#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Sample Tokenizer # written by Josh Schroeder, based on code by Philipp Koehn # This added by Herve Saint-Amand for compatibility with translate.cgi $|++; binmode(STDIN, ":utf8"); binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8"); use FindBin qw($Bin); use strict; #use Time::HiRes; my $mydir = "$Bin/nonbreaking_prefixes"; my %NONBREAKING_PREFIX = (); my $language = "en"; my $QUIET = 0; my $HELP = 0; #my $start = [ Time::HiRes::gettimeofday( ) ]; while (@ARGV) { $_ = shift; /^-l$/ && ($language = shift, next); /^-q$/ && ($QUIET = 1, next); /^-h$/ && ($HELP = 1, next); } if ($HELP) { print "Usage ./tokenizer.perl (-l [en|de|...]) < textfile > tokenizedfile\n"; exit; } if (!$QUIET) { print STDERR "Tokenizer v3\n"; print STDERR "Language: $language\n"; } load_prefixes($language,\%NONBREAKING_PREFIX); if (scalar(%NONBREAKING_PREFIX) eq 0){ print STDERR "Warning: No known abbreviations for language '$language'\n"; } while() { if (/^<.+>$/ || /^\s*$/) { #don't try to tokenize XML/HTML tag lines print $_; } else { print &tokenize($_); } } #my $duration = Time::HiRes::tv_interval( $start ); #print STDERR ("EXECUTION TIME: ".$duration."\n"); sub tokenize { my($text) = @_; chomp($text); $text = " $text "; # seperate out all "other" special characters $text =~ s/([^\p{IsAlnum}\s\.\'\`\,\-])/ $1 /g; #multi-dots stay together $text =~ s/\.([\.]+)/ DOTMULTI$1/g; while($text =~ /DOTMULTI\./) { $text =~ s/DOTMULTI\.([^\.])/DOTDOTMULTI $1/g; $text =~ s/DOTMULTI\./DOTDOTMULTI/g; } # seperate out "," except if within numbers (5,300) $text =~ s/([^\p{IsN}])[,]([^\p{IsN}])/$1 , $2/g; # separate , pre and post number $text =~ s/([\p{IsN}])[,]([^\p{IsN}])/$1 , $2/g; $text =~ s/([^\p{IsN}])[,]([\p{IsN}])/$1 , $2/g; # turn `into ' $text =~ s/\`/\'/g; #turn '' into " $text =~ s/\'\'/ \" /g; if ($language eq "en") { #split contractions right $text =~ s/([^\p{IsAlpha}])[']([^\p{IsAlpha}])/$1 ' $2/g; $text =~ s/([^\p{IsAlpha}\p{IsN}])[']([\p{IsAlpha}])/$1 ' $2/g; $text =~ s/([\p{IsAlpha}])[']([^\p{IsAlpha}])/$1 ' $2/g; $text =~ s/([\p{IsAlpha}])[']([\p{IsAlpha}])/$1 '$2/g; #special case for "1990's" $text =~ s/([\p{IsN}])[']([s])/$1 '$2/g; } elsif (($language eq "fr") or ($language eq "it")) { #split contractions left $text =~ s/([^\p{IsAlpha}])[']([^\p{IsAlpha}])/$1 ' $2/g; $text =~ s/([^\p{IsAlpha}])[']([\p{IsAlpha}])/$1 ' $2/g; $text =~ s/([\p{IsAlpha}])[']([^\p{IsAlpha}])/$1 ' $2/g; $text =~ s/([\p{IsAlpha}])[']([\p{IsAlpha}])/$1' $2/g; } else { $text =~ s/\'/ \' /g; } #word token method my @words = split(/\s/,$text); $text = ""; for (my $i=0;$i<(scalar(@words));$i++) { my $word = $words[$i]; if ( $word =~ /^(\S+)\.$/) { my $pre = $1; if (($pre =~ /\./ && $pre =~ /\p{IsAlpha}/) || ($NONBREAKING_PREFIX{$pre} && $NONBREAKING_PREFIX{$pre}==1) || ($i) { my $item = $_; chomp($item); if (($item) && (substr($item,0,1) ne "#")) { if ($item =~ /(.*)[\s]+(\#NUMERIC_ONLY\#)/) { $PREFIX_REF->{$1} = 2; } else { $PREFIX_REF->{$item} = 1; } } } close(PREFIX); } }