// vim:tabstop=2 /*********************************************************************** Moses - factored phrase-based language decoder Copyright (C) 2006 University of Edinburgh This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ***********************************************************************/ #include "util/exception.hh" #include "moses/TranslationModel/PhraseDictionary.h" #include "moses/TranslationModel/PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased.h" #include "moses/FactorCollection.h" #include "moses/InputFileStream.h" #include "moses/StaticData.h" #include "moses/TargetPhrase.h" using namespace std; namespace Moses { std::map< const std::string, PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased * > PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased::s_instance_map; PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased *PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased::s_instance = NULL; //! contructor PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased::PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased(const std::string &line) : PhraseDictionary(line, true) { std::cerr << "Initializing PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased feature..." << std::endl; //disabling internal cache (provided by PhraseDictionary) for translation options (third parameter set to 0) m_maxCacheSize = 0; m_score_type = CBTM_SCORE_TYPE_HYPERBOLA; m_maxAge = 1000; m_entries = 0; m_name = "default"; m_constant = false; ReadParameters(); UTIL_THROW_IF2(s_instance_map.find(m_name) != s_instance_map.end(), "Only 1 PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased feature named " + m_name + " is allowed"); s_instance_map[m_name] = this; s_instance = this; //for back compatibility } PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased::~PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased() { Clear(); } void PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased::Load(AllOptions::ptr const& opts) { m_options = opts; VERBOSE(2,"PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased::Load()" << std::endl); SetFeaturesToApply(); vector weight = StaticData::Instance().GetWeights(this); SetPreComputedScores(weight.size()); Load(m_initfiles); } void PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased::Load(const std::string filestr) { VERBOSE(2,"PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased::Load(const std::string filestr)" << std::endl); // std::vector files = Tokenize(m_initfiles, "||"); std::vector files = Tokenize(filestr, "||"); Load_Multiple_Files(files); } void PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased::Load_Multiple_Files(std::vector files) { VERBOSE(2,"PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased::Load_Multiple_Files(std::vector files)" << std::endl); for(size_t j = 0; j < files.size(); ++j) { Load_Single_File(files[j]); } } void PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased::Load_Single_File(const std::string file) { VERBOSE(2,"PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased::Load_Single_File(const std::string file)" << std::endl); //file format //age |||| src_phr ||| trg_phr //age |||| src_phr2 ||| trg_phr2 |||| src_phr3 ||| trg_phr3 |||| src_phr4 ||| trg_ph4 //.... //or //age |||| src_phr ||| trg_phr ||| wa_align //age |||| src_phr2 ||| trg_phr2 ||| wa_align2 |||| src_phr3 ||| trg_phr3 ||| wa_align3 |||| src_phr4 ||| trg_phr4 ||| wa_align4 //.... //each src_phr ad trg_phr are sequences of src and trg words, respectively, of any length //if provided, wa_align is the alignment between src_phr and trg_phr // //there is no limit on the size of n // //entries can be repeated, but the last entry overwrites the previous VERBOSE(2,"Loading data from the cache file " << file << std::endl); InputFileStream cacheFile(file); std::string line; std::vector words; while (getline(cacheFile, line)) { std::vector vecStr = TokenizeMultiCharSeparator( line , "||||" ); if (vecStr.size() >= 2) { std::string ageString = vecStr[0]; vecStr.erase(vecStr.begin()); Update(vecStr,ageString); } else { UTIL_THROW_IF2(false, "The format of the loaded file is wrong: " << line); } } IFVERBOSE(2) Print(); } void PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased::SetParameter(const std::string& key, const std::string& value) { VERBOSE(2, "PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased::SetParameter key:|" << key << "| value:|" << value << "|" << std::endl); if(key == "cbtm-score-type") { SetScoreType(Scan(value)); } else if (key == "cbtm-max-age") { SetMaxAge(Scan(value)); } else if (key == "cbtm-file") { m_initfiles = Scan(value); } else if (key == "cbtm-name") { m_name = Scan(value); } else if (key == "cbtm-constant") { m_constant = Scan(value); } else { PhraseDictionary::SetParameter(key, value); } } void PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased::InitializeForInput(ttasksptr const& ttask) { ReduceCache(); } TargetPhraseCollection::shared_ptr PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased::GetTargetPhraseCollection(const Phrase &source) const { #ifdef WITH_THREADS boost::shared_lock read_lock(m_cacheLock); #endif TargetPhraseCollection::shared_ptr tpc; cacheMap::const_iterator it = m_cacheTM.find(source); if(it != m_cacheTM.end()) { tpc.reset(new TargetPhraseCollection(*(it->second).first)); std::vector::const_iterator it2 = tpc->begin(); while (it2 != tpc->end()) { ((TargetPhrase*) *it2)->EvaluateInIsolation(source, GetFeaturesToApply()); it2++; } } if (tpc) { tpc->NthElement(m_tableLimit); // sort the phrases for the decoder } return tpc; } TargetPhraseCollection::shared_ptr PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased::GetTargetPhraseCollectionLEGACY(Phrase const &src) const { TargetPhraseCollection::shared_ptr ret = GetTargetPhraseCollection(src); return ret; } TargetPhraseCollection::shared_ptr PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased::GetTargetPhraseCollectionNonCacheLEGACY(Phrase const &src) const { TargetPhraseCollection::shared_ptr ret = GetTargetPhraseCollection(src); return ret; } ChartRuleLookupManager* PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased::CreateRuleLookupManager(const ChartParser &parser, const ChartCellCollectionBase &cellCollection, std::size_t /*maxChartSpan*/) { UTIL_THROW(util::Exception, "Phrase table used in chart decoder"); } void PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased::SetScoreType(size_t type) { #ifdef WITH_THREADS boost::shared_lock read_lock(m_cacheLock); #endif m_score_type = type; if ( m_score_type != CBTM_SCORE_TYPE_HYPERBOLA && m_score_type != CBTM_SCORE_TYPE_POWER && m_score_type != CBTM_SCORE_TYPE_EXPONENTIAL && m_score_type != CBTM_SCORE_TYPE_COSINE && m_score_type != CBTM_SCORE_TYPE_HYPERBOLA_REWARD && m_score_type != CBTM_SCORE_TYPE_POWER_REWARD && m_score_type != CBTM_SCORE_TYPE_EXPONENTIAL_REWARD ) { VERBOSE(2, "This score type " << m_score_type << " is unknown. Instead used " << CBTM_SCORE_TYPE_HYPERBOLA << "." << std::endl); m_score_type = CBTM_SCORE_TYPE_HYPERBOLA; } VERBOSE(2, "PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased ScoreType: " << m_score_type << std::endl); } void PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased::SetMaxAge(unsigned int age) { #ifdef WITH_THREADS boost::shared_lock read_lock(m_cacheLock); #endif m_maxAge = age; VERBOSE(2, "PhraseDictionaryCache MaxAge: " << m_maxAge << std::endl); } // friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased& phraseDict) { return out; } float PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased::decaying_score(const int age) { float sc; switch(m_score_type) { case CBTM_SCORE_TYPE_HYPERBOLA: sc = (float) 1.0/age - 1.0; break; case CBTM_SCORE_TYPE_POWER: sc = (float) pow(age, -0.25) - 1.0; break; case CBTM_SCORE_TYPE_EXPONENTIAL: sc = (age == 1) ? 0.0 : (float) exp( 1.0/age ) / exp(1.0) - 1.0; break; case CBTM_SCORE_TYPE_COSINE: sc = (float) cos( (age-1) * (PI/2) / m_maxAge ) - 1.0; break; case CBTM_SCORE_TYPE_HYPERBOLA_REWARD: sc = (float) 1.0/age; break; case CBTM_SCORE_TYPE_POWER_REWARD: sc = (float) pow(age, -0.25); break; case CBTM_SCORE_TYPE_EXPONENTIAL_REWARD: sc = (age == 1) ? 1.0 : (float) exp( 1.0/age ) / exp(1.0); break; default: sc = -1.0; } return sc; } void PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased::SetPreComputedScores(const unsigned int numScoreComponent) { VERBOSE(2, "PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased SetPreComputedScores: " << m_maxAge << std::endl); #ifdef WITH_THREADS boost::shared_lock lock(m_cacheLock); #endif float sc; for (size_t i=0; i<=m_maxAge; i++) { if (i==m_maxAge) { if ( m_score_type == CBTM_SCORE_TYPE_HYPERBOLA || m_score_type == CBTM_SCORE_TYPE_POWER || m_score_type == CBTM_SCORE_TYPE_EXPONENTIAL || m_score_type == CBTM_SCORE_TYPE_COSINE ) { sc = decaying_score(m_maxAge)/numScoreComponent; } else { // m_score_type = CBTM_SCORE_TYPE_XXXXXXXXX_REWARD sc = 0.0; } } else { sc = decaying_score(i)/numScoreComponent; } Scores sc_vec; for (size_t j=0; j elements = TokenizeMultiCharSeparator(entries, "||||"); VERBOSE(3,"elements.size() after:|" << elements.size() << "|" << std::endl); ClearEntries(elements); } } void PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased::ClearEntries(std::vector entries) { VERBOSE(3,"PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased::ClearEntries(std::vector entries)" << std::endl); std::vector pp; std::vector::iterator it; for(it = entries.begin(); it!=entries.end(); it++) { pp.clear(); pp = TokenizeMultiCharSeparator((*it), "|||"); VERBOSE(3,"pp[0]:|" << pp[0] << "|" << std::endl); VERBOSE(3,"pp[1]:|" << pp[1] << "|" << std::endl); ClearEntries(pp[0], pp[1]); } } void PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased::ClearEntries(std::string sourcePhraseString, std::string targetPhraseString) { VERBOSE(3,"PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased::ClearEntries(std::string sourcePhraseString, std::string targetPhraseString)" << std::endl); const StaticData &staticData = StaticData::Instance(); Phrase sourcePhrase(0); Phrase targetPhrase(0); //target targetPhrase.Clear(); VERBOSE(3, "targetPhraseString:|" << targetPhraseString << "|" << std::endl); targetPhrase.CreateFromString(Output, staticData.options()->output.factor_order, targetPhraseString, /*factorDelimiter,*/ NULL); VERBOSE(2, "targetPhrase:|" << targetPhrase << "|" << std::endl); //TODO: Would be better to reuse source phrases, but ownership has to be //consistent across phrase table implementations sourcePhrase.Clear(); VERBOSE(3, "sourcePhraseString:|" << sourcePhraseString << "|" << std::endl); sourcePhrase.CreateFromString(Input, staticData.options()->input.factor_order, sourcePhraseString, /*factorDelimiter,*/ NULL); VERBOSE(3, "sourcePhrase:|" << sourcePhrase << "|" << std::endl); ClearEntries(sourcePhrase, targetPhrase); } void PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased::ClearEntries(Phrase sp, Phrase tp) { VERBOSE(3,"PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased::ClearEntries(Phrase sp, Phrase tp)" << std::endl); #ifdef WITH_THREADS boost::shared_lock lock(m_cacheLock); #endif VERBOSE(3, "PhraseDictionaryCache deleting sp:|" << sp << "| tp:|" << tp << "|" << std::endl); cacheMap::const_iterator it = m_cacheTM.find(sp); VERBOSE(3,"sp:|" << sp << "|" << std::endl); if(it!=m_cacheTM.end()) { VERBOSE(3,"sp:|" << sp << "| FOUND" << std::endl); // sp is found // here we have to remove the target phrase from targetphrasecollection and from the TargetAgeMap // and then add new entry TargetCollectionAgePair TgtCollAgePair = it->second; TargetPhraseCollection::shared_ptr tpc = TgtCollAgePair.first; AgeCollection* ac = TgtCollAgePair.second; const Phrase* p_ptr = NULL; TargetPhrase* tp_ptr = NULL; bool found = false; size_t tp_pos=0; while (!found && tp_pos < tpc->GetSize()) { tp_ptr = (TargetPhrase*) tpc->GetTargetPhrase(tp_pos); p_ptr = (const Phrase*) tp_ptr; if (tp == *p_ptr) { found = true; continue; } tp_pos++; } if (!found) { VERBOSE(3,"tp:|" << tp << "| NOT FOUND" << std::endl); //do nothing } else { VERBOSE(3,"tp:|" << tp << "| FOUND" << std::endl); tpc->Remove(tp_pos); //delete entry in the Target Phrase Collection ac->erase(ac->begin() + tp_pos); //delete entry in the Age Collection m_entries--; VERBOSE(3,"tpc size:|" << tpc->GetSize() << "|" << std::endl); VERBOSE(3,"ac size:|" << ac->size() << "|" << std::endl); VERBOSE(3,"tp:|" << tp << "| DELETED" << std::endl); } if (tpc->GetSize() == 0) { // delete the entry from m_cacheTM in case it points to an empty TargetPhraseCollection and AgeCollection ac->clear(); tpc.reset(); delete ac; m_cacheTM.erase(sp); } } else { VERBOSE(3,"sp:|" << sp << "| NOT FOUND" << std::endl); //do nothing } } void PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased::ClearSource(std::string &entries) { if (entries != "") { VERBOSE(3,"entries:|" << entries << "|" << std::endl); std::vector elements = TokenizeMultiCharSeparator(entries, "||||"); VERBOSE(3,"elements.size() after:|" << elements.size() << "|" << std::endl); ClearEntries(elements); } } void PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased::ClearSource(std::vector entries) { VERBOSE(3,"entries.size():|" << entries.size() << "|" << std::endl); const StaticData &staticData = StaticData::Instance(); Phrase sourcePhrase(0); std::vector::iterator it; for(it = entries.begin(); it!=entries.end(); it++) { sourcePhrase.Clear(); VERBOSE(3, "sourcePhraseString:|" << (*it) << "|" << std::endl); sourcePhrase.CreateFromString(Input, staticData.options()->input.factor_order, *it, /*factorDelimiter,*/ NULL); VERBOSE(3, "sourcePhrase:|" << sourcePhrase << "|" << std::endl); ClearSource(sourcePhrase); } IFVERBOSE(2) Print(); } void PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased::ClearSource(Phrase sp) { VERBOSE(3,"void PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased::ClearSource(Phrase sp) sp:|" << sp << "|" << std::endl); cacheMap::const_iterator it = m_cacheTM.find(sp); if (it != m_cacheTM.end()) { VERBOSE(3,"found:|" << sp << "|" << std::endl); //sp is found TargetCollectionAgePair TgtCollAgePair = it->second; TargetPhraseCollection::shared_ptr tpc = TgtCollAgePair.first; AgeCollection* ac = TgtCollAgePair.second; m_entries-=tpc->GetSize(); //reduce the total amount of entries of the cache // delete the entry from m_cacheTM in case it points to an empty TargetPhraseCollection and AgeCollection ac->clear(); tpc.reset(); delete ac; m_cacheTM.erase(sp); } else { //do nothing } } void PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased::Insert(std::string &entries) { if (entries != "") { VERBOSE(3,"entries:|" << entries << "|" << std::endl); std::vector elements = TokenizeMultiCharSeparator(entries, "||||"); VERBOSE(3,"elements.size() after:|" << elements.size() << "|" << std::endl); Insert(elements); } } void PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased::Insert(std::vector entries) { VERBOSE(3,"entries.size():|" << entries.size() << "|" << std::endl); if (m_constant == false) { Decay(); } Update(entries, "1"); IFVERBOSE(3) Print(); } void PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased::Update(std::vector entries, std::string ageString) { VERBOSE(3,"PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased::Update(std::vector entries, std::string ageString)" << std::endl); std::vector pp; VERBOSE(3,"ageString:|" << ageString << "|" << std::endl); std::vector::iterator it; for(it = entries.begin(); it!=entries.end(); it++) { pp.clear(); pp = TokenizeMultiCharSeparator((*it), "|||"); VERBOSE(3,"pp[0]:|" << pp[0] << "|" << std::endl); VERBOSE(3,"pp[1]:|" << pp[1] << "|" << std::endl); if (pp.size() > 2) { VERBOSE(3,"pp[2]:|" << pp[2] << "|" << std::endl); Update(pp[0], pp[1], ageString, pp[2]); } else { Update(pp[0], pp[1], ageString); } } } void PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased::Update(std::string sourcePhraseString, std::string targetPhraseString, std::string ageString, std::string waString) { VERBOSE(3,"PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased::Update(std::string sourcePhraseString, std::string targetPhraseString, std::string ageString, std::string waString)" << std::endl); const StaticData &staticData = StaticData::Instance(); Phrase sourcePhrase(0); TargetPhrase targetPhrase(0); VERBOSE(3, "ageString:|" << ageString << "|" << std::endl); char *err_ind_temp; ageString = Trim(ageString); int age = strtod(ageString.c_str(), &err_ind_temp); VERBOSE(3, "age:|" << age << "|" << std::endl); //target targetPhrase.Clear(); VERBOSE(3, "targetPhraseString:|" << targetPhraseString << "|" << std::endl); targetPhrase.CreateFromString(Output, staticData.options()->output.factor_order, targetPhraseString, /*factorDelimiter,*/ NULL); VERBOSE(3, "targetPhrase:|" << targetPhrase << "|" << std::endl); //TODO: Would be better to reuse source phrases, but ownership has to be //consistent across phrase table implementations sourcePhrase.Clear(); VERBOSE(3, "sourcePhraseString:|" << sourcePhraseString << "|" << std::endl); sourcePhrase.CreateFromString(Input, staticData.options()->input.factor_order, sourcePhraseString, /*factorDelimiter,*/ NULL); VERBOSE(3, "sourcePhrase:|" << sourcePhrase << "|" << std::endl); if (!waString.empty()) VERBOSE(3, "waString:|" << waString << "|" << std::endl); Update(sourcePhrase, targetPhrase, age, waString); } void PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased::Update(Phrase sp, TargetPhrase tp, int age, std::string waString) { VERBOSE(3,"PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased::Update(Phrase sp, TargetPhrase tp, int age, std::string waString)" << std::endl); #ifdef WITH_THREADS boost::shared_lock lock(m_cacheLock); #endif VERBOSE(3, "PhraseDictionaryCache inserting sp:|" << sp << "| tp:|" << tp << "| age:|" << age << "| word-alignment |" << waString << "|" << std::endl); cacheMap::const_iterator it = m_cacheTM.find(sp); VERBOSE(3,"sp:|" << sp << "|" << std::endl); if(it!=m_cacheTM.end()) { VERBOSE(3,"sp:|" << sp << "| FOUND" << std::endl); // sp is found // here we have to remove the target phrase from targetphrasecollection and from the TargetAgeMap // and then add new entry TargetCollectionAgePair TgtCollAgePair = it->second; TargetPhraseCollection::shared_ptr tpc = TgtCollAgePair.first; AgeCollection* ac = TgtCollAgePair.second; // const TargetPhrase* p_ptr = NULL; const Phrase* p_ptr = NULL; TargetPhrase* tp_ptr = NULL; bool found = false; size_t tp_pos=0; while (!found && tp_pos < tpc->GetSize()) { tp_ptr = (TargetPhrase*) tpc->GetTargetPhrase(tp_pos); p_ptr = (const TargetPhrase*) tp_ptr; if ((Phrase) tp == *p_ptr) { found = true; continue; } tp_pos++; } if (!found) { VERBOSE(3,"tp:|" << tp << "| NOT FOUND" << std::endl); std::auto_ptr targetPhrase(new TargetPhrase(tp)); targetPhrase->GetScoreBreakdown().Assign(this, GetPreComputedScores(age)); if (!waString.empty()) targetPhrase->SetAlignmentInfo(waString); tpc->Add(targetPhrase.release()); tp_pos = tpc->GetSize()-1; ac->push_back(age); m_entries++; VERBOSE(3,"sp:|" << sp << "tp:|" << tp << "| INSERTED" << std::endl); } else { tp_ptr->GetScoreBreakdown().Assign(this, GetPreComputedScores(age)); if (!waString.empty()) tp_ptr->SetAlignmentInfo(waString); ac->at(tp_pos) = age; VERBOSE(3,"sp:|" << sp << "tp:|" << tp << "| UPDATED" << std::endl); } } else { VERBOSE(3,"sp:|" << sp << "| NOT FOUND" << std::endl); // p is not found // create target collection // we have to create new target collection age pair and add new entry to target collection age pair TargetPhraseCollection::shared_ptr tpc(new TargetPhraseCollection); AgeCollection* ac = new AgeCollection(); m_cacheTM.insert(make_pair(sp,make_pair(tpc,ac))); //tp is not found std::auto_ptr targetPhrase(new TargetPhrase(tp)); targetPhrase->GetScoreBreakdown().Assign(this, GetPreComputedScores(age)); if (!waString.empty()) targetPhrase->SetAlignmentInfo(waString); tpc->Add(targetPhrase.release()); ac->push_back(age); m_entries++; VERBOSE(3,"sp:|" << sp << "| tp:|" << tp << "| INSERTED" << std::endl); } } void PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased::Decay() { #ifdef WITH_THREADS boost::shared_lock lock(m_cacheLock); #endif cacheMap::iterator it; for(it = m_cacheTM.begin(); it!=m_cacheTM.end(); it++) { Decay((*it).first); } } void PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased::Decay(Phrase sp) { VERBOSE(3,"void PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased::Decay(Phrase sp) sp:|" << sp << "|" << std::endl); cacheMap::iterator it = m_cacheTM.find(sp); if (it != m_cacheTM.end()) { VERBOSE(3,"found:|" << sp << "|" << std::endl); //sp is found TargetCollectionAgePair TgtCollAgePair = it->second; TargetPhraseCollection::shared_ptr tpc = TgtCollAgePair.first; AgeCollection* ac = TgtCollAgePair.second; //loop in inverted order to allow a correct deletion of std::vectors tpc and ac for (int tp_pos = tpc->GetSize() - 1 ; tp_pos >= 0; tp_pos--) { unsigned int tp_age = ac->at(tp_pos); //increase the age by 1 tp_age++; //increase the age by 1 VERBOSE(3,"sp:|" << sp << "| " << " new tp_age:|" << tp_age << "|" << std::endl); TargetPhrase* tp_ptr = (TargetPhrase*) tpc->GetTargetPhrase(tp_pos); if (tp_age > m_maxAge) { VERBOSE(3,"tp_age:|" << tp_age << "| TOO BIG" << std::endl); tpc->Remove(tp_pos); //delete entry in the Target Phrase Collection ac->erase(ac->begin() + tp_pos); //delete entry in the Age Collection m_entries--; } else { VERBOSE(3,"tp_age:|" << tp_age << "| STILL GOOD" << std::endl); tp_ptr->GetScoreBreakdown().Assign(this, GetPreComputedScores(tp_age)); ac->at(tp_pos) = tp_age; } } if (tpc->GetSize() == 0) { // delete the entry from m_cacheTM in case it points to an empty TargetPhraseCollection and AgeCollection (((*it).second).second)->clear(); delete ((*it).second).second; ((*it).second).first.reset(); m_cacheTM.erase(sp); } } else { //do nothing VERBOSE(3,"sp:|" << sp << "| NOT FOUND" << std::endl); } //put here the removal of entries with age greater than m_maxAge } void PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased::Execute(std::string command) { VERBOSE(2,"command:|" << command << "|" << std::endl); std::vector commands = Tokenize(command, "||"); Execute(commands); } void PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased::Execute(std::vector commands) { for (size_t j=0; j lock(m_cacheLock); #endif cacheMap::iterator it; for(it = m_cacheTM.begin(); it!=m_cacheTM.end(); it++) { (((*it).second).second)->clear(); delete ((*it).second).second; ((*it).second).first.reset(); } m_cacheTM.clear(); m_entries = 0; } void PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased::ExecuteDlt(std::map dlt_meta) { if (dlt_meta.find("cbtm") != dlt_meta.end()) { Insert(dlt_meta["cbtm"]); } if (dlt_meta.find("cbtm-command") != dlt_meta.end()) { Execute(dlt_meta["cbtm-command"]); } if (dlt_meta.find("cbtm-file") != dlt_meta.end()) { Load(dlt_meta["cbtm-file"]); } if (dlt_meta.find("cbtm-clear-source") != dlt_meta.end()) { ClearSource(dlt_meta["cbtm-clear-source"]); } if (dlt_meta.find("cbtm-clear-entries") != dlt_meta.end()) { ClearEntries(dlt_meta["cbtm-clear-entries"]); } if (dlt_meta.find("cbtm-clear-all") != dlt_meta.end()) { Clear(); } } void PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased::Print() const { VERBOSE(2,"PhraseDictionaryDynamicCacheBased::Print()" << std::endl); #ifdef WITH_THREADS boost::shared_lock read_lock(m_cacheLock); #endif cacheMap::const_iterator it; for(it = m_cacheTM.begin(); it!=m_cacheTM.end(); it++) { std::string source = (it->first).ToString(); TargetPhraseCollection::shared_ptr tpc = (it->second).first; TargetPhraseCollection::iterator itr; for(itr = tpc->begin(); itr != tpc->end(); itr++) { std::string target = (*itr)->ToString(); std::cout << source << " ||| " << target << std::endl; } source.clear(); } } }// end namespace