update experiment.perl

This commit is contained in:
Eva Hasler 2012-03-20 13:13:52 +00:00
parent c64b8bc37f
commit 0f2a23f193

View File

@ -934,7 +934,12 @@ sub define_step {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] eq 'INTERPOLATED-LM:interpolate') {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] eq 'INTERPOLATED-LM:binarize' ||
$DO_STEP[$i] eq 'INTERPOLATED-LM:quantize' ||
$DO_STEP[$i] eq 'INTERPOLATED-LM:randomize') {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] eq 'TUNING:factorize-input') {
@ -991,7 +996,10 @@ sub execute_steps {
while(1) {
# find steps to be done
for(my $i=0;$i<=$#DO_STEP;$i++) {
my $repeat_if_passed = 1;
while($repeat_if_passed) {
$repeat_if_passed = 0;
for(my $i=0;$i<=$#DO_STEP;$i++) {
next if (defined($DONE{$i}));
next if (defined($DO{$i}));
next if (defined($CRASHED{$i}));
@ -1000,10 +1008,19 @@ sub execute_steps {
foreach my $prev_step (@{$DEPENDENCY[$i]}) {
$doable = 0 if !defined($DONE{$prev_step});
$DO{$i} = 1 if $doable;
next unless $doable;
$DO{$i} = 1;
# immediately label pass steps as done
next unless defined($PASS{$i});
$DONE{$i} = 1;
$repeat_if_passed = 1;
print "number of steps doable or running: ".(scalar keys %DO)."\n";
foreach my $step (keys %DO) { print "\t".($DO{$step}==2?"running: ":"doable: ").$DO_STEP[$step]."\n"; }
return unless scalar keys %DO;
# execute new step
@ -1017,32 +1034,28 @@ sub execute_steps {
elsif (! -e &versionize(&step_file($i)).".DONE") {
my $step = &versionize(&step_file($i));
print "\texecuting $step via ";
# cluster job submission
if ($CLUSTER && ! &is_qsub_script($i)) {
print "qsub\n";
print "\texecuting $step via qsub ($active active)\n";
my $qsub_args = &get_qsub_args($DO_STEP[$i]);
`qsub $qsub_args -e $step.STDERR $step -o $step.STDOUT`;
`qsub $qsub_args -e $step.STDERR -o $step.STDOUT $step`;
# execute in fork
elsif ($CLUSTER || $active < $MAX_ACTIVE) {
print "sh ($active)\n";
print "\texecuting $step via sh ($active active)\n";
if (!fork) {
`sh $step >$step.STDOUT 2> $step.STDERR`;
else {
print " --- on hold\n";
@ -1275,7 +1288,8 @@ sub check_if_crashed {
foreach my $pattern (@{$ERROR{&defined_step_id($i)}},
'error','killed','core dumped','can\'t read',
'no such file or directory','unknown option',
'died at','exit code','permission denied') {
'died at','exit code','permission denied',
"Can't locate") {
if (/$pattern/i) {
my $not_error = 0;
if (defined($NOT_ERROR{&defined_step_id($i)})) {
@ -1662,14 +1676,13 @@ sub define_training_extract_phrases {
my $unknown_word_label = &versionize(&long_file_name("unknown-word-label","model",""));
$cmd .= "-unknown-word-label $unknown_word_label ";
if (&get("TRAINING:use-ghkm")) {
$cmd .= "-ghkm ";
my $extract_settings = &get("TRAINING:extract-settings");
if (&get("TRAINING:sparse-phrase-scripts-dir")) {
$extract_settings = "" unless defined($extract_settings);
$extract_settings .= " --SentenceId ";
$cmd .= "-extract-options '".$extract_settings."' " if defined($extract_settings);
@ -1733,11 +1746,9 @@ sub define_training_create_config {
my ($step_id) = @_;
my ($config,
= &get_output_and_input($step_id);
$phrase_translation_table = $sparse_phrase_translation_table if ($sparse_phrase_translation_table);
my $cmd = &get_training_setting(9);
# additional settings for factored models
@ -1772,11 +1783,11 @@ sub define_training_create_config {
# find out which language model files have been built
my @LM_SETS = &get_sets("LM");
%OUTPUT_FACTORS = &get_factor_id("output") if &backoff_and_get("TRAINING:output-factors");
my $interpolated = &get("INTERPOLATED-LM:script"); # flag
if ($interpolated) {
if (&get("INTERPOLATED-LM:script")) {
my $type = 0;
# binarizing the lm?
$type = 1 if (&get("INTERPOLATED-LM:binlm") ||
@ -1786,23 +1797,32 @@ sub define_training_create_config {
# manually set type
$type = &get("INTERPOLATED-LM:type") if (&get("INTERPOLATED-LM:type"));
$type = &get("INTERPOLATED-LM:type") if &get("INTERPOLATED-LM:type");
# order and factor inherited from individual LMs
my $set = shift @LM_SETS;
my $order = &check_backoff_and_get("LM:$set:order");
my $factor = 0;
if (&backoff_and_get("TRAINING:output-factors") &&
&backoff_and_get("LM:$set:factors")) {
$factor = $OUTPUT_FACTORS{&backoff_and_get("LM:$set:factors")};
$cmd .= "-lm $factor:$order:$LM[0]:$type ";
# go through each interpolated language model
my ($icount,$ILM_SETS) = &get_interpolated_lm_sets();
my $FACTOR = &backoff_and_get_array("TRAINING:output-factors");
foreach my $factor (keys %{$ILM_SETS}) {
foreach my $order (keys %{$$ILM_SETS{$factor}}) {
next unless scalar(@{$$ILM_SETS{$factor}{$order}}) > 1;
my $suffix = "";
$suffix = ".$$FACTOR[$factor]" if $icount > 1 && defined($FACTOR);
$suffix .= ".order$order" if $icount > 1;
$cmd .= "-lm $factor:$order:$LM[0]$suffix:$type ";
foreach my $id_set (@{$$ILM_SETS{$factor}{$order}}) {
my ($id,$set) = split(/ /,$id_set,2);
else {
shift @LM; # remove interpolated lm
die("ERROR: number of defined LM sets (".(scalar @LM_SETS).":".join(",",@LM_SETS).") and LM files (".(scalar @LM).":".join(",",@LM).") does not match")
unless scalar @LM == scalar @LM_SETS;
foreach my $lm (@LM) {
my $set = shift @LM_SETS;
next if defined($INTERPOLATED_AWAY{$set});
my $order = &check_backoff_and_get("LM:$set:order");
my $lm_file = "$lm";
my $type = 0; # default: SRILM
@ -1827,58 +1847,146 @@ sub define_training_create_config {
$cmd .= "-lm $factor:$order:$lm_file:$type ";
if (&get("TRAINING:sparse-phrase-scripts-dir")) {
$cmd .= "-sparse-phrase-features";
my $additional_ini = &get("TRAINING:additional-ini");
$cmd .= "-additional-ini '$additional_ini' " if defined($additional_ini);
sub define_training_interpolated_lm_interpolate {
sub define_interpolated_lm_interpolate {
my ($step_id) = @_;
my ($interpolated_lm,
$interpolation_script, $tuning, @LM)
= &get_output_and_input($step_id);
$interpolation_script, $tuning, @LM) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my $srilm_dir = &check_backoff_and_get("INTERPOLATED-LM:srilm-dir");
my $group = &get("INTERPOLATED-LM:group");
my $lm_list = "";
foreach (@LM) {
$lm_list .= $_.",";
my $cmd = "";
# sanity checks on order and factors
my @LM_SETS = &get_sets("LM");
%OUTPUT_FACTORS = &get_factor_id("output")
if &backoff_and_get("TRAINING:output-factors");
my ($factor,$order);
foreach my $set (@LM_SETS) {
my $set_order = &check_backoff_and_get("LM:$set:order");
if (defined($order) && $order != $set_order) {
die("ERROR: language models have mismatching order - no interpolation possible!");
$order = $set_order;
if (&backoff_and_get("TRAINING:output-factors") &&
&backoff_and_get("LM:$set:factors")) {
my $set_factor = $OUTPUT_FACTORS{&backoff_and_get("LM:$set:factors")};
if (defined($factor) && $factor != $set_factor) {
die("ERROR: language models have mismatching factors - no interpolation possible!");
$factor = $set_factor;
# go through language models by factor and order
my ($icount,$ILM_SETS) = &get_interpolated_lm_sets();
foreach my $factor (keys %{$ILM_SETS}) {
foreach my $order (keys %{$$ILM_SETS{$factor}}) {
next unless scalar(@{$$ILM_SETS{$factor}{$order}}) > 1;
# get list of language model files
my $lm_list = "";
foreach my $id_set (@{$$ILM_SETS{$factor}{$order}}) {
my ($id,$set) = split(/ /,$id_set,2);
$lm_list .= $LM[$id].",";
# if grouping, identify position in list
my $numbered_string = "";
if (defined($group)) {
foreach my $id_set (@{$$ILM_SETS{$factor}{$order}}) {
my ($id,$set) = split(/ /,$id_set,2);
$POSITION{$set} = scalar keys %POSITION;
my $group_string = $group;
$group_string =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$group_string =~ s/ *, */,/g;
$group_string =~ s/^ //;
$group_string =~ s/ $//;
$group_string .= " ";
while($group_string =~ /^([^ ,]+)([ ,]+)(.*)$/) {
die("ERROR: unknown set $1 in INTERPOLATED-LM:group definition")
if ! defined($POSITION{$1});
$numbered_string .= $POSITION{$1}.$2;
$group_string = $3;
my $FACTOR = &backoff_and_get_array("TRAINING:output-factors");
my $name = $interpolated_lm;
if ($icount > 1) {
$name .= ".$$FACTOR[$factor]" if defined($FACTOR);
$name .= ".order$order";
$cmd .= "$interpolation_script --tuning $tuning --name $name --srilm $srilm_dir --lm $lm_list";
$cmd .= " --group \"$numbered_string\"" if defined($group);
$cmd .= "\n";
my $cmd = "$interpolation_script --tuning $tuning --name $interpolated_lm --srilm $srilm_dir --lm $lm_list";
die("ERROR: Nothing to interpolate, remove interpolation step!") if $cmd eq "";
sub define_interpolated_lm_process {
my ($step_id) = @_;
my ($processed_lm, $interpolatd_lm) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my ($module,$set,$stepname) = &deconstruct_name($DO_STEP[$step_id]);
my $tool = &check_backoff_and_get("INTERPOLATED-LM:lm-${stepname}r");
my $FACTOR = &backoff_and_get_array("TRAINING:output-factors");
# go through language models by factor and order
my ($icount,$ILM_SETS) = &get_interpolated_lm_sets();
my $cmd = "";
foreach my $factor (keys %{$ILM_SETS}) {
foreach my $order (keys %{$$ILM_SETS{$factor}}) {
next unless scalar(@{$$ILM_SETS{$factor}{$order}}) > 1;
my $suffix = "";
$suffix = ".$$FACTOR[$factor]" if $icount > 1 && defined($FACTOR);
$suffix .= ".order$order" if $icount > 1;
$cmd .= "$tool $interpolatd_lm$suffix $processed_lm$suffix\n";
sub get_interpolated_lm_processed_names {
my ($processed_lm) = @_;
my ($icount,$ILM_SETS) = &get_interpolated_lm_sets();
my $FACTOR = &backoff_and_get_array("TRAINING:output-factors");
foreach my $factor (keys %{$ILM_SETS}) {
foreach my $order (keys %{$$ILM_SETS{$factor}}) {
if (scalar(@{$$ILM_SETS{$factor}{$order}}) > 1) {
my $suffix = "";
$suffix = ".$$FACTOR[$factor]" if $icount > 1 && defined($FACTOR);
$suffix .= ".order$order" if $icount > 1;
push @ILM_NAME,"$processed_lm$suffix";
else {
push @ILM_NAME,"$processed_lm.".($FACTOR?"":".$$FACTOR[$factor]").".order$order";
return @ILM_NAME;
sub get_interpolated_lm_sets {
my @LM_SETS = &get_sets("LM");
%OUTPUT_FACTORS = &get_factor_id("output") if &backoff_and_get("TRAINING:output-factors");
my $count=0;
my $icount=0;
foreach my $set (@LM_SETS) {
my $order = &check_backoff_and_get("LM:$set:order");
my $factor = 0;
if (&backoff_and_get("TRAINING:output-factors") &&
&backoff_and_get("LM:$set:factors")) {
$factor = $OUTPUT_FACTORS{&backoff_and_get("LM:$set:factors")};
push @{$ILM_SETS{$factor}{$order}}, ($count++)." ".$set;
$icount++ if scalar(@{$ILM_SETS{$factor}{$order}}) == 2;
return ($icount,\%ILM_SETS);
sub get_training_setting {
my ($step) = @_;
my $dir = &check_and_get("GENERAL:working-dir");
@ -1895,6 +2003,7 @@ sub get_training_setting {
my $source_syntax = &get("GENERAL:input-parser");
my $target_syntax = &get("GENERAL:output-parser");
my $score_settings = &get("TRAINING:score-settings");
my $parallel = &get("TRAINING:parallel");
my $xml = $source_syntax || $target_syntax;
@ -1916,6 +2025,7 @@ sub get_training_setting {
$cmd .= "-source-syntax " if $source_syntax;
$cmd .= "-glue-grammar " if $hierarchical;
$cmd .= "-score-options '".$score_settings."' " if $score_settings;
$cmd .= "-parallel " if $parallel;
# factored training
if (&backoff_and_get("TRAINING:input-factors")) {
@ -2074,6 +2184,7 @@ sub define_evaluation_decode {
my $nbest = &backoff_and_get("EVALUATION:$set:nbest");
my $moses_parallel = &backoff_and_get("EVALUATION:$set:moses-parallel");
my $report_segmentation = &backoff_and_get("EVALUATION:$set:report-segmentation");
my $analyze_search_graph = &backoff_and_get("EVALUATION:$set:analyze-search-graph");
my $report_precision_by_coverage = &backoff_and_get("EVALUATION:$set:report-precision-by-coverage");
my $hierarchical = &get("TRAINING:hierarchical-rule-set");
@ -2082,6 +2193,9 @@ sub define_evaluation_decode {
$settings .= " -use-alignment-info -alignment-output-file $system_output.wa";
$report_segmentation = "yes";
if (defined($analyze_search_graph) && $analyze_search_graph eq "yes") {
$settings .= " -unpruned-search-graph -osg $system_output.graph";
if (defined($report_segmentation) && $report_segmentation eq "yes") {
if ($hierarchical) {
$settings .= " -T $system_output.trace";
@ -2126,12 +2240,17 @@ sub define_evaluation_analysis {
$output,$reference,$input) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my $script = &backoff_and_get("EVALUATION:$set:analysis");
my $report_segmentation = &backoff_and_get("EVALUATION:$set:report-segmentation");
my $analyze_search_graph = &backoff_and_get("EVALUATION:$set:analyze-search-graph");
my $cmd = "$script -system $output -reference $reference -input $input -dir $analysis";
if (defined($report_segmentation) && $report_segmentation eq "yes") {
my $segmentation_file = &get_default_file("EVALUATION",$set,"decode");
$cmd .= " -segmentation $segmentation_file";
if (defined($analyze_search_graph) && $analyze_search_graph eq "yes") {
my $search_graph_file = &get_default_file("EVALUATION",$set,"decode");
$cmd .= " -search-graph $search_graph_file.graph";
if (&get("TRAINING:hierarchical-rule-set")) {
$cmd .= " -hierarchical";
@ -2268,12 +2387,13 @@ sub define_reporting_report {
### subs for step definition
sub get_output_and_input {
my ($step_id) = @_;
my ($step_id) = @_;
my $step = $DO_STEP[$step_id];
my $output = &get_default_file(&deconstruct_name($step));
my $step = $DO_STEP[$step_id];
my $output = &get_default_file(&deconstruct_name($step));
my @INPUT;
my @INPUT;
if (defined($USES_INPUT{$step_id})) {
for(my $i=0; $i<scalar @{$USES_INPUT{$step_id}}; $i++) {
# get name of input file needed
my $in_file = $USES_INPUT{$step_id}[$i];
@ -2305,7 +2425,8 @@ sub get_output_and_input {
push @INPUT,&get_specified_or_default_file(&deconstruct_name($in_file),
return ($output,@INPUT);
return ($output,@INPUT);
sub define_template {
@ -2404,6 +2525,9 @@ sub define_template {
# input is defined as IN or IN0, IN1, IN2
else {
if ($cmd =~ /([^ANS])IN/ && scalar(@INPUT) == 0) {
die("ERROR: Step $step requires input from prior steps, but none defined.");
$cmd =~ s/([^ANS])IN(\d+)/$1$INPUT[$2]/g; # a bit trickier to
$cmd =~ s/([^ANS])IN/$1$INPUT[0]/g; # avoid matching TRAINING, RECASING
$cmd =~ s/^IN(\d+)/$INPUT[$2]/g;
@ -2459,7 +2583,7 @@ sub create_step {
$subdir = "lm" if $subdir eq "interpolated-lm";
print STEP "#!/bin/bash\n\n";
print STEP "PATH=".$ENV{"PATH"}."\n";
print STEP "PATH=\"".$ENV{"PATH"}."\"\n";
print STEP "cd $dir\n";
print STEP "echo 'starting at '`date`' on '`hostname`\n";
print STEP "mkdir -p $dir/$subdir\n\n";
@ -2577,7 +2701,7 @@ sub get_default_file {
sub long_file_name {
my ($file,$module,$set) = @_;
return $file if $file =~ /^\//;
return $file if $file =~ /^\// || $file =~ / \//;
if ($file !~ /\//) {
my $dir = $module;