
50 lines
1.4 KiB
Executable File

# Script implemented by Pranava Swaroop Madhyastha (a student at Charles
# University, UFAL)
use strict;
use warnings;
my $appid = shift;
die "Usage: $0 YOUR-DEVELOPER-ID < input ... will write to microsoft_translated.out"
if ! defined $appid;
# this is someone's ID, do not use it: 28AEB40E8307D187104623046F6C31B0A4DF907E
binmode STDIN, ":utf8";
binmode STDOUT, ":raw";
open(OUTPUTFILE, ">>microsoft_translated.out");
use LWP::UserAgent;
sub print_translation {
my $text = shift;
my $from = "en";
my $to = "cs";
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $dumb = "". $appid ."&text=". $text ."&from=". $from ."&to=". $to ;
my $response = $ua->get($dumb);
die "Error: ", $response->status_line unless $response->is_success;
my $content = $response->content;
my $cs_text = $content;
$cs_text =~ s/<string (.*?)>\s*//;
$cs_text =~ s/<.string>//;
print OUTPUTFILE "$cs_text\n";
# print $cs_text;
my $number_of_lines;
my $no = 0;
my $en_text;
while (<>) {
$en_text .= $_;
if ($number_of_lines == 1) {
$no = $no + 10;
print STDERR "Sending sentence $no to microsofttranslator...\n and writing it in microsoft_translated.out \n";
$number_of_lines = 0;
$en_text = "";