2008-06-10 13:07:20 +04:00
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id: mert-moses.pl 1745 2008-05-16 15:54:02Z phkoehn $
# Usage:
# mert-moses.pl <foreign> <english> <decoder-executable> <decoder-config>
# For other options see below or run 'mert-moses.pl --help'
# Notes:
# <foreign> and <english> should be raw text files, one sentence per line
# <english> can be a prefix, in which case the files are <english>0, <english>1, etc. are used
# Revision history
2009-08-05 20:39:06 +04:00
# 5 Aug 2009 Handling with different reference length policies (shortest, average, closest) for BLEU
# and case-sensistive/insensitive evaluation (Nicola Bertoldi)
2008-06-10 13:07:20 +04:00
# 5 Jun 2008 Forked previous version to support new mert implementation.
# 13 Feb 2007 Better handling of default values for lambda, now works with multiple
# models and lexicalized reordering
# 11 Oct 2006 Handle different input types through parameter --inputype=[0|1]
# (0 for text, 1 for confusion network, default is 0) (Nicola Bertoldi)
# 10 Oct 2006 Allow skip of filtering of phrase tables (--no-filter-phrase-table)
# useful if binary phrase tables are used (Nicola Bertoldi)
# 28 Aug 2006 Use either closest or average or shortest (default) reference
# length as effective reference length
# Use either normalization or not (default) of texts (Nicola Bertoldi)
# 31 Jul 2006 move gzip run*.out to avoid failure wit restartings
# adding default paths
# 29 Jul 2006 run-filter, score-nbest and mert run on the queue (Nicola; Ondrej had to type it in again)
# 28 Jul 2006 attempt at foolproof usage, strong checking of input validity, merged the parallel and nonparallel version (Ondrej Bojar)
# 27 Jul 2006 adding the safesystem() function to handle with process failure
# 22 Jul 2006 fixed a bug about handling relative path of configuration file (Nicola Bertoldi)
# 21 Jul 2006 adapted for Moses-in-parallel (Nicola Bertoldi)
# 18 Jul 2006 adapted for Moses and cleaned up (PK)
# 21 Jan 2005 unified various versions, thorough cleanup (DWC)
# now indexing accumulated n-best list solely by feature vectors
# 14 Dec 2004 reimplemented find_threshold_points in C (NMD)
# 25 Oct 2004 Use either average or shortest (default) reference
# length as effective reference length (DWC)
# 13 Oct 2004 Use alternative decoders (DWC)
# Original version by Philipp Koehn
use FindBin qw( $Bin ) ;
use File::Basename ;
my $ SCRIPTS_ROOTDIR = $ Bin ;
$ SCRIPTS_ROOTDIR =~ s/\/training$// ;
# for each _d_istortion, _l_anguage _m_odel, _t_ranslation _m_odel and _w_ord penalty, there is a list
# of [ default value, lower bound, upper bound ]-triples. In most cases, only one triple is used,
# but the translation model has currently 5 features
# defaults for initial values and ranges are:
my $ default_triples = {
# these two basic models exist even if not specified, they are
# not associated with any model file
"w" = > [ [ 0.0 , - 1.0 , 1.0 ] ] , # word penalty
} ;
my $ additional_triples = {
# if the more lambda parameters for the weights are needed
# (due to additional tables) use the following values for them
"d" = > [ [ 1.0 , 0.0 , 2.0 ] , # lexicalized reordering model
[ 1.0 , 0.0 , 2.0 ] ,
[ 1.0 , 0.0 , 2.0 ] ,
[ 1.0 , 0.0 , 2.0 ] ,
[ 1.0 , 0.0 , 2.0 ] ,
[ 1.0 , 0.0 , 2.0 ] ,
[ 1.0 , 0.0 , 2.0 ] ] ,
"lm" = > [ [ 1.0 , 0.0 , 2.0 ] ] , # language model
"g" = > [ [ 1.0 , 0.0 , 2.0 ] , # generation model
[ 1.0 , 0.0 , 2.0 ] ] ,
"tm" = > [ [ 0.3 , 0.0 , 0.5 ] , # translation model
[ 0.2 , 0.0 , 0.5 ] ,
[ 0.3 , 0.0 , 0.5 ] ,
[ 0.2 , 0.0 , 0.5 ] ,
[ 0.0 , - 1.0 , 1.0 ] ] , # ... last weight is phrase penalty
2009-05-26 23:30:35 +04:00
"lex" = > [ [ 0.1 , 0.0 , 0.2 ] ] , # global lexical model
2008-06-10 13:07:20 +04:00
} ;
# moses.ini file uses FULL names for lambdas, while this training script internally (and on the command line)
# uses ABBR names.
2009-05-26 23:30:35 +04:00
my $ ABBR_FULL_MAP = "d=weight-d lm=weight-l tm=weight-t w=weight-w g=weight-generation lex=weight-lex" ;
2008-06-10 13:07:20 +04:00
my % ABBR2FULL = map { split /=/ , $ _ , 2 } split /\s+/ , $ ABBR_FULL_MAP ;
my % FULL2ABBR = map { my ( $ a , $ b ) = split /=/ , $ _ , 2 ; ( $ b , $ a ) ; } split /\s+/ , $ ABBR_FULL_MAP ;
# We parse moses.ini to figure out how many weights do we need to optimize.
# For this, we must know the correspondence between options defining files
# for models and options assigning weights to these models.
2009-05-26 23:30:35 +04:00
my $ TABLECONFIG_ABBR_MAP = "ttable-file=tm lmodel-file=lm distortion-file=d generation-file=g global-lexical-file=lex" ;
2008-06-10 13:07:20 +04:00
my % TABLECONFIG2ABBR = map { split ( /=/ , $ _ , 2 ) } split /\s+/ , $ TABLECONFIG_ABBR_MAP ;
# There are weights that do not correspond to any input file, they just increase the total number of lambdas we optimize
#my $extra_lambdas_for_model = {
# "w" => 1, # word penalty
# "d" => 1, # basic distortion
my $ minimum_required_change_in_weights = 0.00001 ;
# stop if no lambda changes more than this
my $ verbose = 0 ;
my $ usage = 0 ; # request for --help
my $ ___WORKING_DIR = "mert-work" ;
my $ ___DEV_F = undef ; # required, input text to decode
my $ ___DEV_E = undef ; # required, basename of files with references
my $ ___DECODER = undef ; # required, pathname to the decoder executable
my $ ___CONFIG = undef ; # required, pathname to startup ini file
my $ ___N_BEST_LIST_SIZE = 100 ;
my $ queue_flags = "-l mem_free=0.5G -hard" ; # extra parameters for parallelizer
# the -l ws0ssmt is relevant only to JHU workshop
my $ ___JOBS = undef ; # if parallel, number of jobs to use (undef -> serial)
my $ ___DECODER_FLAGS = "" ; # additional parametrs to pass to the decoder
my $ ___LAMBDA = undef ; # string specifying the seed weights and boundaries of all lambdas
my $ continue = 0 ; # should we try to continue from the last saved step?
my $ skip_decoder = 0 ; # and should we skip the first decoder run (assuming we got interrupted during mert)
my $ ___FILTER_PHRASE_TABLE = 1 ; # filter phrase table
2009-02-25 22:31:17 +03:00
2008-06-10 13:07:20 +04:00
# set 1 if using with async decoder
my $ ___ASYNC = 0 ;
# Parameter for effective reference length when computing BLEU score
# Default is to use shortest reference
2009-08-05 20:39:06 +04:00
# Use "--shortest" to use shortest reference length
2008-06-10 13:07:20 +04:00
# Use "--average" to use average reference length
# Use "--closest" to use closest reference length
2009-08-05 20:39:06 +04:00
# Only one between --shortest, --average and --closest can be set
# If more than one choice the defualt (--shortest) is used
my $ ___SHORTEST = 0 ;
2008-06-10 13:07:20 +04:00
my $ ___AVERAGE = 0 ;
my $ ___CLOSEST = 0 ;
2009-08-05 20:39:06 +04:00
# Use "--nocase" to compute case-insensitive scores
2009-10-01 11:44:30 +04:00
my $ ___NOCASE = 0 ;
2009-08-05 20:39:06 +04:00
# Use "--nonorm" to non normalize translation before computing scores
2008-06-10 13:07:20 +04:00
my $ ___NONORM = 0 ;
# set 0 if input type is text, set 1 if input type is confusion network
my $ ___INPUTTYPE = 0 ;
my $ allow_unknown_lambdas = 0 ;
my $ allow_skipping_lambdas = 0 ;
my $ mertdir = undef ; # path to new mert directory
2008-06-24 23:27:18 +04:00
my $ mertargs = undef ; # args to pass through to mert
2008-06-10 13:07:20 +04:00
my $ pythonpath = undef ; # path to python libraries needed by cmert
my $ filtercmd = undef ; # path to filter-model-given-input.pl
my $ SCORENBESTCMD = undef ;
my $ qsubwrapper = undef ;
my $ moses_parallel_cmd = undef ;
my $ old_sge = 0 ; # assume sge<6.0
my $ ___CONFIG_BAK = undef ; # backup pathname to startup ini file
my $ obo_scorenbest = undef ; # set to pathname to a Ondrej Bojar's scorer (not included
# in scripts distribution)
my $ efficient_scorenbest_flag = undef ; # set to 1 to activate a time-efficient scoring of nbest lists
# (this method is more memory-consumptive)
my $ ___ACTIVATE_FEATURES = undef ; # comma-separated (or blank-separated) list of features to work on
# if undef work on all features
# (others are fixed to the starting values)
2008-12-30 20:33:16 +03:00
my $ prev_aggregate_nbl_size = - 1 ; # number of previous step to consider when loading data (default =-1)
# -1 means all previous, i.e. from iteration 1
# 0 means no previous data, i.e. from actual iteration
# 1 means 1 previous data , i.e. from the actual iteration and from the previous one
# and so on
2008-06-10 13:07:20 +04:00
use strict ;
use Getopt::Long ;
GetOptions (
"working-dir=s" = > \ $ ___WORKING_DIR ,
"input=s" = > \ $ ___DEV_F ,
"inputtype=i" = > \ $ ___INPUTTYPE ,
"refs=s" = > \ $ ___DEV_E ,
"decoder=s" = > \ $ ___DECODER ,
"config=s" = > \ $ ___CONFIG ,
"nbest=i" = > \ $ ___N_BEST_LIST_SIZE ,
"queue-flags=s" = > \ $ queue_flags ,
"jobs=i" = > \ $ ___JOBS ,
"decoder-flags=s" = > \ $ ___DECODER_FLAGS ,
"lambdas=s" = > \ $ ___LAMBDA ,
"continue" = > \ $ continue ,
"skip-decoder" = > \ $ skip_decoder ,
2009-08-05 20:39:06 +04:00
"shortest" = > \ $ ___SHORTEST ,
2008-06-10 13:07:20 +04:00
"average" = > \ $ ___AVERAGE ,
"closest" = > \ $ ___CLOSEST ,
2009-08-05 20:39:06 +04:00
"nocase" = > \ $ ___NOCASE ,
2008-06-10 13:07:20 +04:00
"nonorm" = > \ $ ___NONORM ,
"help" = > \ $ usage ,
"allow-unknown-lambdas" = > \ $ allow_unknown_lambdas ,
"allow-skipping-lambdas" = > \ $ allow_skipping_lambdas ,
"verbose" = > \ $ verbose ,
"mertdir=s" = > \ $ mertdir ,
2008-06-24 23:27:18 +04:00
"mertargs=s" = > \ $ mertargs ,
2008-06-10 13:07:20 +04:00
"rootdir=s" = > \ $ SCRIPTS_ROOTDIR ,
"pythonpath=s" = > \ $ pythonpath ,
"filtercmd=s" = > \ $ filtercmd , # allow to override the default location
"scorenbestcmd=s" = > \ $ SCORENBESTCMD , # path to score-nbest.py
"qsubwrapper=s" = > \ $ qsubwrapper , # allow to override the default location
"mosesparallelcmd=s" = > \ $ moses_parallel_cmd , # allow to override the default location
"old-sge" = > \ $ old_sge , #passed to moses-parallel
"filter-phrase-table!" = > \ $ ___FILTER_PHRASE_TABLE , # allow (disallow)filtering of phrase tables
2009-02-25 22:31:17 +03:00
"predictable-seeds" = > \ $ ___PREDICTABLE_SEEDS , # allow (disallow) switch on/off reseeding of random restarts
2008-06-10 13:07:20 +04:00
"obo-scorenbest=s" = > \ $ obo_scorenbest , # see above
"efficient_scorenbest_flag" = > \ $ efficient_scorenbest_flag , # activate a time-efficient scoring of nbest lists
"async=i" = > \ $ ___ASYNC , #whether script to be used with async decoder
"activate-features=s" = > \ $ ___ACTIVATE_FEATURES , #comma-separated (or blank-separated) list of features to work on (others are fixed to the starting values)
2008-12-30 20:33:16 +03:00
"prev-aggregate-nbestlist=i" = > \ $ prev_aggregate_nbl_size , #number of previous step to consider when loading data (default =-1, i.e. all previous)
2008-06-10 13:07:20 +04:00
) or exit ( 1 ) ;
2009-02-25 22:31:17 +03:00
print "Predict $___PREDICTABLE_SEEDS\n" ;
2008-06-10 13:07:20 +04:00
# the 4 required parameters can be supplied on the command line directly
# or using the --options
if ( scalar @ ARGV == 4 ) {
# required parameters: input_file references_basename decoder_executable
$ ___DEV_F = shift ;
$ ___DEV_E = shift ;
$ ___DECODER = shift ;
$ ___CONFIG = shift ;
if ( $ ___ASYNC ) {
delete $ default_triples - > { "w" } ;
$ additional_triples - > { "w" } = [ [ 0.0 , - 1.0 , 1.0 ] ] ;
print STDERR "After default: $queue_flags\n" ;
2009-10-01 11:44:30 +04:00
if ( $ usage || ! defined $ ___DEV_F || ! defined $ ___DEV_E || ! defined $ ___DECODER || ! defined $ ___CONFIG ) {
2008-06-24 23:27:18 +04:00
print STDERR " usage: mert - moses - new . pl input - text references decoder - executable decoder . ini
2008-06-10 13:07:20 +04:00
- - working - dir = mert - dir ... where all the files are created
- - nbest = 100 ... how big nbestlist to generate
- - jobs = N ... set this to anything to run moses in parallel
- - mosesparallelcmd = STRING ... use a different script instead of moses - parallel
- - queue - flags = STRING ... anything you with to pass to
qsub , eg . '-l ws06osssmt=true'
The default is
- l mem_free = 0.5 G - hard
To reset the parameters , please use \ " - - queue - flags = ' ' \ " ( i . e . a space between
the quotes ) .
- - decoder - flags = STRING ... extra parameters for the decoder
- - lambdas = STRING ... default values and ranges for lambdas , a complex string
such as 'd:1,0.5-1.5 lm:1,0.5-1.5 tm:0.3,0.25-0.75;0.2,0.25-0.75;0.2,0.25-0.75;0.3,0.25-0.75;0,-0.5-0.5 w:0,-0.5-0.5'
- - allow - unknown - lambdas ... keep going even if someone supplies a new lambda
in the lambdas option ( such as 'superbmodel:1,0-1' ) ; optimize it , too
- - continue ... continue from the last achieved state
- - skip - decoder ... skip the decoder run for the first time , assuming that
we got interrupted during optimization
2009-08-05 20:54:33 +04:00
- - shortest ... Use shortest reference length as effective reference length ( mutually exclusive with - - average and - - closest )
- - average ... Use average reference length as effective reference length ( mutually exclusive with - - shortest and - - closest )
- - closest ... Use closest reference length as effective reference length ( mutually exclusive with - - shortest and - - average )
2009-08-05 20:39:06 +04:00
- - nocase ... Do not preserve case information ; i . e . case - insensitive evaluation ( default is false )
2009-08-05 20:54:33 +04:00
- - nonorm ... Do not use text normalization ( flag is not active , i . e . text is NOT normalized )
2008-06-10 13:07:20 +04:00
- - filtercmd = STRING ... path to filter - model - given - input . pl
- - rootdir = STRING ... where do helpers reside ( if not given explicitly )
- - mertdir = STRING ... path to new mert implementation
2008-06-24 23:27:18 +04:00
- - mertargs = STRING ... extra args for mert , eg to specify scorer
2008-06-10 13:07:20 +04:00
- - pythonpath = STRING ... where is python executable
- - scorenbestcmd = STRING ... path to score - nbest . py
- - old - sge ... passed to moses - parallel , assume Sun Grid Engine < 6.0
- - inputtype = [ 0 | 1 | 2 ] ... Handle different input types ( 0 for text , 1 for confusion network , 2 for lattices , default is 0 )
- - no - filter - phrase - table ... disallow filtering of phrase tables
( useful if binary phrase tables are available )
2009-02-25 22:31:17 +03:00
- - predictable - seeds ... provide predictable seeds to mert so that random restarts are the same on every run
2008-06-10 13:07:20 +04:00
- - efficient_scorenbest_flag ... activate a time - efficient scoring of nbest lists
( this method is more memory - consumptive )
- - activate - features = STRING ... comma - separated list of features to work on
( if undef work on all features )
# (others are fixed to the starting values)
2008-12-30 20:33:16 +03:00
- - prev - aggregate - nbestlist = INT ... number of previous step to consider when loading data ( default = - 1 )
- 1 means all previous , i . e . from iteration 1
0 means no previous data , i . e . from actual iteration
1 means 1 previous data , i . e . from the actual iteration and from the previous one
and so on
2008-06-10 13:07:20 +04:00
" ;
exit 1 ;
# update variables if input is confusion network
if ( $ ___INPUTTYPE == 1 )
$ ABBR_FULL_MAP = "$ABBR_FULL_MAP I=weight-i" ;
% ABBR2FULL = map { split /=/ , $ _ , 2 } split /\s+/ , $ ABBR_FULL_MAP ;
% FULL2ABBR = map { my ( $ a , $ b ) = split /=/ , $ _ , 2 ; ( $ b , $ a ) ; } split /\s+/ , $ ABBR_FULL_MAP ;
push @ { $ default_triples - > { "I" } } , [ 1.0 , 0.0 , 2.0 ] ;
#$extra_lambdas_for_model -> {"I"} = 1; #Confusion network posterior
# update variables if input is lattice
if ( $ ___INPUTTYPE == 2 )
# Check validity of input parameters and set defaults if needed
# path of script for filtering phrase tables and running the decoder
$ filtercmd = "$SCRIPTS_ROOTDIR/training/filter-model-given-input.pl" if ! defined $ filtercmd ;
$ qsubwrapper = "$SCRIPTS_ROOTDIR/generic/qsub-wrapper.pl" if ! defined $ qsubwrapper ;
$ moses_parallel_cmd = "$SCRIPTS_ROOTDIR/generic/moses-parallel.pl"
if ! defined $ moses_parallel_cmd ;
die "Error: need to specify the mert directory" if ! defined $ mertdir ;
my $ mert_extract_cmd = "$mertdir/extractor" ;
my $ mert_mert_cmd = "$mertdir/mert" ;
die "Not executable: $mert_extract_cmd" if ! - x $ mert_extract_cmd ;
die "Not executable: $mert_mert_cmd" if ! - x $ mert_mert_cmd ;
2008-06-24 23:27:18 +04:00
$ mertargs = "" if ! defined $ mertargs ;
2009-08-05 20:39:06 +04:00
my $ scconfig = undef ;
if ( $ mertargs =~ /\-\-scconfig\s+(.+?)(\s|$)/ ) {
$ scconfig = $ 1 ;
$ scconfig =~ s/\,/ /g ;
$ mertargs =~ s/\-\-scconfig\s+(.+?)(\s|$)// ;
# handling reference lengh strategy
if ( ( $ ___CLOSEST + $ ___AVERAGE + $ ___SHORTEST ) > 1 ) {
die "You can specify just ONE reference length strategy (closest or shortest or average) not both\n" ;
if ( $ ___SHORTEST ) {
$ scconfig . = " reflen:shortest" ;
} elsif ( $ ___AVERAGE ) {
$ scconfig . = " reflen:average" ;
} elsif ( $ ___CLOSEST ) {
$ scconfig . = " reflen:closest" ;
# handling case-insensitive flag
if ( $ ___NOCASE ) {
$ scconfig . = " case:false" ;
} else {
$ scconfig . = " case:true" ;
$ scconfig =~ s/^\s+// ;
$ scconfig =~ s/\s+$// ;
$ scconfig =~ s/\s+/,/g ;
$ scconfig = "--scconfig $scconfig" if ( $ scconfig ) ;
2008-12-30 20:33:16 +03:00
my $ mert_extract_args = $ mertargs ;
2009-08-05 20:39:06 +04:00
$ mert_extract_args . = " $scconfig" ;
2008-12-30 20:33:16 +03:00
my $ mert_mert_args = $ mertargs ;
$ mert_mert_args =~ s/\-+(binary|b)\b// ;
2009-08-05 20:39:06 +04:00
$ mert_mert_args . = " $scconfig" ;
2008-06-24 23:27:18 +04:00
2008-06-10 13:07:20 +04:00
my ( $ just_cmd_filtercmd , $ x ) = split ( / / , $ filtercmd ) ;
die "Not executable: $just_cmd_filtercmd" if ! - x $ just_cmd_filtercmd ;
die "Not executable: $moses_parallel_cmd" if defined $ ___JOBS && ! - x $ moses_parallel_cmd ;
die "Not executable: $qsubwrapper" if defined $ ___JOBS && ! - x $ qsubwrapper ;
die "Not executable: $___DECODER" if ! - x $ ___DECODER ;
if ( defined $ obo_scorenbest ) {
die "Not executable: $obo_scorenbest" if ! - x $ ___DECODER ;
die "Ondrej's scorenbest supports only closest ref length"
if $ ___AVERAGE ;
my $ input_abs = ensure_full_path ( $ ___DEV_F ) ;
die "File not found: $___DEV_F (interpreted as $input_abs)."
if ! - e $ input_abs ;
$ ___DEV_F = $ input_abs ;
# Option to pass to qsubwrapper and moses-parallel
my $ pass_old_sge = $ old_sge ? "-old-sge" : "" ;
my $ decoder_abs = ensure_full_path ( $ ___DECODER ) ;
die "File not found: $___DECODER (interpreted as $decoder_abs)."
if ! - x $ decoder_abs ;
$ ___DECODER = $ decoder_abs ;
my $ ref_abs = ensure_full_path ( $ ___DEV_E ) ;
# check if English dev set (reference translations) exist and store a list of all references
my @ references ;
if ( - e $ ref_abs ) {
push @ references , $ ref_abs ;
else {
# if multiple file, get a full list of the files
my $ part = 0 ;
while ( - e $ ref_abs . $ part ) {
push @ references , $ ref_abs . $ part ;
$ part + + ;
die ( "Reference translations not found: $___DEV_E (interpreted as $ref_abs)" ) unless $ part ;
my $ config_abs = ensure_full_path ( $ ___CONFIG ) ;
die "File not found: $___CONFIG (interpreted as $config_abs)."
if ! - e $ config_abs ;
$ ___CONFIG = $ config_abs ;
# check validity of moses.ini and collect number of models and lambdas per model
# need to make a copy of $extra_lambdas_for_model, scan_config spoils it
#my %copy_of_extra_lambdas_for_model = %$extra_lambdas_for_model;
my % used_triples = % { $ default_triples } ;
my ( $ models_used ) = scan_config ( $ ___CONFIG ) ;
# Parse the lambda config string and convert it to a nice structure in the same format as $used_triples
if ( defined $ ___LAMBDA ) {
my % specified_triples ;
# interpreting lambdas from command line
foreach ( split ( /\s+/ , $ ___LAMBDA ) ) {
my ( $ name , $ values ) = split ( /:/ ) ;
die "Malformed setting: '$_', expected name:values\n" if ! defined $ name || ! defined $ values ;
foreach my $ startminmax ( split /;/ , $ values ) {
if ( $ startminmax =~ /^(-?[\.\d]+),(-?[\.\d]+)-(-?[\.\d]+)$/ ) {
my $ start = $ 1 ;
my $ min = $ 2 ;
my $ max = $ 3 ;
push @ { $ specified_triples { $ name } } , [ $ start , $ min , $ max ] ;
else {
die "Malformed feature range definition: $name => $startminmax\n" ;
# sanity checks for specified lambda triples
foreach my $ name ( keys % used_triples ) {
die "No lambdas specified for '$name', but " . ( $# { $ used_triples { $ name } } + 1 ) . " needed.\n"
unless defined ( $ specified_triples { $ name } ) ;
die "Number of lambdas specified for '$name' (" . ( $# { $ specified_triples { $ name } } + 1 ) . ") does not match number needed (" . ( $# { $ used_triples { $ name } } + 1 ) . ")\n"
if ( ( $# { $ used_triples { $ name } } ) != ( $# { $ specified_triples { $ name } } ) ) ;
foreach my $ name ( keys % specified_triples ) {
die "Lambdas specified for '$name' " . ( @ { $ specified_triples { $ name } } ) . ", but none needed.\n"
unless defined ( $ used_triples { $ name } ) ;
% used_triples = % specified_triples ;
# moses should use our config
if ( $ ___DECODER_FLAGS =~ /(^|\s)-(config|f) /
|| $ ___DECODER_FLAGS =~ /(^|\s)-(ttable-file|t) /
|| $ ___DECODER_FLAGS =~ /(^|\s)-(distortion-file) /
|| $ ___DECODER_FLAGS =~ /(^|\s)-(generation-file) /
|| $ ___DECODER_FLAGS =~ /(^|\s)-(lmodel-file) /
2009-05-26 23:30:35 +04:00
|| $ ___DECODER_FLAGS =~ /(^|\s)-(global-lexical-file) /
2008-06-10 13:07:20 +04:00
) {
die "It is forbidden to supply any of -config, -ttable-file, -distortion-file, -generation-file or -lmodel-file in the --decoder-flags.\nPlease use only the --config option to give the config file that lists all the supplementary files." ;
# as weights are normalized in the next steps (by cmert)
# normalize initial LAMBDAs, too
my $ need_to_normalize = 1 ;
my @ order_of_lambdas_from_decoder = ( ) ;
# this will store the labels of scores coming out of the decoder (and hence the order of lambdas coming out of mert)
# we will use the array to interpret the lambdas
# the array gets filled with labels only after first nbestlist was generated
#store current directory and create the working directory (if needed)
my $ cwd = `pawd 2>/dev/null` ;
if ( ! $ cwd ) { $ cwd = `pwd` ; }
chomp ( $ cwd ) ;
safesystem ( "mkdir -p $___WORKING_DIR" ) or die "Can't mkdir $___WORKING_DIR" ;
# open local scope
#chdir to the working directory
chdir ( $ ___WORKING_DIR ) or die "Can't chdir to $___WORKING_DIR" ;
# fixed file names
my $ mert_logfile = "mert.log" ;
my $ weights_in_file = "init.opt" ;
my $ weights_out_file = "weights.txt" ;
# set start run
my $ start_run = 1 ;
if ( $ continue ) {
die "continue not yet supported by the new mert script\nNeed to load features and scores from last iteration\n" ;
# need to load last best values
print STDERR "Trying to continue an interrupted optimization.\n" ;
open IN , "finished_step.txt" or die "Failed to find the step number, failed to read finished_step.txt" ;
my $ step = <IN> ;
chomp $ step ;
$ step + + ;
close IN ;
if ( ! - e "run$step.best$___N_BEST_LIST_SIZE.out.gz" ) {
# allow stepping one extra iteration back
$ step - - ;
die "Can't start from step $step, because run$step.best$___N_BEST_LIST_SIZE.out.gz was not found!"
if ! - e "run$step.best$___N_BEST_LIST_SIZE.out.gz" ;
$ start_run = $ step + 1 ;
print STDERR "Reading last cached lambda values (result from step $step)\n" ;
@ order_of_lambdas_from_decoder = get_order_of_scores_from_nbestlist ( "gunzip -c < run$step.best$___N_BEST_LIST_SIZE.out.gz |" ) ;
open IN , "$weights_out_file" or die "Can't read $weights_out_file" ;
my $ newweights = <IN> ;
chomp $ newweights ;
close IN ;
my @ newweights = split /\s+/ , $ newweights ;
store_new_lambda_values ( \ % used_triples , \ @ order_of_lambdas_from_decoder , \ @ newweights ) ;
# filter the phrase tables wih respect to input, use --decoder-flags
print "filtering the phrase tables... " . `date` ;
my $ cmd = "$filtercmd ./filtered $___CONFIG $___DEV_F" ;
if ( defined $ ___JOBS ) {
safesystem ( "$qsubwrapper $pass_old_sge -command='$cmd' -queue-parameter=\"$queue_flags\" -stdout=filterphrases.out -stderr=filterphrases.err" )
or die "Failed to submit filtering of tables to the queue (via $qsubwrapper)" ;
} else {
safesystem ( $ cmd ) or die "Failed to filter the tables." ;
# make a backup copy of startup ini file
$ ___CONFIG_BAK = $ ___CONFIG ;
# the decoder should now use the filtered model
$ ___CONFIG = "filtered/moses.ini" ;
else {
# do not filter phrase tables (useful if binary phrase tables are available)
# use the original configuration file
$ ___CONFIG_BAK = $ ___CONFIG ;
#$PARAMETERS = $___DECODER_FLAGS . " -config $___CONFIG -inputtype $___INPUTTYPE";
my $ devbleu = undef ;
my $ bestpoint = undef ;
my $ run = $ start_run - 1 ;
my $ oldallsorted = undef ;
my $ allsorted = undef ;
my $ cmd ;
# features and scores from the last run.
my $ prev_feature_file = undef ;
my $ prev_score_file = undef ;
my $ nbest_file = undef ;
while ( 1 ) {
$ run + + ;
# run beamdecoder with option to output nbestlists
# the end result should be (1) @NBEST_LIST, a list of lists; (2) @SCORE, a list of lists of lists
print "run $run start at " . `date` ;
# In case something dies later, we might wish to have a copy
create_config ( $ ___CONFIG , "./run$run.moses.ini" , \ % used_triples , $ run , ( defined $ devbleu ? $ devbleu: "--not-estimated--" ) ) ;
# skip if the user wanted
if ( ! $ skip_decoder ) {
print "($run) run decoder to produce n-best lists\n" ;
$ nbest_file = run_decoder ( \ % used_triples , $ PARAMETERS , $ run , \ @ order_of_lambdas_from_decoder , $ need_to_normalize ) ;
$ need_to_normalize = 0 ;
safesystem ( "gzip -f $nbest_file" ) or die "Failed to gzip run*out" ;
$ nbest_file = $ nbest_file . ".gz" ;
else {
die "Skipping not yet supported\n" ;
#print "skipped decoder run\n";
#if (0 == scalar @order_of_lambdas_from_decoder) {
# @order_of_lambdas_from_decoder = get_order_of_scores_from_nbestlist("gunzip -dc run*.best*.out.gz | head -1 |");
#$skip_decoder = 0;
#$need_to_normalize = 0;
# extract score statistics and features from the nbest lists
print STDERR "Scoring the nbestlist.\n" ;
2008-12-30 20:33:16 +03:00
my $ base_feature_file = "features.dat" ;
my $ base_score_file = "scores.dat" ;
my $ feature_file = "run$run.${base_feature_file}" ;
my $ score_file = "run$run.${base_score_file}" ;
2009-10-01 20:07:13 +04:00
$ cmd = "$mert_extract_cmd $mert_extract_args --scfile $score_file --ffile $feature_file -r " . join ( "," , @ references ) . " -n $nbest_file" ;
2008-12-30 20:33:16 +03:00
2008-06-10 13:07:20 +04:00
if ( defined $ ___JOBS ) {
safesystem ( "$qsubwrapper $pass_old_sge -command='$cmd' -queue-parameter=\"$queue_flags\" -stdout=extract.out -stderr=extract.err" )
or die "Failed to submit extraction to queue (via $qsubwrapper)" ;
} else {
safesystem ( "$cmd > extract.out 2> extract.err" ) or die "Failed to do extraction of statistics." ;
# Create the initial weights file for mert, in init.opt
# mert reads in the file init.opt containing the current
# values of lambda.
# We need to prepare the files and **the order of the lambdas must
# correspond to the order @order_of_lambdas_from_decoder
# NB: This code is copied from the old version of mert-moses.pl,
# even though the max,min and name are not yet used in the new
# version.
my @ MIN = ( ) ; # lower bounds
my @ MAX = ( ) ; # upper bounds
my @ CURR = ( ) ; # the starting values
my @ NAME = ( ) ; # to which model does the lambda belong
# walk in order of @order_of_lambdas_from_decoder and collect the min,max,val
my % visited = ( ) ;
foreach my $ name ( @ order_of_lambdas_from_decoder ) {
next if $ visited { $ name } ;
$ visited { $ name } = 1 ;
if ( ! defined $ used_triples { $ name } )
die "The decoder produced also some '$name' scores, but we do not know the ranges for them, no way to optimize them\n" ;
my $ count = 0 ;
foreach my $ feature ( @ { $ used_triples { $ name } } ) {
$ count + + ;
my ( $ val , $ min , $ max ) = @$ feature ;
push @ CURR , $ val ;
push @ MIN , $ min ;
push @ MAX , $ max ;
push @ NAME , $ name ;
open ( OUT , "> $weights_in_file" ) or die "Can't write $weights_in_file (WD now $___WORKING_DIR)" ;
print OUT join ( " " , @ CURR ) . "\n" ;
close ( OUT ) ;
# make a backup copy labelled with this run number
safesystem ( "\\cp -f $weights_in_file run$run.$weights_in_file" ) or die ;
my $ DIM = scalar ( @ CURR ) ; # number of lambdas
# run mert
2008-12-30 20:33:16 +03:00
$ cmd = "$mert_mert_cmd -d $DIM $mert_mert_args -n 20" ;
2009-02-25 22:31:17 +03:00
my $ seed = $ run * 1000 ;
$ cmd = $ cmd . " -r $seed" ;
2008-12-30 20:33:16 +03:00
if ( defined $ prev_feature_file ) {
$ cmd = $ cmd . " --ffile $prev_feature_file,$feature_file" ;
else {
$ cmd = $ cmd . " --ffile $feature_file" ;
if ( defined $ prev_score_file ) {
$ cmd = $ cmd . " --scfile $prev_score_file,$score_file" ;
else {
$ cmd = $ cmd . " --scfile $score_file" ;
2009-10-01 20:07:13 +04:00
$ cmd = $ cmd . " --ifile run$run.$weights_in_file" ;
2008-06-10 13:07:20 +04:00
if ( defined $ ___JOBS ) {
safesystem ( "$qsubwrapper $pass_old_sge -command='$cmd' -stderr=$mert_logfile -queue-parameter=\"$queue_flags\"" ) or die "Failed to start mert (via qsubwrapper $qsubwrapper)" ;
} else {
safesystem ( "$cmd 2> $mert_logfile" ) or die "Failed to run mert" ;
die "Optimization failed, file $weights_out_file does not exist or is empty"
if ! - s $ weights_out_file ;
# backup copies
2008-12-30 20:33:16 +03:00
safesystem ( "\\cp -f extract.err run$run.extract.err" ) or die ;
safesystem ( "\\cp -f extract.out run$run.extract.out" ) or die ;
2008-06-10 13:07:20 +04:00
safesystem ( "\\cp -f $mert_logfile run$run.$mert_logfile" ) or die ;
2008-12-30 20:33:16 +03:00
safesystem ( "touch $mert_logfile run$run.$mert_logfile" ) or die ;
2008-06-10 13:07:20 +04:00
safesystem ( "\\cp -f $weights_out_file run$run.$weights_out_file" ) or die ; # this one is needed for restarts, too
print "run $run end at " . `date` ;
$ bestpoint = undef ;
$ devbleu = undef ;
2008-12-30 20:33:16 +03:00
open ( IN , "run$run.$mert_logfile" ) or die "Can't open run$run.$mert_logfile" ;
2008-06-10 13:07:20 +04:00
while ( <IN> ) {
2008-12-30 20:33:16 +03:00
if ( /Best point:\s*([\s\d\.\-e]+?)\s*=> ([\-\d\.]+)/ ) {
2008-06-10 13:07:20 +04:00
$ bestpoint = $ 1 ;
$ devbleu = $ 2 ;
last ;
close IN ;
die "Failed to parse mert.log, missed Best point there."
if ! defined $ bestpoint || ! defined $ devbleu ;
print "($run) BEST at $run: $bestpoint => $devbleu at " . `date` ;
my @ newweights = split /\s+/ , $ bestpoint ;
# update my cache of lambda values
store_new_lambda_values ( \ % used_triples , \ @ order_of_lambdas_from_decoder , \ @ newweights ) ;
## additional stopping criterion: weights have not changed
my $ shouldstop = 1 ;
for ( my $ i = 0 ; $ i < @ CURR ; $ i + + ) {
die "Lost weight! mert reported fewer weights (@newweights) than we gave it (@CURR)"
if ! defined $ newweights [ $ i ] ;
if ( abs ( $ CURR [ $ i ] - $ newweights [ $ i ] ) >= $ minimum_required_change_in_weights ) {
$ shouldstop = 0 ;
last ;
open F , "> finished_step.txt" or die "Can't mark finished step" ;
print F $ run . "\n" ;
close F ;
if ( $ shouldstop ) {
print STDERR "None of the weights changed more than $minimum_required_change_in_weights. Stopping.\n" ;
last ;
2008-12-30 20:33:16 +03:00
my $ firstrun ;
if ( $ prev_aggregate_nbl_size == - 1 ) {
$ firstrun = 1 ;
else {
$ firstrun = $ run - $ prev_aggregate_nbl_size + 1 ;
$ firstrun = ( $ firstrun > 0 ) ? $ firstrun:1 ;
print "loading data from $firstrun to $run (prev_aggregate_nbl_size=$prev_aggregate_nbl_size)\n" ;
$ prev_feature_file = undef ;
$ prev_score_file = undef ;
for ( my $ i = $ firstrun ; $ i <= $ run ; $ i + + ) {
if ( defined $ prev_feature_file ) {
$ prev_feature_file = "${prev_feature_file},run${i}.${base_feature_file}" ;
else {
$ prev_feature_file = "run${i}.${base_feature_file}" ;
if ( defined $ prev_score_file ) {
$ prev_score_file = "${prev_score_file},run${i}.${base_score_file}" ;
else {
$ prev_score_file = "run${i}.${base_score_file}" ;
print "loading data from $prev_feature_file\n" ;
print "loading data from $prev_score_file\n" ;
2008-06-10 13:07:20 +04:00
print "Training finished at " . `date` ;
if ( defined $ allsorted ) { safesystem ( "\\rm -f $allsorted" ) or die ; } ;
safesystem ( "\\cp -f $weights_in_file run$run.$weights_in_file" ) or die ;
safesystem ( "\\cp -f $mert_logfile run$run.$mert_logfile" ) or die ;
create_config ( $ ___CONFIG_BAK , "./moses.ini" , \ % used_triples , $ run , $ devbleu ) ;
# just to be sure that we have the really last finished step marked
open F , "> finished_step.txt" or die "Can't mark finished step" ;
print F $ run . "\n" ;
close F ;
#chdir back to the original directory # useless, just to remind we were not there
chdir ( $ cwd ) ;
} # end of local scope
sub store_new_lambda_values {
# given new lambda values (in given order), replace the 'val' element in our triples
my $ triples = shift ;
my $ names = shift ;
my $ values = shift ;
my % idx = ( ) ;
foreach my $ i ( 0 .. scalar ( @$ values ) - 1 ) {
my $ name = $ names - > [ $ i ] ;
die "Missed name for lambda $values->[$i] (in @$values; names: @$names)"
if ! defined $ name ;
if ( ! defined $ idx { $ name } ) {
$ idx { $ name } = 0 ;
} else {
$ idx { $ name } + + ;
die "We did not optimize '$name', but moses returned it back to us"
if ! defined $ triples - > { $ name } ;
die "Moses gave us too many lambdas for '$name', we had " . scalar ( @ { $ triples - > { $ name } } )
. " but we got at least " . $ idx { $ name } + 1
if ! defined $ triples - > { $ name } - > [ $ idx { $ name } ] ;
# set the corresponding field in triples
# print STDERR "Storing $i-th score as $name: $idx{$name}: $values->[$i]\n";
$ triples - > { $ name } - > [ $ idx { $ name } ] - > [ 0 ] = $ values - > [ $ i ] ;
sub dump_triples {
my $ triples = shift ;
foreach my $ name ( keys %$ triples ) {
foreach my $ triple ( @ { $ triples - > { $ name } } ) {
my ( $ val , $ min , $ max ) = @$ triple ;
print STDERR "Triples: $name\t$val\t$min\t$max ($triple)\n" ;
sub run_decoder {
my ( $ triples , $ parameters , $ run , $ output_order_of_lambdas , $ need_to_normalize ) = @ _ ;
my $ filename_template = "run%d.best$___N_BEST_LIST_SIZE.out" ;
my $ filename = sprintf ( $ filename_template , $ run ) ;
print "params = $parameters\n" ;
# prepare the decoder config:
my $ decoder_config = "" ;
my @ vals = ( ) ;
foreach my $ name ( keys %$ triples ) {
$ decoder_config . = "-$name " ;
foreach my $ triple ( @ { $ triples - > { $ name } } ) {
my ( $ val , $ min , $ max ) = @$ triple ;
$ decoder_config . = "%.6f " ;
push @ vals , $ val ;
if ( $ need_to_normalize ) {
print STDERR "Normalizing lambdas: @vals\n" ;
my $ totlambda = 0 ;
grep ( $ totlambda += abs ( $ _ ) , @ vals ) ;
grep ( $ _ /= $ totlambda , @ vals ) ;
print STDERR "DECODER_CFG = $decoder_config\n" ;
print STDERR " values = @vals\n" ;
$ decoder_config = sprintf ( $ decoder_config , @ vals ) ;
print "decoder_config = $decoder_config\n" ;
# run the decoder
my $ nBest_cmd = "-n-best-size $___N_BEST_LIST_SIZE" ;
my $ decoder_cmd ;
if ( defined $ ___JOBS ) {
$ decoder_cmd = "$moses_parallel_cmd $pass_old_sge -config $___CONFIG -inputtype $___INPUTTYPE -qsub-prefix mert$run -queue-parameters \"$queue_flags\" -decoder-parameters \"$parameters $decoder_config\" -n-best-file $filename -n-best-size $___N_BEST_LIST_SIZE -input-file $___DEV_F -jobs $___JOBS -decoder $___DECODER > run$run.out" ;
} else {
$ decoder_cmd = "$___DECODER $parameters -config $___CONFIG -inputtype $___INPUTTYPE $decoder_config -n-best-list $filename $___N_BEST_LIST_SIZE -i $___DEV_F > run$run.out" ;
safesystem ( $ decoder_cmd ) or die "The decoder died. CONFIG WAS $decoder_config \n" ;
if ( 0 == scalar @$ output_order_of_lambdas ) {
# we have to peek at the nbestlist
@$ output_order_of_lambdas = get_order_of_scores_from_nbestlist ( $ filename ) ;
# we have checked the nbestlist already, we trust the order of output scores does not change
return $ filename ;
sub get_order_of_scores_from_nbestlist {
# read the first line and interpret the ||| label: num num num label2: num ||| column in nbestlist
# return the score labels in order
my $ fname_or_source = shift ;
print STDERR "Peeking at the beginning of nbestlist to get order of scores: $fname_or_source\n" ;
open IN , $ fname_or_source or die "Failed to get order of scores from nbestlist '$fname_or_source'" ;
my $ line = <IN> ;
close IN ;
die "Line empty in nbestlist '$fname_or_source'" if ! defined $ line ;
my ( $ sent , $ hypo , $ scores , $ total ) = split /\|\|\|/ , $ line ;
$ scores =~ s/^\s*|\s*$//g ;
die "No scores in line: $line" if $ scores eq "" ;
my @ order = ( ) ;
my $ label = undef ;
foreach my $ tok ( split /\s+/ , $ scores ) {
if ( $ tok =~ /^([a-z][0-9a-z]*):/i ) {
$ label = $ 1 ;
} elsif ( $ tok =~ /^-?[-0-9.e]+$/ ) {
# a score found, remember it
die "Found a score but no label before it! Bad nbestlist '$fname_or_source'!"
if ! defined $ label ;
push @ order , $ label ;
} else {
die "Not a label, not a score '$tok'. Failed to parse the scores string: '$scores' of nbestlist '$fname_or_source'" ;
print STDERR "The decoder returns the scores in this order: @order\n" ;
return @ order ;
sub create_config {
my $ infn = shift ; # source config
my $ outfn = shift ; # where to save the config
my $ triples = shift ; # the lambdas we should write
my $ iteration = shift ; # just for verbosity
my $ bleu_achieved = shift ; # just for verbosity
my % P ; # the hash of all parameters we wish to override
# first convert the command line parameters to the hash
{ # ensure local scope of vars
my $ parameter = undef ;
print "Parsing --decoder-flags: |$___DECODER_FLAGS|\n" ;
$ ___DECODER_FLAGS =~ s/^\s*|\s*$// ;
$ ___DECODER_FLAGS =~ s/\s+/ / ;
foreach ( split ( / / , $ ___DECODER_FLAGS ) ) {
if ( /^\-([^\d].*)$/ ) {
$ parameter = $ 1 ;
$ parameter = $ ABBR2FULL { $ parameter } if defined ( $ ABBR2FULL { $ parameter } ) ;
else {
die "Found value with no -paramname before it: $_"
if ! defined $ parameter ;
push @ { $ P { $ parameter } } , $ _ ;
# Convert weights to elements in P
foreach my $ abbr ( keys %$ triples ) {
# First delete all weights params from the input, in short or long-named version
delete ( $ P { $ abbr } ) ;
delete ( $ P { $ ABBR2FULL { $ abbr } } ) ;
# Then feed P with the current values
foreach my $ feature ( @ { $ used_triples { $ abbr } } ) {
my ( $ val , $ min , $ max ) = @$ feature ;
my $ name = defined $ ABBR2FULL { $ abbr } ? $ ABBR2FULL { $ abbr } : $ abbr ;
push @ { $ P { $ name } } , $ val ;
# create new moses.ini decoder config file by cloning and overriding the original one
open ( INI , $ infn ) or die "Can't read $infn" ;
delete ( $ P { "config" } ) ; # never output
print "Saving new config to: $outfn\n" ;
open ( OUT , "> $outfn" ) or die "Can't write $outfn" ;
print OUT "# MERT optimized configuration\n" ;
print OUT "# decoder $___DECODER\n" ;
print OUT "# BLEU $bleu_achieved on dev $___DEV_F\n" ;
print OUT "# We were before running iteration $iteration\n" ;
print OUT "# finished " . `date` ;
my $ line = <INI> ;
while ( 1 ) {
last unless $ line ;
# skip until hit [parameter]
if ( $ line !~ /^\[(.+)\]\s*$/ ) {
$ line = <INI> ;
print OUT $ line if $ line =~ /^\#/ || $ line =~ /^\s+$/ ;
next ;
# parameter name
my $ parameter = $ 1 ;
$ parameter = $ ABBR2FULL { $ parameter } if defined ( $ ABBR2FULL { $ parameter } ) ;
print OUT "[$parameter]\n" ;
# change parameter, if new values
if ( defined ( $ P { $ parameter } ) ) {
# write new values
foreach ( @ { $ P { $ parameter } } ) {
print OUT $ _ . "\n" ;
delete ( $ P { $ parameter } ) ;
# skip until new parameter, only write comments
while ( $ line = <INI> ) {
print OUT $ line if $ line =~ /^\#/ || $ line =~ /^\s+$/ ;
last if $ line =~ /^\[/ ;
last unless $ line ;
next ;
# unchanged parameter, write old
while ( $ line = <INI> ) {
last if $ line =~ /^\[/ ;
print OUT $ line ;
# write all additional parameters
foreach my $ parameter ( keys % P ) {
print OUT "\n[$parameter]\n" ;
foreach ( @ { $ P { $ parameter } } ) {
print OUT $ _ . "\n" ;
close ( INI ) ;
close ( OUT ) ;
print STDERR "Saved: $outfn\n" ;
sub safesystem {
print STDERR "Executing: @_\n" ;
system ( @ _ ) ;
if ( $? == - 1 ) {
print STDERR "Failed to execute: @_\n $!\n" ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
elsif ( $? & 127 ) {
printf STDERR "Execution of: @_\n died with signal %d, %s coredump\n" ,
( $? & 127 ) , ( $? & 128 ) ? 'with' : 'without' ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
else {
my $ exitcode = $? >> 8 ;
print STDERR "Exit code: $exitcode\n" if $ exitcode ;
return ! $ exitcode ;
sub ensure_full_path {
my $ PATH = shift ;
$ PATH =~ s/\/nfsmnt// ;
return $ PATH if $ PATH =~ /^\// ;
my $ dir = `pawd 2>/dev/null` ;
if ( ! $ dir ) { $ dir = `pwd` ; }
chomp ( $ dir ) ;
$ PATH = $ dir . "/" . $ PATH ;
$ PATH =~ s/[\r\n]//g ;
$ PATH =~ s/\/\.\//\//g ;
$ PATH =~ s/\/+/\//g ;
my $ sanity = 0 ;
while ( $ PATH =~ /\/\.\.\// && $ sanity + + < 10 ) {
$ PATH =~ s/\/+/\//g ;
$ PATH =~ s/\/[^\/]+\/\.\.\//\//g ;
$ PATH =~ s/\/[^\/]+\/\.\.$// ;
$ PATH =~ s/\/+$// ;
$ PATH =~ s/\/nfsmnt// ;
return $ PATH ;
sub scan_config {
my $ ini = shift ;
my $ inishortname = $ ini ; $ inishortname =~ s/^.*\/// ; # for error reporting
# we get a pre-filled counts, because some lambdas are always needed (word penalty, for instance)
# as we walk though the ini file, we record how many extra lambdas do we need
# and finally, we report it
# in which field (counting from zero) is the filename to check?
my % where_is_filename = (
"ttable-file" = > 3 ,
"generation-file" = > 3 ,
"lmodel-file" = > 3 ,
"distortion-file" = > 3 ,
2009-05-26 23:30:35 +04:00
"global-lexical-file" = > 1 ,
2008-06-10 13:07:20 +04:00
) ;
# by default, each line of each section means one lambda, but some sections
# explicitly state a custom number of lambdas
my % where_is_lambda_count = (
"ttable-file" = > 2 ,
"generation-file" = > 2 ,
"distortion-file" = > 2 ,
) ;
open INI , $ ini or die "Can't read $ini" ;
my $ section = undef ; # name of the section we are reading
my $ shortname = undef ; # the corresponding short name
my $ nr = 0 ;
my $ error = 0 ;
my % defined_files ;
my % defined_steps ; # check the ini file for compatible mapping steps and actually defined files
while ( <INI> ) {
$ nr + + ;
next if /^\s*#/ ; # skip comments
if ( /^\[([^\]]*)\]\s*$/ ) {
$ section = $ 1 ;
$ shortname = $ TABLECONFIG2ABBR { $ section } ;
next ;
if ( defined $ section && $ section eq "mapping" ) {
# keep track of mapping steps used
$ defined_steps { $ 1 } + + if /^([TG])/ || /^\d+ ([TG])/ ;
if ( defined $ section && defined $ where_is_filename { $ section } ) {
2009-05-26 23:30:35 +04:00
print "$section -> $where_is_filename{$section}\n" ;
2008-06-10 13:07:20 +04:00
# this ini section is relevant to lambdas
chomp ;
my @ flds = split / +/ ;
my $ fn = $ flds [ $ where_is_filename { $ section } ] ;
if ( defined $ fn && $ fn !~ /^\s+$/ ) {
print "checking weight-count for $section\n" ;
# this is a filename! check it
if ( $ fn !~ /^\// ) {
$ error = 1 ;
print STDERR "$inishortname:$nr:Filename not absolute: $fn\n" ;
2009-03-13 15:28:34 +03:00
if ( ! - s $ fn && ! - s "$fn.gz" && ! - s "$fn.binphr.idx" && ! - s "$fn.binlexr.idx" ) {
2008-06-10 13:07:20 +04:00
$ error = 1 ;
print STDERR "$inishortname:$nr:File does not exist or empty: $fn\n" ;
# remember the number of files used, to know how many lambdas do we need
die "No short name was defined for section $section!"
if ! defined $ shortname ;
# how many lambdas does this model need?
# either specified explicitly, or the default, i.e. one
my $ needlambdas = defined $ where_is_lambda_count { $ section } ? $ flds [ $ where_is_lambda_count { $ section } ] : 1 ;
print STDERR "Config needs $needlambdas lambdas for $section (i.e. $shortname)\n" if $ verbose ;
if ( ! defined $ ___LAMBDA && ( ! defined $ additional_triples - > { $ shortname } || scalar ( @ { $ additional_triples - > { $ shortname } } ) < $ needlambdas ) ) {
print STDERR "$inishortname:$nr:Your model $shortname needs $needlambdas weights but we define the default ranges for only "
. scalar ( @ { $ additional_triples - > { $ shortname } } ) . " weights. Cannot use the default, you must supply lambdas by hand.\n" ;
$ error = 1 ;
else {
# note: table may use less parameters than the maximum number
# of triples
for ( my $ lambda = 0 ; $ lambda < $ needlambdas ; $ lambda + + ) {
my ( $ start , $ min , $ max )
= @ { $ { $ additional_triples - > { $ shortname } } [ $ lambda ] } ;
push @ { $ used_triples { $ shortname } } , [ $ start , $ min , $ max ] ;
$ defined_files { $ shortname } + + ;
die "$inishortname: File was empty!" if ! $ nr ;
close INI ;
for my $ pair ( qw/T=tm=translation G=g=generation/ ) {
my ( $ tg , $ shortname , $ label ) = split /=/ , $ pair ;
$ defined_files { $ shortname } = 0 if ! defined $ defined_files { $ shortname } ;
$ defined_steps { $ tg } = 0 if ! defined $ defined_steps { $ tg } ;
if ( $ defined_files { $ shortname } != $ defined_steps { $ tg } ) {
print STDERR "$inishortname: You defined $defined_files{$shortname} files for $label but use $defined_steps{$tg} in [mapping]!\n" ;
$ error = 1 ;
# distance-based distortion
if ( $ ___ASYNC == 1 )
print STDERR "ASYNC distortion & word penalty" ;
my @ my_array ;
for ( my $ i = 0 ; $ i < $ defined_steps { "T" } ; $ i + + )
push @ my_array , [ 1.0 , 0.0 , 2.0 ] ;
push @ { $ used_triples { "d" } } , @ my_array ;
@ my_array = ( ) ;
for ( my $ i = 0 ; $ i < $ defined_steps { "T" } ; $ i + + )
push @ my_array , [ 0.5 , - 1.0 , 1.0 ] ;
push @ { $ used_triples { "w" } } , @ my_array ;
# debug print
print "distortion:" ;
my $ refarray = $ used_triples { "d" } ;
my @ vector = @$ refarray ;
foreach my $ subarray ( @ vector ) {
my @ toto = @$ subarray ;
print @ toto , "\n" ;
#exit 1;
print STDERR "SYNC distortion" ;
push @ { $ used_triples { "d" } } , [ 1.0 , 0.0 , 2.0 ] ;
exit ( 1 ) if $ error ;
return ( \ % defined_files ) ;