Forgot to do variable substitution

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Kenneth Heafield 2011-12-01 04:11:58 -08:00
parent 3ea87b2d58
commit 56d2b0d3e9

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@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ if $(boost-version) < 103600 {
exit You have Boost $(boost-version). Moses requires at least 103600 (and preferably newer). : 1 ;
#Are we linking static binaries against shared boost?
boost-auto-shared = [ auto_shared "boost_program_options" : L-boost-search ] ;
boost-auto-shared = [ auto_shared "boost_program_options" : $(L-boost-search) ] ;
#Convenience rule for boost libraries. Defines library boost_$(name).
rule boost_lib ( name macro ) {
#Link multi-threaded programs against the -mt version if available. Old