// $Id$ // vim:tabstop=2 /*********************************************************************** Moses - factored phrase-based language decoder Copyright (C) 2010 Hieu Hoang This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ***********************************************************************/ #include #include "ChartManager.h" #include "ChartCell.h" #include "ChartHypothesis.h" #include "ChartTranslationOptions.h" #include "ChartTrellisDetourQueue.h" #include "ChartTrellisNode.h" #include "ChartTrellisPath.h" #include "ChartTrellisPathList.h" #include "StaticData.h" #include "DecodeStep.h" #include "TreeInput.h" #include "moses/FF/WordPenaltyProducer.h" using namespace std; using namespace Moses; namespace Moses { extern bool g_debug; /* constructor. Initialize everything prior to decoding a particular sentence. * \param source the sentence to be decoded * \param system which particular set of models to use. */ ChartManager::ChartManager(InputType const& source) :m_source(source) ,m_hypoStackColl(source, *this) ,m_start(clock()) ,m_hypothesisId(0) ,m_parser(source, m_hypoStackColl) ,m_translationOptionList(StaticData::Instance().GetRuleLimit(), source) { } ChartManager::~ChartManager() { clock_t end = clock(); float et = (end - m_start); et /= (float)CLOCKS_PER_SEC; VERBOSE(1, "Translation took " << et << " seconds" << endl); } //! decode the sentence. This contains the main laps. Basically, the CKY++ algorithm void ChartManager::ProcessSentence() { VERBOSE(1,"Translating: " << m_source << endl); ResetSentenceStats(m_source); VERBOSE(2,"Decoding: " << endl); //ChartHypothesis::ResetHypoCount(); AddXmlChartOptions(); // MAIN LOOP size_t size = m_source.GetSize(); for (size_t width = 1; width <= size; ++width) { for (size_t startPos = 0; startPos <= size-width; ++startPos) { size_t endPos = startPos + width - 1; WordsRange range(startPos, endPos); // create trans opt m_translationOptionList.Clear(); m_parser.Create(range, m_translationOptionList); m_translationOptionList.ApplyThreshold(); const InputPath &inputPath = m_parser.GetInputPath(range); m_translationOptionList.Evaluate(m_source, inputPath); // decode ChartCell &cell = m_hypoStackColl.Get(range); cell.ProcessSentence(m_translationOptionList, m_hypoStackColl); m_translationOptionList.Clear(); cell.PruneToSize(); cell.CleanupArcList(); cell.SortHypotheses(); } } IFVERBOSE(1) { for (size_t startPos = 0; startPos < size; ++startPos) { cerr.width(3); cerr << startPos << " "; } cerr << endl; for (size_t width = 1; width <= size; width++) { for( size_t space = 0; space < width-1; space++ ) { cerr << " "; } for (size_t startPos = 0; startPos <= size-width; ++startPos) { WordsRange range(startPos, startPos+width-1); cerr.width(3); cerr << m_hypoStackColl.Get(range).GetSize() << " "; } cerr << endl; } } } /** add specific translation options and hypotheses according to the XML override translation scheme. * Doesn't seem to do anything about walls and zones. * @todo check walls & zones. Check that the implementation doesn't leak, xml options sometimes does if you're not careful */ void ChartManager::AddXmlChartOptions() { const StaticData &staticData = StaticData::Instance(); const std::vector xmlChartOptionsList = m_source.GetXmlChartTranslationOptions(); IFVERBOSE(2) { cerr << "AddXmlChartOptions " << xmlChartOptionsList.size() << endl; } if (xmlChartOptionsList.size() == 0) return; for(std::vector::const_iterator i = xmlChartOptionsList.begin(); i != xmlChartOptionsList.end(); ++i) { ChartTranslationOptions* opt = *i; const WordsRange &range = opt->GetSourceWordsRange(); RuleCubeItem* item = new RuleCubeItem( *opt, m_hypoStackColl ); ChartHypothesis* hypo = new ChartHypothesis(*opt, *item, *this); hypo->Evaluate(); ChartCell &cell = m_hypoStackColl.Get(range); cell.AddHypothesis(hypo); } } //! get best complete translation from the top chart cell. const ChartHypothesis *ChartManager::GetBestHypothesis() const { size_t size = m_source.GetSize(); if (size == 0) // empty source return NULL; else { WordsRange range(0, size-1); const ChartCell &lastCell = m_hypoStackColl.Get(range); return lastCell.GetBestHypothesis(); } } /** Calculate the n-best paths through the output hypergraph. * Return the list of paths with the variable ret * \param count how may paths to return * \param ret return argument * \param onlyDistinct whether to check for distinct output sentence or not (default - don't check, just return top n-paths) */ void ChartManager::CalcNBest(size_t count, ChartTrellisPathList &ret,bool onlyDistinct) const { size_t size = m_source.GetSize(); if (count == 0 || size == 0) return; // Build a ChartTrellisPath for the 1-best path, if any. WordsRange range(0, size-1); const ChartCell &lastCell = m_hypoStackColl.Get(range); const ChartHypothesis *hypo = lastCell.GetBestHypothesis(); if (hypo == NULL) { // no hypothesis return; } boost::shared_ptr basePath(new ChartTrellisPath(*hypo)); // Add it to the n-best list. if (count == 1) { ret.Add(basePath); return; } // Set a limit on the number of detours to pop. If the n-best list is // restricted to distinct translations then this limit should be bigger // than n. The n-best factor determines how much bigger the limit should be. const StaticData &staticData = StaticData::Instance(); const size_t nBestFactor = staticData.GetNBestFactor(); size_t popLimit; if (!onlyDistinct) { popLimit = count-1; } else if (nBestFactor == 0) { // 0 = 'unlimited.' This actually sets a large-ish limit in case too many // translations are identical. popLimit = count * 1000; } else { popLimit = count * nBestFactor; } // Create an empty priority queue of detour objects. It is bounded to // contain no more than popLimit items. ChartTrellisDetourQueue contenders(popLimit); // Get all complete translations const HypoList *topHypos = lastCell.GetAllSortedHypotheses(); // Create a ChartTrellisDetour for each complete translation and add it to the queue HypoList::const_iterator iter; for (iter = topHypos->begin(); iter != topHypos->end(); ++iter) { const ChartHypothesis &hypo = **iter; boost::shared_ptr basePath(new ChartTrellisPath(hypo)); ChartTrellisDetour *detour = new ChartTrellisDetour(basePath, basePath->GetFinalNode(), hypo); contenders.Push(detour); } delete topHypos; // Record the output phrase if distinct translations are required. set distinctHyps; // MAIN loop for (size_t i = 0; ret.GetSize() < count && !contenders.Empty() && i < popLimit; ++i) { // Get the best detour from the queue. std::auto_ptr detour(contenders.Pop()); CHECK(detour.get()); // Create a full base path from the chosen detour. //basePath.reset(new ChartTrellisPath(*detour)); boost::shared_ptr path(new ChartTrellisPath(*detour)); // Generate new detours from this base path and add them to the queue of // contenders. The new detours deviate from the base path by a single // replacement along the previous detour sub-path. CHECK(path->GetDeviationPoint()); CreateDeviantPaths(path, *(path->GetDeviationPoint()), contenders); // If the n-best list is allowed to contain duplicate translations (at the // surface level) then add the new path unconditionally, otherwise check // whether the translation has seen before. if (!onlyDistinct) { ret.Add(path); } else { Phrase tgtPhrase = path->GetOutputPhrase(); if (distinctHyps.insert(tgtPhrase).second) { ret.Add(path); } } } } void ChartManager::GetSearchGraph(long translationId, std::ostream &outputSearchGraphStream) const { size_t size = m_source.GetSize(); // which hypotheses are reachable? std::map reachable; WordsRange fullRange(0, size-1); const ChartCell &lastCell = m_hypoStackColl.Get(fullRange); const ChartHypothesis *hypo = lastCell.GetBestHypothesis(); if (hypo == NULL) { // no hypothesis return; } FindReachableHypotheses( hypo, reachable); for (size_t width = 1; width <= size; ++width) { for (size_t startPos = 0; startPos <= size-width; ++startPos) { size_t endPos = startPos + width - 1; WordsRange range(startPos, endPos); TRACE_ERR(" " << range << "="); const ChartCell &cell = m_hypoStackColl.Get(range); cell.GetSearchGraph(translationId, outputSearchGraphStream, reachable); } } } void ChartManager::FindReachableHypotheses( const ChartHypothesis *hypo, std::map &reachable ) const { // do not recurse, if already visited if (reachable.find(hypo->GetId()) != reachable.end()) { return; } // recurse reachable[ hypo->GetId() ] = true; const std::vector &previous = hypo->GetPrevHypos(); for(std::vector::const_iterator i = previous.begin(); i != previous.end(); ++i) { FindReachableHypotheses( *i, reachable ); } // also loop over recombined hypotheses (arcs) const ChartArcList *arcList = hypo->GetArcList(); if (arcList) { ChartArcList::const_iterator iterArc; for (iterArc = arcList->begin(); iterArc != arcList->end(); ++iterArc) { const ChartHypothesis &arc = **iterArc; FindReachableHypotheses( &arc, reachable ); } } } void ChartManager::CreateDeviantPaths( boost::shared_ptr basePath, ChartTrellisDetourQueue &q) { CreateDeviantPaths(basePath, basePath->GetFinalNode(), q); } void ChartManager::CreateDeviantPaths( boost::shared_ptr basePath, const ChartTrellisNode &substitutedNode, ChartTrellisDetourQueue &queue) { const ChartArcList *arcList = substitutedNode.GetHypothesis().GetArcList(); if (arcList) { for (ChartArcList::const_iterator iter = arcList->begin(); iter != arcList->end(); ++iter) { const ChartHypothesis &replacement = **iter; queue.Push(new ChartTrellisDetour(basePath, substitutedNode, replacement)); } } // recusively create deviant paths for child nodes const ChartTrellisNode::NodeChildren &children = substitutedNode.GetChildren(); ChartTrellisNode::NodeChildren::const_iterator iter; for (iter = children.begin(); iter != children.end(); ++iter) { const ChartTrellisNode &child = **iter; CreateDeviantPaths(basePath, child, queue); } } } // namespace Moses