Fix for incorrect alignment from moses_chart

This commit is contained in:
Hieu Hoang 2013-03-02 17:58:33 +00:00
parent 68dbe85545
commit 349dffd750

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@ -632,6 +632,17 @@ void ShiftOffsets(vector<T> &offsets, T shift)
size_t CalcSourceSize(const Moses::ChartHypothesis *hypo)
size_t ret = hypo->GetCurrSourceRange().GetNumWordsCovered();
const std::vector<const ChartHypothesis*> &prevHypos = hypo->GetPrevHypos();
for (size_t i = 0; i < prevHypos.size(); ++i) {
size_t childSize = prevHypos[i]->GetCurrSourceRange().GetNumWordsCovered();
ret -= (childSize - 1);
return ret;
size_t IOWrapper::OutputAlignmentNBest(Alignments &retAlign, const Moses::ChartTrellisNode &node, size_t startTarget)
const ChartHypothesis *hypo = &node.GetHypothesis();
@ -641,7 +652,11 @@ size_t IOWrapper::OutputAlignmentNBest(Alignments &retAlign, const Moses::ChartT
const TargetPhrase &tp = hypo->GetCurrTargetPhrase();
vector<size_t> sourceOffsets(hypo->GetCurrSourceRange().GetNumWordsCovered(), 0);
size_t thisSourceSize = CalcSourceSize(hypo);
// position of each terminal word in translation rule, irrespective of alignment
// if non-term, number is undefined
vector<size_t> sourceOffsets(thisSourceSize, 0);
vector<size_t> targetOffsets(tp.GetSize(), 0);
const ChartTrellisNode::NodeChildren &prevNodes = node.GetChildren();
@ -661,11 +676,12 @@ size_t IOWrapper::OutputAlignmentNBest(Alignments &retAlign, const Moses::ChartT
const ChartTrellisNode &prevNode = *prevNodes[sourceInd];
// 1st. calc source size
// calc source size
size_t sourceSize = prevNode.GetHypothesis().GetCurrSourceRange().GetNumWordsCovered();
sourceOffsets[sourcePos] = sourceSize;
// 2nd. calc target size. Recursively look thru child hypos
// calc target size.
// Recursively look thru child hypos
size_t currStartTarget = startTarget + totalTargetSize;
size_t targetSize = OutputAlignmentNBest(retAlign, prevNode, currStartTarget);
targetOffsets[targetPos] = targetSize;
@ -678,27 +694,26 @@ size_t IOWrapper::OutputAlignmentNBest(Alignments &retAlign, const Moses::ChartT
// 3rd. shift offsets
// convert position within translation rule to absolute position within
// source sentence / output sentence
ShiftOffsets(sourceOffsets, startSource);
ShiftOffsets(targetOffsets, startTarget);
// get alignments from this hypo
vector< set<size_t> > retAlignmentsS2T(hypo->GetCurrSourceRange().GetNumWordsCovered());
const AlignmentInfo &aiTerm = hypo->GetCurrTargetPhrase().GetAlignTerm();
OutputAlignment(retAlignmentsS2T, aiTerm);
// add to output arg, offsetting by source & target
for (size_t source = 0; source < retAlignmentsS2T.size(); ++source) {
const set<size_t> &targets = retAlignmentsS2T[source];
set<size_t>::const_iterator iter;
for (iter = targets.begin(); iter != targets.end(); ++iter) {
size_t target = *iter;
pair<size_t, size_t> alignPoint(source + sourceOffsets[source]
,target + targetOffsets[target]);
pair<Alignments::iterator, bool> ret = retAlign.insert(alignPoint);
AlignmentInfo::const_iterator iter;
for (iter = aiTerm.begin(); iter != aiTerm.end(); ++iter) {
const std::pair<size_t,size_t> &align = *iter;
size_t relSource = align.first;
size_t relTarget = align.second;
size_t absSource = sourceOffsets[relSource];
size_t absTarget = targetOffsets[relTarget];
pair<size_t, size_t> alignPoint(absSource, absTarget);
pair<Alignments::iterator, bool> ret = retAlign.insert(alignPoint);
return totalTargetSize;
@ -722,17 +737,6 @@ void IOWrapper::OutputAlignment(size_t translationId , const Moses::ChartHypothe
m_alignmentInfoCollector->Write(translationId, out.str());
size_t CalcSourceSize(const Moses::ChartHypothesis *hypo)
size_t ret = hypo->GetCurrSourceRange().GetNumWordsCovered();
const std::vector<const ChartHypothesis*> &prevHypos = hypo->GetPrevHypos();
for (size_t i = 0; i < prevHypos.size(); ++i) {
size_t childSize = prevHypos[i]->GetCurrSourceRange().GetNumWordsCovered();
ret -= (childSize - 1);
return ret;
size_t IOWrapper::OutputAlignment(Alignments &retAlign, const Moses::ChartHypothesis *hypo, size_t startTarget)
size_t totalTargetSize = 0;
@ -740,13 +744,10 @@ size_t IOWrapper::OutputAlignment(Alignments &retAlign, const Moses::ChartHypoth
const TargetPhrase &tp = hypo->GetCurrTargetPhrase();
if (hypo->GetCurrSourceRange().GetStartPos() == 12
&& hypo->GetCurrSourceRange().GetEndPos() == 18)
cerr << "stop" << endl;
size_t thisSourceSize = CalcSourceSize(hypo);
// position of each terminal word in translation rule, irrespective of alignment
// if non-term, number is undefined
vector<size_t> sourceOffsets(thisSourceSize, 0);
vector<size_t> targetOffsets(tp.GetSize(), 0);
@ -767,11 +768,12 @@ size_t IOWrapper::OutputAlignment(Alignments &retAlign, const Moses::ChartHypoth
const ChartHypothesis *prevHypo = prevHypos[sourceInd];
// 1st. calc source size
// calc source size
size_t sourceSize = prevHypo->GetCurrSourceRange().GetNumWordsCovered();
sourceOffsets[sourcePos] = sourceSize;
// 2nd. calc target size. Recursively look thru child hypos
// calc target size.
// Recursively look thru child hypos
size_t currStartTarget = startTarget + totalTargetSize;
size_t targetSize = OutputAlignment(retAlign, prevHypo, currStartTarget);
targetOffsets[targetPos] = targetSize;
@ -784,7 +786,8 @@ size_t IOWrapper::OutputAlignment(Alignments &retAlign, const Moses::ChartHypoth
// 3rd. shift offsets
// convert position within translation rule to absolute position within
// source sentence / output sentence
ShiftOffsets(sourceOffsets, startSource);
ShiftOffsets(targetOffsets, startTarget);