added some more documentation

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wlin12 2012-09-07 18:41:25 +01:00
parent d3e19c4fb2
commit dca9d8952d

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@ -55,8 +55,31 @@ The same must be done for the reordering table by replacing <phrase_table_file>
perl <pruning_scripts>/ -table <reord_table_file> -scores <output_dir>/scores/rel_ent.txt -percentage 70 > <pruned_reord_table_file>
Step 2 requires the forced decoding of the whole set of phrase pairs in the table, so unless you test it on a small corpora, it usually requires large amounts of time to process.
Thus, we recommend users to run multiple instances of "<pruning_scripts>/" in parallel to process different parts of the phrase table.
To do this, run:
perl <pruning_scripts>/ -moses_ini <moses_ini> -training_s <s_train> -training_t <t_train> -prune_bin <pruning_binaries> -prune_scripts <pruning_scripts> -moses_scripts <path_to_moses>/scripts/training/ -workdir <output_dir> -dec_size 10000 -start 0 -end 100000
The -start and -end tags tell the script to only calculate the results for phrase pairs between 0 and 99999.
Thus, an example of a shell script to run for the whole phrase table would be:
size=`wc <phrase_table_file> | gawk '{print $1}'`
for i in $(seq 0 $phrases_per_process $size)
end=`expr $i + $phrases_per_process`
perl <pruning_scripts>/ -moses_ini <moses_ini> -training_s <s_train> -training_t <t_train> -prune_bin <pruning_binaries> -prune_scripts <pruning_scripts> -moses_scripts <path_to_moses>/scripts/training/ -workdir <output_dir>.$i-$end -dec_size 10000 -start $i -end $end
After all processes finish, simply join the partial score files together in the same order.
Ling, W., Graça, J., Trancoso, I., and Black, A. (2012). Entropy-based pruning for phrase-based
machine translation. In Proceedings of the 2012
Joint Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and