This change might be useful to avoid duplicating the names.
The reason is that although MERT programs are standalone
applications, some header files such as data.h and
point.h have common guard macro names like "DATA_H" and
"POINT_H", and this is not good naming conventions
when you want to include external headers.
Some files actually include headers in Moses and KenLM's util.
evaluator --sctype PER --reference ref.file --candidate cand.file
usage: evaluator [options] --reference ref1[,ref2[,ref3...]] --candidate cand1[,cand2[,cand3...]]
[--sctype|-s] the scorer type (default BLEU)
[--scconfig|-c] configuration string passed to scorer
This is of the form NAME1:VAL1,NAME2:VAL2 etc
[--reference|-R] comma separated list of reference files
[--candidate|-C] comma separated list of candidate files
[--bootstrap|-b] number of booststraped samples (default 0 - no bootstraping)
[--rseed|-r] the random seed for bootstraping (defaults to system clock)
[--help|-h] print this message and exit
git-svn-id: 1f5c12ca-751b-0410-a591-d2e778427230