This is one of those little chores in managing a long-lived C++
project: standard C headers like stdio.h and math.h now have their own
place in the C++ standard as resp. cstdio, cmath, and so on. In this
branch the #include names are updated for the mert/ subdirectory; more
branches to follow.
C++11 adds cstdint, but to support compilation with the previous
standard, that change is left for later.
This change might be useful to avoid duplicating the names.
The reason is that although MERT programs are standalone
applications, some header files such as data.h and
point.h have common guard macro names like "DATA_H" and
"POINT_H", and this is not good naming conventions
when you want to include external headers.
Some files actually include headers in Moses and KenLM's util.