#include "ForestInput.h" #include #include #include "util/tokenize_piece.hh" #include "moses/Syntax/F2S/Forest.h" #include "moses/TranslationModel/PhraseDictionary.h" #include "FactorCollection.h" #include "StaticData.h" #include "Util.h" namespace Moses { //! populate this InputType with data from in stream int ForestInput:: Read(std::istream &in, std::vector const& factorOrder, AllOptions const& opts) { using Syntax::F2S::Forest; m_forest = boost::make_shared(); m_rootVertex = NULL; m_vertexSet.clear(); std::string line; if (std::getline(in, line, '\n').eof()) { return 0; } // The first line contains the sentence number. We ignore this and skip // straight to the second line, which contains the sentence string. std::string sentence; std::getline(in, sentence); // If the next line is blank then there was a parse failure. Otherwise, // the next line and any subsequent non-blank lines contain hyperedges. std::getline(in, line); if (line == "") { // Parse failure. We treat this as an empty sentence. sentence = ""; // The next line will be blank too. std::getline(in, line); } else { do { ParseHyperedgeLine(line, factorOrder); std::getline(in, line); } while (line != ""); } // Do base class Read(). // TODO Check if this is actually necessary. TreeInput does it, but I'm // not sure ForestInput needs to. std::stringstream strme; strme << " " << sentence << " " << std::endl; Sentence::Read(strme, factorOrder, opts); // Find the maximum end position of any vertex (0 if forest is empty). std::size_t maxEnd = FindMaxEnd(*m_forest); // Determine which vertices are the top vertices. std::vector topVertices; if (!m_forest->vertices.empty()) { FindTopVertices(*m_forest, topVertices); assert(topVertices.size() >= 1); } // Add vertex. Forest::Vertex *startSymbol = NULL; { Word symbol; symbol.CreateFromString(Input, factorOrder, "", false); Syntax::PVertex pvertex(Range(0, 0), symbol); startSymbol = new Forest::Vertex(pvertex); m_forest->vertices.push_back(startSymbol); } // Add vertex. Forest::Vertex *endSymbol = NULL; { Word symbol; symbol.CreateFromString(Input, factorOrder, "", false); Syntax::PVertex pvertex(Range(maxEnd+1, maxEnd+1), symbol); endSymbol = new Forest::Vertex(pvertex); m_forest->vertices.push_back(endSymbol); } // Add root vertex. { Word symbol; symbol.CreateFromString(Input, factorOrder, "Q", true); Syntax::PVertex pvertex(Range(0, maxEnd+1), symbol); m_rootVertex = new Forest::Vertex(pvertex); m_forest->vertices.push_back(m_rootVertex); } // Add root's incoming hyperedges. if (topVertices.empty()) { Forest::Hyperedge *e = new Forest::Hyperedge(); e->head = m_rootVertex; e->tail.push_back(startSymbol); e->tail.push_back(endSymbol); m_rootVertex->incoming.push_back(e); } else { // Add a hyperedge between [Q] and each top vertex. for (std::vector::const_iterator p = topVertices.begin(); p != topVertices.end(); ++p) { Forest::Hyperedge *e = new Forest::Hyperedge(); e->head = m_rootVertex; e->tail.push_back(startSymbol); e->tail.push_back(*p); e->tail.push_back(endSymbol); m_rootVertex->incoming.push_back(e); } } return 1; } Syntax::F2S::Forest::Vertex *ForestInput::AddOrDeleteVertex(Forest::Vertex *v) { std::pair ret = m_vertexSet.insert(v); if (ret.second) { m_forest->vertices.push_back(*ret.first); } else { delete v; } return *ret.first; } std::size_t ForestInput::FindMaxEnd(const Forest &forest) { std::size_t maxEnd = 0; for (std::vector::const_iterator p = forest.vertices.begin(); p != forest.vertices.end(); ++p) { maxEnd = std::max(maxEnd, (*p)->pvertex.span.GetEndPos()); } return maxEnd; } void ForestInput::FindTopVertices(Forest &forest, std::vector &topVertices) { topVertices.clear(); // The set of all vertices. std::set all; // The set of all vertices that are the predecessor of another vertex. std::set preds; // Populate the all and preds sets. for (std::vector::const_iterator p = forest.vertices.begin(); p != forest.vertices.end(); ++p) { all.insert(*p); for (std::vector::const_iterator q = (*p)->incoming.begin(); q != (*p)->incoming.end(); ++q) { for (std::vector::const_iterator r = (*q)->tail.begin(); r != (*q)->tail.end(); ++r) { preds.insert(*r); } } } // The top vertices are the vertices that are in all but not in preds. std::set_difference(all.begin(), all.end(), preds.begin(), preds.end(), std::back_inserter(topVertices)); } void ForestInput::ParseHyperedgeLine( const std::string &line, const std::vector& factorOrder) { using Syntax::F2S::Forest; const util::AnyCharacter delimiter(" \t"); util::TokenIter p(line, delimiter); Forest::Vertex *v = AddOrDeleteVertex(ParseVertex(*p, factorOrder)); Forest::Hyperedge *e = new Forest::Hyperedge(); e->head = v; ++p; if (*p != "=>") { // FIXME //throw Exception(""); } for (++p; *p != "|||"; ++p) { v = ParseVertex(*p, factorOrder); if (!v->pvertex.symbol.IsNonTerminal()) { // Egret does not give start/end for terminals. v->pvertex.span = Range(e->head->pvertex.span.GetStartPos(), e->head->pvertex.span.GetStartPos()); } e->tail.push_back(AddOrDeleteVertex(v)); } ++p; std::string tmp; p->CopyToString(&tmp); e->weight = std::atof(tmp.c_str()); e->head->incoming.push_back(e); } Syntax::F2S::Forest::Vertex *ForestInput::ParseVertex( const StringPiece &s, const std::vector& factorOrder) { using Syntax::F2S::Forest; Word symbol; std::size_t pos = s.rfind('['); if (pos == std::string::npos) { symbol.CreateFromString(Input, factorOrder, s, false); // Create vertex: caller will fill in span. Range span(0, 0); return new Forest::Vertex(Syntax::PVertex(span, symbol)); } symbol.CreateFromString(Input, factorOrder, s.substr(0, pos), true); std::size_t begin = pos + 1; pos = s.find(',', begin+1); std::string tmp; s.substr(begin, pos-begin).CopyToString(&tmp); std::size_t start = std::atoi(tmp.c_str()); s.substr(pos+1, s.size()-pos-2).CopyToString(&tmp); std::size_t end = std::atoi(tmp.c_str()); // Create vertex: offset span by 1 to allow for in first position. Range span(start+1, end+1); return new Forest::Vertex(Syntax::PVertex(span, symbol)); } //! Output debugging info to stream out void ForestInput::Print(std::ostream &out) const { out << *this << "\n"; } //! create trans options specific to this InputType TranslationOptionCollection* ForestInput:: CreateTranslationOptionCollection() const { return NULL; } // FIXME std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &out, const ForestInput &) { return out; } } // namespace Moses