ARGV == 4) {
# required parameters: input_file references_basename decoder_executable
$___DEV_F = shift;
$___DEV_E = shift;
$___DECODER = shift;
$___CONFIG = shift;
if ($___ASYNC) {
delete $default_triples->{"w"};
$additional_triples->{"w"} = [ [ 0.0, -1.0, 1.0 ] ];
print STDERR "After default: $queue_flags\n";
if ($usage || !defined $___DEV_F || !defined$___DEV_E || !defined$___DECODER || !defined $___CONFIG) {
print STDERR "usage: input-text references decoder-executable decoder.ini
--working-dir=mert-dir ... where all the files are created
--nbest=100 ... how big nbestlist to generate
--maxiter=N ... maximum number of zmert iterations
--jobs=N ... set this to anything to run moses in parallel
--mosesparallelcmd=STRING ... use a different script instead of moses-parallel
--queue-flags=STRING ... anything you with to pass to
qsub, eg. '-l ws06osssmt=true'
The default is
-l mem_free=0.5G -hard
To reset the parameters, please use \"--queue-flags=' '\" (i.e. a space between
the quotes).
--decoder-flags=STRING ... extra parameters for the decoder
--lambdas=STRING ... default values and ranges for lambdas, a complex string
such as 'd:1,0.5-1.5 lm:1,0.5-1.5 tm:0.3,0.25-0.75;0.2,0.25-0.75;0.2,0.25-0.75;0.3,0.25-0.75;0,-0.5-0.5 w:0,-0.5-0.5'
--allow-unknown-lambdas ... keep going even if someone supplies a new lambda
in the lambdas option (such as 'superbmodel:1,0-1'); optimize it, too
--lambdas-out=STRING ... file where final lambdas should be written
--norm ... Select normalization for zmert
--filtercmd=STRING ... path to
--rootdir=STRING ... where do helpers reside (if not given explicitly)
--mertdir=STRING ... path to zmert implementation
--scorenbestcmd=STRING ... path to
--old-sge ... passed to moses-parallel, assume Sun Grid Engine < 6.0
--inputtype=[0|1|2] ... Handle different input types (0 for text, 1 for confusion network, 2 for lattices, default is 0)
--no-filter-phrase-table ... disallow filtering of phrase tables
(useful if binary phrase tables are available)
--predictable-seeds ... provide predictable seeds to mert so that random restarts are the same on every run
--activate-features=STRING ... comma-separated list of features to work on
(if undef work on all features)
# (others are fixed to the starting values)
exit 1;
# ensure we know where is tectomt, if we need it
if( !defined $ENV{"TMT_ROOT"} && $___EXTRACT_SEMPOS =~ /tmt/) {
die "Cannot find TMT_ROOT. Is TectoMT really initialized?";
my $srunblocks = "$TMT_ROOT/tools/srunblocks_streaming/srunblocks";
my $scenario_file = "scenario";
my $srunblocks_cmd = "$srunblocks --errorlevel=FATAL $scenario_file czech_source_sentence factored_output";
# update variables if input is confusion network
if ($___INPUTTYPE == 1)
%ABBR2FULL = map {split/=/,$_,2} split /\s+/, $ABBR_FULL_MAP;
%FULL2ABBR = map {my ($a, $b) = split/=/,$_,2; ($b, $a);} split /\s+/, $ABBR_FULL_MAP;
push @{$default_triples -> {"I"}}, [ 1.0, 0.0, 2.0 ];
#$extra_lambdas_for_model -> {"I"} = 1; #Confusion network posterior
# update variables if input is lattice
if ($___INPUTTYPE == 2)
if (defined $___ACTIVATE_FEATURES)
%active_features = map {$_ => 1} split( /,/, $___ACTIVATE_FEATURES);
# Check validity of input parameters and set defaults if needed
# path of script for filtering phrase tables and running the decoder
$filtercmd="$SCRIPTS_ROOTDIR/training/" if !defined $filtercmd;
$qsubwrapper="$SCRIPTS_ROOTDIR/generic/" if !defined $qsubwrapper;
$moses_parallel_cmd = "$SCRIPTS_ROOTDIR/generic/"
if !defined $moses_parallel_cmd;
die "Error: need to specify the zmert.jar directory" if !defined $mertdir;
my $zmert_classpath = ensure_full_path("$mertdir/zmert.jar");
die "File not found: $mertdir/zmert.jar (interpreted as $zmert_classpath)"
if ! -e $zmert_classpath;
my ($just_cmd_filtercmd,$x) = split(/ /,$filtercmd);
die "Not executable: $just_cmd_filtercmd" if ! -x $just_cmd_filtercmd;
die "Not executable: $moses_parallel_cmd" if defined $___JOBS && ! -x $moses_parallel_cmd;
die "Not executable: $qsubwrapper" if defined $___JOBS && ! -x $qsubwrapper;
die "Not executable: $___DECODER" if ! -x $___DECODER;
my $input_abs = ensure_full_path($___DEV_F);
die "File not found: $___DEV_F (interpreted as $input_abs)."
if ! -e $input_abs;
$___DEV_F = $input_abs;
# Option to pass to qsubwrapper and moses-parallel
my $pass_old_sge = $old_sge ? "-old-sge" : "";
my $decoder_abs = ensure_full_path($___DECODER);
die "File not found: $___DECODER (interpreted as $decoder_abs)."
if ! -x $decoder_abs;
$___DECODER = $decoder_abs;
my $ref_abs = ensure_full_path($___DEV_E);
# check if English dev set (reference translations) exist and store a list of all references
my @references;
my @references_factored;
if (-e $ref_abs) {
push @references, $ref_abs;
else {
# if multiple file, get a full list of the files
my $part = 0;
while (-e $ref_abs.$part) {
push @references, $ref_abs.$part;
die("Reference translations not found: $___DEV_E (interpreted as $ref_abs)") unless $part;
my $config_abs = ensure_full_path($___CONFIG);
die "File not found: $___CONFIG (interpreted as $config_abs)."
if ! -e $config_abs;
$___CONFIG = $config_abs;
# check validity of moses.ini and collect number of models and lambdas per model
# need to make a copy of $extra_lambdas_for_model, scan_config spoils it
#my %copy_of_extra_lambdas_for_model = %$extra_lambdas_for_model;
my %used_triples = %{$default_triples};
my ($models_used) = scan_config($___CONFIG);
# Parse the lambda config string and convert it to a nice structure in the same format as $used_triples
if (defined $___LAMBDA) {
my %specified_triples;
# interpreting lambdas from command line
foreach (split(/\s+/,$___LAMBDA)) {
my ($name,$values) = split(/:/);
die "Malformed setting: '$_', expected name:values\n" if !defined $name || !defined $values;
foreach my $startminmax (split/;/,$values) {
if ($startminmax =~ /^(-?[\.\d]+),(-?[\.\d]+)-(-?[\.\d]+)$/) {
my $start = $1;
my $min = $2;
my $max = $3;
push @{$specified_triples{$name}}, [$start, $min, $max];
else {
die "Malformed feature range definition: $name => $startminmax\n";
# sanity checks for specified lambda triples
foreach my $name (keys %used_triples) {
die "No lambdas specified for '$name', but ".($#{$used_triples{$name}}+1)." needed.\n"
unless defined($specified_triples{$name});
die "Number of lambdas specified for '$name' (".($#{$specified_triples{$name}}+1).") does not match number needed (".($#{$used_triples{$name}}+1).")\n"
if (($#{$used_triples{$name}}) != ($#{$specified_triples{$name}}));
foreach my $name (keys %specified_triples) {
die "Lambdas specified for '$name' ".(@{$specified_triples{$name}}).", but none needed.\n"
unless defined($used_triples{$name});
%used_triples = %specified_triples;
# moses should use our config
if ($___DECODER_FLAGS =~ /(^|\s)-(config|f) /
|| $___DECODER_FLAGS =~ /(^|\s)-(ttable-file|t) /
|| $___DECODER_FLAGS =~ /(^|\s)-(distortion-file) /
|| $___DECODER_FLAGS =~ /(^|\s)-(generation-file) /
|| $___DECODER_FLAGS =~ /(^|\s)-(lmodel-file) /
|| $___DECODER_FLAGS =~ /(^|\s)-(global-lexical-file) /
) {
die "It is forbidden to supply any of -config, -ttable-file, -distortion-file, -generation-file or -lmodel-file in the --decoder-flags.\nPlease use only the --config option to give the config file that lists all the supplementary files.";
#store current directory and create the working directory (if needed)
my $cwd = `pawd 2>/dev/null`;
if(!$cwd){$cwd = `pwd`;}
safesystem("mkdir -p $___WORKING_DIR") or die "Can't mkdir $___WORKING_DIR";
# open local scope
#chdir to the working directory
chdir($___WORKING_DIR) or die "Can't chdir to $___WORKING_DIR";
# fixed file names
my $mert_logfile = "zmert.log";
# filter the phrase tables wih respect to input, use --decoder-flags
print "filtering the phrase tables... ".`date`;
my $cmd = "$filtercmd ./filtered $___CONFIG $___DEV_F";
if (defined $___JOBS) {
safesystem("$qsubwrapper $pass_old_sge -command='$cmd' -queue-parameter=\"$queue_flags\" -stdout=filterphrases.out -stderr=filterphrases.err" )
or die "Failed to submit filtering of tables to the queue (via $qsubwrapper)";
} else {
safesystem($cmd) or die "Failed to filter the tables.";
# the decoder should now use the filtered model
$___CONFIG = "filtered/moses.ini";
# make a local clone of moses.ini
safesystem("$clonecmd $___CONFIG");
$___CONFIG = "moses.ini";
$___CONFIG = ensure_full_path($___CONFIG);
my $nbest_file = "$___N_BEST_LIST_SIZE.out";
# Run zmert to optimize lambdas
# We need to prepare:
# 1) decoder launch script (decoder_cmd) - must be executable
# 2) zmert configuration file (zmert_cfg.txt)
# 3) parameters we want to optimize (params.txt)
# 4) decoder configuration file (decoder_cfg_inter.txt)
my $zmert_cfg = ensure_full_path("zmert_cfg.txt");
my $opt_params = "params.txt"; # zmert requires path relative to launch path
my $decoder_cfg_inter = "decoder_cfg_inter.txt"; # zmert requires path relative to launch path
my $decoder_cmd_file = ensure_full_path("decoder_cmd");
my $iteration_file = "iteration";
my $LAMBDAS_FILE = ensure_full_path("finalWeights.txt");
# prepare script that will launch moses from template
# it will include an update script that will adjust feature weights according to
# the last zmert iteration (they are stored in file $decoder_cfg_inter)
# prepare lauch command with all parameters
my $decoder_cmd;
if (defined $___JOBS) {
$decoder_cmd = "$moses_parallel_cmd $pass_old_sge -config $___CONFIG -inputtype $___INPUTTYPE -qsub-prefix zmert -queue-parameters '$queue_flags' -decoder-parameters '$PARAMETERS' -n-best-list '$nbest_file $___N_BEST_LIST_SIZE' -input-file $___DEV_F -jobs $___JOBS -decoder $___DECODER > moses.out";
} else {
$decoder_cmd = "$___DECODER $PARAMETERS -config $___CONFIG -inputtype $___INPUTTYPE -n-best-list '$nbest_file $___N_BEST_LIST_SIZE' -i $___DEV_F > moses.out";
my $zmert_decoder_cmd = "$SCRIPTS_ROOTDIR/training/";
# number of factors that a given metric requires
my $metric_num_factors = 1;
# SemPOS metric requires 2 parameters specifying position of t_lemma and sempos factor
# e.g. for t_lemma|sempos|factor3|factor4|... the values are 0 and 1 (default setting)
if( $___METRIC =~ /^SemPOS$/) {
$___METRIC .= " 0 1";
$metric_num_factors = 2;
# SemPOS_BLEU metric requires 7 parameters
# 1) weight of SemPOS 2) weight of BLEU
# 3) index of t_lemma for SemPOS 4) index of sempos for SemPOS
# 5) max ngram for BLEU 6) ref length strategy for BLEU
# 7) index of factor to compute BLEU on
elsif( $___METRIC =~ /^SemPOS_BLEU$/) {
$___SEMPOSBLEU_WEIGHTS =~ /^.*:.*$/ or die "--semposbleu-weights is not in format <sempos_weight>:<bleu_weight>";
$___METRIC .= " $___SEMPOSBLEU_WEIGHTS 1 2 4 closest 0";
$metric_num_factors = 3;
elsif( $___METRIC =~ /^BLEU$/) {
$___METRIC .= " 4 closest";
elsif( $___METRIC =~ /^TER$/) {
$___METRIC .= " nocase punc 20 50";
elsif( $___METRIC =~ /^TER-BLEU$/) {
$___METRIC .= " nocase punc 20 50 4 closest";
if( $___EXTRACT_SEMPOS =~ /tmt/) {
my $print_string = "";
if( $___METRIC =~ /SemPOS_BLEU/) {
$print_string = "Print::ForSemPOSBLEUMetric TMT_PARAM_PRINT_FOR_SEMPOS_BLEU_METRIC=m:form|t_lemma|gram/sempos TMT_PARAM_PRINT_FOR_SEMPOS_BLEU_METRIC_DESTINATION=factored_output";
} elsif( $___METRIC =~ /SemPOS/) {
$print_string = "Print::ForSemPOSMetric TMT_PARAM_PRINT_FOR_SEMPOS_METRIC=t_lemma|gram/sempos TMT_PARAM_PRINT_FOR_SEMPOS_METRIC_DESTINATION=factored_output";
} else {
die "Trying to get factors using tmt for unknown metric $___METRIC";
open( SCENARIO, ">$scenario_file") or die "Cannot open $scenario_file";
# SCzechM_to_SCzechN::Czech_named_ent_SVM_recognizer
# SCzechM_to_SCzechN::Geo_ne_recognizer
# SCzechM_to_SCzechN::Embed_instances
SCzechM_to_SCzechA::McD_parser_local TMT_PARAM_MCD_CZ_MODEL=pdt20_train_autTag_golden_latin2_pruned_0.02.model
# SCzechM_to_SCzechA::McD_parser_local TMT_PARAM_MCD_CZ_MODEL=pdt20_train_autTag_golden_latin2_pruned_0.10.model
close( SCENARIO);
my $feats_order = join( " ", keys %used_triples);
open( DECODER_CMD, ">$decoder_cmd_file") or die "Cannot open $decoder_cmd_file";
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my %FULL2ABBR = map {my (\$a, \$b) = split/=/,\$_,2; (\$b, \$a);} split /\\s+/, "$ABBR_FULL_MAP";
open( ITERATION, "<$iteration_file") or die "Cannot open $iteration_file";
my \$iteration = <ITERATION>;
close( ITERATION);
chomp( \$iteration);
my \@features_order = qw( $feats_order );
# extract feature weights from last zmert iteration (stored in \$decoder_cfg_inter)
print "Updating decoder config file from file $decoder_cfg_inter\n";
my \$moses_ini = "$___CONFIG";
open( IN, "$decoder_cfg_inter") or die "Cannot open file $decoder_cfg_inter (reading updated lambdas)";
my %lambdas = ();
my $lastName = "";
while( my $line = <IN>) {
my ($name, $val) = split( /\s+/, $line);
$name =~ s/_\d+$//; # remove index of the lambda
push( @{$lambdas{$name}}, $val);
my $moses_ini_old = "$moses_ini";
$moses_ini_old =~ s/^(.*)\/([^\/]+)$/$1\/run$iteration.$2/;
$moses_ini_old = $moses_ini.".orig" if( $iteration == 0);
safesystem("mv $moses_ini $moses_ini_old");
# update moses.ini
open( INI_OLD, "<$moses_ini_old") or die "Cannot open config file $moses_ini_old";
open( INI, ">$moses_ini") or die "Cannot open config file $moses_ini";
while( my $line = <INI_OLD>) {
if( $line =~ m/^\[(weight-.+)\]$/) {
my $name = $FULL2ABBR{$1};
print STDERR "Updating weight: $1, $name\n";
print INI "$line";
foreach( @{$lambdas{$name}}) {
print INI "$_\n";
print STDERR "NEW: $_\tOLD:";
$line = <INI_OLD>;
print STDERR $line;
} else {
print INI $line;
print "Executing: $decoder_cmd";
safesystem("$decoder_cmd") or die "Failed to execute $decoder_cmd";
# update iteration number in intermediate config file
safesystem("echo \$iteration > $iteration_file");
# modify the nbest-list to conform the zmert required format
# <i> ||| <candidate_translation> ||| featVal_1 featVal_2 ... featVal_m
my \$nbest_file_orig = "$nbest_file".".orig";
safesystem( "mv $nbest_file \$nbest_file_orig");
open( NBEST_ORIG, "<\$nbest_file_orig") or die "Cannot open original nbest-list \$nbest_file_orig";
open( NBEST, ">$nbest_file") or die "Cannot open modified nbest-list $nbest_file";
my \$line_num = 0;
if( "$___EXTRACT_SEMPOS" =~ /factors/) {
my (undef, \$args) = split( /:/, "$___EXTRACT_SEMPOS");
my \$factor_count = $metric_num_factors;
my @indices = split( /,/, $args);
die "Specified ".scalar @indices." factors to extract but selected metric requires $factor_count factors"
if( @indices != $factor_count);
while( my $line = <NBEST_ORIG>) {
my @array = split( /\|\|\|/, $line);
# remove feature names from the feature scores string
$array[2] = extractScores( $array[2]);
my @tokens = split( /\s/, $array[1]); # split sentence into words
$array[1] = "";
foreach my $token (@tokens) {
next if $token eq "";
my @factors = split( /\|/, $token);
my $put_separator = 0;
foreach my $index (@indices) {
die "Cannot extract factor with index $index from '$token'" if ($index > $#factors);
$array[1] .= '|' if ($put_separator); # separator between factors
$array[1] .= $factors[$index];
$put_separator = 1;
$array[1] .= " "; # space between words
print NBEST join( '|||', @array);
} elsif( "$___EXTRACT_SEMPOS" =~ /tmt/) {
# run TectoMT to analyze sentences
print STDERR "Analyzing candidates using $srunblocks_cmd\n";
my \$nbest_factored = "$nbest_file.factored";
open( NBEST_FACTORED, "|$srunblocks_cmd > \$nbest_factored 2>/dev/null") or die "Cannot open pipe to command $srunblocks_cmd";
my $line_count = 0;
my @out = ();
while( my $line = <NBEST_ORIG>) {
my @array = split( /\|\|\|/, $line);
die "Nbest-list does not have required format (values separated by '|||')" if ($#array != 3);
# remove feature names from the feature scores string
$array[2] = extractScores( $array[2]);
push( @out, \@array); # store line with scores for output
# select only word forms
my $sentence = "";
foreach my $fact ( split /\s+/, $array[1]) {
next if( $fact eq "");
my @fact_array = split( /\|/, $fact);
$sentence .= "$fact_array[0] ";
# analyze sentence via TectoMT using scenario
print NBEST_FACTORED "$sentence\n";
close( NBEST_ORIG);
open( NBEST_FACTORED, "<$nbest_factored") or die "Cannot open $nbest_factored";
my $line_count_check = 0;
while( my $line = <NBEST_FACTORED>) {
chomp( $line);
my $array_ref = shift( @out);
$array_ref->[1] = $line;
print NBEST join( '|||', @{$array_ref});
die "Error: Sent $line_count sentences to analyze but got only $line_count_check back"
if( $line_count != $line_count_check);
} elsif ($___EXTRACT_SEMPOS eq "none") {
while( my $line = <NBEST_ORIG>) {
my @array = split( /\|\|\|/, $line);
# remove feature names from the feature scores string
$array[2] = extractScores( $array[2]);
print NBEST join( '|||', @array);
} else {
die "Unknown type of factor extraction: $___EXTRACT_SEMPOS";
close( NBEST);
close( NBEST_ORIG);
sub extractScores {
my $scores = shift;
my (%scores_hash, $name);
foreach my $score_or_name (split /\s+/, $scores) {
if( $score_or_name =~ s/://) {
$name = $score_or_name;
} elsif ($score_or_name =~ /\d/) {
die "Cannot guess nbest-list first feature score name" if( not defined $name);
$scores_hash{$name} .= "$score_or_name ";
} else {
die "Unknown string ($score_or_name) in nbest-list feature scores section (not a feature name or score)"
if( $score_or_name =~ /\S/);
$scores = "";
foreach $name (@features_order) {
$scores .= $scores_hash{$name};
#print STDERR "REORDERED SCORES: $scores\n";
return $scores;
sub safesystem {
print STDERR "Executing: @_\n";
if ($? == -1) {
print STDERR "Failed to execute: @_\n $!\n";
elsif ($? & 127) {
printf STDERR "Execution of: @_\n died with signal %d, %s coredump\n",
($? & 127), ($? & 128) ? 'with' : 'without';
else {
my $exitcode = $? >> 8;
print STDERR "Exit code: $exitcode\n" if $exitcode;
return ! $exitcode;
close( DECODER_CMD);
# make the decoder lauch script executable
safesystem("chmod a+x $decoder_cmd_file");
# analyze reference if necessary
if( $___EXTRACT_SEMPOS =~ /tmt/) {
my $part = 0;
foreach my $ref (@references) {
my $line_count = 0;
print STDERR "Analyzing references using $srunblocks_cmd\n";
open( REF_IN, "<$ref") or die "Cannot open $ref";
my $ref_factored = "$ref.factored.$part";
push( @references_factored, $ref_factored);
open( REF_FACTORED, "|$srunblocks_cmd > $ref_factored");
while( my $line = <REF_IN>) {
# analyze sentence via TectoMT using scenario in file $scerario_file
print REF_FACTORED $line;
close( REF_IN);
my $line_count_check = 0;
open( REF_FACTORED, "<$ref_factored") or die "Cannot open $ref_factored";
++$line_count_check while( <REF_FACTORED>);
die "Error: Sent $line_count sentences to analyze but got $line_count_check back"
if( $line_count != $line_count_check);
print STDERR "References analyzed\n";
} else {
push( @references_factored, @references);
my $ref_stem = $references_factored[0];
$ref_stem =~ s/\d+$// if( $#references_factored); # get the file stem if we have more than one refs
$ref_stem =~ s/.*\/([^\/]+)$/..\/$1/;
# prepare zmert configuration file
open( ZMERT_CFG, ">$zmert_cfg") or die "Cannot open $zmert_cfg";
# print ZMERT_CFG "-dir\t$___PATH_FROM_LAUNCHDIR\n"; # working path (relative to the lauch path)
# print ZMERT_CFG "-r\t$___DEV_E\n"; # file(s) containing references
print ZMERT_CFG "-r\t$ref_stem\n"; # file(s) containing references
print ZMERT_CFG "-rps\t".scalar(@references)."\n"; # number of references per sentence
print ZMERT_CFG "-txtNrm\t0\n"; # we use our own text normalization
print ZMERT_CFG "-p\t$opt_params\n"; # file containig parameter names, initial values, ranges
print ZMERT_CFG "-fin\t$___LAMBDAS_OUT\n" if(defined $___LAMBDAS_OUT); # file where the final weight vector is written
print ZMERT_CFG "-m\t$___METRIC\n";
print ZMERT_CFG "-maxIt\t$___MAX_MERT_ITER\n" if( $___MAX_MERT_ITER); # maximum number of MERT iterations
# print ZMERT_CFG "-prevIt\t$PREV_MERT_ITER\n";
# number of iteration before considering an early exit
# print ZMERT_CFG "-minIt\t$MIN_MERT_ITER\n";
# number of consecutive iterations that must satisfy some early stopping
# criterion to cause an early exit
# print ZMERT_CFG "-stopIt\t$STOP_MIN_ITER\n";
# early exit criterion: no weight changes by more than $LAMBDA_CHANGE;
# default value: -1 (this criterion is never investigated)
# print ZMERT_CFG "-stopSig\t$LAMBDA_CHANGE\n";
# save intermediate decoder config files (1) or decoder outputs (2) or both (3) or neither (0)
print ZMERT_CFG "-save\t$___SAVE_INTER\n";
# print ZMERT_CFG "-ipi\t$INITS_PER_ITER\n"; # number of intermediate initial points per iteration
# print ZMERT_CFG "-opi\t$ONCE_PER_ITER\n"; # modify a parameter only once per iteration;
# print ZMERT_CFG "-rand\t$RAND_INIT\n"; # choose initial points randomly
print ZMERT_CFG "-seed\t$___PREDICTABLE_SEEDS\n" if($___PREDICTABLE_SEEDS); # initialize the random number generator
print ZMERT_CFG "-cmd\t$decoder_cmd_file\n"; # name of file containing commands to run the decoder
print ZMERT_CFG "-decOut\t$nbest_file\n"; # name of the n-best file produced by the decoder
# print ZMERT_CFG "-decExit\t$DECODER_EXIT_CODE\n"; # value returned by decoder after successful exit
print ZMERT_CFG "-dcfg\t$decoder_cfg_inter\n"; # name of intermediate decoder configuration file
print ZMERT_CFG "-N\t$___N_BEST_LIST_SIZE\n";
print ZMERT_CFG "-v\t$___MERT_VERBOSE\n"; # zmert verbosity level (0-2)
print ZMERT_CFG "-decV\t$___DECODER_VERBOSE\n"; # decoder output printed (1) or ignored (0)
close( ZMERT_CFG);
my ($name, $num, $val, $min, $max);
# prepare file with parameters to optimize
open( PARAMS, ">$opt_params") or die "Cannot open file $opt_params with parameters to optimize";
my $optString;
foreach $name (keys %used_triples) {
$num = 0;
foreach my $triple (@{$used_triples{$name}}) {
($val, $min, $max) = @$triple;
my ($minRand, $maxRand) = ($min, $max);
# the file should describe features to optimize in the following format:
# "featureName ||| defValue optString minVal maxVal minRandVal maxRandVal"
# optString can be 'Opt' or 'Fix'
$optString = "Opt";
if( defined $___ACTIVATE_FEATURES and not $active_features{$name."_$num"}) {
$optString = "Fix";
print PARAMS "$name"."_$num ||| $val $optString $min $max $minRand $maxRand\n";
print PARAMS "normalization = $___NORM\n";
close( PARAMS);
# prepare intermediate config file from which moses.ini will be updated before each launch
open( DEC_CFG, ">$decoder_cfg_inter") or die "Cannot open file $decoder_cfg_inter";
foreach $name (keys %used_triples) {
$num = 0;
foreach my $tri (@{$used_triples{$name}}) {
($val, $min, $max) = @$tri;
print DEC_CFG $name."_$num $val\n";
close( DEC_CFG);
open( ITER, ">$iteration_file") or die "Cannot open file $iteration_file";
print ITER "1";
close( ITER);
# launch zmert
my $javaMaxMem = ""; # -maxMem 4000" # use at most 4000MB of memory
my $cmd = "java -cp $zmert_classpath ZMERT $javaMaxMem $zmert_cfg";
print "Zmert start at ".`date`;
if ( 0 && defined $___JOBS) {
# NOT WORKING - this branch needs to init environment variables
safesystem("$qsubwrapper $pass_old_sge -command='$cmd' -stderr=$mert_logfile -queue-parameter='$queue_flags'") or die "Failed to start zmert (via qsubwrapper $qsubwrapper)";
} else {
safesystem("$cmd 2> $mert_logfile") or die "Failed to run zmert";
print "Zmert finished at ".`date`;
# copy optimized moses.ini and original run1.moses.ini to the working directory
my ($config_opt, $config_std, $config_base) = ($___CONFIG, $___CONFIG, "$cwd/moses.abs.ini");
$config_std =~ s/^(.*)\/([^\/]+)$/$1\/run1.$2/;
mergeConfigs( $config_base, $___CONFIG);
mergeConfigs( $config_base, $config_std);
# chdir back to the original directory # useless, just to remind we were not there
} # end of local scope
sub mergeConfigs {
my ($config_base, $config_weights) = @_;
my $config_new = $config_weights;
$config_new =~ s/^.*\///;
open BASE, "<$config_base" or die "Cannot open $config_base";
open WEIGHTS, "<$config_weights" or die "Cannot open $config_weights";
open NEW, ">$config_new" or die "Cannot open $config_new";
my $cont = 1;
my ($b_line, $w_line);
while( $cont) {
$b_line = <BASE>;
$w_line = <WEIGHTS>;
$cont = (defined $b_line and defined $w_line);
if( $b_line =~ /^\[weight-/) {
if( $w_line !~ /^\[weight-/) { die "mergeConfigs: $config_base and $config_weights do not have the same format"; }
print NEW $w_line;
$b_line = <BASE>; $w_line = <WEIGHTS>;
while( $w_line =~ /\d/) {
print NEW $w_line;
$b_line = <BASE>; $w_line = <WEIGHTS>;
print NEW $b_line;
} else {
print NEW $b_line;
close BASE;
close WEIGHTS;
close NEW;
sub dump_triples {
my $triples = shift;
foreach my $name (keys %$triples) {
foreach my $triple (@{$triples->{$name}}) {
my ($val, $min, $max) = @$triple;
sub safesystem {
print STDERR "Executing: @_\n";
if ($? == -1) {
print STDERR "Failed to execute: @_\n $!\n";
elsif ($? & 127) {
printf STDERR "Execution of: @_\n died with signal %d, %s coredump\n",
($? & 127), ($? & 128) ? 'with' : 'without';
else {
my $exitcode = $? >> 8;
print STDERR "Exit code: $exitcode\n" if $exitcode;
return ! $exitcode;
sub ensure_full_path {
my $PATH = shift;
$PATH =~ s/\/nfsmnt//;
return $PATH if $PATH =~ /^\//;
my $dir = `pawd 2>/dev/null`;
if(!$dir){$dir = `pwd`;}
$PATH = $dir."/".$PATH;
$PATH =~ s/[\r\n]//g;
$PATH =~ s/\/\.\//\//g;
$PATH =~ s/\/+/\//g;
my $sanity = 0;
while($PATH =~ /\/\.\.\// && $sanity++<10) {
$PATH =~ s/\/+/\//g;
$PATH =~ s/\/[^\/]+\/\.\.\//\//g;
$PATH =~ s/\/[^\/]+\/\.\.$//;
$PATH =~ s/\/+$//;
$PATH =~ s/\/nfsmnt//;
return $PATH;
sub scan_config {
my $ini = shift;
my $inishortname = $ini; $inishortname =~ s/^.*\///; # for error reporting
# we get a pre-filled counts, because some lambdas are always needed (word penalty, for instance)
# as we walk though the ini file, we record how many extra lambdas do we need
# and finally, we report it
# in which field (counting from zero) is the filename to check?
my %where_is_filename = (
"ttable-file" => 3,
"generation-file" => 3,
"lmodel-file" => 3,
"distortion-file" => 3,
"global-lexical-file" => 1,
# by default, each line of each section means one lambda, but some sections
# explicitly state a custom number of lambdas
my %where_is_lambda_count = (
"ttable-file" => 2,
"generation-file" => 2,
"distortion-file" => 2,
open INI, $ini or die "Can't read $ini";
my $section = undef; # name of the section we are reading
my $shortname = undef; # the corresponding short name
my $nr = 0;
my $error = 0;
my %defined_files;
my %defined_steps; # check the ini file for compatible mapping steps and actually defined files
while (<INI>) {
next if /^\s*#/; # skip comments
if (/^\[([^\]]*)\]\s*$/) {
$section = $1;
$shortname = $TABLECONFIG2ABBR{$section};
if (defined $section && $section eq "mapping") {
# keep track of mapping steps used
$defined_steps{$1}++ if /^([TG])/ || /^\d+ ([TG])/;
if (defined $section && defined $where_is_filename{$section}) {
print "$section -> $where_is_filename{$section}\n";
# this ini section is relevant to lambdas
my @flds = split / +/;
my $fn = $flds[$where_is_filename{$section}];
if (defined $fn && $fn !~ /^\s+$/) {
print "checking weight-count for $section\n";
# this is a filename! check it
if ($fn !~ /^\//) {
$error = 1;
print STDERR "$inishortname:$nr:Filename not absolute: $fn\n";
if (! -s $fn && ! -s "$fn.gz" && ! -s "$fn.binphr.idx" && ! -s "$fn.binlexr.idx" ) {
$error = 1;
print STDERR "$inishortname:$nr:File does not exist or empty: $fn\n";
# remember the number of files used, to know how many lambdas do we need
die "No short name was defined for section $section!"
if ! defined $shortname;
# how many lambdas does this model need?
# either specified explicitly, or the default, i.e. one
my $needlambdas = defined $where_is_lambda_count{$section} ? $flds[$where_is_lambda_count{$section}] : 1;
print STDERR "Config needs $needlambdas lambdas for $section (i.e. $shortname)\n" if $verbose;
if (!defined $___LAMBDA && (!defined $additional_triples->{$shortname} || scalar(@{$additional_triples->{$shortname}}) < $needlambdas)) {
print STDERR "$inishortname:$nr:Your model $shortname needs $needlambdas weights but we define the default ranges for only "
.scalar(@{$additional_triples->{$shortname}})." weights. Cannot use the default, you must supply lambdas by hand.\n";
$error = 1;
else {
# note: table may use less parameters than the maximum number
# of triples
for(my $lambda=0;$lambda<$needlambdas;$lambda++) {
my ($start, $min, $max)
= @{${$additional_triples->{$shortname}}[$lambda]};
push @{$used_triples{$shortname}}, [$start, $min, $max];
die "$inishortname: File was empty!" if !$nr;
close INI;
for my $pair (qw/T=tm=translation G=g=generation/) {
my ($tg, $shortname, $label) = split /=/, $pair;
$defined_files{$shortname} = 0 if ! defined $defined_files{$shortname};
$defined_steps{$tg} = 0 if ! defined $defined_steps{$tg};
if ($defined_files{$shortname} != $defined_steps{$tg}) {
print STDERR "$inishortname: You defined $defined_files{$shortname} files for $label but use $defined_steps{$tg} in [mapping]!\n";
$error = 1;
# distance-based distortion
if ($___ASYNC == 1)
print STDERR "ASYNC distortion & word penalty";
my @my_array;
for(my $i=0 ; $i < $defined_steps{"T"} ; $i++)
push @my_array, [ 1.0, 0.0, 2.0 ];
push @{$used_triples{"d"}}, @my_array;
@my_array = ();
for(my $i=0 ; $i < $defined_steps{"T"} ; $i++)
push @my_array, [ 0.5, -1.0, 1.0 ];
push @{$used_triples{"w"}}, @my_array;
# debug print
print "distortion:";
my $refarray=$used_triples{"d"};
my @vector=@$refarray;
foreach my $subarray (@vector) {
my @toto=@$subarray;
print @toto,"\n";
#exit 1;
print STDERR "SYNC distortion";
push @{$used_triples{"d"}}, [1.0, 0.0, 2.0];
exit(1) if $error;
return (\%defined_files);