#!/usr/bin/perl -w # $Id$ use strict; use FindBin qw($Bin); my $script_dir; BEGIN { use Cwd qw/ abs_path /; use File::Basename; $script_dir = dirname(abs_path($0)); push @INC, $script_dir; } use Getopt::Long; ############################################################ #score.phrase-based-with-alignment #score.hierarchical my @tests = qw ( score.phrase-based score.phrase-based-inv chart.target-syntax chart.target-syntax.ondisk chart.hierarchical chart.hierarchical-withsrilm chart.hierarchical.ondisk phrase.basic-surface-only phrase.basic-surface-only-withirstlm phrase.basic-surface-only-withirstlm-binlm phrase.ptable-filtering phrase.multi-factor phrase.multi-factor-drop phrase.confusionNet-surface-only phrase.confusionNet-multi-factor phrase.basic-surface-binptable phrase.multi-factor-binptable phrase.nbest-multi-factor phrase.lattice-surface phrase.lattice-distortion phrase.lexicalized-reordering phrase.lexicalized-reordering-cn phrase.consensus-decoding-surface phrase.continue-partial-translation phrase.show-weights.lex-reorder phrase.show-weights phrase.xml-markup ); ############################################################ use MosesRegressionTesting; use File::Temp qw ( tempfile ); use POSIX qw ( strftime ); my $decoderPhrase = "$Bin/../moses-cmd/src/moses"; my $decoderChart = "$Bin/../moses-chart-cmd/src/moses_chart"; my $scoreExe = "$Bin/../scripts/training/phrase-extract/score"; my $test_dir; my $BIN_TEST = $script_dir; my $data_dir; GetOptions( "decoder-phrase=s" => \$decoderPhrase, "decoder-chart=s" => \$decoderChart, "data-dir=s" => \$data_dir, ) or exit 1; $data_dir = MosesRegressionTesting::find_data_directory($BIN_TEST, $data_dir); my $test_run = "$BIN_TEST/run-single-test.pl --data-dir=$data_dir"; $test_dir = $script_dir . "/tests"; $test_run .= " --test-dir=$test_dir" if $test_dir; print "Data directory: $data_dir\n"; die "Please specify the phrase-based decoder & the chart decoder to test with --decoder-phrase=[path] --decoder-chart=[path] \n" unless ($decoderPhrase and $decoderChart); die "Cannot locate executable called $decoderPhrase\n" unless (-x $decoderPhrase); print "Running tests: @tests\n\n"; print "TEST NAME STATUS PATH TO RESULTS\n"; my $lb = "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; print $lb; my $fail = 0; my @failed; foreach my $test (@tests) { my $cmd; my $model_type = substr($test, $[, 6); if ($model_type eq 'phrase') { $cmd .= "$BIN_TEST/run-single-test.perl $test_run --decoder=$decoderPhrase"; } elsif ($model_type eq 'chart.') { $cmd .= "$BIN_TEST/run-single-test.perl $test_run --decoder=$decoderChart"; } elsif ($model_type eq 'score.') { $cmd .= "$test_dir/$test/run-test-scorer.perl $test_run --scorer=$scoreExe"; } else { print "FAIL"; } $cmd .= " --test=$test"; print STDERR "cmd = $cmd\n"; my ($res, $output, $results_path) = do_test($cmd); format STDOUT = @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< $test, $res, $results_path . write; if ($res eq 'FAIL') { print "$lb$output$lb"; $fail++; push @failed, $test; } else { # TOTAL_WALLTIME result=BASELINE=11, TEST=12 DELTA=1 PCT CHANGE=9.09 if ($output =~ /TOTAL_WALLTIME\s+result\s*=\s*([^\n]+)/o) { print "\t\tTiming statistics: $1\n"; } } } my $total = scalar @tests; my $fail_percentage = int(100 * $fail / $total); my $pass_percentage = int(100 * ($total-$fail) / $total); print "\n$pass_percentage% of the tests passed.\n"; print "$fail_percentage% of the tests failed.\n"; if ($fail_percentage>0) { print "\nPLEASE INVESTIGATE THESE FAILED TESTS: @failed\n"; } sub do_test { my ($test) = @_; my $o = `$test 2>&1`; my $res = 'PASS'; $res = 'FAIL' if ($? > 0); my $od = ''; if ($o =~ /RESULTS AVAILABLE IN: (.*)$/m) { $od = $1; $o =~ s/^RESULTS AVAIL.*$//mo; } return ($res, $o, $od); }