#include "PhrasePairCollection.h" #include #include #include #include "Vocabulary.h" #include "SuffixArray.h" #include "TargetCorpus.h" #include "Alignment.h" #include "PhrasePair.h" #include "Mismatch.h" using namespace std; PhrasePairCollection::PhrasePairCollection( SuffixArray *sa, TargetCorpus *tc, Alignment *a ) :m_suffixArray(sa) ,m_targetCorpus(tc) ,m_alignment(a) ,m_size(0) ,m_max_lookup(10000) ,m_max_pp_target(50) ,m_max_pp(50) {} PhrasePairCollection::~PhrasePairCollection() {} bool PhrasePairCollection::GetCollection( const vector< string > sourceString ) { INDEX first_match, last_match; if (! m_suffixArray->FindMatches( sourceString, first_match, last_match )) { return false; } cerr << "\tfirst match " << first_match << endl; cerr << "\tlast match " << last_match << endl; INDEX found = last_match - first_match +1; map< vector< WORD_ID >, INDEX > index; for( INDEX i=first_match; i<=last_match; i++ ) { int position = m_suffixArray->GetPosition( i ); int source_start = m_suffixArray->GetWordInSentence( position ); int source_end = source_start + sourceString.size()-1; INDEX sentence_id = m_suffixArray->GetSentence( position ); int sentence_length = m_suffixArray->GetSentenceLength( sentence_id ); int target_length = m_targetCorpus->GetSentenceLength( sentence_id ); cerr << "match " << (i-first_match) << " in sentence " << sentence_id << ", starting at word " << source_start << " of " << sentence_length << ". target sentence has " << target_length << " words."; char target_start, target_end, pre_null, post_null; if (m_alignment->PhraseAlignment( sentence_id, target_length, source_start, source_end, target_start, target_end, pre_null, post_null)) { cerr << " aligned to [" << (int)target_start << "," << (int)target_end << "]"; cerr << " +(" << (int)pre_null << "," << (int)post_null << ")"; bool null_boundary_words = false; for( char pre = 0; pre <= pre_null && (pre==0||null_boundary_words); pre++ ) { for( char post = 0; post <= post_null && (post==0||null_boundary_words); post++ ) { vector< WORD_ID > targetString; cerr << "; "; for( char target = target_start-pre; target <= target_end+post; target++ ) { targetString.push_back( m_targetCorpus->GetWordId( sentence_id, target) ); cerr << m_targetCorpus->GetWord( sentence_id, target) << " "; } PhrasePair *phrasePair = new PhrasePair( m_suffixArray, m_targetCorpus, m_alignment, sentence_id, target_length, position, source_start, source_end, target_start-pre, target_end+post, pre, post, pre_null-pre, post_null-post); // matchCollection.Add( sentence_id, ) if (index.find( targetString ) == index.end()) { index[targetString] = m_collection.size(); vector< PhrasePair* > emptyVector; m_collection.push_back( emptyVector ); } m_collection[ index[targetString] ].push_back( phrasePair ); m_size++; } } } else { cerr << "mismatch " << (i-first_match) << " in sentence " << sentence_id << ", starting at word " << source_start << " of " << sentence_length << ". target sentence has " << target_length << " words."; Mismatch *mismatch = new Mismatch( m_suffixArray, m_targetCorpus, m_alignment, sentence_id, position, sentence_length, target_length, source_start, source_end ); if (mismatch->Unaligned()) m_unaligned.push_back( mismatch ); else m_mismatch.push_back( mismatch ); } cerr << endl; if (found > m_max_lookup) { i += found/m_max_lookup-1; } } sort(m_collection.begin(), m_collection.end(), CompareBySize()); return true; } void PhrasePairCollection::Print() { vector< vector >::iterator ppWithSameTarget; for( ppWithSameTarget = m_collection.begin(); ppWithSameTarget != m_collection.end(); ppWithSameTarget++ ) { (*(ppWithSameTarget->begin()))->PrintTarget( &cout ); int count = ppWithSameTarget->size(); cout << "(" << count << ")" << endl; vector< PhrasePair* >::iterator p; for(p = ppWithSameTarget->begin(); p != ppWithSameTarget->end(); p++ ) { (*p)->Print( &cout, 100 ); } } } void PhrasePairCollection::PrintHTML() { int pp_target = 0; bool singleton = false; // loop over all translations vector< vector >::iterator ppWithSameTarget; for( ppWithSameTarget = m_collection.begin(); ppWithSameTarget != m_collection.end() && pp_targetsize(); if (!singleton) { if (count == 1) { singleton = true; cout << "

singleton" << (m_collection.end() - ppWithSameTarget==1?"":"s") << " (" << (m_collection.end() - ppWithSameTarget) << "/" << m_size << ")

"; } else { cout << "

"; (*(ppWithSameTarget->begin()))->PrintTarget( &cout ); cout << " (" << count << "/" << m_size << ")" << endl; cout << "

"; } cout << ""; } vector< PhrasePair* >::iterator p; // loop over all sentences where translation occurs int pp=0; int i=0; for(p = ppWithSameTarget->begin(); i<10 && ppend(); p++, pp++, i++ ) { (*p)->PrintClippedHTML( &cout, 160 ); if (count > m_max_pp) { p += count/m_max_pp-1; pp += count/m_max_pp-1; } } if (i == 10 && pp < count) { // extended table cout << "
"; cout << "
"; cout << ""; for(i=0, pp=0, p = ppWithSameTarget->begin(); iend(); p++, pp++, i++ ) { (*p)->PrintClippedHTML( &cout, 160 ); if (count > m_max_pp) { p += count/m_max_pp-1; pp += count/m_max_pp-1; } } } if (!singleton) cout << "
\n"; if (!singleton && pp_target == 9) { cout << "
"; cout << "


"; cout << "
"; } } if (singleton) cout << "
\n"; else if (pp_target > 9) cout << ""; int max_mismatch = m_max_pp/3; // unaligned phrases if (m_unaligned.size() > 0) { cout << "

unaligned" << " (" << (m_unaligned.size()) << ")

"; cout << ""; int step_size = 1; if (m_unaligned.size() > max_mismatch) step_size = (m_unaligned.size()+max_mismatch-1) / max_mismatch; for(int i=0;iPrintClippedHTML( &cout, 160 ); cout << "
"; } // mismatched phrases if (m_mismatch.size() > 0) { cout << "

mismatched" << " (" << (m_mismatch.size()) << ")

"; cout << ""; int step_size = 1; if (m_mismatch.size() > max_mismatch) step_size = (m_mismatch.size()+max_mismatch-1) / max_mismatch; for(int i=0;iPrintClippedHTML( &cout, 160 ); cout << "
"; } }