evaluator --sctype PER --reference ref.file --candidate cand.file
usage: evaluator [options] --reference ref1[,ref2[,ref3...]] --candidate cand1[,cand2[,cand3...]]
[--sctype|-s] the scorer type (default BLEU)
[--scconfig|-c] configuration string passed to scorer
This is of the form NAME1:VAL1,NAME2:VAL2 etc
[--reference|-R] comma separated list of reference files
[--candidate|-C] comma separated list of candidate files
[--bootstrap|-b] number of booststraped samples (default 0 - no bootstraping)
[--rseed|-r] the random seed for bootstraping (defaults to system clock)
[--help|-h] print this message and exit
git-svn-id: https://mosesdecoder.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mosesdecoder/trunk@4153 1f5c12ca-751b-0410-a591-d2e778427230