#!/bin/sh # A sample script for smoke testing. # This is not tuning script. # Please see: mosesdecoder/scripts/training/mert-moses.pl extractor=../extractor mert=../mert # Default the dimension used in mert. size=15 # Make sure you have already compiled mert related stuff. for f in $extractor $mert; do if ! [ -f $f ]; then echo "Error: no such file or directory: $f" echo "You should run `bjam` first!" exit 1 fi done # Make sure you have sample data and inifile used in this tests. for f in NBEST REF.0 REF.1 REF.2 init.opt; do if ! [ -f $f ]; then echo "Error: no such file or directory: $f" exit 1 fi done # Read an nbest file, Print output in text format. # We will save stderr to disk. Please see each log file. echo "Running tests for reading text files ..." ./normal_test.sh $extractor $mert $size # Run reading gzipped file tests. # We will save stderr to disk. Please see each log file. echo "Running tests for reading gzipped files ..." ./gzipped_test.sh $extractor $mert $size echo "Smoke tests done."