#include "Model1Feature.h" #include "moses/StaticData.h" #include "moses/InputFileStream.h" #include "moses/ScoreComponentCollection.h" #include "moses/FactorCollection.h" using namespace std; namespace Moses { const std::string Model1Vocabulary::GIZANULL = "GIZANULL"; Model1Vocabulary::Model1Vocabulary() { FactorCollection &factorCollection = FactorCollection::Instance(); m_NULL = factorCollection.AddFactor(GIZANULL,false); Store(m_NULL,0); } bool Model1Vocabulary::Store(const Factor* word, const unsigned id) { boost::unordered_map::iterator iter = m_lookup.find( word ); if ( iter != m_lookup.end() ) { return false; } m_lookup[ word ] = id; if ( m_vocab.size() <= id ) { m_vocab.resize(id+1); } m_vocab[id] = word; return true; } unsigned Model1Vocabulary::StoreIfNew(const Factor* word) { boost::unordered_map::iterator iter = m_lookup.find( word ); if ( iter != m_lookup.end() ) { return iter->second; } unsigned id = m_vocab.size(); m_vocab.push_back( word ); m_lookup[ word ] = id; return id; } unsigned Model1Vocabulary::GetWordID(const Factor* word) const { boost::unordered_map::const_iterator iter = m_lookup.find( word ); if ( iter == m_lookup.end() ) { return INVALID_ID; } return iter->second; } const Factor* Model1Vocabulary::GetWord(unsigned id) const { if (id >= m_vocab.size()) { return NULL; } return m_vocab[ id ]; } void Model1Vocabulary::Load(const std::string& fileName) { InputFileStream inFile(fileName); FactorCollection &factorCollection = FactorCollection::Instance(); std::string line; unsigned i = 0; if ( getline(inFile, line) ) { // first line of MGIZA vocabulary files seems to be special : "1 UNK 0" -- skip if it's this ++i; std::vector tokens = Tokenize(line); UTIL_THROW_IF2(tokens.size()!=3, "Line " << i << " in " << fileName << " has wrong number of tokens."); unsigned id = atoll( tokens[0].c_str() ); if (! ( (id == 1) && (tokens[1] == "UNK") )) { const Factor* factor = factorCollection.AddFactor(tokens[1],false); // TODO: can we assume that the vocabulary is know and filter the model on loading? bool stored = Store(factor, id); UTIL_THROW_IF2(!stored, "Line " << i << " in " << fileName << " overwrites existing vocabulary entry."); } } while ( getline(inFile, line) ) { ++i; std::vector tokens = Tokenize(line); UTIL_THROW_IF2(tokens.size()!=3, "Line " << i << " in " << fileName << " has wrong number of tokens."); unsigned id = atoll( tokens[0].c_str() ); const Factor* factor = factorCollection.AddFactor(tokens[1],false); // TODO: can we assume that the vocabulary is know and filter the model on loading? bool stored = Store(factor, id); UTIL_THROW_IF2(!stored, "Line " << i << " in " << fileName << " overwrites existing vocabulary entry."); } inFile.Close(); } void Model1LexicalTable::Load(const std::string &fileName, const Model1Vocabulary& vcbS, const Model1Vocabulary& vcbT) { InputFileStream inFile(fileName); std::string line; unsigned i = 0; while ( getline(inFile, line) ) { ++i; std::vector tokens = Tokenize(line); UTIL_THROW_IF2(tokens.size()!=3, "Line " << i << " in " << fileName << " has wrong number of tokens."); unsigned idS = atoll( tokens[0].c_str() ); unsigned idT = atoll( tokens[1].c_str() ); const Factor* wordS = vcbS.GetWord(idS); const Factor* wordT = vcbT.GetWord(idT); float prob = std::atof( tokens[2].c_str() ); if ( (wordS != NULL) && (wordT != NULL) ) { m_ltable[ wordS ][ wordT ] = prob; } UTIL_THROW_IF2((wordS == NULL) || (wordT == NULL), "Line " << i << " in " << fileName << " has unknown vocabulary."); // TODO: can we assume that the vocabulary is know and filter the model on loading? Then remove this line. } inFile.Close(); } // p( wordT | wordS ) float Model1LexicalTable::GetProbability(const Factor* wordS, const Factor* wordT) const { float prob = m_floor; boost::unordered_map< const Factor*, boost::unordered_map< const Factor*, float > >::const_iterator iter1 = m_ltable.find( wordS ); if ( iter1 != m_ltable.end() ) { boost::unordered_map< const Factor*, float >::const_iterator iter2 = iter1->second.find( wordT ); if ( iter2 != iter1->second.end() ) { prob = iter2->second; if ( prob < m_floor ) { prob = m_floor; } } } return prob; } Model1Feature::Model1Feature(const std::string &line) : StatelessFeatureFunction(1, line) , m_skipTargetPunctuation(false) , m_is_syntax(false) { VERBOSE(1, "Initializing feature " << GetScoreProducerDescription() << " ..."); ReadParameters(); VERBOSE(1, " Done."); } void Model1Feature::SetParameter(const std::string& key, const std::string& value) { if (key == "path") { m_fileNameModel1 = value; } else if (key == "source-vocabulary") { m_fileNameVcbS = value; } else if (key == "target-vocabulary") { m_fileNameVcbT = value; } else if (key == "skip-target-punctuation") { m_skipTargetPunctuation = Scan(value); } else { StatelessFeatureFunction::SetParameter(key, value); } } void Model1Feature::Load(AllOptions::ptr const& opts) { m_options = opts; m_is_syntax = is_syntax(opts->search.algo); FEATUREVERBOSE(2, GetScoreProducerDescription() << ": Loading source vocabulary from file " << m_fileNameVcbS << " ..."); Model1Vocabulary vcbS; vcbS.Load(m_fileNameVcbS); FEATUREVERBOSE2(2, " Done." << std::endl); FEATUREVERBOSE(2, GetScoreProducerDescription() << ": Loading target vocabulary from file " << m_fileNameVcbT << " ..."); Model1Vocabulary vcbT; vcbT.Load(m_fileNameVcbT); FEATUREVERBOSE2(2, " Done." << std::endl); FEATUREVERBOSE(2, GetScoreProducerDescription() << ": Loading model 1 lexical translation table from file " << m_fileNameModel1 << " ..."); m_model1.Load(m_fileNameModel1,vcbS,vcbT); FEATUREVERBOSE2(2, " Done." << std::endl); FactorCollection &factorCollection = FactorCollection::Instance(); m_emptyWord = factorCollection.GetFactor(Model1Vocabulary::GIZANULL,false); UTIL_THROW_IF2(m_emptyWord==NULL, GetScoreProducerDescription() << ": Factor for GIZA empty word does not exist."); if (m_skipTargetPunctuation) { const std::string punctuation = ",;.:!?"; for (size_t i=0; i::iterator,bool> inserted = m_punctuation.insert(punctFactor); } } } void Model1Feature::EvaluateWithSourceContext(const InputType &input , const InputPath &inputPath , const TargetPhrase &targetPhrase , const StackVec *stackVec , ScoreComponentCollection &scoreBreakdown , ScoreComponentCollection *estimatedScores) const { const Sentence& sentence = static_cast(input); float score = 0.0; float norm = TransformScore(1+sentence.GetSize()); for (size_t posT=0; posT::const_iterator foundPunctuation = m_punctuation.find(wordT[0]); if (foundPunctuation != m_punctuation.end()) { continue; } } if ( !wordT.IsNonTerminal() ) { float thisWordProb = m_model1.GetProbability(m_emptyWord,wordT[0]); // probability conditioned on empty word // cache lookup bool foundInCache = false; { #ifdef WITH_THREADS boost::shared_lock read_lock(m_accessLock); #endif boost::unordered_map >::const_iterator sentenceCache = m_cache.find(&input); if (sentenceCache != m_cache.end()) { boost::unordered_map::const_iterator cacheHit = sentenceCache->second.find(wordT[0]); if (cacheHit != sentenceCache->second.end()) { foundInCache = true; score += cacheHit->second; FEATUREVERBOSE(3, "Cached score( " << wordT << " ) = " << cacheHit->second << std::endl); } } } if (!foundInCache) { for (size_t posS=(m_is_syntax?1:0); posS<(m_is_syntax?sentence.GetSize()-1:sentence.GetSize()); ++posS) { // ignore and const Word &wordS = sentence.GetWord(posS); float modelProb = m_model1.GetProbability(wordS[0],wordT[0]); FEATUREVERBOSE(4, "p( " << wordT << " | " << wordS << " ) = " << modelProb << std::endl); thisWordProb += modelProb; } float thisWordScore = TransformScore(thisWordProb) - norm; FEATUREVERBOSE(3, "score( " << wordT << " ) = " << thisWordScore << std::endl); { #ifdef WITH_THREADS // need to update cache; write lock boost::unique_lock lock(m_accessLock); #endif m_cache[&input][wordT[0]] = thisWordScore; } score += thisWordScore; } } } scoreBreakdown.PlusEquals(this, score); } void Model1Feature::CleanUpAfterSentenceProcessing(const InputType& source) { #ifdef WITH_THREADS // need to update cache; write lock boost::unique_lock lock(m_accessLock); #endif // clear cache boost::unordered_map >::iterator sentenceCache = m_cache.find(&source); if (sentenceCache != m_cache.end()) { sentenceCache->second.clear(); m_cache.erase(sentenceCache); } } }