// $Id$ // vim:tabstop=2 /*********************************************************************** K-best Batch MIRA for Moses Copyright (C) 2012, National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches du Canada ***********************************************************************/ /** * k-best Batch Mira, as described in: * * Colin Cherry and George Foster * Batch Tuning Strategies for Statistical Machine Translation * NAACL 2012 * * Implemented by colin.cherry@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca * * To license implementations of any of the other tuners in that paper, * please get in touch with any member of NRC Canada's Portage project * * Input is a set of n-best lists, encoded as feature and score files. * * Output is a weight file that results from running MIRA on these * n-btest lists for J iterations. Will return the set that maximizes * training BLEU. **/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "util/exception.hh" #include "util/random.hh" #include "BleuScorer.h" #include "CHRFScorer.h" #include "HopeFearDecoder.h" #include "MiraFeatureVector.h" #include "MiraWeightVector.h" #include "Scorer.h" #include "ScorerFactory.h" using namespace std; using namespace MosesTuning; namespace po = boost::program_options; int main(int argc, char** argv) { bool help; string denseInitFile; string sparseInitFile; string type = "nbest"; string sctype = "BLEU"; string scconfig = ""; vector scoreFiles; vector featureFiles; vector referenceFiles; //for hg mira string hgDir; int seed; string outputFile; float c = 0.01; // Step-size cap C float decay = 0.999; // Pseudo-corpus decay \gamma int n_iters = 60; // Max epochs J bool streaming = false; // Stream all k-best lists? bool streaming_out = false; // Stream output after each sentence? bool no_shuffle = false; // Don't shuffle, even for in memory version bool model_bg = false; // Use model for background corpus bool verbose = false; // Verbose updates bool safe_hope = false; // Model score cannot have more than BLEU_RATIO times more influence than BLEU size_t hgPruning = 50; //prune hypergraphs to have this many edges per reference word // Command-line processing follows pro.cpp po::options_description desc("Allowed options"); desc.add_options() ("help,h", po::value(&help)->zero_tokens()->default_value(false), "Print this help message and exit") ("type,t", po::value(&type), "Either nbest or hypergraph") ("sctype", po::value(&sctype), "the scorer type (default BLEU)") ("scconfig,c", po::value(&scconfig), "configuration string passed to scorer") ("scfile,S", po::value >(&scoreFiles), "Scorer data files") ("ffile,F", po::value > (&featureFiles), "Feature data files") ("hgdir,H", po::value (&hgDir), "Directory containing hypergraphs") ("reference,R", po::value > (&referenceFiles), "Reference files, only required for hypergraph mira") ("random-seed,r", po::value(&seed), "Seed for random number generation") ("output-file,o", po::value(&outputFile), "Output file") ("cparam,C", po::value(&c), "MIRA C-parameter, lower for more regularization (default 0.01)") ("decay,D", po::value(&decay), "BLEU background corpus decay rate (default 0.999)") ("iters,J", po::value(&n_iters), "Number of MIRA iterations to run (default 60)") ("dense-init,d", po::value(&denseInitFile), "Weight file for dense features. This should have 'name= value' on each line, or (legacy) should be the Moses mert 'init.opt' format.") ("sparse-init,s", po::value(&sparseInitFile), "Weight file for sparse features") ("streaming", po::value(&streaming)->zero_tokens()->default_value(false), "Stream n-best lists to save memory, implies --no-shuffle") ("streaming-out", po::value(&streaming_out)->zero_tokens()->default_value(false), "Stream weights to stdout after each sentence") ("no-shuffle", po::value(&no_shuffle)->zero_tokens()->default_value(false), "Don't shuffle hypotheses before each epoch") ("model-bg", po::value(&model_bg)->zero_tokens()->default_value(false), "Use model instead of hope for BLEU background") ("verbose", po::value(&verbose)->zero_tokens()->default_value(false), "Verbose updates") ("safe-hope", po::value(&safe_hope)->zero_tokens()->default_value(false), "Mode score's influence on hope decoding is limited") ("hg-prune", po::value(&hgPruning), "Prune hypergraphs to have this many edges per reference word") ; po::options_description cmdline_options; cmdline_options.add(desc); po::variables_map vm; po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc,argv). options(cmdline_options).run(), vm); po::notify(vm); if (help) { cout << "Usage: " + string(argv[0]) + " [options]" << endl; cout << desc << endl; exit(0); } cerr << "kbmira with c=" << c << " decay=" << decay << " no_shuffle=" << no_shuffle << endl; if (vm.count("random-seed")) { cerr << "Initialising random seed to " << seed << endl; util::rand_init(seed); } else { cerr << "Initialising random seed from system clock" << endl; util::rand_init(); } pair ret = InitialiseWeights(denseInitFile, sparseInitFile, type, verbose); boost::scoped_ptr wv(ret.first); size_t initDenseSize = ret.second; // Initialize scorer if(sctype != "BLEU" && type == "hypergraph") { UTIL_THROW(util::Exception, "hypergraph mira only supports BLEU"); } boost::scoped_ptr scorer(ScorerFactory::getScorer(sctype, scconfig)); // Initialize background corpus vector bg(scorer->NumberOfScores(), 1); boost::scoped_ptr decoder; if (type == "nbest") { decoder.reset(new NbestHopeFearDecoder(featureFiles, scoreFiles, streaming, no_shuffle, safe_hope, scorer.get())); } else if (type == "hypergraph") { decoder.reset(new HypergraphHopeFearDecoder(hgDir, referenceFiles, initDenseSize, streaming, no_shuffle, safe_hope, hgPruning, *wv, scorer.get())); } else { UTIL_THROW(util::Exception, "Unknown batch mira type: '" << type << "'"); } // Training loop if (!streaming_out) cerr << "Initial BLEU = " << decoder->Evaluate(wv->avg()) << endl; ValType bestBleu = 0; for(int j=0; jreset(); !decoder->finished(); decoder->next()) { HopeFearData hfd; decoder->HopeFear(bg,*wv,&hfd); // Update weights if (!hfd.hopeFearEqual && hfd.hopeBleu > hfd.fearBleu) { // Vector difference MiraFeatureVector diff = hfd.hopeFeatures - hfd.fearFeatures; // Bleu difference //assert(hfd.hopeBleu + 1e-8 >= hfd.fearBleu); ValType delta = hfd.hopeBleu - hfd.fearBleu; // Loss and update ValType diff_score = wv->score(diff); ValType loss = delta - diff_score; if(verbose) { cerr << "Updating sent " << sentenceIndex << endl; cerr << "Wght: " << *wv << endl; cerr << "Hope: " << hfd.hopeFeatures << " BLEU:" << hfd.hopeBleu << " Score:" << wv->score(hfd.hopeFeatures) << endl; cerr << "Fear: " << hfd.fearFeatures << " BLEU:" << hfd.fearBleu << " Score:" << wv->score(hfd.fearFeatures) << endl; cerr << "Diff: " << diff << " BLEU:" << delta << " Score:" << diff_score << endl; cerr << "Loss: " << loss << " Scale: " << 1 << endl; cerr << endl; } if(loss > 0) { ValType eta = min(c, loss / diff.sqrNorm()); wv->update(diff,eta); totalLoss+=loss; iNumUpdates++; } // Update BLEU statistics for(size_t k=0; k1e-8) *out << SparseVector::decode(i-initDenseSize) << " " << avg.weight(i) << endl; } } outFile.close(); bestBleu = bleu; } } cerr << "Best BLEU = " << bestBleu << endl; } // --Emacs trickery-- // Local Variables: // mode:c++ // c-basic-offset:2 // End: