initial version of phrase-extract and phrase-score used by training script

git-svn-id: 1f5c12ca-751b-0410-a591-d2e778427230
This commit is contained in:
phkoehn 2006-08-08 18:54:28 +00:00
parent 7f8914c6d5
commit b83fc72dd2
5 changed files with 839 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
# ================================================================
CC = /usr/bin/gcc# -Wno-deprecated
CXX = /usr/bin/g++# -Wno-deprecated
OSNAME = linux
# ================================================================
# general variables
TopDir := $(shell pwd)
BinDir = $(TopDir)/bin
SrcDir = $(TopDir) $(TopDir)/extract
INCLUDES = -I$(TopDir) -I$(TopDir)/extract
ObjDir = $(TopDir)/extractobj.$(OSNAME)
# =========================================================
# Variables for the EXTRACTOR
ExtractObjFiles = extract.o
ExtractObjFilesWithPath = $(addprefix $(ObjDir)/, $(ExtractObjFiles))
# =========================================================
extract: OutputPaths $(ExtractObjFiles)
$(CXX) $(CCFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -o $(BinDir)/phrase-extract $(ExtractObjFilesWithPath)
OutputPaths: MakeObjDir MakeBinDir
@mkdir -p $(ObjDir)
@mkdir -p $(BinDir)
VPATH = $(ObjDir) $(SrcDir)
%.o : %.cpp
@echo @$(CXX) -c $(CCFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) $< -o $(ObjDir)/$(@F)
@echo Compiling $(@F)
@$(CXX) -c $(CCFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) $< -o $(ObjDir)/$(@F)
%.o : %.c
@echo Compiling $(@F)
@$(CC) -c $(CCFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) $< -o $(ObjDir)/$(@F)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
using namespace std;
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#define SAFE_GETLINE(_IS, _LINE, _SIZE, _DELIM) {_IS.getline(_LINE, _SIZE, _DELIM); if( && !_IS.bad() && !_IS.eof()) _IS.clear();}
#define LINE_MAX_LENGTH 10000
class SentenceAlignment {
vector<string> english;
vector<string> foreign;
vector<int> alignedCountF;
vector< vector<int> > alignedToE;
int create( char[], char[], char[], int );
// void clear() { delete(alignment); };
void extract( SentenceAlignment & );
void addPhrase( SentenceAlignment &, int, int, int, int );
vector<string> tokenize( char [] );
bool isAligned ( SentenceAlignment &, int, int );
ofstream extractFile;
ofstream extractFileInv;
ofstream extractFileOrientation;
int maxPhraseLength;
int phraseCount = 0;
char* fileNameExtract;
bool orientationFlag;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
cerr << "PhraseExtract v1.3.0, written by Philipp Koehn\n"
<< "phrase extraction from an aligned parallel corpus\n";
time_t starttime = time(NULL);
if (argc != 6 && argc != 7) {
cerr << "syntax: phrase-extract en de align extract max-length [orientation]\n";
char* &fileNameE = argv[1];
char* &fileNameF = argv[2];
char* &fileNameA = argv[3];
fileNameExtract = argv[4];
maxPhraseLength = atoi(argv[5]);
orientationFlag = (argc == 7);
if (orientationFlag) cerr << "(also extracting orientation)\n";
// string fileNameE = "/data/nlp/koehn/europarl-v2/models/de-en/model/aligned.en";
// string fileNameF = "/data/nlp/koehn/europarl-v2/models/de-en/model/";
// string fileNameA = "/data/nlp/koehn/europarl-v2/models/de-en/model/aligned.grow-diag-final";
ifstream eFile;
ifstream fFile;
ifstream aFile;;;;
istream *eFileP = &eFile;
istream *fFileP = &fFile;
istream *aFileP = &aFile;
// string fileNameExtract = "/data/nlp/koehn/europarl-v2/models/de-en/model/new-extract";
int i=0;
while(true) {
if (i%10000 == 0) cerr << "." << flush;
char englishString[LINE_MAX_LENGTH];
char foreignString[LINE_MAX_LENGTH];
char alignmentString[LINE_MAX_LENGTH];
SAFE_GETLINE((*eFileP), englishString, LINE_MAX_LENGTH, '\n');
if (eFileP->eof()) break;
SAFE_GETLINE((*fFileP), foreignString, LINE_MAX_LENGTH, '\n');
SAFE_GETLINE((*aFileP), alignmentString, LINE_MAX_LENGTH, '\n');
SentenceAlignment sentence;
// cout << "read in: " << englishString << " & " << foreignString << " & " << alignmentString << endl;
if (sentence.create( englishString, foreignString, alignmentString, i ))
void extract( SentenceAlignment &sentence ) {
int countE = sentence.english.size();
int countF = sentence.foreign.size();
// check alignments for english phrase startE...endE
for(int startE=0;startE<countE;startE++) {
for(int endE=startE;
(endE<countE && endE<startE+maxPhraseLength);
endE++) {
int minF = 9999;
int maxF = -1;
vector< int > usedF = sentence.alignedCountF;
for(int ei=startE;ei<=endE;ei++) {
for(int i=0;i<sentence.alignedToE[ei].size();i++) {
int fi = sentence.alignedToE[ei][i];
// cout << "point (" << fi << ", " << ei << ")\n";
if (fi<minF) { minF = fi; }
if (fi>maxF) { maxF = fi; }
usedF[ fi ]--;
// cout << "f projected ( " << minF << "-" << maxF << ", " << startE << "," << endE << ")\n";
if (maxF >= 0 && // aligned to any foreign words at all
maxF-minF < maxPhraseLength) { // foreign phrase within limits
// check if foreign words are aligned to out of bound english words
bool out_of_bounds = false;
for(int fi=minF;fi<=maxF && !out_of_bounds;fi++)
if (usedF[fi]>0) {
// cout << "ouf of bounds: " << fi << "\n";
out_of_bounds = true;
// cout << "doing if for ( " << minF << "-" << maxF << ", " << startE << "," << endE << ")\n";
if (!out_of_bounds)
// start point of foreign phrase may retreat over unaligned
for(int startF=minF;
(startF>=0 &&
startF>maxF-maxPhraseLength && // within length limit
(startF==minF || sentence.alignedCountF[startF]==0)); // unaligned
// end point of foreign phrase may advance over unaligned
for(int endF=maxF;
(endF<countF &&
endF<startF+maxPhraseLength && // within length limit
(endF==maxF || sentence.alignedCountF[endF]==0)); // unaligned
void addPhrase( SentenceAlignment &sentence, int startE, int endE, int startF, int endF ) {
// foreign
// cout << "adding ( " << startF << "-" << endF << ", " << startE << "-" << endE << ")\n";
if (phraseCount % 10000000 == 0) {
if (phraseCount>0) {
if (orientationFlag) extractFileOrientation.close();
char part[10];
string fileNameExtractPart = string(fileNameExtract) + part;
string fileNameExtractInvPart = string(fileNameExtract) + ".inv" + part;
string fileNameExtractOrientationPart = string(fileNameExtract) + ".o" + part;;;
if (orientationFlag);
for(int fi=startF;fi<=endF;fi++) {
extractFile << sentence.foreign[fi] << " ";
if (orientationFlag) extractFileOrientation << sentence.foreign[fi] << " ";
extractFile << "||| ";
if (orientationFlag) extractFileOrientation << "||| ";
// english
for(int ei=startE;ei<=endE;ei++) {
extractFile << sentence.english[ei] << " ";
extractFileInv << sentence.english[ei] << " ";
if (orientationFlag) extractFileOrientation << sentence.english[ei] << " ";
extractFile << "|||";
extractFileInv << "||| ";
if (orientationFlag) extractFileOrientation << "||| ";
// foreign (for inverse)
for(int fi=startF;fi<=endF;fi++)
extractFileInv << sentence.foreign[fi] << " ";
extractFileInv << "|||";
// alignment
for(int ei=startE;ei<=endE;ei++)
for(int i=0;i<sentence.alignedToE[ei].size();i++) {
int fi = sentence.alignedToE[ei][i];
extractFile << " " << fi-startF << "-" << ei-startE;
extractFileInv << " " << ei-startE << "-" << fi-startF;
if (orientationFlag) {
// orientation to previous E
bool connectedLeftTop = isAligned( sentence, startF-1, startE-1 );
bool connectedRightTop = isAligned( sentence, endF+1, startE-1 );
if ( connectedLeftTop && !connectedRightTop)
extractFileOrientation << "mono";
else if (!connectedLeftTop && connectedRightTop)
extractFileOrientation << "swap";
extractFileOrientation << "other";
// orientation to following E
bool connectedLeftBottom = isAligned( sentence, startF-1, endE+1 );
bool connectedRightBottom = isAligned( sentence, endF+1, endE+1 );
if ( connectedLeftBottom && !connectedRightBottom)
extractFileOrientation << " swap";
else if (!connectedLeftBottom && connectedRightBottom)
extractFileOrientation << " mono";
extractFileOrientation << " other";
extractFile << "\n";
extractFileInv << "\n";
if (orientationFlag) extractFileOrientation << "\n";
bool isAligned ( SentenceAlignment &sentence, int fi, int ei ) {
if (ei == -1 && fi == -1) return true;
if (ei <= -1 || fi <= -1) return false;
if (ei == sentence.english.size() && fi == sentence.foreign.size()) return true;
if (ei >= sentence.english.size() || fi >= sentence.foreign.size()) return false;
for(int i=0;i<sentence.alignedToE[ei].size();i++)
if (sentence.alignedToE[ei][i] == fi) return true;
return false;
// as in beamdecoder/tables.cpp
vector<string> tokenize( char input[] ) {
vector< string > token;
bool betweenWords = true;
int start;
int i=0;
for(; input[i] != '\0'; i++) {
bool isSpace = (input[i] == ' ' || input[i] == '\t');
if (!isSpace && betweenWords) {
start = i;
betweenWords = false;
else if (isSpace && !betweenWords) {
token.push_back( string( input+start, i-start ) );
betweenWords = true;
if (!betweenWords)
token.push_back( string( input+start, i-start ) );
return token;
int SentenceAlignment::create( char englishString[], char foreignString[], char alignmentString[], int sentenceID ) {
english = tokenize( englishString );
foreign = tokenize( foreignString );
// alignment = new bool[foreign.size()*english.size()];
// alignment = (bool**) calloc(english.size()*foreign.size(),sizeof(bool)); // is this right?
if (english.size() == 0 || foreign.size() == 0) {
cerr << "no english (" << english.size() << ") or foreign (" << foreign.size() << ") words << end insentence " << sentenceID << endl;
cerr << "E: " << englishString << endl << "F: " << foreignString << endl;
return 0;
// cout << "english.size = " << english.size() << endl;
// cout << "foreign.size = " << foreign.size() << endl;
// cout << "xxx\n";
for(int i=0; i<foreign.size(); i++) {
// cout << "i" << i << endl;
alignedCountF.push_back( 0 );
for(int i=0; i<english.size(); i++) {
vector< int > dummy;
alignedToE.push_back( dummy );
// cout << "\nscanning...\n";
vector<string> alignmentSequence = tokenize( alignmentString );
for(int i=0; i<alignmentSequence.size(); i++) {
int e,f;
// cout << "scaning " << alignmentSequence[i].c_str() << endl;
if (! sscanf(alignmentSequence[i].c_str(), "%d-%d", &f, &e)) {
cerr << "WARNING: " << alignmentSequence[i] << " is a bad alignment point in sentnce " << sentenceID << endl;
cerr << "E: " << englishString << endl << "F: " << foreignString << endl;
return 0;
// cout << "alignmentSequence[i] " << alignmentSequence[i] << " is " << f << ", " << e << endl;
if (e >= english.size() || f >= foreign.size()) {
cerr << "WARNING: sentence " << sentenceID << " has alignment point (" << f << ", " << e << ") out of bounds (" << foreign.size() << ", " << english.size() << ")\n";
cerr << "E: " << englishString << endl << "F: " << foreignString << endl;
return 0;
alignedToE[e].push_back( f );
return 1;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
using namespace std;
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "tables-core.h"
#define SAFE_GETLINE(_IS, _LINE, _SIZE, _DELIM) {_IS.getline(_LINE, _SIZE, _DELIM); if( && !_IS.bad() && !_IS.eof()) _IS.clear();}
#define LINE_MAX_LENGTH 10000
class PhraseAlignment {
int english, foreign;
vector< vector<int> > alignedToE;
vector< vector<int> > alignedToF;
void create( char*, int );
void clear();
bool equals( PhraseAlignment );
class LexicalTable {
map< WORD_ID, map< WORD_ID, double > > ltable;
void load( char[] );
vector<string> tokenize( char [] );
void processPhrasePairs( vector< PhraseAlignment > & );
ofstream phraseTableFile;
Vocabulary vcbE;
Vocabulary vcbF;
LexicalTable lexTable;
PhraseTable phraseTableE;
PhraseTable phraseTableF;
bool inverseFlag;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
cerr << "PhraseScore v1.2.1, written by Philipp Koehn\n"
<< "phrase scoring methods for extracted phrases\n";
time_t starttime = time(NULL);
if (argc != 4 && argc != 5) {
cerr << "syntax: phrase-score extract lex phrase-table [inverse]\n";
char* &fileNameExtract = argv[1];
char* &fileNameLex = argv[2];
char* &fileNamePhraseTable = argv[3];
inverseFlag = false;
if (argc > 4) {
inverseFlag = true;
cerr << "using inverse mode\n";
// char[] fileNameExtract& = "/data/nlp/koehn/europarl-v2/models/de-en/model/new-extract.sorted";
// string fileNameLex = "/data/nlp/koehn/europarl-v2/models/de-en/model/lex.f2n";
// string fileNamePhraseTable = "/data/nlp/koehn/europarl-v2/models/de-en/model/new-phrase-table-half.f2n";
// lexical translation table
lexTable.load( fileNameLex );
// sorted phrase extraction file
ifstream extractFile;;
if ( {
cerr << "ERROR: could not open extract file " << fileNameExtract << endl;
istream *extractFileP = &extractFile;
// output file: phrase translation table;
if ( {
cerr << "ERROR: could not open file phrase table file "
<< fileNamePhraseTable << endl;
// loop through all extracted phrase translations
int lastForeign = -1;
vector< PhraseAlignment > phrasePairsWithSameF;
int i=0;
int fileCount = 0;
while(true) {
if (extractFileP->eof()) break;
if (++i % 100000 == 0) cerr << "." << flush;
char line[LINE_MAX_LENGTH];
SAFE_GETLINE((*extractFileP), line, LINE_MAX_LENGTH, '\n');
// if (fileCount>0)
if (extractFileP->eof()) break;
PhraseAlignment phrasePair;
phrasePair.create( line, i );
if (lastForeign >= 0 && lastForeign != phrasePair.foreign) {
processPhrasePairs( phrasePairsWithSameF );
for(int j=0;j<phrasePairsWithSameF.size();j++)
phrasePair.clear(); // process line again, since phrase tables flushed
phrasePair.create( line, i );
lastForeign = phrasePair.foreign;
phrasePairsWithSameF.push_back( phrasePair );
processPhrasePairs( phrasePairsWithSameF );
void processPhrasePairs( vector< PhraseAlignment > &phrasePair ) {
map<int, int> countE;
map<int, int> alignmentE;
int totalCount = 0;
int currentCount = 0;
int maxSameCount = 0;
int maxSame = -1;
int old = -1;
for(int i=0;i<phrasePair.size();i++) {
if (i>0) {
if (phrasePair[old].english == phrasePair[i].english) {
if (! phrasePair[i].equals( phrasePair[old] )) {
if (currentCount > maxSameCount) {
maxSameCount = currentCount;
maxSame = i-1;
currentCount = 0;
else {
// wrap up old E
if (currentCount > maxSameCount) {
maxSameCount = currentCount;
maxSame = i-1;
alignmentE[ phrasePair[old].english ] = maxSame;
// if (maxSameCount != totalCount)
// cout << "max count is " << maxSameCount << "/" << totalCount << endl;
// get ready for new E
totalCount = 0;
currentCount = 0;
maxSameCount = 0;
maxSame = -1;
countE[ phrasePair[i].english ]++;
old = i;
// wrap up old E
if (currentCount > maxSameCount) {
maxSameCount = currentCount;
maxSame = phrasePair.size()-1;
alignmentE[ phrasePair[old].english ] = maxSame;
// if (maxSameCount != totalCount)
// cout << "max count is " << maxSameCount << "/" << totalCount << endl;
// output table
typedef map< int, int >::iterator II;
PHRASE phraseF = phraseTableF.getPhrase( phrasePair[0].foreign );
for(II i = countE.begin(); i != countE.end(); i++) {
// cout << "\tp( " << i->first << " | " << phrasePair[0].foreign << " ; " << phraseF.size() << " ) = ...\n";
// foreign phrase (unless inverse)
if (! inverseFlag) {
for(int j=0;j<phraseF.size();j++)
phraseTableFile << vcbF.getWord( phraseF[j] ) << " ";
phraseTableFile << "||| ";
// english phrase
PHRASE phraseE = phraseTableE.getPhrase( i->first );
for(int j=0;j<phraseE.size();j++)
phraseTableFile << vcbE.getWord( phraseE[j] ) << " ";
phraseTableFile << "||| ";
// foreign phrase (if inverse)
if (inverseFlag) {
for(int j=0;j<phraseF.size();j++)
phraseTableFile << vcbF.getWord( phraseF[j] ) << " ";
phraseTableFile << "||| ";
// phrase translation probability
phraseTableFile << ((double) i->second / (double) phrasePair.size());
// lexical translation probability
double lexScore = 1;
int null = vcbF.getWordID("NULL");
PhraseAlignment &current = phrasePair[ alignmentE[ i->first ] ];
for(int ei=0;ei<phraseE.size();ei++) { // all english words have to be explained
if (current.alignedToE[ ei ].size() == 0)
lexScore *= lexTable.ltable[ null ][ phraseE[ ei ] ]; // by NULL if neccessary
else {
double thisWordScore = 0;
for(int j=0;j<current.alignedToE[ ei ].size();j++) {
thisWordScore += lexTable.ltable[ phraseF[current.alignedToE[ ei ][ j ] ] ][ phraseE[ ei ] ];
// cout << "lex" << j << "(" << vcbE.getWord( phraseE[ ei ] ) << "|" << vcbF.getWord( phraseF[current.alignedToE[ ei ][ j ] ] ) << ")=" << lexTable.ltable[ phraseF[current.alignedToE[ ei ][ j ] ] ][ phraseE[ ei ] ] << " ";
lexScore *= thisWordScore / (double)current.alignedToE[ ei ].size();
// cout << " => " << lexScore << endl;
phraseTableFile << " " << lexScore;
// model 1 score
// zens&ney lexical score
phraseTableFile << endl;
void PhraseAlignment::create( char line[], int lineID ) {
vector< string > token = tokenize( line );
int item = 1;
PHRASE phraseF, phraseE;
for (int j=0; j<token.size(); j++) {
if (token[j] == "|||") item++;
else {
if (item == 1)
phraseF.push_back( vcbF.storeIfNew( token[j] ) );
else if (item == 2)
phraseE.push_back( vcbE.storeIfNew( token[j] ) );
else if (item == 3) {
int e,f;
sscanf(token[j].c_str(), "%d-%d", &f, &e);
if (e >= phraseE.size() || f >= phraseF.size()) {
cerr << "WARNING: sentence " << lineID << " has alignment point (" << f << ", " << e << ") out of bounds (" << phraseF.size() << ", " << phraseE.size() << ")\n"; }
else {
if (alignedToE.size() == 0) {
vector< int > dummy;
for(int i=0;i<phraseE.size();i++)
alignedToE.push_back( dummy );
for(int i=0;i<phraseF.size();i++)
alignedToF.push_back( dummy );
foreign = phraseTableF.storeIfNew( phraseF );
english = phraseTableE.storeIfNew( phraseE );
alignedToE[e].push_back( f );
alignedToF[f].push_back( e );
void PhraseAlignment::clear() {
for(int i=0;i<alignedToE.size();i++)
for(int i=0;i<alignedToF.size();i++)
bool PhraseAlignment::equals( PhraseAlignment other ) {
if (other.english != english) return false;
if (other.foreign != foreign) return false;
PHRASE phraseE = phraseTableE.getPhrase( english );
PHRASE phraseF = phraseTableF.getPhrase( foreign );
for(int i=0;i<phraseE.size();i++) {
if (alignedToE[i].size() != other.alignedToE[i].size()) return false;
for(int j=0; j<alignedToE[i].size(); j++) {
if (alignedToE[i][j] != other.alignedToE[i][j]) return false;
for(int i=0;i<phraseF.size();i++) {
if (alignedToF[i].size() != other.alignedToF[i].size()) return false;
for(int j=0; j<alignedToF[i].size(); j++) {
if (alignedToF[i][j] != other.alignedToF[i][j]) return false;
return true;
void LexicalTable::load( char *fileName ) {
cerr << "Loading lexical translation table from " << fileName;
ifstream inFile;;
if ( {
cerr << " - ERROR: could not open file\n";
istream *inFileP = &inFile;
char line[LINE_MAX_LENGTH];
int i=0;
while(true) {
if (i%100000 == 0) cerr << "." << flush;
SAFE_GETLINE((*inFileP), line, LINE_MAX_LENGTH, '\n');
if (inFileP->eof()) break;
vector<string> token = tokenize( line );
if (token.size() != 3) {
cerr << "line " << i << " in " << fileName << " has wrong number of tokens, skipping:\n" <<
token.size() << " " << token[0] << " " << line << endl;
double prob = atof( token[2].c_str() );
WORD_ID wordE = vcbE.storeIfNew( token[0] );
WORD_ID wordF = vcbF.storeIfNew( token[1] );
ltable[ wordF ][ wordE ] = prob;
cerr << endl;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
//#include "beammain.h"
#include "tables-core.h"
#define SAFE_GETLINE(_IS, _LINE, _SIZE, _DELIM) {_IS.getline(_LINE, _SIZE, _DELIM); if( && !_IS.bad() && !_IS.eof()) _IS.clear();}
vector<string> tokenize( char input[] ) {
vector< string > token;
bool betweenWords = true;
int start;
int i=0;
for(; input[i] != '\0'; i++) {
bool isSpace = (input[i] == ' ' || input[i] == '\t');
if (!isSpace && betweenWords) {
start = i;
betweenWords = false;
else if (isSpace && !betweenWords) {
token.push_back( string( input+start, i-start ) );
betweenWords = true;
if (!betweenWords)
token.push_back( string( input+start, i-start+1 ) );
return token;
WORD_ID Vocabulary::storeIfNew( WORD word ) {
if( lookup.find( word ) != lookup.end() )
return lookup[ word ];
WORD_ID id = vocab.size();
vocab.push_back( word );
lookup[ word ] = id;
return id;
WORD_ID Vocabulary::getWordID( WORD word ) {
if( lookup.find( word ) == lookup.end() )
return 0;
return lookup[ word ];
PHRASE_ID PhraseTable::storeIfNew( PHRASE phrase ) {
if( lookup.find( phrase ) != lookup.end() )
return lookup[ phrase ];
PHRASE_ID id = phraseTable.size();
phraseTable.push_back( phrase );
lookup[ phrase ] = id;
return id;
PHRASE_ID PhraseTable::getPhraseID( PHRASE phrase ) {
if( lookup.find( phrase ) == lookup.end() )
return 0;
return lookup[ phrase ];
void PhraseTable::clear() {
void DTable::init() {
for(int i = -10; i<10; i++)
dtable[i] = -abs( i );
void DTable::load( string fileName ) {
ifstream inFile;;
istream *inFileP = &inFile;
int i=0;
while(true) {
if (inFileP->eof()) break;
vector<string> token = tokenize( line );
if (token.size() < 2) {
cerr << "line " << i << " in " << fileName << " too short, skipping\n";
int d = atoi( token[0].c_str() );
double prob = log( atof( token[1].c_str() ) );
dtable[ d ] = prob;
double DTable::get( int distortion ) {
if (dtable.find( distortion ) == dtable.end())
return log( 0.00001 );
return dtable[ distortion ];

View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
#ifndef _TABLES_H
#define _TABLES_H
using namespace std;
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>
#include <queue>
#include <map>
vector<string> tokenize( char[] );
typedef string WORD;
typedef unsigned int WORD_ID;
class Vocabulary {
map<WORD, WORD_ID> lookup;
vector< WORD > vocab;
WORD_ID storeIfNew( WORD );
WORD_ID getWordID( WORD );
inline WORD &getWord( WORD_ID id ) { return vocab[ id ]; }
typedef vector< WORD_ID > PHRASE;
typedef unsigned int PHRASE_ID;
class PhraseTable {
map< PHRASE, PHRASE_ID > lookup;
vector< PHRASE > phraseTable;
void clear();
inline PHRASE &getPhrase( const PHRASE_ID id ) { return phraseTable[ id ]; }
typedef vector< pair< PHRASE_ID, double > > PHRASEPROBVEC;
class TTable {
map< PHRASE_ID, vector< pair< PHRASE_ID, double > > > ttable;
map< PHRASE_ID, vector< pair< PHRASE_ID, vector< double > > > > ttableMulti;
class DTable {
map< int, double > dtable;
void init();
void load( string );
double get( int );