more debugging of tm-mt scripts

This commit is contained in:
Hieu Hoang 2012-07-25 17:53:49 +01:00
parent 13a83ae0c7
commit 41e990a814
8 changed files with 4169 additions and 3633 deletions

View File

@ -77,10 +77,10 @@
1E42EFD715C00D6300E937EB /* Match.h */,
1E42EFD315C00C0A00E937EB /* SentenceAlignment.h */,
1E42EFD215C00BAE00E937EB /* Util.h */,
1E42EFD115C00AC100E937EB /* fuzzy-match2.h */,
1E806DCF15BED3D4001914A2 /* SuffixArray.cpp */,
1E806DD015BED3D4001914A2 /* SuffixArray.h */,
1E806DCD15BED3BC001914A2 /* fuzzy-match.cpp */,
1E42EFD115C00AC100E937EB /* fuzzy-match2.h */,
1E42EFA515BEFABD00E937EB /* fuzzy-match2.cpp */,
1E806DCA15BED3AC001914A2 /* Vocabulary.cpp */,
1E806DCB15BED3AC001914A2 /* Vocabulary.h */,

View File

@ -3,74 +3,18 @@
type = "1"
version = "1.0">
shouldBeEnabled = "Yes"
ignoreCount = "0"
continueAfterRunningActions = "No"
isPathRelative = "0"
filePath = "/Users/hieuhoang/unison/workspace/github/hieuhoang/contrib/tm-mt-integration/fuzzy-match.cpp"
timestampString = "364836494.083835"
startingColumnNumber = "9223372036854775807"
endingColumnNumber = "9223372036854775807"
startingLineNumber = "825"
endingLineNumber = "825"
landmarkName = "main(int argc, char* argv[])"
landmarkType = "7">
shouldBeEnabled = "Yes"
ignoreCount = "0"
continueAfterRunningActions = "No"
isPathRelative = "0"
filePath = "/Users/hieuhoang/unison/workspace/github/hieuhoang/contrib/tm-mt-integration/fuzzy-match.cpp"
timestampString = "364836573.089496"
startingColumnNumber = "9223372036854775807"
endingColumnNumber = "9223372036854775807"
startingLineNumber = "206"
endingLineNumber = "206"
landmarkName = "sed( const vector&lt; WORD_ID &gt; &amp;a, const vector&lt; WORD_ID &gt; &amp;b, string &amp;best_path, bool use_letter_sed )"
landmarkType = "7">
shouldBeEnabled = "Yes"
ignoreCount = "0"
continueAfterRunningActions = "No"
isPathRelative = "0"
filePath = "/Users/hieuhoang/unison/workspace/github/hieuhoang/contrib/tm-mt-integration/fuzzy-match2.cpp"
timestampString = "364843192.030752"
timestampString = "364924840.150553"
startingColumnNumber = "9223372036854775807"
endingColumnNumber = "9223372036854775807"
startingLineNumber = "851"
endingLineNumber = "851"
landmarkName = "main(int argc, char* argv[])"
landmarkType = "7">
shouldBeEnabled = "Yes"
ignoreCount = "0"
continueAfterRunningActions = "No"
isPathRelative = "0"
filePath = "/Users/hieuhoang/unison/workspace/github/hieuhoang/contrib/tm-mt-integration/fuzzy-match2.cpp"
timestampString = "364843261.346081"
startingColumnNumber = "9223372036854775807"
endingColumnNumber = "9223372036854775807"
startingLineNumber = "938"
endingLineNumber = "938"
landmarkName = "main(int argc, char* argv[])"
landmarkType = "7">
shouldBeEnabled = "Yes"
ignoreCount = "0"
continueAfterRunningActions = "No"
isPathRelative = "0"
filePath = "/Users/hieuhoang/unison/workspace/github/hieuhoang/contrib/tm-mt-integration/fuzzy-match2.cpp"
timestampString = "364843304.325754"
startingColumnNumber = "9223372036854775807"
endingColumnNumber = "9223372036854775807"
startingLineNumber = "1035"
endingLineNumber = "1035"
landmarkName = "main(int argc, char* argv[])"
startingLineNumber = "454"
endingLineNumber = "454"
landmarkName = "create_extract(const vector&lt; WORD_ID &gt; &amp;sourceSentence, const vector&lt;SentenceAlignment&gt; &amp;targets, const string &amp;inputStr, const string &amp;path)"
landmarkType = "7">

View File

@ -44,6 +44,12 @@
ReferencedContainer = "container:fuzzy-match.xcodeproj">
argument = "--multiple /Users/hieuhoang/workspace/experiment/data/tm-mt-integration//in/ /Users/hieuhoang/workspace/experiment/data/tm-mt-integration//in/acquis.truecased.4.en.uniq"
isEnabled = "YES">

View File

@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
binmode(STDIN, ":utf8");
binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");
use strict;
use FindBin qw($RealBin);
use File::Basename;
sub trim($);
my ($source, $input, $target, $align, $path);
while ($source = <STDIN>) {
$input = <STDIN>;
$target = <STDIN>;
$align = <STDIN>;
$path = <STDIN>;
$source = trim($source);
$input = trim($input);
$target = trim($target);
$align = trim($align);
$path = trim($path);
my ($frame,$rule_s,$rule_t,$rule_alignment,$rule_alignment_inv) = &create_xml($source, $input, $target, $align, $path);
print STDOUT $frame."\n";
print STDOUT "$rule_s [X] ||| $rule_t [X] ||| $rule_alignment ||| $target_count\n";
print STDOUT "$rule_t [X] ||| $rule_s [X] ||| $rule_alignment_inv ||| $target_count\n";
print STDOUT "$i ||| $match_score ||| $target_count\n";
sub create_xml {
my ($source,$input,$target,$alignment,$path) = @_;
my @INPUT = split(/ /,$input);
my @SOURCE = split(/ /,$source);
my @TARGET = split(/ /,$target);
my %ALIGN = &create_alignment($alignment);
foreach (@TARGET) { push @TARGET_BITMAP,1 }
my ($s,$i) = (0,0);
my $currently_matching = 0;
my ($start_s,$start_i) = (0,0);
$path .= "X"; # indicate end
print STDERR "$input\n$source\n$target\n$path\n";
for(my $p=0;$p<length($path);$p++) {
my $action = substr($path,$p,1);
# beginning of a mismatch
if ($currently_matching && $action ne "M" && $action ne "X") {
$start_i = $i;
$start_s = $s;
$currently_matching = 0;
# end of a mismatch
elsif (!$currently_matching &&
($action eq "M" || $action eq "X")) {
# remove use of affected target words
for(my $ss = $start_s; $ss<$s; $ss++) {
foreach my $tt (keys %{${$ALIGN{'s'}}[$ss]}) {
$TARGET_BITMAP[$tt] = 0;
# also remove enclosed unaligned words?
# are there input words that need to be inserted ?
print STDERR "($start_i<$i)?\n";
if ($start_i<$i) {
# take note of input words to be inserted
my $insertion = "";
for(my $ii = $start_i; $ii<$i; $ii++) {
$insertion .= $INPUT[$ii]." ";
# find position for inserted input words
# find first removed target word
my $start_t = 1000;
for(my $ss = $start_s; $ss<$s; $ss++) {
foreach my $tt (keys %{${$ALIGN{'s'}}[$ss]}) {
$start_t = $tt if $tt < $start_t;
# end of sentence? add to end
if ($start_t == 1000 && $i > $#INPUT) {
$start_t = $#TARGET;
# backtrack to previous words if unaligned
if ($start_t == 1000) {
$start_t = -1;
for(my $ss = $s-1; $start_t==-1 && $ss>=0; $ss--) {
foreach my $tt (keys %{${$ALIGN{'s'}}[$ss]}) {
$start_t = $tt if $tt > $start_t;
$FRAME_INPUT{$start_t} .= $insertion;
my %NT = ("start_t" => $start_t,
"start_i" => $start_i );
push @NT,\%NT;
$currently_matching = 1;
print STDERR "$action $s $i ($start_s $start_i) $currently_matching";
if ($action ne "I") {
print STDERR " ->";
foreach my $tt (keys %{${$ALIGN{'s'}}[$s]}) {
print STDERR " ".$tt;
print STDERR "\n";
$s++ unless $action eq "I";
$i++ unless $action eq "D";
$ALIGNMENT_I_TO_S{$i} = $s unless $action eq "D";
push @INPUT_BITMAP, 1 if $action eq "M";
push @INPUT_BITMAP, 0 if $action eq "I" || $action eq "S";
print STDERR $target."\n";
foreach (@TARGET_BITMAP) { print STDERR $_; } print STDERR "\n";
foreach (sort keys %FRAME_INPUT) {
print STDERR "$_: $FRAME_INPUT{$_}\n";
# hierarchical rule
my $rule_s = "";
my $rule_pos_s = 0;
for(my $i=0;$i<scalar(@INPUT_BITMAP);$i++) {
if ($INPUT_BITMAP[$i]) {
$rule_s .= $INPUT[$i]." ";
$RULE_ALIGNMENT_S{$ALIGNMENT_I_TO_S{$i}} = $rule_pos_s++;
foreach my $NT (@NT) {
if ($i == $$NT{"start_i"}) {
$rule_s .= "[X][X] ";
$$NT{"rule_pos_s"} = $rule_pos_s++;
my $rule_t = "";
my $rule_pos_t = 0;
for(my $t=-1;$t<scalar(@TARGET_BITMAP);$t++) {
if ($t>=0 && $TARGET_BITMAP[$t]) {
$rule_t .= $TARGET[$t]." ";
$RULE_ALIGNMENT_T{$t} = $rule_pos_t++;
foreach my $NT (@NT) {
if ($t == $$NT{"start_t"}) {
$rule_t .= "[X][X] ";
$$NT{"rule_pos_t"} = $rule_pos_t++;
my $rule_alignment = "";
foreach my $s (sort { $a <=> $b} keys %RULE_ALIGNMENT_S) {
foreach my $t (keys %{$ALIGN{"s"}[$s]}) {
next unless defined($RULE_ALIGNMENT_T{$t});
$rule_alignment .= $RULE_ALIGNMENT_S{$s}."-".$RULE_ALIGNMENT_T{$t}." ";
foreach my $NT (@NT) {
$rule_alignment .= $$NT{"rule_pos_s"}."-".$$NT{"rule_pos_t"}." ";
my $rule_alignment_inv = "";
foreach (split(/ /,$rule_alignment)) {
$rule_alignment_inv .= "$2-$1 ";
# frame
my $frame = "";
$frame = $FRAME_INPUT{-1} if defined $FRAME_INPUT{-1};
my $currently_included = 0;
my $start_t = -1;
push @TARGET_BITMAP,0; # indicate end
for(my $t=0;$t<=scalar(@TARGET);$t++) {
# beginning of tm target inclusion
if (!$currently_included && $TARGET_BITMAP[$t]) {
$start_t = $t;
$currently_included = 1;
# end of tm target inclusion (not included word or inserted input)
elsif ($currently_included &&
(!$TARGET_BITMAP[$t] || defined($FRAME_INPUT{$t}))) {
# add xml (unless change is at the beginning of the sentence
if ($start_t >= 0) {
my $target = "";
print STDERR "for(tt=$start_t;tt<$t+$TARGET_BITMAP[$t]);\n";
for(my $tt=$start_t;$tt<$t+$TARGET_BITMAP[$t];$tt++) {
$target .= $TARGET[$tt] . " ";
$frame .= "<xml translation=\"$target\"> x </xml> ";
$currently_included = 0;
$frame .= $FRAME_INPUT{$t} if defined $FRAME_INPUT{$t};
print STDERR "$TARGET_BITMAP[$t] $t ($start_t) $currently_included\n";
print STDERR $frame."\n-------------------------------------\n";
return ($frame,$rule_s,$rule_t,$rule_alignment,$rule_alignment_inv);
sub create_alignment {
my ($line) = @_;
foreach my $point (split(/ /,$line)) {
my ($s,$t) = split(/\-/,$point);
my %ALIGNMENT = ( 's' => \@ALIGNED_TO_S, 't' => \@ALIGNED_TO_T );
return %ALIGNMENT;
# Perl trim function to remove whitespace from the start and end of the string
sub trim($)
my $string = shift;
$string =~ s/^\s+//;
$string =~ s/\s+$//;
return $string;
# Left trim function to remove leading whitespace
sub ltrim($)
my $string = shift;
$string =~ s/^\s+//;
return $string;
# Right trim function to remove trailing whitespace
sub rtrim($)
my $string = shift;
$string =~ s/\s+$//;
return $string;

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
#include <fstream>
#include <cstring>
#include <time.h>
#include <fstream>
#include "fuzzy-match2.h"
@ -348,7 +349,7 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// create xml and extract files
string inputStr, sourceStr;
for (size_t pos = 0; pos < input_length; ++pos) {
inputStr += input[i][pos] + " ";
inputStr += vocabulary.GetWord(input[i][pos]) + " ";
// do not try to find the best ... report multiple matches
@ -363,6 +364,11 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
cout << letter_cost << "/" << input_letter_length << " ";
cout << "(" << best_cost <<"/" << input_length <<") ";
cout << "||| " << s << " ||| " << path << endl;
vector<WORD_ID> &sourceSentence = source[s];
vector<SentenceAlignment> &targets = targetAndAlignment[s];
create_extract(sourceSentence, targets, inputStr, path);
} // if (multiple_flag)
else {
@ -410,23 +416,8 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// creat xml & extracts
vector<WORD_ID> &sourceSentence = source[best_match];
for (size_t pos = 0; pos < sourceSentence.size(); ++pos) {
WORD_ID wordId = sourceSentence[pos];
sourceStr += vocabulary.GetWord(wordId) + " ";
vector<SentenceAlignment> &targets = targetAndAlignment[best_match];
for (size_t targetInd = 0; targetInd < targets.size(); ++targetInd) {
const SentenceAlignment &sentenceAlignment = targets[targetInd];
string targetStr = sentenceAlignment.getTargetString();
string alignStr = sentenceAlignment.getAlignmentString();
cerr << "create_xml " << endl
<< sourceStr << endl
<< inputStr << endl
<< targetStr << endl
<< alignStr << endl;
create_extract(sourceSentence, targets, inputStr, best_path);
} // else if (multiple_flag)
@ -435,3 +426,33 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
cerr << "total: " << (1000 * (clock()-start_main_clock) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC) << endl;
void create_extract(const vector< WORD_ID > &sourceSentence, const vector<SentenceAlignment> &targets, const string &inputStr, const string &path)
string sourceStr;
for (size_t pos = 0; pos < sourceSentence.size(); ++pos) {
WORD_ID wordId = sourceSentence[pos];
sourceStr += vocabulary.GetWord(wordId) + " ";
char *inputFileName = tmpnam(NULL);
ofstream inputFile(inputFileName);
for (size_t targetInd = 0; targetInd < targets.size(); ++targetInd) {
const SentenceAlignment &sentenceAlignment = targets[targetInd];
string targetStr = sentenceAlignment.getTargetString();
string alignStr = sentenceAlignment.getAlignmentString();
<< sourceStr << endl
<< inputStr << endl
<< targetStr << endl
<< alignStr << endl
<< path << endl;
string cmd = string("perl create_xml.perl ") + inputFileName;
cerr << cmd << endl;

View File

@ -32,7 +32,10 @@ int multiple_flag = false;
int multiple_slack = 0;
int multiple_max = 100;
map< WORD_ID,vector< int > > single_word_index;
// global cache for word pairs
map< pair< WORD_ID, WORD_ID >, unsigned int > lsed;
void create_extract(const vector< WORD_ID > &sourceSentence, const vector<SentenceAlignment> &targets, const string &inputStr, const string &path);
void load_corpus( const char* fileName, vector< vector< WORD_ID > > &corpus )
{ // source
@ -159,9 +162,6 @@ void load_alignment( const char* fileName, vector< vector< SentenceAlignment > >
/* Letter string edit distance, e.g. sub 'their' to 'there' costs 2 */
// global cache for word pairs
map< pair< WORD_ID, WORD_ID >, unsigned int > lsed;
unsigned int letter_sed( WORD_ID aIdx, WORD_ID bIdx )
// check if already computed -> lookup in cache

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w -d
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use FindBin qw($RealBin);
@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ my $cmd;
my $TMPDIR=dirname($pt_file) ."/tmp.$$";
$cmd = "mkdir -p $TMPDIR";
$TMPDIR = "/Users/hieuhoang/workspace/experiment/data/tm-mt-integration/out/tmp.3196";
my $match_file = "$TMPDIR/match";
# suffix array creation and extraction
$cmd = "$RealBin/fuzzy-match --multiple $in_file $source_file > $match_file";
print STDERR "$cmd \n";
# make into xml and pt
@ -47,7 +47,8 @@ while( my $match = <MATCH> ) {
$score =~ /^(\d+) (.+)/ || die;
my ($i,$match_score) = ($1,$2);
print STDERR "i=$i\n";
# construct frame
if ($sentence < 1e9 && $sentence >= 0) {
my $SOURCE = $ALL_SOURCE[$sentence];
@ -92,6 +93,8 @@ if ($OUTPUT_RULES)
sub create_xml {
my ($source,$input,$target,$alignment,$path) = @_;
print STDERR " HIEU \n $source \n $input \n $target \n $alignment \n $path \n";
my @INPUT = split(/ /,$input);
my @SOURCE = split(/ /,$source);
my @TARGET = split(/ /,$target);