2011-10-22 10:44:27 +01:00

35 lines
931 B

A simple regular testing of Moses codebase, aka cruise control
- Checkout latest commits
- Test configure, make, make scripts
- Run regression tests
- Run a sample EMS pipeline
- Report results into logfiles
- A simple web interface in PHP
How to run cruise control:
1) Download and compile SRILM
2) Download, compile and install IRSTLM
3) Edit the configuration file example.config. You can create as many
configuration files as you like.
4) Execute ./ yourfile.config
How to set up the web interface:
1) Install Apache and PHP
2) Copy files from cruise-control/web into Apache's www directory
3) Point StaticData::logs_path to correct directory, e.g. /home/cruise/logs/example/
Default value is 'data', you might want to just create a symlink.
Written by Ondrej Bojar, Ales Tamchyna, Barry Haddow, Rimas Blazaitis