merge glue grammars, rather than writing them all to the same file. Required by Phil Williams & others when doing syntax extraction

This commit is contained in:
Hieu Hoang 2013-07-24 19:01:46 +01:00
parent e6a3df7e97
commit c104dee3b2

View File

@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ my $makeTTable = 1; # whether to build the ttable extract files
my $otherExtractArgs= "";
my $weights = "";
my $baselineExtract;
my $glueFile;
for (my $i = 8; $i < $#ARGV + 1; ++$i)
$makeTTable = 0 if $ARGV[$i] eq "--NoTTable";
@ -39,6 +41,11 @@ for (my $i = 8; $i < $#ARGV + 1; ++$i)
$weights = $ARGV[++$i];
if ($ARGV[$i] eq '--GlueGrammar') {
$glueFile = $ARGV[++$i];
$otherExtractArgs .= $ARGV[$i] ." ";
@ -117,7 +124,14 @@ for (my $i = 0; $i < $numParallel; ++$i)
if ($weights) {
$weightsCmd = "--InstanceWeights $TMPDIR/weights.$numStr";
my $cmd = "$extractCmd $TMPDIR/target.$numStr $TMPDIR/source.$numStr $TMPDIR/align.$numStr $TMPDIR/extract.$numStr $otherExtractArgs $weightsCmd --SentenceOffset ".($i*$linesPerSplit)." 2>> /dev/stderr \n";
my $glueArg = "";
if (defined($glueFile)) {
$glueArg = "--GlueGrammar $TMPDIR/glue.$numStr";
print "glueArg=$glueArg \n";
my $cmd = "$extractCmd $TMPDIR/target.$numStr $TMPDIR/source.$numStr $TMPDIR/align.$numStr $TMPDIR/extract.$numStr $glueArg $otherExtractArgs $weightsCmd --SentenceOffset ".($i*$linesPerSplit)." 2>> /dev/stderr \n";
print STDERR $cmd;
@ -135,8 +149,7 @@ foreach (@children) {
# merge
my $is_osx = ($^O eq "darwin");
my $catCmd = $is_osx?"gunzip -c ":"zcat ";
my $catCmd = "gunzip -c ";
my $catInvCmd = $catCmd;
my $catOCmd = $catCmd;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $numParallel; ++$i)
@ -184,6 +197,13 @@ foreach (@children) {
waitpid($_, 0);
# glue rules
if (defined($glueFile)) {
my $cmd = "cat $TMPDIR/glue.* | LC_ALL=C sort | uniq > $glueFile";
print STDERR "Merging glue rules: $cmd \n";
print STDERR `$cmd`;
# delete temporary files
$cmd = "rm -rf $TMPDIR \n";
print STDERR $cmd;