#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id: experiment.perl 1095 2009-11-16 18:19:49Z philipp $
use strict;
use Getopt::Long "GetOptions";
use FindBin qw($RealBin);
sub trim($)
my $string = shift;
$string =~ s/^\s+//;
$string =~ s/\s+$//;
return $string;
my $host = `hostname`; chop($host);
print STDERR "STARTING UP AS PROCESS $$ ON $host AT ".`date`;
my $SLEEP = 2;
my $META = "$RealBin/experiment.meta";
# check if it is run on a multi-core machine
# set number of maximal concurrently active processes
my ($MULTICORE,$MAX_ACTIVE) = (0,2);
# check if running on a gridengine cluster
# get command line options;
die("experiment.perl -config config-file [-exec] [-no-graph]")
unless &GetOptions('config=s' => \$CONFIG_FILE,
'continue=i' => \$CONTINUE,
'ignore-time' => \$IGNORE_TIME,
'exec' => \$EXECUTE,
'cluster' => \$CLUSTER,
'multicore' => \$MULTICORE,
'final=s' => \$FINAL,
'meta=s' => \$META,
'verbose' => \$VERBOSE,
'sleep=i' => \$SLEEP,
'max-active=i' => \$MAX_ACTIVE,
'no-graph' => \$NO_GRAPH);
if (! -e "steps") { `mkdir -p steps`; }
die("error: could not find config file")
unless ($CONFIG_FILE && -e $CONFIG_FILE) ||
($CONTINUE && -e &steps_file("config.$CONTINUE",$CONTINUE));
my (@MODULE,
%STEP_PASS, # config parameters that have to be set, otherwise pass
%STEP_PASS_IF, # config parameters that have to be not set, otherwise pass
%STEP_IGNORE, # config parameters that have to be set, otherwise ignore
%STEP_IGNORE_IF, # config parameters that have to be not set, otherwise ignore
%QSUB_SCRIPT, # flag if script contains qsub's when run on cluster
%QSUB_STEP, # flag if step contains qsub's when run on cluster
%RERUN_ON_CHANGE, # config parameter whose change invalidates old runs
%ONLY_EXISTENCE_MATTERS, # re-use check only on existance, not value
%MULTIREF, # flag if step may be run on multiple sets (reference translations)
%TEMPLATE, # template if step follows a simple pattern
%TEMPLATE_IF, # part of template that is conditionally executed
%ONLY_FACTOR_0, # only run on a corpus that includes surface word
%PARALLELIZE, # flag, if step may be run through parallelizer
%ERROR, # patterns to check in stderr that indicate errors
%NOT_ERROR); # patterns that override general error indicating patterns
print "LOAD CONFIG...\n";
my (@MODULE_LIST, # list of modules (included sets) used
%CONFIG); # all (expanded) parameter settings from configuration file
print "working directory is ".&check_and_get("GENERAL:working-dir")."\n";
my $VERSION = 0; # experiment number
&compute_version_number() if $EXECUTE && !$CONTINUE;
`mkdir -p steps/$VERSION`;
print "running experimenal run number $VERSION\n";
my (%NEEDED, # mapping of input files to step numbers
%USES_INPUT, # mapping of step numbers to input files
@DO_STEP, # list of steps with fully specified name (LM:all:binarize)
%STEP_LOOKUP,# mapping from step name to step number
%PASS, # steps for which no action needs to be taken
%GIVEN); # mapping of given output files to fully specified name
my @RE_USE; # maps re-usable steps to older versions
my %RECURSIVE_RE_USE; # stores links from .INFO files that record prior re-use
print "\nDEFINE STEPS (run with -exec if everything ok)\n" unless $EXECUTE || $CONTINUE;
&define_step("all") unless $EXECUTE || $CONTINUE;
print "\nEXECUTE STEPS\n" if $EXECUTE;
my (%DO,%DONE,%CRASHED); # tracks steps that are currently processed or done
&execute_steps() if $EXECUTE;
# graph that depicts steps of the experiment, with depedencies
sub init_agenda_graph() {
my $dir = &check_and_get("GENERAL:working-dir");
my $graph_file = &steps_file("graph.$VERSION",$VERSION);
open(PS,">".$graph_file.".ps") or die "Cannot open: $!";
print PS "%!\n"
."/Helvetica findfont 36 scalefont setfont\n"
."72 72 moveto\n"
."(its all gone blank...) show\n"
`convert -alpha off $graph_file.ps $graph_file.png`;
if (!$NO_GRAPH && !fork) {
# use ghostview by default, it it is installed
if (`which gv 2> /dev/null`) {
`gv -watch $graph_file.ps`;
# ... otherwise use graphviz's display
else {
`display -update 10 $graph_file.png`;
#gotta exit the fork once the user has closed gv. Otherwise we'll have an extra instance of
#experiment.perl floating around running steps in parallel with its parent.
# detection of cluster or multi-core machines
sub detect_machine {
my ($hostname,$list) = @_;
$list =~ s/\s+/ /;
$list =~ s/^ //;
$list =~ s/ $//;
foreach my $machine (split(/ /,$list)) {
return 1 if $hostname =~ /$machine/;
return 0;
sub detect_if_cluster {
my $hostname = `hostname`; chop($hostname);
foreach my $line (`cat $RealBin/experiment.machines`) {
next unless $line =~ /^cluster: (.+)$/;
if (&detect_machine($hostname,$1)) {
print "running on a cluster\n" if $CLUSTER;
sub detect_if_multicore {
my $hostname = `hostname`; chop($hostname);
foreach my $line (`cat $RealBin/experiment.machines`) {
next unless $line =~ /^multicore-(\d+): (.+)$/;
my ($cores,$list) = ($1,$2);
if (&detect_machine($hostname,$list)) {
$MAX_ACTIVE = $cores;
### Read the meta information about all possible steps
sub read_meta {
open(META,$META) || die("ERROR: no meta file at $META");
my ($module,$step);
while() {
s/\#.*$//; # strip comments
next if /^\s*$/;
while (/\\\s*$/) {
$_ .= ;
s/\s*\\\s*[\n\r]*\s+/ /;
if (/^\[(.+)\]\s+(\S+)/) {
$module = $1;
push @MODULE,$module;
$MODULE_TYPE{$module} = $2;
# print "MODULE_TYPE{$module} = $2;\n";
elsif (/^(\S+)/) {
$step = $1;
push @{$MODULE_STEP{$module}},$step;
# print "{MODULE_STEP{$module}},$step;\n";
elsif (/^\s+(\S+): (.+\S)\s*$/) {
if ($1 eq "in") {
@{$STEP_IN{"$module:$step"}} = split(/\s+/,$2);
elsif ($1 eq "out") {
$STEP_OUT{"$module:$step"} = $2;
elsif ($1 eq "default-name") {
$STEP_OUTNAME{"$module:$step"} = $2;
elsif ($1 eq "pass-unless") {
@{$STEP_PASS{"$module:$step"}} = split(/\s+/,$2);
push @{$RERUN_ON_CHANGE{"$module:$step"}}, split(/\s+/,$2);
elsif ($1 eq "pass-if") {
@{$STEP_PASS_IF{"$module:$step"}} = split(/\s+/,$2);
push @{$RERUN_ON_CHANGE{"$module:$step"}}, split(/\s+/,$2);
elsif ($1 eq "ignore-unless") {
$STEP_IGNORE{"$module:$step"} = $2;
elsif ($1 eq "ignore-if") {
$STEP_IGNORE_IF{"$module:$step"} = $2;
elsif ($1 eq "qsub-script") {
elsif ($1 eq "rerun-on-change") {
push @{$RERUN_ON_CHANGE{"$module:$step"}}, split(/\s+/,$2);
elsif ($1 eq "only-existence-matters") {
elsif ($1 eq "multiref") {
$MULTIREF{"$module:$step"} = $2;
elsif ($1 eq "template") {
my $escaped_template = $2;
$escaped_template =~ s/^IN/EMS_IN_EMS/;
$escaped_template =~ s/ IN(\d*)/ EMS_IN$1_EMS/g;
$escaped_template =~ s/ OUT/ EMS_OUT_EMS/g;
$TEMPLATE{"$module:$step"} = $escaped_template;
elsif ($1 eq "template-if") {
my $escaped_template = $2;
$escaped_template =~ s/^IN/EMS_IN_EMS/;
$escaped_template =~ s/ IN(\d*)/ EMS_IN$1_EMS/g;
$escaped_template =~ s/ OUT/ EMS_OUT_EMS/g;
my @IF = split(/\s+/,$escaped_template);
push @{$TEMPLATE_IF{"$module:$step"}}, \@IF;
elsif ($1 eq "parallelizable") {
elsif ($1 eq "only-factor-0") {
elsif ($1 eq "error") {
@{$ERROR{"$module:$step"}} = split(/,/,$2);
elsif ($1 eq "not-error") {
@{$NOT_ERROR{"$module:$step"}} = split(/,/,$2);
else {
die("META ERROR unknown parameter: $1");
else {
die("META ERROR buggy line $_");
### Read the configuration file
sub read_config {
# read the file
my $module = "GENERAL";
my $error = 0;
my $ignore = 0;
my $line_count=0;
while() {
s/\#.*$//; # strip comments
next if /^\#/ || /^\s*$/;
while (/\\\s*$/) { # merge with next line
s/\s*\\\s*$/ /;
$_ .= ;
if (/^\[(.+)\]/) {
$module = $1;
$ignore = /ignore/i;
push @MODULE_LIST,$1 unless $ignore;
elsif (! $ignore) {
if (/^(\S+) = (.+)$/) {
my $parameter = $1;
my $value = $2;
$value =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$value =~ s/^ //;
$value =~ s/ $//;
my @VALUE;
if ($value =~ /^\"(.*)\"$/) {
@VALUE = ($1);
else {
@VALUE = split(/ /,$value);
$CONFIG{"$module:$parameter"} = \@VALUE;
else {
print STDERR "BUGGY CONFIG LINE ($line_count): $_";
die("$error ERROR".(($error>1)?"s":"")." IN CONFIG FILE") if $error;
# resolve parameters used in values
my $resolve = 1;
my $loop_count = 0;
while($resolve && $loop_count++ < 100) {
$resolve = 0;
foreach my $parameter (keys %CONFIG) {
foreach (@{$CONFIG{$parameter}}) {
next unless /\$/;
my $escaped = 0;
die ("BAD USE OF \$ IN VALUE used in parameter $parameter")
if ! ( /^(.*)\$([a-z\-\:\d]+)(.*)$/i ||
(/^(.*)\$\{([a-z\-\:\d]+)\}(.*)$/i && ($escaped = 1)));
my ($pre,$substitution,$post) = ($1,$2,$3);
my $pattern = $substitution;
if ($substitution !~ /\:/) { # handle local variables
$parameter =~ /^(.+)\:/;
$substitution = $1.":".$substitution;
my $orig = $substitution;
$substitution =~ s/^(.+):.+:(.+)$/$1:$2/ # not set-specific
unless defined($CONFIG{$substitution});
$substitution = "GENERAL:$2" # back off to general
unless defined($CONFIG{$substitution});
die ("UNKNOWN PARAMETER $orig used in parameter $parameter")
unless defined($CONFIG{$substitution});
my $o = $CONFIG{$substitution}[0];
print "changing $_ to " if $VERBOSE;
s/\$\{$pattern\}/$o/ if $escaped;
s/\$$pattern/$o/ unless $escaped;
print "$_\n" if $VERBOSE;
if (/\$/) {
print "more resolving needed\n" if $VERBOSE;
$resolve = 1;
# check if specified files exist
$error = 0;
foreach my $parameter (keys %CONFIG) {
foreach (@{$CONFIG{$parameter}}) {
next if $parameter =~ /temp-dir/;
next if (!/^\// || -e); # ok if not file, or exists
my $file = $_;
$file =~ s/ .+$//; # remove switches
my $gz = $file; $gz =~ s/\.gz$//;
next if -e $gz; # ok if non gzipped exists
next if `find $file* -maxdepth 0 -follow`; # ok if stem
print STDERR "$parameter: file $_ does not exist!\n";
die if $error;
# log parameter settings into a file
sub log_config {
my $dir = &check_and_get("GENERAL:working-dir");
`mkdir -p $dir/steps`;
my $config_file = &steps_file("config.$VERSION",$VERSION);
`cp $CONFIG_FILE $config_file` unless $CONTINUE;
open(PARAMETER,">".&steps_file("parameter.$VERSION",$VERSION)) or die "Cannot open: $!";
foreach my $parameter (sort keys %CONFIG) {
print PARAMETER "$parameter =";
foreach (@{$CONFIG{$parameter}}) {
print PARAMETER " ".$_;
print PARAMETER "\n";
### find steps to run
sub find_steps {
# find final output to be produced by the experiment
if (defined($FINAL)) {
push @{$NEEDED{$FINAL}}, "final";
else {
push @{$NEEDED{"REPORTING:report"}}, "final";
# go through each module
for(my $m=$#MODULE; $m>=0; $m--) {
my $module = $MODULE[$m];
# if module is "multiple" go through each set
if ($MODULE_TYPE{$module} eq "multiple") {
my @SETS = &get_sets($module);
foreach my $set (@SETS) {
# if module is "synchronous" go through each set of previous
elsif ($MODULE_TYPE{$module} eq "synchronous") {
my $previous_module = $MODULE[$m-1];
my @SETS = &get_sets($previous_module);
foreach my $set (@SETS) {
# otherwise, execute module once
else {
sub find_steps_for_module {
my ($module,$set,$final_module) = @_;
print "processing module $module:$set\n" if $VERBOSE;
# go through potential steps from last to first (counter-chronological)
foreach my $stepname (reverse @{$MODULE_STEP{$module}}) {
my $step = &construct_name($module,$set,$stepname);
my $defined_step = &defined_step($step); # without set
# FIRST, some checking...
print "\tchecking step: $step\n" if $VERBOSE;
# only add this step, if its output is needed by another step
my $out = &construct_name($module,$set,$STEP_OUT{$defined_step});
print "\t\tproduces $out\n" if $VERBOSE;
next unless defined($NEEDED{$out});
print "\t\tneeded\n" if $VERBOSE;
# if output of a step is specified, you do not have
# to execute that step
if(defined($CONFIG{$out})) {
$GIVEN{$out} = $step;
print "\t\toutput not specified in config\n" if $VERBOSE;
# not needed, if optional and not specified
if (defined($STEP_IGNORE{$defined_step})) {
my $next = 0;
my $and = 0;
my @IGNORE = split(/ /,$STEP_IGNORE{$defined_step});
if ($IGNORE[0] eq "AND") {
$and = 1;
shift @IGNORE;
foreach my $ignore (@IGNORE) {
my $extended_name = &extend_local_name($module,$set,$ignore);
if (! &backoff_and_get($extended_name)) {
print "\t\tignored because of non-existance of ".$extended_name."\n" if $VERBOSE;
next if !$and && ($next == scalar @IGNORE); # OR: all parameters have to be missing
next if $and && $next; # AND: any parameter has to be missing
print "\t\t=> not all non-existant, not ignored" if $next && $VERBOSE;
# not needed, if alternative step is specified
if (defined($STEP_IGNORE_IF{$defined_step})) {
my $next = 0;
foreach my $ignore (split(/ /,$STEP_IGNORE_IF{$defined_step})) {
my $extended_name = &extend_local_name($module,$set,$ignore);
if (&backoff_and_get($extended_name)) {
print "\t\tignored because of existance of ".$extended_name."\n" if $VERBOSE;
next if $next;
# OK, add step to the list
push @DO_STEP,$step;
$STEP_LOOKUP{$step} = $#DO_STEP;
print "\tdo-step: $step\n" if $VERBOSE;
# mark as pass step (where no action is taken), if step is
# optional and nothing needs to be do done
if (defined($STEP_PASS{$defined_step})) {
my $flag = 1;
foreach my $pass (@{$STEP_PASS{$defined_step}}) {
$flag = 0
if &backoff_and_get(&extend_local_name($module,$set,$pass));
$PASS{$#DO_STEP}++ if $flag;
if (defined($STEP_PASS_IF{$defined_step})) {
my $flag = 0;
foreach my $pass (@{$STEP_PASS_IF{$defined_step}}) {
$flag = 1
if &backoff_and_get(&extend_local_name($module,$set,$pass));
$PASS{$#DO_STEP}++ if $flag;
# special case for passing: steps that only affect factor 0
if (defined($ONLY_FACTOR_0{$defined_step})) {
my $FACTOR = &backoff_and_get_array("LM:$set:factors");
if (defined($FACTOR)) {
my $ok = 0;
foreach my $factor (@{$FACTOR}) {
$ok++ if ($factor eq "word");
$PASS{$#DO_STEP}++ unless $ok;
# check for dependencies
foreach (@{$STEP_IN{$defined_step}}) {
my $in = $_;
# if multiple potential inputs, find first that matches
if ($in =~ /=OR=/) {
my @POTENTIAL_IN = split(/=OR=/,$in);
foreach my $potential_in (@POTENTIAL_IN) {
if (&check_producability($module,$set,$potential_in)) {
$in = $potential_in;
#die("ERROR: none of potential inputs $in possible for $step")
$in = $POTENTIAL_IN[$#POTENTIAL_IN] if $in =~ /=OR=/;
# define input(s) as needed by this step
my @IN = &construct_input($module,$set,$in);
foreach my $in (@IN) {
print "\t\tneeds input $in: " if $VERBOSE;
if(defined($CONFIG{$in}) && $CONFIG{$in}[0] =~ /^\[(.+)\]$/) {
$in = $1;
print $in if $VERBOSE;
push @{$NEEDED{$in}}, $#DO_STEP;
print "\n\t\tcross-directed to $in\n" if $VERBOSE;
elsif(defined($CONFIG{$in})) {
print "\n\t\t... but that is specified\n" if $VERBOSE;
else {
push @{$NEEDED{$in}}, $#DO_STEP;
print "\n" if $VERBOSE;
push @{$USES_INPUT{$#DO_STEP}},$in;
sub check_producability {
my ($module,$set,$output) = @_;
# find $output requested as input by step in $module/$set
my @OUT = &construct_input($module,$set,$output);
# if multiple outputs (due to multiple sets merged into one),
# only one needs to exist
foreach my $out (@OUT) {
print "producable? $out\n" if $VERBOSE;
# producable, if specified as file in the command line
return 1 if defined($CONFIG{$out});
# find defined step that produces this
my $defined_step;
foreach my $ds (keys %STEP_OUT) {
my ($ds_module) = &deconstruct_name($ds);
my $ds_out = &construct_name($ds_module,"",$STEP_OUT{$ds});
print "checking $ds -> $ds_out\n" if $VERBOSE;
$defined_step = $ds if $out eq $ds_out;
die("ERROR: cannot possibly produce output $out")
unless $defined_step;
# producable, if cannot be ignored
return 1 unless defined($STEP_IGNORE{$defined_step});
# producable, if required parameter specified
foreach my $ignore (split(/ /,$STEP_IGNORE{$defined_step})) {
my ($ds_module) = &deconstruct_name($defined_step);
my $ds_set = $set;
$ds_set = "" if $MODULE_TYPE{$ds_module} eq "single";
my $req = &construct_name($ds_module,$ds_set,$ignore);
print "producable req $req\n" if $VERBOSE;
return 1 if defined($CONFIG{$req});
print "not producable: ($module,$set,$output)\n" if $VERBOSE;
return 0;
# given a current module and set, expand the input definition
# into actual input file parameters
sub construct_input {
my ($module,$set,$in) = @_;
# potentially multiple input files
my @IN;
# input from same module
if ($in !~ /([^:]+):(\S+)/) {
push @IN, &construct_name($module,$set,$in);
# input from previous model, multiple
elsif ($MODULE_TYPE{$1} eq "multiple") {
my @SETS = &get_sets($1);
foreach my $set (@SETS) {
push @IN, &construct_name($1,$set,$2);
# input from previous model, synchronized to multiple
elsif ($1 eq "EVALUATION" && $module eq "REPORTING") {
my @SETS = &get_sets("EVALUATION");
foreach my $set (@SETS) {
push @IN, &construct_name($1,$set,$2);
# input from previous module, single (ignore current set)
else {
push @IN,$in;
return @IN;
# get the set names for a module that runs on multiple sets
# (e.g. multiple LMs, multiple training corpora, multiple test sets)
sub get_sets {
my ($config) = @_;
my @SET;
foreach (@MODULE_LIST) {
if (/^$config:([^:]+)/) {
push @SET,$1;
return @SET;
# look for completed step jobs from previous experiments
sub find_re_use {
my $dir = &check_and_get("GENERAL:working-dir");
return unless -e "$dir/steps";
for(my $i=0;$i<=$#DO_STEP;$i++) {
%{$RE_USE[$i]} = ();
# find older steps from previous versions that can be re-used
open(LS,"find $dir/steps/* -maxdepth 1 -follow | sort -r |");
while(my $info_file = ) {
next unless $info_file =~ /INFO$/;
$info_file =~ s/.+\/([^\/]+)$/$1/; # ignore path
for(my $i=0;$i<=$#DO_STEP;$i++) {
# next if $RE_USE[$i]; # already found one
my $pattern = &step_file($i);
$pattern =~ s/\+/\\+/; # escape plus signes in file names
$pattern = "^$pattern.(\\d+).INFO\$";
$pattern =~ s/.+\/([^\/]+)$/$1/; # ignore path
next unless $info_file =~ /$pattern/;
my $old_version = $1;
print "re_use $i $DO_STEP[$i] (v$old_version) ".join(" ",keys %{$RE_USE[$i]})." ?\n" if $VERBOSE;
print "\tno info file ".&versionize(&step_file($i),$old_version).".INFO\n" if ! -e &versionize(&step_file($i),$old_version).".INFO" && $VERBOSE;
print "\tno done file " if ! -e &versionize(&step_file($i),$old_version).".DONE" && $VERBOSE;
if (! -e &versionize(&step_file($i),$old_version).".INFO") {
print "\tinfo file does not exist\n" if $VERBOSE;
print "\tnot re-usable\n" if $VERBOSE;
elsif (! -e &versionize(&step_file($i),$old_version).".DONE") {
print "\tstep not done (done file does not exist)\n" if $VERBOSE;
print "\tnot re-usable\n" if $VERBOSE;
elsif (! &check_info($i,$old_version) ) {
print "\tparameters from info file do not match\n" if $VERBOSE;
print "\tnot re-usable\n" if $VERBOSE;
elsif (&check_if_crashed($i,$old_version)) {
print "\tstep crashed\n" if $VERBOSE;
print "\tnot re-usable\n" if $VERBOSE;
else {
print "\tre-usable\n" if $VERBOSE;
# all preceding steps have to be re-usable
# otherwise output from old step can not be re-used
my $change = 1;
while($change) {
$change = 0;
for(my $i=0;$i<=$#DO_STEP;$i++) {
next unless $RE_USE[$i];
foreach my $run (keys %{$RE_USE[$i]}) {
print "check on dependencies for $i ($run) $DO_STEP[$i]\n" if $VERBOSE;
foreach (@{$DEPENDENCY[$i]}) {
my $parent = $_;
print "\tchecking on $parent $DO_STEP[$parent]\n" if $VERBOSE;
# skip steps that are passed
while (defined($PASS{$parent})) {
if (scalar (@{$DEPENDENCY[$parent]}) == 0) {
$parent = 0;
print "\tprevious step's output is specified\n" if $VERBOSE;
else {
push @PASSING, $parent;
$parent = $DEPENDENCY[$parent][0];
print "\tmoving up to $parent $DO_STEP[$parent]\n" if $VERBOSE;
# check if parent step may be re-used
if ($parent) {
my $reuse_run = $run;
# if recursive re-use, switch to approapriate run
if (defined($RECURSIVE_RE_USE{$i,$run,$DO_STEP[$parent]})) {
print "\trecursive re-use run $reuse_run\n" if $VERBOSE;
$reuse_run = $RECURSIVE_RE_USE{$i,$run,$DO_STEP[$parent]};
# additional check for straight re-use
else {
# re-use step has to have passed the same steps
foreach (@PASSING) {
my $passed = $DO_STEP[$_];
$passed =~ s/:/_/g;
if (-e &steps_file("$passed.$run",$run)) {
$change = 1;
print "\tpassed step $DO_STEP[$_] used in re-use run $run -> fail\n" if $VERBOSE;
# re-use step has to exist for this run
if (! defined($RE_USE[$parent]{$reuse_run})) {
print "\tno previous step -> fail\n" if $VERBOSE;
$change = 1;
# summarize and convert hashes into integers for to be re-used
print "\nSTEP SUMMARY:\n";
open(RE_USE,">".&steps_file("re-use.$VERSION",$VERSION)) or die "Cannot open: $!";
for(my $i=$#DO_STEP;$i>=0;$i--) {
if ($PASS{$i}) {
$RE_USE[$i] = 0;
print "$i $DO_STEP[$i] ->\t";
if (scalar(keys %{$RE_USE[$i]})) {
my @ALL = sort { $a <=> $b} keys %{$RE_USE[$i]};
print "re-using (".join(" ",@ALL).")\n";
$RE_USE[$i] = $ALL[0];
if ($ALL[0] != $VERSION) {
print RE_USE "$DO_STEP[$i] $ALL[0]\n";
else {
print "run\n";
$RE_USE[$i] = 0;
sub find_dependencies {
for(my $i=0;$i<=$#DO_STEP;$i++) {
@{$DEPENDENCY[$i]} = ();
for(my $i=0;$i<=$#DO_STEP;$i++) {
my $step = $DO_STEP[$i];
$step =~ /^(.+:)[^:]+$/;
my $module_set = $1;
foreach my $needed_by (@{$NEEDED{$module_set.$STEP_OUT{&defined_step($step)}}}) {
print "$needed_by needed by $i\n" if $VERBOSE;
next if $needed_by eq 'final';
push @{$DEPENDENCY[$needed_by]},$i;
# for(my $i=0;$i<=$#DO_STEP;$i++) {
# print "to run step $i ($DO_STEP[$i]), we first need to run step(s) ".join(" ",@{$DEPENDENCY[$i]})."\n";
# }
sub draw_agenda_graph {
my %M;
my $dir = &check_and_get("GENERAL:working-dir");
open(DOT,">".&steps_file("graph.$VERSION.dot",$VERSION)) or die "Cannot open: $!";
print DOT "digraph Experiment$VERSION {\n";
print DOT " ranksep=0;\n";
for(my $i=0;$i<=$#DO_STEP;$i++) {
my $step = $DO_STEP[$i];
$step =~ /^(.+):[^:]+$/;
my $module_set = $1;
push @{$M{$module_set}},$i;
my $i = 0;
foreach (values %GIVEN) {
push @G,$_;
$GIVEN_NUMBER{$_} = $#G;
my $module_set = $1;
push @{$M{$module_set}},"g".($#G);
my $m = 0;
foreach my $module (keys %M) {
print DOT " subgraph cluster_".($m++)." {\n";
print DOT " fillcolor=\"lightyellow\";\n";
print DOT " shape=box;\n";
print DOT " style=filled;\n";
print DOT " fontsize=10;\n";
print DOT " label=\"$module\";\n";
foreach my $i (@{$M{$module}}) {
if ($i =~ /g(\d+)/) {
my $step = $G[$1];
$step =~ /^.+:([^:]+)$/;
print DOT " $i [label=\"$1\",shape=box,fontsize=10,height=0,style=filled,fillcolor=\"#c0b060\"];\n";
else {
my $step = $DO_STEP[$i];
$step =~ s/^.+:([^:]+)$/$1/;
$step .= " (".$RE_USE[$i].")" if $RE_USE[$i];
my $color = "green";
$color = "#0000ff" if defined($DO{$i}) && $DO{$i} >= 1;
$color = "#8080ff" if defined($DONE{$i}) || ($RE_USE[$i] && $RE_USE[$i] == $VERSION);
$color = "lightblue" if $RE_USE[$i] && $RE_USE[$i] != $VERSION;
$color = "red" if defined($CRASHED{$i});
$color = "lightyellow" if defined($PASS{$i});
print DOT " $i [label=\"$step\",shape=box,fontsize=10,height=0,style=filled,fillcolor=\"$color\"];\n";
print DOT " }\n";
for(my $i=0;$i<=$#DO_STEP;$i++) {
foreach (@{$DEPENDENCY[$i]}) {
print DOT " $_ -> $i;\n";
# steps that do not have to be performed, because
# their output is given
foreach my $out (keys %GIVEN) {
foreach my $needed_by (@{$NEEDED{$out}}) {
print DOT " g".$GIVEN_NUMBER{$GIVEN{$out}}." -> $needed_by;\n";
print DOT "}\n";
my $graph_file = &steps_file("graph.$VERSION",$VERSION);
`dot -Tps $graph_file.dot >$graph_file.ps`;
`convert -alpha off $graph_file.ps $graph_file.png`;
sub define_step {
my ($step) = @_;
my $dir = &check_and_get("GENERAL:working-dir");
`mkdir -p $dir` if ! -e $dir;
my @STEP;
if ($step eq "all") {
for(my $i=0;$i<=$#DO_STEP;$i++) {
push @STEP,$i;
else {
@STEP = ($step);
foreach my $i (@STEP) {
next if $RE_USE[$i];
next if defined($PASS{$i});
next if &define_template($i);
if ($DO_STEP[$i] =~ /^CORPUS:(.+):factorize$/) {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] eq 'SPLITTER:train') {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] =~ /^LM:(.+):factorize$/) {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] =~ /^LM:(.+):randomize$/ ||
$DO_STEP[$i] eq 'INTERPOLATED-LM:randomize') {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] =~ /^LM:(.+):train-randomized$/) {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] eq 'TRAINING:prepare-data') {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] eq 'TRAINING:prepare-data-fast-align') {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] eq 'TRAINING:run-giza') {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] eq 'TRAINING:run-giza-inverse') {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] eq 'TRAINING:symmetrize-giza') {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] eq 'TRAINING:build-biconcor') {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] eq 'TRAINING:build-suffix-array') {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] eq 'TRAINING:build-lex-trans') {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] eq 'TRAINING:extract-phrases') {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] eq 'TRAINING:build-reordering') {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] eq 'TRAINING:build-ttable') {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] eq 'TRAINING:build-generation') {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] eq 'TRAINING:sigtest-filter-ttable' ||
$DO_STEP[$i] eq 'TRAINING:sigtest-filter-reordering') {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] eq 'TRAINING:create-config' || $DO_STEP[$i] eq 'TRAINING:create-config-interpolated-lm') {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] eq 'INTERPOLATED-LM:interpolate') {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] eq 'INTERPOLATED-LM:binarize' ||
$DO_STEP[$i] eq 'INTERPOLATED-LM:quantize' ||
$DO_STEP[$i] eq 'INTERPOLATED-LM:randomize') {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] eq 'TUNING:factorize-input') {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] eq 'TUNING:factorize-input-devtest') {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] eq 'TUNING:filter') {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] eq 'TUNING:filter-devtest') {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] eq 'TUNING:tune') {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] =~ /^EVALUATION:(.+):factorize-input$/) {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] =~ /^EVALUATION:(.+):filter$/) {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] =~ /^EVALUATION:(.+):decode$/) {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] =~ /^EVALUATION:(.+):analysis$/) {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] =~ /^EVALUATION:(.+):analysis-precision$/) {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] =~ /^EVALUATION:(.+):analysis-coverage$/) {
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] =~ /^EVALUATION:(.+):meteor$/) {
# &define_evaluation_meteor($1);
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] =~ /^EVALUATION:(.+):ter$/) {
# &define_evaluation_ter($1);
elsif ($DO_STEP[$i] eq 'REPORTING:report') {
else {
print STDERR "ERROR: unknown step $DO_STEP[$i]\n";
# LOOP that executes the steps
# including checks, if needed to be executed, waiting for completion, and error detection
sub execute_steps {
for(my $i=0;$i<=$#DO_STEP;$i++) {
$DONE{$i}++ if $RE_USE[$i];
my $active = 0;
while(1) {
# find steps to be done
my $repeat_if_passed = 1;
while($repeat_if_passed) {
$repeat_if_passed = 0;
for(my $i=0;$i<=$#DO_STEP;$i++) {
next if (defined($DONE{$i}));
next if (defined($DO{$i}));
next if (defined($CRASHED{$i}));
my $doable = 1;
# can't do steps whose predecedents are not done yet
foreach my $prev_step (@{$DEPENDENCY[$i]}) {
$doable = 0 if !defined($DONE{$prev_step});
next unless $doable;
$DO{$i} = 1;
# immediately label pass steps as done
next unless defined($PASS{$i});
$DONE{$i} = 1;
$repeat_if_passed = 1;
print "number of steps doable or running: ".(scalar keys %DO)." at ".`date`;
foreach my $step (keys %DO) { print "\t".($DO{$step}==2?"running: ":"doable: ").$DO_STEP[$step]."\n"; }
return unless scalar keys %DO;
# execute new step
my $done = 0;
foreach my $i (keys %DO) {
next unless $DO{$i} == 1;
if (defined($PASS{$i})) { # immediately label pass steps as done
elsif (! -e &versionize(&step_file($i)).".DONE") {
my $step = &versionize(&step_file($i));
# cluster job submission
if ($CLUSTER && ! &is_qsub_script($i)) {
my $qsub_args = &get_qsub_args($DO_STEP[$i]);
print "\texecuting $step via qsub ($active active)\n";
my $qsub_command="qsub $qsub_args -S /bin/bash -e $step.STDERR -o $step.STDOUT $step";
print "\t$qsub_command\n" if $VERBOSE;
# execute in fork
elsif ($CLUSTER || $active < $MAX_ACTIVE) {
print "\texecuting $step via sh ($active active)\n";
if (!fork) {
`sh $step >$step.STDOUT 2> $step.STDERR`;
# update state
&draw_agenda_graph() unless $done;
# sleep until one more step is done
while(! $done) {
my $dir = &check_and_get("GENERAL:working-dir");
`ls $dir/steps > /dev/null`; # nfs bug
foreach my $i (keys %DO) {
if (-e &versionize(&step_file($i)).".DONE") {
if (&check_if_crashed($i)) {
print "step $DO_STEP[$i] crashed\n";
else {
my $running_file = &steps_file("running.$VERSION",$VERSION);
`touch $running_file`;
# a number of arguments to the job submission may be specified
# note that this is specific to your gridengine implementation
# and some options may not work.
sub get_qsub_args {
my ($step) = @_;
my $qsub_args = &get("$step:qsub-settings");
$qsub_args = &get("GENERAL:qsub-settings") unless defined($qsub_args);
$qsub_args = "" unless defined($qsub_args);
my $memory = &get("$step:qsub-memory");
$qsub_args .= " -pe memory $memory" if defined($memory);
my $hours = &get("$step:qsub-hours");
$qsub_args .= " -l h_rt=$hours:0:0" if defined($hours);
my $project = &backoff_and_get("$step:qsub-project");
$qsub_args = "-P $project" if defined($project);
print "qsub args: $qsub_args\n" if $VERBOSE;
return $qsub_args;
# certain scripts when run on the clusters submit jobs
# themselves, hence they are executed regularly ("sh script")
# instead of submited as jobs. here we check for that.
sub is_qsub_script {
my ($i) = @_;
return (defined($QSUB_STEP{$i}) ||
# write the info file that is consulted to check if
# a steps has to be redone, even if it was run before
sub write_info {
my ($i) = @_;
my $step = $DO_STEP[$i];
my $module_set = $step; $module_set =~ s/:[^:]+$//;
open(INFO,">".&versionize(&step_file($i)).".INFO") or die "Cannot open: $!";
my %VALUE = &get_parameters_relevant_for_re_use($i);
foreach my $parameter (keys %VALUE) {
print INFO "$parameter = $VALUE{$parameter}\n";
# record re-use for recursive re-use
foreach my $parent (@{$DEPENDENCY[$i]}) {
my $p = $parent;
while (defined($PASS{$p}) && scalar @{$DEPENDENCY[$p]}) {
$p = $DEPENDENCY[$p][0];
if ($RE_USE[$p]) {
print INFO "# reuse run $RE_USE[$p] for $DO_STEP[$p]\n";
# check the info file...
sub check_info {
my ($i,$version) = @_;
$version = $VERSION unless $version; # default: current version
my %VALUE = &get_parameters_relevant_for_re_use($i);
my ($module,$set,$step) = &deconstruct_name($DO_STEP[$i]);
my %INFO;
open(INFO,&versionize(&step_file($i),$version).".INFO") or die "Cannot open: $!";
while() {
if (/ = /) {
my ($parameter,$value) = split(/ = /,$_,2);
$INFO{$parameter} = $value;
elsif (/^\# reuse run (\d+) for (\S+)/) {
if ($1>0 && defined($STEP_LOOKUP{$2})) {
print "\tRECURSIVE_RE_USE{$i,$version,$2} = $1\n" if $VERBOSE;
$RECURSIVE_RE_USE{$i,$version,$2} = $1;
else {
print "\tnot using '$_', step $2 not required\n" if $VERBOSE;
return 0;
print "\tcheck parameter count current: ".(scalar keys %VALUE).", old: ".(scalar keys %INFO)."\n" if $VERBOSE;
return 0 unless scalar keys %INFO == scalar keys %VALUE;
foreach my $parameter (keys %VALUE) {
if (! defined($INFO{$parameter})) {
print "\told has no '$parameter' -> not re-usable\n" if $VERBOSE;
return 0;
print "\tcheck '$VALUE{$parameter}' eq '$INFO{$parameter}' -> " if $VERBOSE;
if (defined($ONLY_EXISTENCE_MATTERS{"$module:$step"}{$parameter})) {
print "existence ok\n" if $VERBOSE;
elsif (&match_info_strings($VALUE{$parameter},$INFO{$parameter})) {
print "ok\n" if $VERBOSE;
else {
print "mismatch\n" if $VERBOSE;
return 0;
print "\tall parameters match\n" if $VERBOSE;
return 1;
sub match_info_strings {
my ($current,$old) = @_;
$current =~ s/ $//;
$old =~ s/ $//;
return 1 if $current eq $old;
# ignore time stamps, if that option is used
if (defined($IGNORE_TIME)) {
$current =~ s/\[\d{10}\]//g;
$old =~ s/\[\d{10}\]//g;
return 1 if $current eq $old;
# allowing stars to substitute numbers
while($current =~ /^([^\*]+)\*(.*)$/) {
return 0 unless $1 eq substr($old,0,length($1)); # prefix must match
$current = $2;
return 0 unless substr($old,length($1)) =~ /^\d+(.*)$/; # must start with number
$old = $1;
return 1 if $old eq $current; # done if rest matches
return 0;
sub get_parameters_relevant_for_re_use {
my ($i) = @_;
my %VALUE;
my $step = $DO_STEP[$i];
#my $module_set = $step; $module_set =~ s/:[^:]+$//;
my ($module,$set,$dummy) = &deconstruct_name($step);
foreach my $parameter (@{$RERUN_ON_CHANGE{&defined_step($step)}}) {
#if ($parameter =~ /\//) {
# TODO: handle scripts that need to be checked for time stamps
my $value = &backoff_and_get_array(&extend_local_name($module,$set,$parameter));
$value = join(" ",@{$value}) if ref($value) eq 'ARRAY';
$VALUE{$parameter} = $value if $value;
my ($out,@INPUT) = &get_output_and_input($i);
my $actually_used = "USED";
foreach my $in_file (@INPUT) {
$actually_used .= " ".$in_file;
$VALUE{"INPUT"} = $actually_used;
foreach my $in_file (@{$USES_INPUT{$i}}) {
my $value = &backoff_and_get($in_file);
$VALUE{$in_file} = $value if $value;
# add timestamp to files
foreach my $value (values %VALUE) {
if ($value =~ /^\//) { # file name
my $file = $value;
$file =~ s/ .+//; # ignore switches
if (-e $file) {
my @filestat = stat($file);
$value .= " [".$filestat[9]."]";
# foreach my $parameter (keys %VALUE) {
# print "\t$parameter = $VALUE{$parameter}\n";
# }
return %VALUE;
sub check_if_crashed {
my ($i,$version) = @_;
$version = $VERSION unless $version; # default: current version
# while running, sometimes the STDERR file is slow in appearing - wait a bit just in case
if ($version == $VERSION) {
my $j = 0;
while (! -e &versionize(&step_file($i),$version).".STDERR" && $j < 100) {
#print "checking if $DO_STEP[$i]($version) crashed...\n";
return 1 if ! -e &versionize(&step_file($i),$version).".STDERR";
my $file = &versionize(&step_file($i),$version).".STDERR";
my $error = 0;
if (-e $file.".digest") {
open(DIGEST,$file.".digest") or die "Cannot open: $!";
while() {
print "\t$DO_STEP[$i]($version) crashed: $_" if $VERBOSE;
return $error;
open(ERROR,$file) or die "Cannot open: $!";
while() {
foreach my $pattern (@{$ERROR{&defined_step_id($i)}},
'error','killed','core dumped','can\'t read',
'no such file or directory','unknown option',
'died at','exit code','permission denied',
'segmentation fault','abort',
'no space left on device',
'can\'t locate', 'unrecognized option') {
if (/$pattern/i) {
my $not_error = 0;
if (defined($NOT_ERROR{&defined_step_id($i)})) {
foreach my $override (@{$NOT_ERROR{&defined_step_id($i)}}) {
$not_error++ if /$override/i;
if (!$not_error) {
push @DIGEST,$pattern;
print "\t$DO_STEP[$i]($version) crashed: $pattern\n" if $VERBOSE;
last if $error>10
open(DIGEST,">$file.digest") or die "Cannot open: $!";
foreach (@DIGEST) {
print DIGEST $_."\n";
return $error;
# returns the name of the file where the step job is defined in
sub step_file {
my ($i) = @_;
my $step = $DO_STEP[$i];
$step =~ s/:/_/g;
my $dir = &check_and_get("GENERAL:working-dir");
return "$dir/steps/$step";
sub step_file2 {
my ($module,$set,$step) = @_;
my $dir = &check_and_get("GENERAL:working-dir");
`mkdir -p $dir/steps` if ! -e "$dir/steps";
my $file = "$dir/steps/$module" . ($set ? ("_".$set) : "") . "_$step";
return $file;
sub versionize {
my ($file,$version) = @_;
$version = $VERSION unless $version;
$file =~ s/steps\//steps\/$version\//;
return $file.".".$version;
sub defined_step_id {
my ($i) = @_;
return &defined_step($DO_STEP[$i]);
sub defined_step {
my ($step) = @_;
my $defined_step = $step;
$defined_step =~ s/:.+:/:/;
return $defined_step;
sub construct_name {
my ($module,$set,$step) = @_;
if (!defined($set) || $set eq "") {
return "$module:$step";
return "$module:$set:$step";
sub deconstruct_name {
my ($name) = @_;
my ($module,$set,$step);
if ($name !~ /:.+:/) {
($module,$step) = split(/:/,$name);
$set = "";
else {
($module,$set,$step) = split(/:/,$name);
# print "deconstruct_name $name -> ($module,$set,$step)\n";
return ($module,$set,$step);
sub deconstruct_local_name {
my ($module,$set,$name) = @_;
if ($name =~ /^(.+):(.+)$/) {
$module = $1;
$name = $2;
return ($module,$set,$name);
sub extend_local_name {
my ($module,$set,$name) = @_;
return &construct_name(&deconstruct_local_name($module,$set,$name));
### definition of steps
sub define_corpus_factorize {
my ($step_id) = @_;
my $scripts = &check_backoff_and_get("TUNING:moses-script-dir");
my ($output,$input) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my $input_extension = &check_backoff_and_get("TRAINING:input-extension");
my $output_extension = &check_backoff_and_get("TRAINING:output-extension");
my $dir = &check_and_get("GENERAL:working-dir");
my $temp_dir = &check_and_get("INPUT-FACTOR:temp-dir") . ".$VERSION";
my $cmd = "mkdir -p $temp_dir\n"
. &factorize_one_language("INPUT-FACTOR",
. &factorize_one_language("OUTPUT-FACTOR",
sub define_tuningevaluation_factorize {
my ($step_id) = @_;
my $scripts = &check_backoff_and_get("TUNING:moses-script-dir");
my $dir = &check_and_get("GENERAL:working-dir");
my ($output,$input) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my $temp_dir = &check_and_get("INPUT-FACTOR:temp-dir") . ".$VERSION";
my $cmd = "mkdir -p $temp_dir\n"
. &factorize_one_language("INPUT-FACTOR",$input,$output,
sub define_lm_factorize {
my ($step_id,$set) = @_;
my $scripts = &check_backoff_and_get("TUNING:moses-script-dir");
my ($output,$input) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
print "LM:$set:factors\n" if $VERBOSE;
my $factor = &check_backoff_and_get_array("LM:$set:factors");
my $dir = &check_and_get("GENERAL:working-dir");
my $temp_dir = &check_and_get("INPUT-FACTOR:temp-dir") . ".$VERSION";
my $cmd = "mkdir -p $temp_dir\n"
. &factorize_one_language("OUTPUT-FACTOR",$input,$output,$factor,$step_id);
sub define_splitter_train {
my ($step_id,$set) = @_;
my ($output,$input) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my $input_splitter = &get("GENERAL:input-splitter");
my $output_splitter = &get("GENERAL:output-splitter");
my $input_extension = &check_backoff_and_get("SPLITTER:input-extension");
my $output_extension = &check_backoff_and_get("SPLITTER:output-extension");
my $cmd = "";
if ($input_splitter) {
$cmd .= "$input_splitter -train -model $output.$input_extension -corpus $input.$input_extension\n";
if ($output_splitter) {
$cmd .= "$output_splitter -train -model $output.$output_extension -corpus $input.$output_extension\n";
sub define_lm_train_randomized {
my ($step_id,$set) = @_;
my $training = &check_backoff_and_get("LM:$set:rlm-training");
my $order = &check_backoff_and_get("LM:$set:order");
my ($output,$input) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
$output =~ /^(.+)\/([^\/]+)$/;
my ($output_dir,$output_prefix) = ($1,$2);
my $cmd = "gzip $input\n";
$cmd .= "$training -struct BloomMap -order $order -output-prefix $output_prefix -output-dir $output_dir -input-type corpus -input-path $input\n";
$cmd .= "gunzip $input\n";
$cmd .= "mv $output.BloomMap $output\n";
sub define_lm_randomize {
my ($step_id,$set_dummy) = @_;
my ($module,$set,$stepname) = &deconstruct_name($DO_STEP[$step_id]);
my $randomizer = &check_backoff_and_get("$module:$set:lm-randomizer");
my $order = &check_backoff_and_get("$module:$set:order");
my ($output,$input) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
$output =~ /^(.+)\/([^\/]+)$/;
my ($output_dir,$output_prefix) = ($1,$2);
my $cmd = "$randomizer -struct BloomMap -order $order -output-prefix $output_prefix -output-dir $output_dir -input-type arpa -input-path $input\n";
$cmd .= "mv $output.BloomMap $output\n";
sub factorize_one_language {
my ($type,$infile,$outfile,$FACTOR,$step_id) = @_;
my $scripts = &check_backoff_and_get("TUNING:moses-script-dir");
my $temp_dir = &check_and_get("INPUT-FACTOR:temp-dir") . ".$VERSION";
my $parallelizer = &get("GENERAL:generic-parallelizer");
my ($module,$set,$stepname) = &deconstruct_name($DO_STEP[$step_id]);
my ($cmd,$list) = ("");
foreach my $factor (@{$FACTOR}) {
if ($factor eq "word") {
$list .= " $infile";
else {
my $script = &check_and_get("$type:$factor:factor-script");
my $out = "$outfile.$factor";
if ($parallelizer && defined($PARALLELIZE{&defined_step($DO_STEP[$step_id])})
&& ( (&get("$module:jobs") && $CLUSTER)
|| (&get("$module:cores") && $MULTICORE))) {
my $subdir = $module;
$subdir =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
$subdir .= "/tmp.$set.$stepname.$type.$factor.$VERSION";
if ($CLUSTER) {
my $qflags = "";
my $qsub_args = &get_qsub_args($DO_STEP[$step_id]);
$qflags="--queue-flags \"$qsub_args\"" if ($CLUSTER && $qsub_args);
$cmd .= "$parallelizer $qflags -in $infile -out $out -cmd '$script %s %s $temp_dir/$subdir' -jobs ".&get("$module:jobs")." -tmpdir $temp_dir/$subdir\n";
elsif ($MULTICORE) {
$cmd .= "$parallelizer -in $infile -out $out -cmd '$script %s %s $temp_dir/$subdir' -cores ".&get("$module:cores")." -tmpdir $temp_dir/$subdir\n";
else {
$cmd .= "$script $infile $out $temp_dir\n";
$list .= " $out";
return $cmd . "$scripts/training/combine_factors.pl $list > $outfile\n";
sub define_tuning_tune {
my ($step_id) = @_;
my $dir = &check_and_get("GENERAL:working-dir");
my $hierarchical = &get("TRAINING:hierarchical-rule-set");
my $tuning_script = &check_and_get("TUNING:tuning-script");
my $use_mira = &backoff_and_get("TUNING:use-mira", 0);
my $word_alignment = &backoff_and_get("TRAINING:include-word-alignment-in-rules");
# the last 3 variables are only used for mira tuning
my ($tuned_config,$config,$input,$reference,$config_devtest,$input_devtest,$reference_devtest, $filtered_config) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
$config = $filtered_config if $filtered_config;
my $cmd = "";
if ($use_mira) {
my $addTags = &backoff_and_get("TUNING:add-tags");
my $use_jackknife = &backoff_and_get("TUNING:use-jackknife");
if ($addTags && !$use_jackknife) {
my $input_with_tags = $input.".".$VERSION.".tags";
`$addTags < $input > $input_with_tags`;
$input = $input_with_tags;
my $addTagsDevtest = &backoff_and_get("TUNING:add-tags-devtest");
if ($addTagsDevtest) {
my $input_devtest_with_tags = $input_devtest.".".$VERSION.".tags";
`$addTagsDevtest < $input_devtest > $input_devtest_with_tags`;
$input_devtest = $input_devtest_with_tags;
my $experiment_dir = "$dir/tuning/tmp.$VERSION";
system("mkdir -p $experiment_dir");
my $mira_config = "$experiment_dir/mira-config.$VERSION.";
my $mira_config_log = $mira_config."log";
$mira_config .= "cfg";
#$cmd = "$tuning_script -config $mira_config -exec >& $mira_config_log";
# we want error messages in top-level log file
$cmd = "$tuning_script -config $mira_config -exec ";
# write script to select the best set of weights after training for the specified number of epochs -->
# cp to tuning/tmp.?/moses.ini
my $script_filename = "$experiment_dir/selectBestWeights.";
my $script_filename_log = $script_filename."log";
$script_filename .= "perl";
my $weight_output_file = "$experiment_dir/moses.ini";
write_selectBestMiraWeights($experiment_dir, $script_filename, $weight_output_file);
$cmd .= "\n$script_filename >& $script_filename_log";
else {
my $scripts = &check_backoff_and_get("TUNING:moses-script-dir");
my $nbest_size = &check_and_get("TUNING:nbest");
my $lambda = &backoff_and_get("TUNING:lambda");
my $tune_continue = &backoff_and_get("TUNING:continue");
my $skip_decoder = &backoff_and_get("TUNING:skip-decoder");
my $tune_inputtype = &backoff_and_get("TUNING:inputtype");
my $jobs = &backoff_and_get("TUNING:jobs");
my $decoder = &check_backoff_and_get("TUNING:decoder");
my $decoder_settings = &backoff_and_get("TUNING:decoder-settings");
$decoder_settings = "" unless $decoder_settings;
$decoder_settings .= " -v 0 " unless $CLUSTER && $jobs;
my $tuning_settings = &backoff_and_get("TUNING:tuning-settings");
$tuning_settings = "" unless $tuning_settings;
$cmd = "$tuning_script $input $reference $decoder $config --nbest $nbest_size --working-dir $dir/tuning/tmp.$VERSION --decoder-flags \"$decoder_settings\" --rootdir $scripts $tuning_settings --no-filter-phrase-table";
$cmd .= " --lambdas \"$lambda\"" if $lambda;
$cmd .= " --continue" if $tune_continue;
$cmd .= " --skip-decoder" if $skip_decoder;
$cmd .= " --inputtype $tune_inputtype" if $tune_inputtype;
my $qsub_args = &get_qsub_args("TUNING");
$cmd .= " --queue-flags=\"$qsub_args\"" if ($CLUSTER && $qsub_args);
$cmd .= " --jobs $jobs" if $CLUSTER && $jobs;
my $tuning_dir = $tuned_config;
$tuning_dir =~ s/\/[^\/]+$//;
$cmd .= "\nmkdir -p $tuning_dir";
$cmd .= "\ncp $dir/tuning/tmp.$VERSION/moses.ini $tuned_config";
sub write_mira_config {
my ($config_filename,$expt_dir,$tune_filtered_ini,$input,$reference,$devtest_filtered_ini,$input_devtest,$reference_devtest) = @_;
my $moses_src_dir = &check_and_get("GENERAL:moses-src-dir");
my $mira_src_dir = &backoff_and_get("GENERAL:mira-src-dir");
my $tuning_decoder_settings = &check_and_get("TUNING:decoder-settings");
my $start_weights = &backoff_and_get("TUNING:start-weight-config");
my $tuning_settings = &check_and_get("TUNING:tuning-settings");
my $parallel_settings = &backoff_and_get("TUNING:parallel-settings");
my $use_jackknife = &backoff_and_get("TUNING:use-jackknife");
# are we tuning a meta feature?
my $tune_meta_feature = &backoff_and_get("TUNING:tune-meta-feature");
my $tune_filtered_ini_start;
if (!$use_jackknife) {
$tune_filtered_ini =~ /.*\/([A-Za-z0-9\.\-\_]*)$/;
$tune_filtered_ini_start = $1;
$tune_filtered_ini_start = $expt_dir."/".$tune_filtered_ini_start.".start";
if ($start_weights) {
# apply start weights to filtered ini file, and pass the new ini to mira
print "DEBUG: $RealBin/support/reuse-weights.perl $start_weights < $tune_filtered_ini > $tune_filtered_ini_start \n";
system("$RealBin/support/reuse-weights.perl $start_weights < $tune_filtered_ini > $tune_filtered_ini_start");
# do we want to continue an interrupted experiment?
my $continue_expt = &backoff_and_get("TUNING:continue-expt");
my $continue_epoch = &backoff_and_get("TUNING:continue-epoch");
my $continue_weights = &backoff_and_get("TUNING:continue-weights");
# mira config file
open(CFG, ">$config_filename");
print CFG "[general] \n";
print CFG "name=expt \n";
print CFG "fold=0 \n";
print CFG "mpienv=openmpi_fillup_mark2 \n";
if ($mira_src_dir) {
print CFG "moses-home=".$mira_src_dir."\n";
else {
print CFG "moses-home=".$moses_src_dir."\n";
print CFG "working-dir=".$expt_dir."\n";
if ($continue_expt && $continue_expt > 0) {
print CFG "continue-expt=".$continue_expt."\n";
print CFG "continue-epoch=".$continue_epoch."\n";
print CFG "continue-weights=".$continue_weights."\n";
print CFG "tune-meta-feature=1 \n" if ($tune_meta_feature);
print CFG "jackknife=1 \n" if ($use_jackknife);
print CFG "wait-for-bleu=1 \n\n";
#print CFG "decoder-settings=".$tuning_decoder_settings."\n\n";
print CFG "[train] \n";
print CFG "trainer=\${moses-home}/bin/mira \n";
if ($use_jackknife) {
print CFG "input-files-folds=";
for my $i (0..9) {
my $addTags = &backoff_and_get("TUNING:add-tags");
if ($addTags) {
my $input_with_tags = $input.".".$VERSION.".tags";
`$addTags.only$i < $input.only$i > $input_with_tags.only$i`;
print CFG $input_with_tags.".only$i, " if $i<9;
print CFG $input_with_tags.".only$i" if $i==9;
else {
print CFG $input.".only$i, " if $i<9;
print CFG $input.".only$i" if $i==9;
print CFG "\n";
print CFG "reference-files-folds=";
for my $i (0..9) {
print CFG $reference.".only$i, " if $i<9;
print CFG $reference.".only$i" if $i==9;
print CFG "\n";
print CFG "moses-ini-files-folds=";
for my $i (0..9) {
print CFG $start_weights.".wo$i, " if $i<9;
print CFG $start_weights.".wo$i" if $i==9;
print CFG "\n";
else {
print CFG "input-file=".$input."\n";
print CFG "reference-files=".$reference."\n";
if ($start_weights) {
print CFG "moses-ini-file=".$tune_filtered_ini_start."\n";
else {
print CFG "moses-ini-file=".$tune_filtered_ini."\n";
print CFG "decoder-settings=".$tuning_decoder_settings." -text-type \"dev\"\n";
print CFG "hours=48 \n";
if ($parallel_settings) {
foreach my $setting (split(" ", $parallel_settings)) {
print CFG $setting."\n";
print CFG "extra-args=".$tuning_settings."\n\n";
print CFG "[devtest] \n";
if (&get("TRAINING:hierarchical-rule-set")) {
print CFG "moses=\${moses-home}/bin/moses_chart \n";
else {
print CFG "moses=\${moses-home}/bin/moses \n";
# use multi-bleu to select the best set of weights
print CFG "bleu=\${moses-home}/scripts/generic/multi-bleu.perl \n";
print CFG "input-file=".$input_devtest."\n";
print CFG "reference-file=".$reference_devtest."\n";
print CFG "moses-ini-file=".$devtest_filtered_ini."\n";
print CFG "decoder-settings=".$tuning_decoder_settings." -text-type \"devtest\"\n";
print CFG "hours=12 \nextra-args= \nskip-dev=1 \nskip-devtest=0 \nskip-submit=0 \n";
sub write_selectBestMiraWeights {
my ($expt_dir, $script_filename, $weight_out_file) = @_;
open(SCR, ">$script_filename");
print SCR "#!/usr/bin/perl -w \nuse strict; \n\n";
print SCR "my \@devtest_bleu = glob(\"$expt_dir/*_devtest.bleu\"); \# expt_00_0_devtest.bleu \n";
print SCR "if (scalar(\@devtest_bleu) == 0) { \n";
print SCR "\tprint STDERR \"ERROR: no bleu files globbed, cannot find best weights.\\n\"; \n";
print SCR "\texit(1); \n";
print SCR "} \n\n";
print SCR "my (\$best_weights, \$best_id); \n";
print SCR "my \$best_bleu = -1; \n";
print SCR "my \$best_ratio = 0; \n";
print SCR "foreach my \$bleu_file (\@devtest_bleu) { \n";
print SCR "\t\$bleu_file =~ /_([\\d_]+)_devtest.bleu/; \n";
print SCR "\tmy \$id = \$1; \n";
print SCR "\topen(BLEU, \$bleu_file); \n";
print SCR "\tmy \$bleu = ; \n";
print SCR "\t\$bleu =~ /BLEU = ([\\d\\.]+), .*ratio=([\\d\\.]+), /; \n";
print SCR "\tif (\$1 > \$best_bleu || (\$1 == \$best_bleu && (abs(1-\$2) < abs(1-\$best_ratio)))) { \n";
print SCR "\t\t\$best_bleu = \$1; \n";
print SCR "\t\t\$best_ratio = \$2; \n";
print SCR "\t\t# expt1-devtest.00_0.ini (incl. path to sparse weights) \n";
print SCR "\t\t(\$best_weights) = glob(\"$expt_dir/*devtest.\$id.ini\"); \n";
print SCR "\t} \n";
print SCR "} \n\n";
print SCR "print STDERR \"Best weights according to BLEU on devtest set: \$best_weights \\n\"; \n";
print SCR "system(\"cp \$best_weights $weight_out_file\"); \n\n";
system("chmod u+x $script_filename");
sub define_training_prepare_data_fast_align {
my ($step_id) = @_;
my ($prepared, $corpus) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my $scripts = &check_and_get("GENERAL:moses-script-dir");
my $input_extension = &check_backoff_and_get("TRAINING:input-extension");
my $output_extension = &check_backoff_and_get("TRAINING:output-extension");
my $alignment_factors = "";
if (&backoff_and_get("TRAINING:input-factors")) {
my %IN = &get_factor_id("input");
my %OUT = &get_factor_id("output");
$alignment_factors = &encode_factor_definition("alignment-factors",\%IN,\%OUT);
my $cmd = "$scripts/ems/support/prepare-fast-align.perl $corpus.$input_extension $corpus.$output_extension $alignment_factors > $prepared";
sub define_training_prepare_data {
my ($step_id) = @_;
my ($prepared, $corpus) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my $cmd = &get_training_setting(1);
$cmd .= "-corpus $corpus ";
$cmd .= "-corpus-dir $prepared ";
sub define_training_run_giza {
my ($step_id) = @_;
my ($giza, $prepared) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my $cmd = &get_training_setting(2);
$cmd .= "-corpus-dir $prepared ";
$cmd .= "-giza-e2f $giza ";
$cmd .= "-direction 2 ";
sub define_training_run_giza_inverse {
my ($step_id) = @_;
my ($giza, $prepared) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my $cmd = &get_training_setting(2);
$cmd .= "-corpus-dir $prepared ";
$cmd .= "-giza-f2e $giza ";
$cmd .= "-direction 1 ";
sub define_training_symmetrize_giza {
my ($step_id) = @_;
my ($aligned, $giza,$giza_inv) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my $method = &check_and_get("TRAINING:alignment-symmetrization-method");
my $cmd = &get_training_setting(3);
$cmd .= "-giza-e2f $giza -giza-f2e $giza_inv ";
$cmd .= "-alignment-file $aligned ";
$cmd .= "-alignment-stem ".&versionize(&long_file_name("aligned","model",""))." ";
$cmd .= "-alignment $method ";
sub define_training_build_suffix_array {
my ($step_id) = @_;
my $scripts = &check_and_get("GENERAL:moses-script-dir");
my ($model, $aligned,$corpus) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my $sa_exec_dir = &check_and_get("TRAINING:suffix-array");
my $input_extension = &check_backoff_and_get("TRAINING:input-extension");
my $output_extension = &check_backoff_and_get("TRAINING:output-extension");
my $method = &check_and_get("TRAINING:alignment-symmetrization-method");
my $glue_grammar_file = &versionize(&long_file_name("glue-grammar","model",""));
my $cmd = "$scripts/training/wrappers/adam-suffix-array/suffix-array-create.sh $sa_exec_dir $corpus.$input_extension $corpus.$output_extension $aligned.$method $model $glue_grammar_file";
sub define_training_build_biconcor {
my ($step_id) = @_;
my ($model, $aligned,$corpus) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my $biconcor = &check_and_get("TRAINING:biconcor");
my $input_extension = &check_backoff_and_get("TRAINING:input-extension");
my $output_extension = &check_backoff_and_get("TRAINING:output-extension");
my $method = &check_and_get("TRAINING:alignment-symmetrization-method");
my $cmd = "$biconcor -c $corpus.$input_extension -t $corpus.$output_extension -a $aligned.$method -s $model";
sub define_training_build_lex_trans {
my ($step_id) = @_;
my ($lex, $aligned,$corpus) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my $baseline_alignment = &get("TRAINING:baseline-alignment");
my $baseline_corpus = &get("TRAINING:baseline-corpus");
my $cmd = &get_training_setting(4);
$cmd .= "-lexical-file $lex ";
$cmd .= "-alignment-file $aligned ";
$cmd .= "-alignment-stem ".&versionize(&long_file_name("aligned","model",""))." ";
$cmd .= "-corpus $corpus ";
$cmd .= "-baseline-corpus $baseline_corpus " if defined($baseline_corpus) && defined($baseline_alignment);
$cmd .= "-baseline-alignment $baseline_alignment " if defined($baseline_corpus) && defined($baseline_alignment);
sub define_training_extract_phrases {
my ($step_id) = @_;
my ($extract, $aligned,$corpus) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my $cmd = &get_training_setting(5);
$cmd .= "-alignment-file $aligned ";
$cmd .= "-alignment-stem ".&versionize(&long_file_name("aligned","model",""))." ";
$cmd .= "-extract-file $extract ";
$cmd .= "-corpus $corpus ";
if (&get("TRAINING:hierarchical-rule-set")) {
my $glue_grammar_file = &get("TRAINING:glue-grammar");
$glue_grammar_file = &versionize(&long_file_name("glue-grammar","model",""))
unless $glue_grammar_file;
$cmd .= "-glue-grammar-file $glue_grammar_file ";
if (&get("GENERAL:output-parser") && &get("TRAINING:use-unknown-word-labels")) {
my $unknown_word_label = &versionize(&long_file_name("unknown-word-label","model",""));
$cmd .= "-unknown-word-label $unknown_word_label ";
if (&get("TRAINING:use-ghkm")) {
$cmd .= "-ghkm ";
my $extract_settings = &get("TRAINING:extract-settings");
$extract_settings .= " --IncludeSentenceId " if &get("TRAINING:domain-features");
$cmd .= "-extract-options '".$extract_settings."' " if defined($extract_settings);
my $baseline_extract = &get("TRAINING:baseline-extract");
$cmd .= "-baseline-extract $baseline_extract" if defined($baseline_extract);
sub define_training_build_ttable {
my ($step_id) = @_;
my ($phrase_table, $extract,$lex,$domains) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my $word_report = &backoff_and_get("EVALUATION:report-precision-by-coverage");
my $word_alignment = &backoff_and_get("TRAINING:include-word-alignment-in-rules");
my $cmd = &get_training_setting(6);
$cmd .= "-extract-file $extract ";
$cmd .= "-lexical-file $lex ";
$cmd .= &get_table_name_settings("translation-factors","phrase-translation-table",$phrase_table);
$cmd .= "-no-word-alignment " if defined($word_alignment) && $word_alignment eq "no";
$cmd .= &define_domain_feature_score_option($domains) if &get("TRAINING:domain-features");
sub define_domain_feature_score_option {
my ($domains) = @_;
my $spec = &backoff_and_get("TRAINING:domain-features");
my ($method,$restricted_to_table) = ("","");
$method = "Indicator" if $spec =~ /indicator/;
$method = "Ratio" if $spec =~ /ratio/;
$method = "Subset" if $spec =~ /subset/;
$restricted_to_table = $1 if $spec =~ /( table \S+)/;
die("ERROR: faulty TRAINING:domain-features spec (no method): $spec\n") unless defined($method);
if ($spec =~ /sparse/) {
return "-score-options '--SparseDomain$method $domains$restricted_to_table' ";
else {
return "-score-options '--Domain$method $domains' ";
sub define_training_build_reordering {
my ($step_id) = @_;
my ($reordering_table, $extract) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my $cmd = &get_training_setting(7);
$cmd .= "-extract-file $extract ";
$cmd .= &get_table_name_settings("reordering-factors","reordering-table",$reordering_table);
sub define_training_build_generation {
my ($step_id) = @_;
my ($generation_table, $corpus) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my $cmd = &get_training_setting(8);
$cmd .= "-corpus $corpus ";
$cmd .= &get_table_name_settings("generation-factors","generation-table",$generation_table);
sub define_training_build_custom_generation {
my ($step_id) = @_;
my ($generation_table, $generation_corpus) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my $cmd = &get_training_setting(8);
$cmd .= "-generation-corpus $generation_corpus ";
$cmd .= &get_table_name_settings("generation-factors","generation-table",$generation_table);
sub define_training_sigtest_filter {
my ($step_id) = @_;
my ($filtered_table, $raw_table,$suffix_array) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my $hierarchical_flag = &get("TRAINING:hierarchical-rule-set") ? "-h" : "";
my $sigtest_filter = &get("TRAINING:sigtest-filter");
my $input_extension = &check_backoff_and_get("TRAINING:input-extension");
my $output_extension = &check_backoff_and_get("TRAINING:output-extension");
my $moses_src_dir = &check_and_get("GENERAL:moses-src-dir");
if ($DO_STEP[$step_id] =~ /reordering/) {
$raw_table = &get_table_name_settings("reordering-factors","reordering-table", $raw_table);
$filtered_table = &get_table_name_settings("reordering-factors","reordering-table", $filtered_table);
$raw_table .= ".wbe-".&get("TRAINING:lexicalized-reordering"); # a bit of a hack
$filtered_table .= ".wbe-".&get("TRAINING:lexicalized-reordering");
else {
$raw_table = &get_table_name_settings("translation-factors","phrase-translation-table", $raw_table);
$filtered_table = &get_table_name_settings("translation-factors","phrase-translation-table", $filtered_table);
$raw_table =~ s/\s*\-\S+\s*//; # remove switch
$filtered_table =~ s/\s*\-\S+\s*//;
my $cmd = "zcat $raw_table.gz | $moses_src_dir/contrib/sigtest-filter/filter-pt -e $suffix_array.$output_extension -f $suffix_array.$input_extension $sigtest_filter $hierarchical_flag | gzip - > $filtered_table.gz\n";
sub get_config_tables {
my ($config,$reordering_table,$phrase_translation_table,$generation_table,$domains) = @_;
my $moses_src_dir = &check_and_get("GENERAL:moses-src-dir");
my $cmd = &get_training_setting(9);
# get model, and whether suffix array is used. Determines the pt implementation.
my $hierarchical = &get("TRAINING:hierarchical-rule-set");
$cmd .= "-hierarchical " if $hierarchical;
my $sa_exec_dir = &get("TRAINING:suffix-array");
my ($ptImpl, $numFF) = (0);
if ($hierarchical) {
if ($sa_exec_dir) {
$ptImpl = 10; # suffix array
$numFF = 7;
else {
$ptImpl = 6; # in-mem SCFG
# additional settings for factored models
my $ptCmd = $phrase_translation_table;
$ptCmd .= ":$ptImpl" if $ptImpl>0;
$ptCmd .= ":$numFF" if defined($numFF);
$cmd .= &get_table_name_settings("translation-factors","phrase-translation-table", $ptCmd);
$cmd .= &get_table_name_settings("reordering-factors","reordering-table",$reordering_table) if $reordering_table;
$cmd .= &get_table_name_settings("generation-factors","generation-table",$generation_table) if $generation_table;
$cmd .= "-config $config ";
my $decoding_graph_backoff = &get("TRAINING:decoding-graph-backoff");
if ($decoding_graph_backoff) {
$cmd .= "-decoding-graph-backoff \"$decoding_graph_backoff\" ";
# additional settings for hierarchical models
my $extract_version = $VERSION;
if (&get("TRAINING:hierarchical-rule-set")) {
$extract_version = $RE_USE[$STEP_LOOKUP{"TRAINING:extract-phrases"}]
if defined($STEP_LOOKUP{"TRAINING:extract-phrases"});
my $glue_grammar_file = &get("TRAINING:glue-grammar");
$glue_grammar_file = &versionize(&long_file_name("glue-grammar","model",""),$extract_version)
unless $glue_grammar_file;
$cmd .= "-glue-grammar-file $glue_grammar_file ";
# additional settings for syntax models
if (&get("GENERAL:output-parser") && &get("TRAINING:use-unknown-word-labels")) {
my $unknown_word_label = &versionize(&long_file_name("unknown-word-label","model",""),$extract_version);
$cmd .= "-unknown-word-label $unknown_word_label ";
# configuration due to domain features
$cmd .= &define_domain_feature_score_option($domains) if &get("TRAINING:domain-features");
# additional specified items from config
my $additional_ini = &get("TRAINING:additional-ini");
$cmd .= "-additional-ini '$additional_ini' " if defined($additional_ini);
return $cmd;
sub define_training_create_config {
my ($step_id) = @_;
my ($config,$reordering_table,$phrase_translation_table,$generation_table,$sparse_lexical_features,$domains,$osm, @LM)
= &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my $cmd = &get_config_tables($config,$reordering_table,$phrase_translation_table,$generation_table,$domains);
my $osm_settings = &get("TRAINING:operation-sequence-model-settings");
if($osm_settings =~ /factor/){
$cmd .= "-osm-model $osm/ ";
my $find = "--factor";
my $replace = "-osm-setting";
$osm_settings =~ s/$find/$replace/g;
$cmd .= "$osm_settings ";
$cmd .= "-osm-model $osm/operationLM.bin ";
# sparse lexical features provide additional content for config file
$cmd .= "-additional-ini-file $sparse_lexical_features.ini " if $sparse_lexical_features;
my @LM_SETS = &get_sets("LM");
%OUTPUT_FACTORS = &get_factor_id("output") if &backoff_and_get("TRAINING:output-factors");
if (&get("INTERPOLATED-LM:script")) {
my $type = 0;
# binarizing the lm?
$type = 1 if (&get("INTERPOLATED-LM:binlm") ||
# randomizing the lm?
$type = 5 if (&get("INTERPOLATED-LM:rlm") ||
# manually set type
$type = &get("INTERPOLATED-LM:type") if &get("INTERPOLATED-LM:type");
# go through each interpolated language model
my ($icount,$ILM_SETS) = &get_interpolated_lm_sets();
my $FACTOR = &backoff_and_get_array("TRAINING:output-factors");
foreach my $factor (keys %{$ILM_SETS}) {
foreach my $order (keys %{$$ILM_SETS{$factor}}) {
next unless scalar(@{$$ILM_SETS{$factor}{$order}}) > 1;
my $suffix = "";
$suffix = ".$$FACTOR[$factor]" if $icount > 1 && defined($FACTOR);
$suffix .= ".order$order" if $icount > 1;
$cmd .= "-lm $factor:$order:$LM[0]$suffix:$type ";
foreach my $id_set (@{$$ILM_SETS{$factor}{$order}}) {
my ($id,$set) = split(/ /,$id_set,2);
shift @LM; # remove interpolated lm
die("ERROR: number of defined LM sets (".(scalar @LM_SETS).":".join(",",@LM_SETS).") and LM files (".(scalar @LM).":".join(",",@LM).") does not match")
unless scalar @LM == scalar @LM_SETS;
foreach my $lm (@LM) {
my $set = shift @LM_SETS;
next if defined($INTERPOLATED_AWAY{$set});
my $order = &check_backoff_and_get("LM:$set:order");
my $lm_file = "$lm";
my $type = 0; # default: SRILM
# binarized language model?
$type = 1 if (&get("LM:$set:binlm") ||
# using a randomized lm?
$type = 5 if (&get("LM:$set:rlm") ||
&backoff_and_get("LM:$set:rlm-training") ||
# manually set type
$type = &backoff_and_get("LM:$set:type") if (&backoff_and_get("LM:$set:type"));
# which factor is the model trained on?
my $factor = 0;
if (&backoff_and_get("TRAINING:output-factors") &&
&backoff_and_get("LM:$set:factors")) {
$factor = $OUTPUT_FACTORS{&backoff_and_get("LM:$set:factors")};
$cmd .= "-lm $factor:$order:$lm_file:$type ";
sub define_interpolated_lm_interpolate {
my ($step_id) = @_;
my ($interpolated_lm,
$interpolation_script, $tuning, @LM) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my $srilm_dir = &check_backoff_and_get("INTERPOLATED-LM:srilm-dir");
my $group = &get("INTERPOLATED-LM:group");
my $cmd = "";
# go through language models by factor and order
my ($icount,$ILM_SETS) = &get_interpolated_lm_sets();
foreach my $factor (keys %{$ILM_SETS}) {
foreach my $order (keys %{$$ILM_SETS{$factor}}) {
next unless scalar(@{$$ILM_SETS{$factor}{$order}}) > 1;
# get list of language model files
my $lm_list = "";
foreach my $id_set (@{$$ILM_SETS{$factor}{$order}}) {
my ($id,$set) = split(/ /,$id_set,2);
$lm_list .= $LM[$id].",";
# if grouping, identify position in list
my $numbered_string = "";
if (defined($group)) {
foreach my $id_set (@{$$ILM_SETS{$factor}{$order}}) {
my ($id,$set) = split(/ /,$id_set,2);
$POSITION{$set} = scalar keys %POSITION;
my $group_string = $group;
$group_string =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$group_string =~ s/ *, */,/g;
$group_string =~ s/^ //;
$group_string =~ s/ $//;
$group_string .= " ";
while($group_string =~ /^([^ ,]+)([ ,]+)(.*)$/) {
die("ERROR: unknown set $1 in INTERPOLATED-LM:group definition")
if ! defined($POSITION{$1});
$numbered_string .= $POSITION{$1}.$2;
$group_string = $3;
my $FACTOR = &backoff_and_get_array("TRAINING:output-factors");
my $name = $interpolated_lm;
if ($icount > 1) {
$name .= ".$$FACTOR[$factor]" if defined($FACTOR);
$name .= ".order$order";
$cmd .= "$interpolation_script --tuning $tuning --name $name --srilm $srilm_dir --lm $lm_list";
$cmd .= " --group \"$numbered_string\"" if defined($group);
$cmd .= "\n";
die("ERROR: Nothing to interpolate, remove interpolation step!") if $cmd eq "";
sub define_interpolated_lm_process {
my ($step_id) = @_;
my ($processed_lm, $interpolatd_lm) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my ($module,$set,$stepname) = &deconstruct_name($DO_STEP[$step_id]);
my $tool = &check_backoff_and_get("INTERPOLATED-LM:lm-${stepname}r");
my $FACTOR = &backoff_and_get_array("TRAINING:output-factors");
# go through language models by factor and order
my ($icount,$ILM_SETS) = &get_interpolated_lm_sets();
my $cmd = "";
foreach my $factor (keys %{$ILM_SETS}) {
foreach my $order (keys %{$$ILM_SETS{$factor}}) {
next unless scalar(@{$$ILM_SETS{$factor}{$order}}) > 1;
my $suffix = "";
$suffix = ".$$FACTOR[$factor]" if $icount > 1 && defined($FACTOR);
$suffix .= ".order$order" if $icount > 1;
$cmd .= "$tool $interpolatd_lm$suffix $processed_lm$suffix\n";
sub get_interpolated_lm_processed_names {
my ($processed_lm) = @_;
my ($icount,$ILM_SETS) = &get_interpolated_lm_sets();
my $FACTOR = &backoff_and_get_array("TRAINING:output-factors");
foreach my $factor (keys %{$ILM_SETS}) {
foreach my $order (keys %{$$ILM_SETS{$factor}}) {
if (scalar(@{$$ILM_SETS{$factor}{$order}}) > 1) {
my $suffix = "";
$suffix = ".$$FACTOR[$factor]" if $icount > 1 && defined($FACTOR);
$suffix .= ".order$order" if $icount > 1;
push @ILM_NAME,"$processed_lm$suffix";
else {
push @ILM_NAME,"$processed_lm.".($FACTOR?"":".$$FACTOR[$factor]").".order$order";
return @ILM_NAME;
sub get_interpolated_lm_sets {
my @LM_SETS = &get_sets("LM");
%OUTPUT_FACTORS = &get_factor_id("output") if &backoff_and_get("TRAINING:output-factors");
my $count=0;
my $icount=0;
foreach my $set (@LM_SETS) {
my $order = &check_backoff_and_get("LM:$set:order");
my $factor = 0;
if (&backoff_and_get("TRAINING:output-factors") &&
&backoff_and_get("LM:$set:factors")) {
$factor = $OUTPUT_FACTORS{&backoff_and_get("LM:$set:factors")};
push @{$ILM_SETS{$factor}{$order}}, ($count++)." ".$set;
$icount++ if scalar(@{$ILM_SETS{$factor}{$order}}) == 2;
return ($icount,\%ILM_SETS);
sub get_training_setting {
my ($step) = @_;
my $dir = &check_and_get("GENERAL:working-dir");
my $training_script = &check_and_get("TRAINING:script");
my $external_bin_dir = &check_backoff_and_get("TRAINING:external-bin-dir");
my $scripts = &check_backoff_and_get("TUNING:moses-script-dir");
my $reordering = &get("TRAINING:lexicalized-reordering");
my $input_extension = &check_backoff_and_get("TRAINING:input-extension");
my $output_extension = &check_backoff_and_get("TRAINING:output-extension");
my $alignment = &check_and_get("TRAINING:alignment-symmetrization-method");
my $parts = &get("TRAINING:run-giza-in-parts");
my $options = &get("TRAINING:training-options");
my $phrase_length = &get("TRAINING:max-phrase-length");
my $hierarchical = &get("TRAINING:hierarchical-rule-set");
my $source_syntax = &get("GENERAL:input-parser");
my $target_syntax = &get("GENERAL:output-parser");
my $score_settings = &get("TRAINING:score-settings");
my $parallel = &get("TRAINING:parallel");
my $pcfg = &get("TRAINING:use-pcfg-feature");
my $baseline_alignment = &get("TRAINING:baseline-alignment-model");
my $xml = $source_syntax || $target_syntax;
my $cmd = "$training_script ";
$cmd .= "$options " if defined($options);
$cmd .= "-dont-zip ";
$cmd .= "-first-step $step " if $step>1;
$cmd .= "-last-step $step " if $step<9;
$cmd .= "-external-bin-dir $external_bin_dir " if defined($external_bin_dir);
$cmd .= "-f $input_extension -e $output_extension ";
$cmd .= "-alignment $alignment ";
$cmd .= "-max-phrase-length $phrase_length " if $phrase_length;
$cmd .= "-parts $parts " if $parts;
$cmd .= "-reordering $reordering " if $reordering;
$cmd .= "-temp-dir /disk/scratch2 " if `hostname` =~ /townhill/;
$cmd .= "-hierarchical " if $hierarchical;
$cmd .= "-xml " if $xml;
$cmd .= "-target-syntax " if $target_syntax;
$cmd .= "-source-syntax " if $source_syntax;
$cmd .= "-glue-grammar " if $hierarchical;
$cmd .= "-score-options '".$score_settings."' " if $score_settings;
$cmd .= "-parallel " if $parallel;
$cmd .= "-pcfg " if $pcfg;
$cmd .= "-baseline-alignment-model $baseline_alignment " if defined($baseline_alignment) && ($step == 1 || $step == 2);
# factored training
if (&backoff_and_get("TRAINING:input-factors")) {
my %IN = &get_factor_id("input");
my %OUT = &get_factor_id("output");
$cmd .= "-input-factor-max ".((scalar keys %IN)-1)." ";
$cmd .= "-alignment-factors ".
&encode_factor_definition("alignment-factors",\%IN,\%OUT)." ";
$cmd .= "-translation-factors ".
&encode_factor_definition("translation-factors",\%IN,\%OUT)." ";
$cmd .= "-reordering-factors ".
&encode_factor_definition("reordering-factors",\%IN,\%OUT)." "
if &get("TRAINING:reordering-factors");
$cmd .= "-generation-factors ".
&encode_factor_definition("generation-factors",\%OUT,\%OUT)." "
if &get("TRAINING:generation-factors");
die("ERROR: define either both TRAINING:reordering-factors and TRAINING:reordering or neither")
if (( &get("TRAINING:reordering-factors") && ! $reordering) ||
(! &get("TRAINING:reordering-factors") && $reordering));
my $decoding_steps = &check_and_get("TRAINING:decoding-steps");
$decoding_steps =~ s/\s*//g;
$cmd .= "-decoding-steps $decoding_steps ";
my $generation_type = &get("TRAINING:generation-type");
$cmd .= "-generation-type $generation_type " if $generation_type;
return $cmd;
sub get_table_name_settings {
my ($factor,$table,$default) = @_;
my $dir = &check_and_get("GENERAL:working-dir");
my @NAME;
if (!&backoff_and_get("TRAINING:input-factors")) {
return "-$table $default ";
# define default names
my %IN = &get_factor_id("input");
my %OUT = &get_factor_id("output");
%IN = %OUT if $factor eq "generation-factors";
my $factors = &encode_factor_definition($factor,\%IN,\%OUT);
foreach my $f (split(/\+/,$factors)) {
push @NAME,"$default.$f";
# push @NAME,"$dir/model/$table.$VERSION.$f";
# get specified names, if any
if (&get("TRAINING:$table")) {
die("ERROR: specified more ${table}s than $factor")
if (scalar @SPECIFIED_NAME) > (scalar @NAME);
for(my $i=0;$i\s*/,$mapping);
$encoded .=
return $encoded;
sub encode_factor_list {
my ($ID,$list) = @_;
my $id;
foreach my $factor (split(/\s*\+\s*/,$list)) {
die("ERROR: unknown factor type '$factor'\n") unless defined($$ID{$factor});
$id .= $$ID{$factor}.",";
return $id;
sub define_tuningevaluation_filter {
my ($set,$step_id) = @_;
my $scripts = &check_and_get("GENERAL:moses-script-dir");
my $dir = &check_and_get("GENERAL:working-dir");
my $word_alignment = &backoff_and_get("TRAINING:include-word-alignment-in-rules");
my $tuning_flag = !defined($set);
my $hierarchical = &get("TRAINING:hierarchical-rule-set");
my ($filter_dir,$input,$phrase_translation_table,$reordering_table,$domains) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my $binarizer = &get("GENERAL:ttable-binarizer");
my $report_precision_by_coverage = !$tuning_flag && &backoff_and_get("EVALUATION:$set:report-precision-by-coverage");
# occasionally, lattices and conf nets need to be able
# to filter phrase tables, we can provide sentences/ngrams
# in a separate file
my $input_filter;
$input_filter = &get("EVALUATION:$set:input-filter") unless $tuning_flag;
$input_filter = &get("TUNING:input-filter") if $tuning_flag;
#print "filter: $input_filter \n";
$input_filter = $input unless $input_filter;
my $settings = &backoff_and_get("EVALUATION:$set:filter-settings") unless $tuning_flag;
$settings = &get("TUNING:filter-settings") if $tuning_flag;
$settings = "" unless $settings;
$binarizer .= " -no-alignment-info" if defined ($binarizer) && !$hierarchical && defined $word_alignment && $word_alignment eq "no";
$settings .= " -Binarizer \"$binarizer\"" if $binarizer;
$settings .= " --Hierarchical" if $hierarchical;
# get model, and whether suffix array is used. Determines the pt implementation.
my $sa_exec_dir = &get("TRAINING:suffix-array");
my $sa_extractors = &get("GENERAL:sa_extractors");
$sa_extractors = 1 unless $sa_extractors;
my ($ptImpl, $numFF);
if ($hierarchical) {
if ($sa_exec_dir) {
$ptImpl = 10; # suffix array
$numFF = 7;
else {
$ptImpl = 6; # in-mem SCFG
else {
$ptImpl = 0; # phrase-based
# config file specified?
my ($config,$cmd,$delete_config);
if (&get("TUNING:config-with-reused-weights")) {
$config = &get("TUNING:config-with-reused-weights");
elsif (&get("TRAINING:config")) {
$config = &get("TRAINING:config");
# create pseudo-config file
else {
$config = $tuning_flag ? "$dir/tuning/moses.table.ini.$VERSION" : "$dir/evaluation/$set.moses.table.ini.$VERSION";
$cmd = "touch $config\n";
$delete_config = 1;
$cmd .= &get_config_tables($config,$reordering_table,$phrase_translation_table,undef,$domains);
$cmd .= "-lm 0:3:$config:8\n"; # dummy kenlm 3-gram model on factor 0
# filter command
if ($sa_exec_dir) {
# suffix array
$cmd .= "$scripts/training/wrappers/adam-suffix-array/suffix-array-extract.sh $sa_exec_dir $phrase_translation_table $input_filter $filter_dir $sa_extractors \n";
my $escaped_filter_dir = $filter_dir;
$escaped_filter_dir =~ s/\//\\\\\//g;
$cmd .= "cat $config | sed s/10\\ 0\\ 0\\ 7.*/10\\ 0\\ 0\\ 7\\ $escaped_filter_dir/g > $filter_dir/moses.ini \n";
# kind of a hack -- the correct thing would be to make the generation of the config file ($filter_dir/moses.ini)
# set the PhraseDictionaryALSuffixArray's path to the filtered directory rather than to the suffix array itself
$cmd .= "sed -i 's%path=$phrase_translation_table%path=$filter_dir%' $filter_dir/moses.ini\n";
else {
# normal phrase table
$cmd .= "$scripts/training/filter-model-given-input.pl";
$cmd .= " $filter_dir $config $input_filter $settings\n";
# clean-up
$cmd .= "rm $config" if $delete_config;
sub define_evaluation_decode {
my ($set,$step_id) = @_;
my $scripts = &check_and_get("GENERAL:moses-script-dir");
my $dir = &check_and_get("GENERAL:working-dir");
my ($system_output,
$config,$input,$filtered_config) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
$config = $filtered_config if $filtered_config;
my $jobs = &backoff_and_get("EVALUATION:$set:jobs");
my $decoder = &check_backoff_and_get("EVALUATION:$set:decoder");
my $settings = &backoff_and_get("EVALUATION:$set:decoder-settings");
$settings = "" unless $settings;
my $nbest = &backoff_and_get("EVALUATION:$set:nbest");
my $moses_parallel = &backoff_and_get("EVALUATION:$set:moses-parallel");
my $report_segmentation = &backoff_and_get("EVALUATION:$set:report-segmentation");
my $analyze_search_graph = &backoff_and_get("EVALUATION:$set:analyze-search-graph");
my $report_precision_by_coverage = &backoff_and_get("EVALUATION:$set:report-precision-by-coverage");
my $use_wade = &backoff_and_get("EVALUATION:$set:wade");
my $hierarchical = &get("TRAINING:hierarchical-rule-set");
my $word_alignment = &backoff_and_get("TRAINING:include-word-alignment-in-rules");
# specify additional output for analysis
if (defined($report_precision_by_coverage) && $report_precision_by_coverage eq "yes") {
$settings .= " -alignment-output-file $system_output.wa";
$report_segmentation = "yes";
if (defined($analyze_search_graph) && $analyze_search_graph eq "yes") {
$settings .= " -unpruned-search-graph -include-lhs-in-search-graph -osg $system_output.graph";
if (defined($report_segmentation) && $report_segmentation eq "yes") {
if ($hierarchical) {
$settings .= " -T $system_output.trace";
else {
$settings .= " -t";
if ($use_wade) {
$settings .= " -T $system_output.details";
$settings .= " -text-type \"test\"";
my $addTags = &backoff_and_get("EVALUATION:$set:add-tags");
if ($addTags) {
my $input_with_tags = $input.".".$VERSION.".tags";
`$addTags < $input > $input_with_tags`;
$input = $input_with_tags;
# create command
my $cmd;
my $nbest_size;
$nbest_size = $nbest if $nbest;
$nbest_size =~ s/[^\d]//g if $nbest;
if ($jobs && $CLUSTER) {
$cmd .= "mkdir -p $dir/evaluation/tmp.$set.$VERSION\n";
$cmd .= "cd $dir/evaluation/tmp.$set.$VERSION\n";
if (defined $moses_parallel) {
$cmd .= $moses_parallel;
} else {
$cmd .= "$scripts/generic/moses-parallel.pl";
my $qsub_args = &get_qsub_args($DO_STEP[$step_id]);
$cmd .= " -queue-parameters \"$qsub_args\"" if ($CLUSTER && $qsub_args);
$cmd .= " -decoder $decoder";
$cmd .= " -config $config";
$cmd .= " -input-file $input";
$cmd .= " --jobs $jobs";
$cmd .= " -decoder-parameters \"$settings\" > $system_output";
$cmd .= " -n-best-file $system_output.best$nbest_size -n-best-size $nbest" if $nbest;
else {
$cmd = "$decoder $settings -v 0 -f $config < $input > $system_output";
$cmd .= " -n-best-list $system_output.best$nbest_size $nbest" if $nbest;
sub define_evaluation_analysis {
my ($set,$step_id) = @_;
my ($analysis,
$output,$reference,$input) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my $script = &backoff_and_get("EVALUATION:$set:analysis");
my $report_segmentation = &backoff_and_get("EVALUATION:$set:report-segmentation");
my $analyze_search_graph = &backoff_and_get("EVALUATION:$set:analyze-search-graph");
my $cmd = "$script -system $output -reference $reference -input $input -dir $analysis";
if (defined($report_segmentation) && $report_segmentation eq "yes") {
my $segmentation_file = &get_default_file("EVALUATION",$set,"decode");
$cmd .= " -segmentation $segmentation_file";
if (defined($analyze_search_graph) && $analyze_search_graph eq "yes") {
my $search_graph_file = &get_default_file("EVALUATION",$set,"decode");
$cmd .= " -search-graph $search_graph_file.graph";
if (&get("TRAINING:hierarchical-rule-set")) {
$cmd .= " -hierarchical";
sub define_evaluation_analysis_precision {
my ($set,$step_id) = @_;
my ($analysis,
$output,$reference,$input,$corpus,$ttable,$coverage) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my $script = &backoff_and_get("EVALUATION:$set:analysis");
my $input_extension = &check_backoff_and_get("TRAINING:input-extension");
my $coverage_base = &backoff_and_get("EVALUATION:$set:precision-by-coverage-base");
my $cmd = "$script -system $output -reference $reference -input $input -dir $analysis -precision-by-coverage";
my $segmentation_file = &get_default_file("EVALUATION",$set,"decode");
$cmd .= " -segmentation $segmentation_file";
$cmd .= " -system-alignment $segmentation_file.wa";
$coverage = $coverage_base if defined($coverage_base);
$cmd .= " -coverage $coverage";
# get table with surface factors
if (&backoff_and_get("TRAINING:input-factors")) {
my %IN = &get_factor_id("input");
my %OUT = &get_factor_id("output");
my $factors = &encode_factor_definition("translation-factors",\%IN,\%OUT);
my @FACTOR = split(/\+/,$factors);
if (&backoff_and_get("TRAINING:sigtest-filter-phrase-translation-table")) {
@SPECIFIED_NAME = @{$CONFIG{"TRAINING:sigtest-filter-phrase-translation-table"}};
elsif (&backoff_and_get("TRAINING:phrase-translation-table")) {
@SPECIFIED_NAME = @{$CONFIG{"TRAINING:phrase-translation-table"}};
for(my $i=0;$i $i) {
$ttable = $SPECIFIED_NAME[$i];
else {
$ttable .= ".".$FACTOR[$i];
my $subreport = &backoff_and_get("EVALUATION:precision-by-coverage-factor");
if (defined($subreport)) {
die("unknown factor $subreport specified in EVALUATION:precision-by-coverage-factor") unless defined($IN{$subreport});
$cmd .= " -precision-by-coverage-factor ".$IN{$subreport};
$cmd .= " -ttable $ttable -input-corpus $corpus.$input_extension";
sub define_evaluation_analysis_coverage {
my ($set,$step_id) = @_;
my ($analysis,
$input,$corpus,$ttable) = &get_output_and_input($step_id);
my $script = &backoff_and_get("EVALUATION:$set:analysis");
my $input_extension = &check_backoff_and_get("TRAINING:input-extension");
my $score_settings = &get("TRAINING:score-settings");
my $ttable_config;
# translation tables for un-factored
if (!&backoff_and_get("TRAINING:input-factors")) {
$ttable_config = "-ttable $ttable";
# translation tables for factored
else {
my %IN = &get_factor_id("input");
$ttable_config = "-input-factors ".(scalar(keys %IN));
my %OUT = &get_factor_id("output");
$ttable_config .= " -input-factor-names '".join(",",keys %IN)."'";
$ttable_config .= " -output-factor-names '".join(",",keys %OUT)."'";
my $factors = &encode_factor_definition("translation-factors",\%IN,\%OUT);
my @FACTOR = split(/\+/,$factors);
if (&backoff_and_get("TRAINING:sigtest-filter-phrase-translation-table")) {
@SPECIFIED_NAME = @{$CONFIG{"TRAINING:sigtest-filter-phrase-translation-table"}};
elsif (&backoff_and_get("TRAINING:phrase-translation-table")) {
@SPECIFIED_NAME = @{$CONFIG{"TRAINING:phrase-translation-table"}};
my $surface_ttable;
for(my $i=0;$i $i) {
$ttable_name = $SPECIFIED_NAME[$i];
$ttable_config .= " -factored-ttable $input_factors:".$ttable_name;
if ($input_factors eq "0" && !defined($surface_ttable)) {
$surface_ttable = $ttable_name;
$ttable_config .= " -ttable $surface_ttable";
my $cmd = "$script -input $input -input-corpus $corpus.$input_extension $ttable_config -dir $analysis";
$cmd .= " -score-options '$score_settings'" if $score_settings;
sub define_reporting_report {
my ($step_id) = @_;
my $score_file = &get_default_file("REPORTING","","report");
my $scripts = &check_and_get("GENERAL:moses-script-dir");
my $cmd = "$scripts/ems/support/report-experiment-scores.perl";
# get scores that were produced
foreach my $parent (@{$DEPENDENCY[$step_id]}) {
my ($parent_module,$parent_set,$parent_step)
= &deconstruct_name($DO_STEP[$parent]);
my $file = &get_default_file($parent_module,$parent_set,$parent_step);
$cmd .= " set=$parent_set,type=$parent_step,file=$file";
# maybe send email
my $email = &get("REPORTING:email");
if ($email) {
$cmd .= " email='$email'";
$cmd .= " >$score_file";
### subs for step definition
sub get_output_and_input {
my ($step_id) = @_;
my $step = $DO_STEP[$step_id];
my $output = &get_default_file(&deconstruct_name($step));
my @INPUT;
if (defined($USES_INPUT{$step_id})) {
for(my $i=0; $i 1 ) {
my $in = join(" ",@INPUT);
$cmd =~ s/EMS_IN_EMS/$in/;
# input is defined as IN or IN0, IN1, IN2
else {
if ($cmd =~ /EMS_IN\d*_EMS/ && scalar(@INPUT) == 0) {
die("ERROR: Step $step requires input from prior steps, but none defined.");
$cmd =~ s/EMS_IN(\d)_EMS/$INPUT[$1]/g;
$cmd =~ s/EMS_IN_EMS/$INPUT[0]/g;
$cmd =~ s/EMS_OUT_EMS/$output/g;
$cmd =~ s/VERSION/$VERSION/g;
print "\tcmd is $cmd\n" if $VERBOSE;
while ($cmd =~ /^([\S\s]*)\$\{([^\s\/\"\']+)\}([\S\s]*)$/ ||
$cmd =~ /^([\S\s]*)\$([^\s\/\"\']+)([\S\s]*)$/) {
my ($pre,$variable,$post) = ($1,$2,$3);
$cmd = $pre
. &check_backoff_and_get(&extend_local_name($module,$set,$variable))
. $post;
# deal with pipelined commands
$cmd =~ s/\|(.*)(\<\s*\S+) /$2 \| $1 /g;
# deal with gzipped input
my $c = "";
foreach my $cmd (split(/[\n\r]+/,$cmd)) {
if ($cmd =~ /\<\s*(\S+) / && ! -e $1 && -e "$1.gz") {
$cmd =~ s/([^\n\r]+)\s*\<\s*(\S+) /zcat $2.gz \| $1 /;
else {
$cmd =~ s/([^\n\r]+)\s*\<\s*(\S+\.gz)/zcat $2 \| $1/;
$c .= $cmd."\n";
$cmd = $c;
# create directory for output
if ($output =~ /\//) { # ... but why would it not?
my $out_dir = $output;
$out_dir =~ s/^(.+)\/[^\/]+$/$1/;
$cmd = "mkdir -p $out_dir\n$cmd";
return 1;
### SUBS for defining steps
sub create_step {
my ($step_id,$cmd) = @_;
my ($module,$set,$step) = &deconstruct_name($DO_STEP[$step_id]);
my $file = &versionize(&step_file2($module,$set,$step));
my $dir = &check_and_get("GENERAL:working-dir");
my $subdir = $module;
$subdir =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
$subdir = "evaluation" if $subdir eq "reporting";
$subdir = "lm" if $subdir eq "interpolated-lm";
open(STEP,">$file") or die "Cannot open: $!";
print STEP "#!/bin/bash\n\n";
print STEP "PATH=\"".$ENV{"PATH"}."\"\n";
print STEP "cd $dir\n";
print STEP "echo 'starting at '`date`' on '`hostname`\n";
print STEP "mkdir -p $dir/$subdir\n\n";
print STEP "$cmd\n\n";
print STEP "echo 'finished at '`date`\n";
print STEP "touch $file.DONE\n";
sub get {
return &check_and_get($_[0],"allow_undef");
sub check_and_get {
my ($parameter,$allow_undef) = @_;
if (!defined($CONFIG{$parameter})) {
return if $allow_undef;
print STDERR "ERROR: you need to define $parameter\n";
return $CONFIG{$parameter}[0];
sub backoff_and_get {
return &check_backoff_and_get($_[0],"allow_undef");
sub check_backoff_and_get {
my $VALUE = &check_backoff_and_get_array(@_);
return ${$VALUE}[0] if $VALUE;
sub backoff_and_get_array {
return &check_backoff_and_get_array($_[0],"allow_undef");
sub check_backoff_and_get_array {
my ($parameter,$allow_undef) = @_;
return $CONFIG{$parameter} if defined($CONFIG{$parameter});
# remove set -> find setting for module
$parameter =~ s/:.*:/:/;
return $CONFIG{$parameter} if defined($CONFIG{$parameter});
# remove model -> find global setting
$parameter =~ s/^[^:]+:/GENERAL:/;
return $CONFIG{$parameter} if defined($CONFIG{$parameter});
return if $allow_undef;
print STDERR "ERROR: you need to define $parameter\n";
# the following two functions deal with getting information about
# files that are passed between steps. this are either specified
# in the meta file (default) or in the configuration file (here called
# 'specified', in the step management refered to as 'given').
sub get_specified_or_default_file {
my ($specified_module,$specified_set,$specified_parameter,
$default_module, $default_set, $default_step) = @_;
my $specified =
if (defined($CONFIG{$specified})) {
print "\t\texpanding $CONFIG{$specified}[0]\n" if $VERBOSE;
return &long_file_name($CONFIG{$specified}[0],$default_module,$default_set);
return &get_default_file($default_module, $default_set, $default_step);
sub get_default_file {
my ($default_module, $default_set, $default_step) = @_;
# print "\tget_default_file($default_module, $default_set, $default_step)\n";
# get step name
my $step = &construct_name($default_module,$default_set,$default_step);
# print "\t\tstep is $step\n";
# earlier step, if this step is passed
my $i = $STEP_LOOKUP{$step};
# print "\t\tcan't lookup $step -> $i!\n" unless $i;
while (defined($PASS{$i})) {
if (scalar @{$DEPENDENCY[$i]} == 0) {
# print "\t\tpassing to given\n";
my $out = $STEP_IN{&defined_step($step)}[0];
my ($module,$set) = &deconstruct_name($step);
# print "\t\t$out -> ".&construct_name($module,$set,$out)."\n";
my $name = &construct_name($module,$set,$out);
return &check_backoff_and_get($name);
# print "\t\tpassing $step -> ";
$i = $DEPENDENCY[$i][0];
$step = $DO_STEP[$i];
# print "\t\tbacking off to $step\n";
# get file name
my $default = $STEP_OUTNAME{&defined_step($step)};
# print "\t\tdefined_step is ".&defined_step($step)."\n";
die("no specified default name for $step") unless $default;
if ($default_set) {
$default =~ s/^(.+\/)([^\/]+)$/$1$default_set.$2/g;
# if from a step that is redone, get version number
my $version = 0;
$version = $RE_USE[$STEP_LOOKUP{$step}] if (defined($STEP_LOOKUP{$step}));
$version = "*" if $version > 1e6; # any if re-use checking
$version = $VERSION unless $version; # current version if no re-use
return &versionize(&long_file_name($default,$default_module,$default_set),
sub long_file_name {
my ($file,$module,$set) = @_;
return $file if $file =~ /^\// || $file =~ / \//;
if ($file !~ /\//) {
my $dir = $module;
$dir =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
$file = "$dir/$file";
my $module_working_dir_parameter =
$module . ($set ne "" ? ":$set" : "") . ":working-dir";
if (defined($CONFIG{$module_working_dir_parameter})) {
return $CONFIG{$module_working_dir_parameter}[0]."/".$file;
return &check_and_get("GENERAL:working-dir")."/".$file;
sub compute_version_number {
my $dir = &check_and_get("GENERAL:working-dir");
return unless -e $dir;
open(LS,"find $dir/steps -maxdepth 1 -follow |");
while() {
s/.+\/([^\/]+)$/$1/; # ignore path
if ( /^(\d+)$/ ) {
if ($1 >= $VERSION) {
$VERSION = $1 + 1;
sub steps_file {
my ($file,$run) = @_;
return "steps/$run/$file";