#!/bin/bash # given a config file runs tests on all untested commits of the scanned branches # storing detailed logs to logs/CONFIGNAME/commit # and extending the file brief.log # # A commit is assumed to be tested, if logs/CONFIGNAME/commit exists # # Ondrej Bojar, Ales Tamchyna, 2011 function warn() { echo "$@" >&2; } function die() { echo "$@" >&2; exit 1; } set -o pipefail # safer pipes configf="$1" [ -e "$configf" ] || die "usage: $0 configfile" configname=$(basename $configf | sed 's/\.config$//') source "$configf" [ -z "$MCC_SCAN_BRANCHES" ] \ && die "Bad config $configf; does not define MCC_SCAN_BRANCHES" # use the given tempdir or make subdir tmp here USE_TEMPDIR=$MCC_TEMPDIR [ -d "$USE_TEMPDIR" ] || USE_TEMPDIR=./tmp LOGDIR=$MCC_LOGDIR [ -d "$LOGDIR" ] || LOGDIR=. # ensure full path for logdir LOGDIR=$(readlink -f "$LOGDIR") [ -d "$LOGDIR" ] || die "Fatal: confusing readlink for $LOGDIR" # this is where moses is cloned into WORKDIR=$MCC_WORKDIR [ -d "$WORKDIR" ] || WORKDIR=$USE_TEMPDIR/workdir MYDIR=$(pwd) # this is where moses is taken from GITREPO="$MCC_GITREPO" [ -n "$GITREPO" ] || GITREPO=/home/obo/moses-at-google-code # location of moses regression test data archive (assumes url at the moment) REGTEST_ARCHIVE="$MCC_REGTEST_ARCHIVE" [ -n "$REGTEST_ARCHIVE" ] \ || REGTEST_ARCHIVE="git://github.com/moses-smt/moses-regression-tests.git" if [ ! -d "$WORKDIR" ]; then mkdir "$WORKDIR" || die "Failed to create workdir $WORKDIR" warn "Cloning $GITREPO into $WORKDIR" git clone $GITREPO $WORKDIR \ || die "Failed to git clone into workdir $WORKDIR" else ( cd "$WORKDIR" && git fetch ) \ || die "Failed to update our clone at $WORKDIR" fi mkdir -p $LOGDIR/logs/$configname \ || die "Failed to create dir $LOGDIR/logs/$configname" #### How is one test performed function run_single_test () { commit=$1 first_char=$(echo $commit | grep -o '^.') longlog="$LOGDIR/logs/$configname/$first_char/$commit.log" warn "Testing commit $commit" # Get the version of this script ccversion=$(svnversion 2>/dev/null) [ ! -z "$ccversion" ] || ccversion=$(git show 2>&1 | head -n 1) [ ! -z "$ccversion" ] || ccversion="unknown" # Create log header with computer details: echo "#### Moses Cruise Control Log for commit $commit" > $longlog date >> $longlog echo "## Cruise Control version" >> $longlog echo $ccversion >> $longlog echo "## Parameters" >> $longlog cat $MYDIR/$configf >> $longlog echo "## Envinronment" >> $longlog uname -a >> $longlog env >> $longlog git checkout --force $commit 2>/dev/null || die "Failed to checkout commit $commit" err="" cd regression-testing #regtest_file=$(echo "$REGTEST_ARCHIVE" | sed 's/^.*\///') # download data for regression tests if necessary regtest_dir=$PWD/moses-reg-test-data if [ -e $regtest_dir ]; then (cd $regtest_dir; git pull) &> /dev/null || die "Failed to update regression testing data" else git clone $REGTEST_ARCHIVE $regtest_dir &> /dev/null || die "Failed to clone regression testing data" fi #if [ ! -f $regtest_file.ok ]; then # wget $REGTEST_ARCHIVE &> /dev/null \ # || die "Failed to download data for regression tests" # tar xzf $regtest_file # touch $regtest_file.ok #fi #regtest_dir=$PWD/$(basename $regtest_file .tgz) cd .. echo "## ./bjam clean" >> $longlog ./bjam clean $MCC_CONFIGURE_ARGS --with-regtest=$regtest_dir >> $longlog 2>&1 || warn "bjam clean failed, suspicious" echo "## ./bjam $MCC_CONFIGURE_ARGS" >> $longlog if [ -z "$err" ]; then ./bjam $MCC_CONFIGURE_ARGS >> $longlog 2>&1 || err="bjam" fi echo "## regression tests" >> $longlog if [ -z "$err" ]; then ./bjam $MCC_CONFIGURE_ARGS --with-regtest=$regtest_dir >> $longlog 2>&1 || err="regression tests" fi if [ -z "$err" ] && [ "$MCC_RUN_EMS" = "yes" ]; then echo "## EMS" >> $longlog if [ ! -f "giza-pp.ok" ]; then # fetch & compile Giza++ svn checkout http://giza-pp.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ giza-pp \ || die "Failed to fetch Giza++" cd giza-pp && make || die "Failed to compile Giza++" mkdir -p bin ln -s ../GIZA++-v2/GIZA++ ../GIZA++-v2/snt2cooc.out ../mkcls-v2/mkcls bin/ cd .. touch giza-pp.ok fi ./bjam $MCC_CONFIGURE_ARGS --with-giza="$(pwd)/giza-pp/bin" || err="bjam with-giza" srilm_dir=$(echo $MCC_CONFIGURE_ARGS | sed -r 's/.*--with-srilm=([^ ]+) .*/\1/') mach_type=$($srilm_dir/sbin/machine-type) mkdir -p "$WORKDIR/ems_workdir" rm -rf "$WORKDIR/ems_workdir/"* # clean any previous experiments cat $MYDIR/config.ems \ | sed \ -e "s#WORKDIR#$WORKDIR#" \ -e "s#SRILMDIR#$srilm_dir#" \ -e "s#MACHINE_TYPE#$mach_type#" \ > ./config.ems scripts/ems/experiment.perl \ -no-graph -exec -config $(pwd)/config.ems &>> $longlog \ || die "Running EMS failed" [ -f $WORKDIR/ems_workdir/steps/1/REPORTING_report.1.DONE ] || err="ems" fi echo "## Finished" >> $longlog date >> $longlog if [ -z "$err" ]; then status="OK" else status="FAIL:$err" fi echo "## Status: $status" >> $longlog nicedate=$(date +"%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") echo "$commit $status $configname $ccversion $nicedate" \ >> "$LOGDIR/brief.log" if [ -z "$err" ]; then touch "$LOGDIR/logs/$configname/$first_char/$commit.OK" else return 1; fi } cd $WORKDIR || die "Failed to chdir to $WORKDIR" # update the revision lists for all watched branches for i in $MCC_SCAN_BRANCHES; do git rev-list $i > "$LOGDIR/logs/$configname/$(echo -n $i | sed 's/^.*\///').revlist" done # create info files for new commits for i in $(git rev-list $MCC_SCAN_BRANCHES); do first_char=$(echo $i | grep -o '^.') mkdir -p "$LOGDIR/logs/$configname/$first_char" [ -f "$LOGDIR/logs/$configname/$first_char/$i.info" ] && break; git show $i | $MYDIR/shorten_info.pl > "$LOGDIR/logs/$configname/$first_char/$i.info" done #### Main loop over all commits for i in $MCC_SCAN_BRANCHES; do warn "On brach $i" git rev-list $i \ | while read commit; do first_char=$(echo $commit | grep -o '^.') test_done="$LOGDIR/logs/$configname/$first_char/$commit.log" if [ ! -e "$test_done" ]; then run_single_test $commit && warn "Commit $commit test ok, stopping" && break warn "Commit $commit test failed, continuing" else warn "Reached a previously tested commit ($commit), stopping" break fi done done