/*********************************************************************** Moses - factored phrase-based language decoder Copyright (C) 2009 University of Edinburgh This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ***********************************************************************/ #include "Decoder.h" #include "Manager.h" #include "ChartManager.h" #include "Sentence.h" #include "InputType.h" #include "TranslationSystem.h" #include "Phrase.h" #include "TrellisPathList.h" #include "ChartTrellisPathList.h" #include "ChartTrellisPath.h" #include "IOWrapper.h" using namespace std; using namespace Moses; namespace Mira { /** * Allocates a char* and copies string into it. **/ static char* strToChar(const string& s) { char* c = new char[s.size()+1]; strcpy(c,s.c_str()); return c; } MosesDecoder::MosesDecoder(const string& inifile, int debuglevel, int argc, vector decoder_params) : m_manager(NULL) { static int BASE_ARGC = 8; Parameter* params = new Parameter(); char ** mosesargv = new char*[BASE_ARGC + argc]; mosesargv[0] = strToChar("-f"); mosesargv[1] = strToChar(inifile); mosesargv[2] = strToChar("-v"); stringstream dbgin; dbgin << debuglevel; mosesargv[3] = strToChar(dbgin.str()); mosesargv[4] = strToChar("-use-persistent-cache"); mosesargv[5] = strToChar("0"); mosesargv[6] = strToChar("-persistent-cache-size"); mosesargv[7] = strToChar("0"); for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { char *cstr = &(decoder_params[i])[0]; mosesargv[BASE_ARGC + i] = cstr; } if (!params->LoadParam(BASE_ARGC + argc,mosesargv)) { cerr << "Loading static data failed, exit." << endl; exit(1); } StaticData::LoadDataStatic(params); for (int i = 0; i < BASE_ARGC; ++i) { delete[] mosesargv[i]; } delete[] mosesargv; const StaticData &staticData = StaticData::Instance(); m_bleuScoreFeature = staticData.GetBleuScoreFeature(); } void MosesDecoder::cleanup(bool chartDecoding) { delete m_manager; if (chartDecoding) delete m_chartManager; else delete m_sentence; } vector< vector > MosesDecoder::getNBest(const std::string& source, size_t sentenceid, size_t nBestSize, float bleuObjectiveWeight, float bleuScoreWeight, vector< ScoreComponentCollection>& featureValues, vector< float>& bleuScores, vector< float>& modelScores, size_t numReturnedTranslations, bool distinct, bool avgRefLength, size_t rank, size_t epoch, string filename) { StaticData &staticData = StaticData::InstanceNonConst(); initialize(staticData, source, sentenceid, bleuObjectiveWeight, bleuScoreWeight, avgRefLength); const TranslationSystem& system = staticData.GetTranslationSystem(TranslationSystem::DEFAULT); // run the decoder if (staticData.GetSearchAlgorithm() == ChartDecoding) { return runChartDecoder(source, sentenceid, nBestSize, bleuObjectiveWeight, bleuScoreWeight, featureValues, bleuScores, modelScores, numReturnedTranslations, distinct, rank, epoch, system); } else { SearchAlgorithm search = staticData.GetSearchAlgorithm(); return runDecoder(source, sentenceid, nBestSize, bleuObjectiveWeight, bleuScoreWeight, featureValues, bleuScores, modelScores, numReturnedTranslations, distinct, rank, epoch, search, system, filename); } } vector< vector > MosesDecoder::runDecoder(const std::string& source, size_t sentenceid, size_t nBestSize, float bleuObjectiveWeight, float bleuScoreWeight, vector< ScoreComponentCollection>& featureValues, vector< float>& bleuScores, vector< float>& modelScores, size_t numReturnedTranslations, bool distinct, size_t rank, size_t epoch, SearchAlgorithm& search, const TranslationSystem& system, string filename) { // run the decoder m_manager = new Moses::Manager(*m_sentence, search, &system); m_manager->ProcessSentence(); TrellisPathList nBestList; m_manager->CalcNBest(nBestSize, nBestList, distinct); // optionally print nbest to file (to extract scores and features.. currently just for sentence bleu scoring) if (filename != "") { ofstream out(filename.c_str()); if (!out) { ostringstream msg; msg << "Unable to open " << filename; throw runtime_error(msg.str()); } // TODO: handle sentence id (for now always 0) OutputNBest(out, nBestList, StaticData::Instance().GetOutputFactorOrder(),m_manager->GetTranslationSystem(), 0); out.close(); } // read off the feature values and bleu scores for each sentence in the nbest list Moses::TrellisPathList::const_iterator iter; for (iter = nBestList.begin() ; iter != nBestList.end() ; ++iter) { const Moses::TrellisPath &path = **iter; featureValues.push_back(path.GetScoreBreakdown()); float bleuScore = getBleuScore(featureValues.back()); bleuScores.push_back(bleuScore); //std::cout << "Score breakdown: " << path.GetScoreBreakdown() << endl; float scoreWithoutBleu = path.GetTotalScore() - (bleuObjectiveWeight * bleuScoreWeight * bleuScore); modelScores.push_back(scoreWithoutBleu); Phrase bestPhrase = path.GetTargetPhrase(); if (iter != nBestList.begin()) cerr << endl; cerr << "Rank " << rank << ", epoch " << epoch << ", \""; Phrase phrase = path.GetTargetPhrase(); for (size_t pos = 0; pos < phrase.GetSize(); ++pos) { const Word &word = phrase.GetWord(pos); Word *newWord = new Word(word); cerr << *newWord; } cerr << "\", score: " << scoreWithoutBleu << ", Bleu: " << bleuScore << ", total: " << path.GetTotalScore(); // set bleu score to zero in the feature vector since we do not want to optimise its weight setBleuScore(featureValues.back(), 0); } // prepare translations to return vector< vector > translations; for (size_t i=0; i < numReturnedTranslations && i < nBestList.GetSize(); ++i) { const TrellisPath &path = nBestList.at(i); Phrase phrase = path.GetTargetPhrase(); vector translation; for (size_t pos = 0; pos < phrase.GetSize(); ++pos) { const Word &word = phrase.GetWord(pos); Word *newWord = new Word(word); translation.push_back(newWord); } translations.push_back(translation); } return translations; } vector< vector > MosesDecoder::runChartDecoder(const std::string& source, size_t sentenceid, size_t nBestSize, float bleuObjectiveWeight, float bleuScoreWeight, vector< ScoreComponentCollection>& featureValues, vector< float>& bleuScores, vector< float>& modelScores, size_t numReturnedTranslations, bool distinct, size_t rank, size_t epoch, const TranslationSystem& system) { // run the decoder m_chartManager = new ChartManager(*m_sentence, &system); m_chartManager->ProcessSentence(); ChartTrellisPathList nBestList; m_chartManager->CalcNBest(nBestSize, nBestList, distinct); // read off the feature values and bleu scores for each sentence in the nbest list ChartTrellisPathList::const_iterator iter; for (iter = nBestList.begin() ; iter != nBestList.end() ; ++iter) { const Moses::ChartTrellisPath &path = **iter; featureValues.push_back(path.GetScoreBreakdown()); float bleuScore = getBleuScore(featureValues.back()); bleuScores.push_back(bleuScore); //std::cout << "Score breakdown: " << path.GetScoreBreakdown() << endl; float scoreWithoutBleu = path.GetTotalScore() - (bleuObjectiveWeight * bleuScoreWeight * bleuScore); modelScores.push_back(scoreWithoutBleu); Phrase bestPhrase = path.GetOutputPhrase(); if (iter != nBestList.begin()) cerr << endl; cerr << "Rank " << rank << ", epoch " << epoch << ", \""; Phrase phrase = path.GetOutputPhrase(); for (size_t pos = 0; pos < phrase.GetSize(); ++pos) { const Word &word = phrase.GetWord(pos); Word *newWord = new Word(word); cerr << *newWord; } cerr << "\", score: " << scoreWithoutBleu << ", Bleu: " << bleuScore << ", total: " << path.GetTotalScore(); // set bleu score to zero in the feature vector since we do not want to optimise its weight setBleuScore(featureValues.back(), 0); } // prepare translations to return vector< vector > translations; for (iter = nBestList.begin() ; iter != nBestList.end() ; ++iter) { const ChartTrellisPath &path = **iter; Phrase phrase = path.GetOutputPhrase(); vector translation; for (size_t pos = 0; pos < phrase.GetSize(); ++pos) { const Word &word = phrase.GetWord(pos); Word *newWord = new Word(word); translation.push_back(newWord); } translations.push_back(translation); } // cerr << "Rank " << rank << ", use cache: " << staticData.GetUseTransOptCache() << ", weights: " << staticData.GetAllWeights() << endl; return translations; } void MosesDecoder::outputNBestList(const std::string& source, size_t sentenceid, size_t nBestSize, float bleuObjectiveWeight, float bleuScoreWeight, bool distinctNbest, bool avgRefLength, string filename, ofstream& streamOut) { StaticData &staticData = StaticData::InstanceNonConst(); initialize(staticData, source, sentenceid, bleuObjectiveWeight, bleuScoreWeight, avgRefLength); const TranslationSystem& system = staticData.GetTranslationSystem(TranslationSystem::DEFAULT); if (staticData.GetSearchAlgorithm() == ChartDecoding) { m_chartManager = new ChartManager(*m_sentence, &system); m_chartManager->ProcessSentence(); ChartTrellisPathList nBestList; m_chartManager->CalcNBest(nBestSize, nBestList, distinctNbest); cerr << "generate nbest list " << filename << endl; cerr << "not implemented.." << endl; exit(1); if (filename != "") { ofstream out(filename.c_str()); if (!out) { ostringstream msg; msg << "Unable to open " << filename; throw runtime_error(msg.str()); } // TODO: handle sentence id (for now always 0) // OutputNBestList(const ChartTrellisPathList &nBestList, const ChartHypothesis *bestHypo, const TranslationSystem* system, long translationId) // OutputNBest(out, nBestList, StaticData::Instance().GetOutputFactorOrder(),m_manager->GetTranslationSystem(), 0); out.close(); } else { // OutputNBest(streamOut, nBestList, StaticData::Instance().GetOutputFactorOrder(),m_manager->GetTranslationSystem(), sentenceid); } } else { // run the decoder m_manager = new Moses::Manager(*m_sentence, staticData.GetSearchAlgorithm(), &system); m_manager->ProcessSentence(); TrellisPathList nBestList; m_manager->CalcNBest(nBestSize, nBestList, distinctNbest); if (filename != "") { ofstream out(filename.c_str()); if (!out) { ostringstream msg; msg << "Unable to open " << filename; throw runtime_error(msg.str()); } // TODO: handle sentence id (for now always 0) OutputNBest(out, nBestList, StaticData::Instance().GetOutputFactorOrder(),m_manager->GetTranslationSystem(), 0); out.close(); } else { OutputNBest(streamOut, nBestList, StaticData::Instance().GetOutputFactorOrder(),m_manager->GetTranslationSystem(), sentenceid); streamOut.flush(); } } } void MosesDecoder::initialize(StaticData& staticData, const std::string& source, size_t sentenceid, float bleuObjectiveWeight, float bleuScoreWeight, bool avgRefLength) { m_sentence = new Sentence(); stringstream in(source + "\n"); const std::vector &inputFactorOrder = staticData.GetInputFactorOrder(); m_sentence->Read(in,inputFactorOrder); // set weight of BleuScoreFeature staticData.ReLoadBleuScoreFeatureParameter(bleuObjectiveWeight*bleuScoreWeight); m_bleuScoreFeature->SetCurrSourceLength((*m_sentence).GetSize()); if (avgRefLength) m_bleuScoreFeature->SetCurrAvgRefLength(sentenceid); else m_bleuScoreFeature->SetCurrShortestRefLength(sentenceid); m_bleuScoreFeature->SetCurrReferenceNgrams(sentenceid); } float MosesDecoder::getBleuScore(const ScoreComponentCollection& scores) { return scores.GetScoreForProducer(m_bleuScoreFeature); } void MosesDecoder::setBleuScore(ScoreComponentCollection& scores, float bleu) { scores.Assign(m_bleuScoreFeature, bleu); } ScoreComponentCollection MosesDecoder::getWeights() { return StaticData::Instance().GetAllWeights(); } void MosesDecoder::setWeights(const ScoreComponentCollection& weights) { StaticData::InstanceNonConst().SetAllWeights(weights); } void MosesDecoder::updateHistory(const vector& words) { m_bleuScoreFeature->UpdateHistory(words); } void MosesDecoder::updateHistory(const vector< vector< const Word*> >& words, vector& sourceLengths, vector& ref_ids, size_t rank, size_t epoch) { m_bleuScoreFeature->UpdateHistory(words, sourceLengths, ref_ids, rank, epoch); } void MosesDecoder::printBleuFeatureHistory(std::ostream& out) { m_bleuScoreFeature->PrintHistory(out); } size_t MosesDecoder::getClosestReferenceLength(size_t ref_id, int hypoLength) { return m_bleuScoreFeature->GetClosestRefLength(ref_id, hypoLength); } size_t MosesDecoder::getShortestReferenceIndex(size_t ref_id) { return m_bleuScoreFeature->GetShortestRefIndex(ref_id); } void MosesDecoder::setBleuParameters(bool sentenceBleu, bool scaleByInputLength, bool scaleByAvgInputLength, bool scaleByInverseLength, bool scaleByAvgInverseLength, float scaleByX, float historySmoothing, size_t scheme) { m_bleuScoreFeature->SetBleuParameters(sentenceBleu, scaleByInputLength, scaleByAvgInputLength, scaleByInverseLength, scaleByAvgInverseLength, scaleByX, historySmoothing, scheme); } }