make phrase-table.half naming consistent. Requested by Phil Williams

This commit is contained in:
Hieu Hoang 2012-05-26 12:21:32 +01:00
parent 07fafd51b5
commit 4c90c88733
2 changed files with 7 additions and 14 deletions

View File

@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ $cmd = "\n\nOH SHIT. This should have been filled in \n\n";
if ($fileCount == 1 && !$doSort)
my $numStr = NumStr(0);
$cmd = "mv $TMPDIR/phrase-table.half.$numStr.gz $ptHalf.gz \n";
$cmd = "mv $TMPDIR/phrase-table.half.$numStr.gz $ptHalf";
@ -162,14 +162,7 @@ else
$cmd .= "| LC_ALL=C $sortCmd -T $TMPDIR ";
$cmd .= " | gzip -c >";
if ($doSort) {
$cmd .= " $ptHalf.sorted.gz \n";
else {
$cmd .= " $ptHalf.gz \n";
$cmd .= " | gzip -c > $ptHalf";
print STDERR $cmd;

View File

@ -1486,7 +1486,7 @@ sub score_phrase_phrase_extract {
if ($pid == 0)
next if $___CONTINUE && -e "$ttable_file.half.$direction";
next if $___CONTINUE && $direction eq "e2f" && -e "$ttable_file.half.e2f.sorted";
next if $___CONTINUE && $direction eq "e2f" && -e "$ttable_file.half.e2f.gz";
my $inverse = "";
my $extract_filename = $extract_file;
if ($direction eq "e2f") {
@ -1497,7 +1497,7 @@ sub score_phrase_phrase_extract {
print STDERR "(6.".($substep++).") creating table half $ttable_file.half.$direction @ ".`date`;
my $cmd = "$PHRASE_SCORE $extract $lexical_file.$direction $ttable_file.half.$direction $inverse";
my $cmd = "$PHRASE_SCORE $extract $lexical_file.$direction $ttable_file.half.$direction.gz $inverse";
$cmd .= " --Hierarchical" if $_HIERARCHICAL;
$cmd .= " --WordAlignment" if $_PHRASE_WORD_ALIGNMENT;
$cmd .= " --KneserNey" if $KNESER_NEY;
@ -1543,15 +1543,15 @@ sub score_phrase_phrase_extract {
# merging the two halves
print STDERR "(6.6) consolidating the two halves @ ".`date`;
return if $___CONTINUE && -e "$ttable_file.gz";
my $cmd = "$PHRASE_CONSOLIDATE $ttable_file.half.f2e.gz $ttable_file.half.e2f.sorted.gz $ttable_file.gz";
my $cmd = "$PHRASE_CONSOLIDATE $ttable_file.half.f2e.gz $ttable_file.half.e2f.gz $ttable_file.gz";
$cmd .= " --Hierarchical" if $_HIERARCHICAL;
$cmd .= " --LogProb" if $LOG_PROB;
$cmd .= " --NegLogProb" if $NEG_LOG_PROB;
$cmd .= " --OnlyDirect" if $ONLY_DIRECT;
$cmd .= " --NoPhraseCount" unless $PHRASE_COUNT;
$cmd .= " --LowCountFeature" if $LOW_COUNT;
$cmd .= " --GoodTuring $ttable_file.half.f2e.coc" if $GOOD_TURING;
$cmd .= " --KneserNey $ttable_file.half.f2e.coc" if $KNESER_NEY;
$cmd .= " --GoodTuring $ttable_file.half.f2e.gz.coc" if $GOOD_TURING;
$cmd .= " --KneserNey $ttable_file.half.f2e.gz.coc" if $KNESER_NEY;
safesystem($cmd) or die "ERROR: Consolidating the two phrase table halves failed";
if (! $debug) { safesystem("rm -f $ttable_file.half.*") or die("ERROR"); }