#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "moses/TrellisPathList.h" #include "moses/TrellisPath.h" #include "moses/StaticData.h" #include "moses/Util.h" #include "mbr.h" using namespace std ; using namespace Moses; /* Input : 1. a sorted n-best list, with duplicates filtered out in the following format 0 ||| amr moussa is currently on a visit to libya , tomorrow , sunday , to hold talks with regard to the in sudan . ||| 0 -4.94418 0 0 -2.16036 0 0 -81.4462 -106.593 -114.43 -105.55 -12.7873 -26.9057 -25.3715 -52.9336 7.99917 -24 ||| -4.58432 2. a weight vector 3. bleu order ( default = 4) 4. scaling factor to weigh the weight vector (default = 1.0) Output : translations that minimise the Bayes Risk of the n-best list */ int BLEU_ORDER = 4; int SMOOTH = 1; float min_interval = 1e-4; void extract_ngrams(const vector& sentence, map < vector < const Factor* >, int > & allngrams) { vector< const Factor* > ngram; for (int k = 0; k < BLEU_ORDER; k++) { for(int i =0; i < max((int)sentence.size()-k,0); i++) { for ( int j = i; j<= i+k; j++) { ngram.push_back(sentence[j]); } ++allngrams[ngram]; ngram.clear(); } } } float calculate_score(const vector< vector > & sents, int ref, int hyp, vector < map < vector < const Factor *>, int > > & ngram_stats ) { int comps_n = 2*BLEU_ORDER+1; vector comps(comps_n); float logbleu = 0.0, brevity; int hyp_length = sents[hyp].size(); for (int i =0; i ,int > & hyp_ngrams = ngram_stats[hyp] ; map< vector < const Factor * >, int > & ref_ngrams = ngram_stats[ref] ; for (map< vector< const Factor * >, int >::iterator it = hyp_ngrams.begin(); it != hyp_ngrams.end(); it++) { map< vector< const Factor * >, int >::iterator ref_it = ref_ngrams.find(it->first); if(ref_it != ref_ngrams.end()) { comps[2* (it->first.size()-1)] += min(ref_it->second,it->second); } } comps[comps_n-1] = sents[ref].size(); for (int i=0; i 0 ) logbleu += log((float)comps[2*i]+SMOOTH)-log((float)comps[2*i+1]+SMOOTH); else logbleu += log((float)comps[2*i])-log((float)comps[2*i+1]); } logbleu /= BLEU_ORDER; brevity = 1.0-(float)comps[comps_n-1]/comps[1]; // comps[comps_n-1] is the ref length, comps[1] is the test length if (brevity < 0.0) logbleu += brevity; return exp(logbleu); } const TrellisPath doMBR(const TrellisPathList& nBestList) { float marginal = 0; vector joint_prob_vec; vector< vector > translations; float joint_prob; vector< map < vector , int > > ngram_stats; TrellisPathList::const_iterator iter; // get max score to prevent underflow float maxScore = -1e20; for (iter = nBestList.begin() ; iter != nBestList.end() ; ++iter) { const TrellisPath &path = **iter; float score = StaticData::Instance().GetMBRScale() * path.GetScoreBreakdown().InnerProduct(StaticData::Instance().GetAllWeights()); if (maxScore < score) maxScore = score; } for (iter = nBestList.begin() ; iter != nBestList.end() ; ++iter) { const TrellisPath &path = **iter; joint_prob = UntransformScore(StaticData::Instance().GetMBRScale() * path.GetScoreBreakdown().InnerProduct(StaticData::Instance().GetAllWeights()) - maxScore); marginal += joint_prob; joint_prob_vec.push_back(joint_prob); // get words in translation vector translation; GetOutputFactors(path, translation); // collect n-gram counts map < vector < const Factor *>, int > counts; extract_ngrams(translation,counts); ngram_stats.push_back(counts); translations.push_back(translation); } vector mbr_loss; float bleu, weightedLoss; float weightedLossCumul = 0; float minMBRLoss = 1000000; int minMBRLossIdx = -1; /* Main MBR computation done here */ iter = nBestList.begin(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nBestList.GetSize(); i++) { weightedLossCumul = 0; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nBestList.GetSize(); j++) { if ( i != j) { bleu = calculate_score(translations, j, i,ngram_stats ); weightedLoss = ( 1 - bleu) * ( joint_prob_vec[j]/marginal); weightedLossCumul += weightedLoss; if (weightedLossCumul > minMBRLoss) break; } } if (weightedLossCumul < minMBRLoss) { minMBRLoss = weightedLossCumul; minMBRLossIdx = i; } iter++; } /* Find sentence that minimises Bayes Risk under 1- BLEU loss */ return nBestList.at(minMBRLossIdx); //return translations[minMBRLossIdx]; } void GetOutputFactors(const TrellisPath &path, vector &translation) { const std::vector &edges = path.GetEdges(); const std::vector& outputFactorOrder = StaticData::Instance().GetOutputFactorOrder(); assert (outputFactorOrder.size() == 1); // print the surface factor of the translation for (int currEdge = (int)edges.size() - 1 ; currEdge >= 0 ; currEdge--) { const Hypothesis &edge = *edges[currEdge]; const Phrase &phrase = edge.GetCurrTargetPhrase(); size_t size = phrase.GetSize(); for (size_t pos = 0 ; pos < size ; pos++) { const Factor *factor = phrase.GetFactor(pos, outputFactorOrder[0]); translation.push_back(factor); } } }