resolved merge conflicts

This commit is contained in:
Hieu Hoang 2012-11-12 21:12:01 +00:00
parent 125fdbcff6
commit 0bc0b85358
17 changed files with 44 additions and 169 deletions

View File

@ -114,9 +114,9 @@ project : requirements
#Add directories here if you want their incidental targets too (i.e. tests).
build-projects lm util phrase-extract search moses mert moses-cmd moses-chart-cmd/src mira scripts regression-testing ;
build-projects lm util phrase-extract search moses mert moses-cmd moses-chart-cmd mira scripts regression-testing ;
alias programs : lm//programs moses-chart-cmd/src//moses_chart moses-cmd//programs OnDiskPt//CreateOnDiskPt OnDiskPt//queryOnDiskPt mert//programs misc//programs symal phrase-extract phrase-extract//lexical-reordering phrase-extract//extract-ghkm phrase-extract//pcfg-extract phrase-extract//pcfg-score biconcor mira//mira contrib/server//mosesserver ;
alias programs : lm//programs moses-chart-cmd//moses_chart moses-cmd//programs OnDiskPt//CreateOnDiskPt OnDiskPt//queryOnDiskPt mert//programs misc//programs symal phrase-extract phrase-extract//lexical-reordering phrase-extract//extract-ghkm phrase-extract//pcfg-extract phrase-extract//pcfg-score biconcor mira//mira contrib/server//mosesserver ;
install-bin-libs programs ;
install-headers headers-base : [ path.glob-tree biconcor contrib lm mert misc moses-chart-cmd moses-cmd OnDiskPt phrase-extract symal util : *.hh *.h ] : . ;

View File

@ -89,112 +89,47 @@

View File

@ -83,6 +83,12 @@
<fileInfo id="cdt.managedbuild.config.gnu.exe.debug.461114338.1207454186" name="LatticeMBRGrid.cpp" rcbsApplicability="disable" resourcePath="LatticeMBRGrid.cpp" toolsToInvoke="cdt.managedbuild.tool.gnu.cpp.compiler.exe.debug.626095182.1072381674">
<tool id="cdt.managedbuild.tool.gnu.cpp.compiler.exe.debug.626095182.1072381674" name="GCC C++ Compiler" superClass="cdt.managedbuild.tool.gnu.cpp.compiler.exe.debug.626095182"/>
<entry excluding="LatticeMBRGrid.cpp" flags="VALUE_WORKSPACE_PATH|RESOLVED" kind="sourcePath" name=""/>
<storageModule moduleId="org.eclipse.cdt.core.externalSettings"/>

View File

@ -89,127 +89,62 @@

View File

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
exe moses_chart : Main.cpp mbr.cpp IOWrapper.cpp TranslationAnalysis.cpp ../../moses//moses ;
exe moses_chart : Main.cpp mbr.cpp IOWrapper.cpp TranslationAnalysis.cpp ../moses//moses ;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
alias deps : ../moses//moses ;
alias deps : IOWrapper.cpp mbr.cpp LatticeMBR.cpp TranslationAnalysis.cpp ../moses//moses ;
exe moses : Main.cpp mbr.cpp TranslationAnalysis.cpp deps : <include>. ;
exe moses : Main.cpp deps : <include>. ;
exe lmbrgrid : LatticeMBRGrid.cpp deps : <include>. ;
alias programs : moses lmbrgrid ;

View File

#include "IOWrapper.h"
#include "LatticeMBR.h"
#include "Manager.h"
#include "StaticData.h"
#include "moses/Manager.h"
#include "moses/StaticData.h"
using namespace std;

View File

@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "TranslationAnalysis.h"
#include "IOWrapper.h"
#include "LatticeMBR.h"
#include "mbr.h"
#include "moses/Hypothesis.h"

View File

@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ if $(with-regtest) {
actions reg_test_decode {
$(TOP)/regression-testing/run-single-test.perl --decoder=$(>) --test=$(<:B) --data-dir=$(with-regtest) --test-dir=$(test-dir) && touch $(<)
reg_test phrase : [ glob $(test-dir)/phrase.* ] : ../moses-cmd/src//moses : @reg_test_decode ;
reg_test chart : [ glob $(test-dir)/chart.* ] : ../moses-chart-cmd/src//moses_chart : @reg_test_decode ;
reg_test phrase : [ glob $(test-dir)/phrase.* ] : ../moses-cmd//moses : @reg_test_decode ;
reg_test chart : [ glob $(test-dir)/chart.* ] : ../moses-chart-cmd//moses_chart : @reg_test_decode ;
actions reg_test_score {
$(TOP)/regression-testing/run-test-scorer.perl --scorer=$(>) --test=$(<:B) --data-dir=$(with-regtest) --test-dir=$(test-dir) && touch $(<)