Rico Sennrich 01bc3c111e swap position of alignment and scores in phrase table halves (before consolidate step).
ensures that multiple hierarchical rules with same source/target phrase, but different alignment, are sorted correctly
2014-03-02 16:55:42 +00:00

908 lines
33 KiB

Moses - factored phrase-based language decoder
Copyright (C) 2009 University of Edinburgh
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include <sstream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include "SafeGetline.h"
#include "ScoreFeature.h"
#include "tables-core.h"
#include "ExtractionPhrasePair.h"
#include "score.h"
#include "InputFileStream.h"
#include "OutputFileStream.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace MosesTraining;
#define LINE_MAX_LENGTH 100000
namespace MosesTraining
LexicalTable lexTable;
bool inverseFlag = false;
bool hierarchicalFlag = false;
bool pcfgFlag = false;
bool treeFragmentsFlag = false;
bool unpairedExtractFormatFlag = false;
bool conditionOnTargetLhsFlag = false;
bool wordAlignmentFlag = true;
bool goodTuringFlag = false;
bool kneserNeyFlag = false;
bool logProbFlag = false;
int negLogProb = 1;
#define COC_MAX 10
bool lexFlag = true;
bool unalignedFlag = false;
bool unalignedFWFlag = false;
bool crossedNonTerm = false;
int countOfCounts[COC_MAX+1];
int totalDistinct = 0;
float minCountHierarchical = 0;
std::map<std::string,float> sourceLHSCounts;
std::map<std::string, std::map<std::string,float>* > targetLHSAndSourceLHSJointCounts;
std::set<std::string> sourceLabelSet;
std::map<std::string,size_t> sourceLabels;
std::vector<std::string> sourceLabelsByIndex;
Vocabulary vcbT;
Vocabulary vcbS;
} // namespace
std::vector<std::string> tokenize( const char [] );
void processLine( std::string line,
int lineID, bool includeSentenceIdFlag, int &sentenceId,
PHRASE *phraseSource, PHRASE *phraseTarget, ALIGNMENT *targetToSourceAlignment,
std::string &additionalPropertiesString,
float &count, float &pcfgSum );
void writeCountOfCounts( const std::string &fileNameCountOfCounts );
void processPhrasePairs( std::vector< ExtractionPhrasePair* > &phrasePairsWithSameSource, ostream &phraseTableFile,
const ScoreFeatureManager& featureManager, const MaybeLog& maybeLogProb );
void outputPhrasePair(const ExtractionPhrasePair &phrasePair, float, int, ostream &phraseTableFile, const ScoreFeatureManager &featureManager, const MaybeLog &maybeLog );
double computeLexicalTranslation( const PHRASE *phraseSource, const PHRASE *phraseTarget, const ALIGNMENT *alignmentTargetToSource );
double computeUnalignedPenalty( const ALIGNMENT *alignmentTargetToSource );
set<std::string> functionWordList;
void loadFunctionWords( const string &fileNameFunctionWords );
double computeUnalignedFWPenalty( const PHRASE *phraseTarget, const ALIGNMENT *alignmentTargetToSource );
int calcCrossedNonTerm( const PHRASE *phraseTarget, const ALIGNMENT *alignmentTargetToSource );
void printSourcePhrase( const PHRASE *phraseSource, const PHRASE *phraseTarget, const ALIGNMENT *targetToSourceAlignment, ostream &out );
void printTargetPhrase( const PHRASE *phraseSource, const PHRASE *phraseTarget, const ALIGNMENT *targetToSourceAlignment, ostream &out );
void invertAlignment( const PHRASE *phraseSource, const PHRASE *phraseTarget, const ALIGNMENT *inTargetToSourceAlignment, ALIGNMENT *outSourceToTargetAlignment );
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
std::cerr << "Score v2.1 -- "
<< "scoring methods for extracted rules" << std::endl;
ScoreFeatureManager featureManager;
if (argc < 4) {
std::cerr << "syntax: score extract lex phrase-table [--Inverse] [--Hierarchical] [--LogProb] [--NegLogProb] [--NoLex] [--GoodTuring] [--KneserNey] [--NoWordAlignment] [--UnalignedPenalty] [--UnalignedFunctionWordPenalty function-word-file] [--MinCountHierarchical count] [--PCFG] [--TreeFragments] [--UnpairedExtractFormat] [--ConditionOnTargetLHS] [--CrossedNonTerm]" << std::endl;
std::cerr << featureManager.usage() << std::endl;
std::string fileNameExtract = argv[1];
std::string fileNameLex = argv[2];
std::string fileNamePhraseTable = argv[3];
std::string fileNameCountOfCounts;
std::string fileNameFunctionWords;
std::vector<std::string> featureArgs; // all unknown args passed to feature manager
for(int i=4; i<argc; i++) {
if (strcmp(argv[i],"inverse") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i],"--Inverse") == 0) {
inverseFlag = true;
std::cerr << "using inverse mode" << std::endl;
} else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--Hierarchical") == 0) {
hierarchicalFlag = true;
std::cerr << "processing hierarchical rules" << std::endl;
} else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--PCFG") == 0) {
pcfgFlag = true;
std::cerr << "including PCFG scores" << std::endl;
} else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--TreeFragments") == 0) {
treeFragmentsFlag = true;
std::cerr << "including tree fragment information from syntactic parse\n";
} else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--UnpairedExtractFormat") == 0) {
unpairedExtractFormatFlag = true;
std::cerr << "processing unpaired extract format" << std::endl;
} else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--ConditionOnTargetLHS") == 0) {
conditionOnTargetLhsFlag = true;
std::cerr << "processing unpaired extract format" << std::endl;
} else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--NoWordAlignment") == 0) {
wordAlignmentFlag = false;
std::cerr << "omitting word alignment" << std::endl;
} else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--NoLex") == 0) {
lexFlag = false;
std::cerr << "not computing lexical translation score" << std::endl;
} else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--GoodTuring") == 0) {
goodTuringFlag = true;
fileNameCountOfCounts = std::string(fileNamePhraseTable) + ".coc";
std::cerr << "adjusting phrase translation probabilities with Good Turing discounting" << std::endl;
} else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--KneserNey") == 0) {
kneserNeyFlag = true;
fileNameCountOfCounts = std::string(fileNamePhraseTable) + ".coc";
std::cerr << "adjusting phrase translation probabilities with Kneser Ney discounting" << std::endl;
} else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--UnalignedPenalty") == 0) {
unalignedFlag = true;
std::cerr << "using unaligned word penalty" << std::endl;
} else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--UnalignedFunctionWordPenalty") == 0) {
unalignedFWFlag = true;
if (i+1==argc) {
std::cerr << "ERROR: specify function words file for unaligned function word penalty!" << std::endl;
fileNameFunctionWords = argv[++i];
std::cerr << "using unaligned function word penalty with function words from " << fileNameFunctionWords << std::endl;
} else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--LogProb") == 0) {
logProbFlag = true;
std::cerr << "using log-probabilities" << std::endl;
} else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--NegLogProb") == 0) {
logProbFlag = true;
negLogProb = -1;
std::cerr << "using negative log-probabilities" << std::endl;
} else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--MinCountHierarchical") == 0) {
minCountHierarchical = atof(argv[++i]);
std::cerr << "dropping all phrase pairs occurring less than " << minCountHierarchical << " times" << std::endl;
minCountHierarchical -= 0.00001; // account for rounding
} else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--CrossedNonTerm") == 0) {
crossedNonTerm = true;
std::cerr << "crossed non-term reordering feature" << std::endl;
} else {
for (; i < argc && strncmp(argv[i], "--", 2); ++i) {
if (i != argc) --i; //roll back, since we found another -- argument
MaybeLog maybeLogProb(logProbFlag, negLogProb);
// configure extra features
if (!inverseFlag) {
// lexical translation table
if (lexFlag) {
lexTable.load( fileNameLex );
// function word list
if (unalignedFWFlag) {
loadFunctionWords( fileNameFunctionWords );
// compute count of counts for Good Turing discounting
if (goodTuringFlag || kneserNeyFlag) {
for(int i=1; i<=COC_MAX; i++) countOfCounts[i] = 0;
// sorted phrase extraction file
Moses::InputFileStream extractFile(fileNameExtract);
if ( {
std::cerr << "ERROR: could not open extract file " << fileNameExtract << std::endl;
istream &extractFileP = extractFile;
// output file: phrase translation table
ostream *phraseTableFile;
if (fileNamePhraseTable == "-") {
phraseTableFile = &std::cout;
} else {
Moses::OutputFileStream *outputFile = new Moses::OutputFileStream();
bool success = outputFile->Open(fileNamePhraseTable);
if (!success) {
std::cerr << "ERROR: could not open file phrase table file "
<< fileNamePhraseTable << std::endl;
phraseTableFile = outputFile;
// loop through all extracted phrase translations
char line[LINE_MAX_LENGTH], lastLine[LINE_MAX_LENGTH];
lastLine[0] = '\0';
ExtractionPhrasePair *phrasePair = NULL;
std::vector< ExtractionPhrasePair* > phrasePairsWithSameSource;
std::vector< ExtractionPhrasePair* > phrasePairsWithSameSourceAndTarget; // required for hierarchical rules only, as non-terminal alignments might make the phrases incompatible
int tmpSentenceId;
PHRASE *tmpPhraseSource, *tmpPhraseTarget;
ALIGNMENT *tmpTargetToSourceAlignment;
std::string tmpAdditionalPropertiesString;
float tmpCount=0.0f, tmpPcfgSum=0.0f;
int i=0;
SAFE_GETLINE( (extractFileP), line, LINE_MAX_LENGTH, '\n', __FILE__ );
if ( !extractFileP.eof() ) {
tmpPhraseSource = new PHRASE();
tmpPhraseTarget = new PHRASE();
tmpTargetToSourceAlignment = new ALIGNMENT();
processLine( std::string(line),
i, featureManager.includeSentenceId(), tmpSentenceId,
tmpPhraseSource, tmpPhraseTarget, tmpTargetToSourceAlignment,
tmpCount, tmpPcfgSum);
phrasePair = new ExtractionPhrasePair( tmpPhraseSource, tmpPhraseTarget,
tmpCount, tmpPcfgSum );
phrasePair->AddProperties( tmpAdditionalPropertiesString, tmpCount );
featureManager.addPropertiesToPhrasePair( *phrasePair, tmpCount, tmpSentenceId );
phrasePairsWithSameSource.push_back( phrasePair );
if ( hierarchicalFlag ) {
phrasePairsWithSameSourceAndTarget.push_back( phrasePair );
strcpy( lastLine, line );
SAFE_GETLINE( (extractFileP), line, LINE_MAX_LENGTH, '\n', __FILE__ );
while ( !extractFileP.eof() ) {
if ( ++i % 100000 == 0 ) {
std::cerr << "." << std::flush;
// identical to last line? just add count
if (strcmp(line,lastLine) == 0) {
SAFE_GETLINE((extractFileP), line, LINE_MAX_LENGTH, '\n', __FILE__);
} else {
strcpy( lastLine, line );
tmpPhraseSource = new PHRASE();
tmpPhraseTarget = new PHRASE();
tmpTargetToSourceAlignment = new ALIGNMENT();
processLine( std::string(line),
i, featureManager.includeSentenceId(), tmpSentenceId,
tmpPhraseSource, tmpPhraseTarget, tmpTargetToSourceAlignment,
tmpCount, tmpPcfgSum);
bool matchesPrevious = false;
bool sourceMatch = true; bool targetMatch = true; bool alignmentMatch = true; // be careful with these,
// ExtractionPhrasePair::Matches() checks them in order and does not continue with the others
// once the first of them has been found to have to be set to false
if ( hierarchicalFlag ) {
for ( std::vector< ExtractionPhrasePair* >::const_iterator iter = phrasePairsWithSameSourceAndTarget.begin();
iter != phrasePairsWithSameSourceAndTarget.end(); ++iter ) {
if ( (*iter)->Matches( tmpPhraseSource, tmpPhraseTarget, tmpTargetToSourceAlignment,
sourceMatch, targetMatch, alignmentMatch ) ) {
matchesPrevious = true;
phrasePair = (*iter);
} else {
if ( phrasePair->Matches( tmpPhraseSource, tmpPhraseTarget, tmpTargetToSourceAlignment,
sourceMatch, targetMatch, alignmentMatch ) ) {
matchesPrevious = true;
if ( matchesPrevious ) {
delete tmpPhraseSource;
delete tmpPhraseTarget;
if ( !phrasePair->Add( tmpTargetToSourceAlignment,
tmpCount, tmpPcfgSum ) ) {
delete tmpTargetToSourceAlignment;
phrasePair->AddProperties( tmpAdditionalPropertiesString, tmpCount );
featureManager.addPropertiesToPhrasePair( *phrasePair, tmpCount, tmpSentenceId );
} else {
if ( !phrasePairsWithSameSource.empty() &&
!sourceMatch ) {
processPhrasePairs( phrasePairsWithSameSource, *phraseTableFile, featureManager, maybeLogProb );
for ( std::vector< ExtractionPhrasePair* >::const_iterator iter=phrasePairsWithSameSource.begin();
iter!=phrasePairsWithSameSource.end(); ++iter) {
delete *iter;
if ( hierarchicalFlag ) {
if ( hierarchicalFlag ) {
if ( !phrasePairsWithSameSourceAndTarget.empty() &&
!targetMatch ) {
phrasePair = new ExtractionPhrasePair( tmpPhraseSource, tmpPhraseTarget,
tmpCount, tmpPcfgSum );
phrasePair->AddProperties( tmpAdditionalPropertiesString, tmpCount );
featureManager.addPropertiesToPhrasePair( *phrasePair, tmpCount, tmpSentenceId );
if ( hierarchicalFlag ) {
SAFE_GETLINE((extractFileP), line, LINE_MAX_LENGTH, '\n', __FILE__);
processPhrasePairs( phrasePairsWithSameSource, *phraseTableFile, featureManager, maybeLogProb );
for ( std::vector< ExtractionPhrasePair* >::const_iterator iter=phrasePairsWithSameSource.begin();
iter!=phrasePairsWithSameSource.end(); ++iter) {
delete *iter;
if (phraseTableFile != &std::cout) {
delete phraseTableFile;
// output count of count statistics
if (goodTuringFlag || kneserNeyFlag) {
writeCountOfCounts( fileNameCountOfCounts );
void processLine( std::string line,
int lineID, bool includeSentenceIdFlag, int &sentenceId,
PHRASE *phraseSource, PHRASE *phraseTarget, ALIGNMENT *targetToSourceAlignment,
std::string &additionalPropertiesString,
float &count, float &pcfgSum )
size_t foundAdditionalProperties = line.find("{{");
if (foundAdditionalProperties != std::string::npos) {
additionalPropertiesString = line.substr(foundAdditionalProperties);
line = line.substr(0,foundAdditionalProperties);
} else {
std::vector<std::string> token = tokenize( line.c_str() );
int item = 1;
for ( size_t j=0; j<token.size(); ++j ) {
if (token[j] == "|||") {
} else if (item == 1) { // source phrase
phraseSource->push_back( vcbS.storeIfNew( token[j] ) );
} else if (item == 2) { // target phrase
phraseTarget->push_back( vcbT.storeIfNew( token[j] ) );
} else if (item == 3) { // alignment
int s,t;
sscanf(token[j].c_str(), "%d-%d", &s, &t);
if ((size_t)t >= phraseTarget->size() || (size_t)s >= phraseSource->size()) {
std::cerr << "WARNING: phrase pair " << lineID
<< " has alignment point (" << s << ", " << t << ")"
<< " out of bounds (" << phraseSource->size() << ", " << phraseTarget->size() << ")"
<< std::endl;
} else {
// first alignment point? -> initialize
if ( targetToSourceAlignment->size() == 0 ) {
size_t numberOfTargetSymbols = (hierarchicalFlag ? phraseTarget->size()-1 : phraseTarget->size());
// add alignment point
} else if (includeSentenceIdFlag && item == 4) { // optional sentence id
sscanf(token[j].c_str(), "%d", &sentenceId);
} else if (item + (includeSentenceIdFlag?-1:0) == 4) { // count
sscanf(token[j].c_str(), "%f", &count);
} else if (item + (includeSentenceIdFlag?-1:0) == 5) { // target syntax PCFG score
float pcfgScore = std::atof(token[j].c_str());
pcfgSum = pcfgScore * count;
if ( targetToSourceAlignment->size() == 0 ) {
size_t numberOfTargetSymbols = (hierarchicalFlag ? phraseTarget->size()-1 : phraseTarget->size());
if (item + (includeSentenceIdFlag?-1:0) == 3) {
count = 1.0;
if (item < 3 || item > 6) {
std::cerr << "ERROR: faulty line " << lineID << ": " << line << endl;
void writeCountOfCounts( const string &fileNameCountOfCounts )
// open file
Moses::OutputFileStream countOfCountsFile;
bool success = countOfCountsFile.Open(fileNameCountOfCounts.c_str());
if (!success) {
std::cerr << "ERROR: could not open count-of-counts file "
<< fileNameCountOfCounts << std::endl;
// Kneser-Ney needs the total number of phrase pairs
countOfCountsFile << totalDistinct << std::endl;
// write out counts
for(int i=1; i<=COC_MAX; i++) {
countOfCountsFile << countOfCounts[ i ] << std::endl;
void processPhrasePairs( std::vector< ExtractionPhrasePair* > &phrasePairsWithSameSource, ostream &phraseTableFile,
const ScoreFeatureManager& featureManager, const MaybeLog& maybeLogProb )
if (phrasePairsWithSameSource.size() == 0) {
float totalSource = 0;
//std::cerr << "phrasePairs.size() = " << phrasePairs.size() << std::endl;
// loop through phrase pairs
for ( std::vector< ExtractionPhrasePair* >::const_iterator iter=phrasePairsWithSameSource.begin();
iter!=phrasePairsWithSameSource.end(); ++iter) {
// add to total count
totalSource += (*iter)->GetCount();
// output the distinct phrase pairs, one at a time
for ( std::vector< ExtractionPhrasePair* >::const_iterator iter=phrasePairsWithSameSource.begin();
iter!=phrasePairsWithSameSource.end(); ++iter) {
// add to total count
outputPhrasePair( **iter, totalSource, phrasePairsWithSameSource.size(), phraseTableFile, featureManager, maybeLogProb );
void outputPhrasePair(const ExtractionPhrasePair &phrasePair,
float totalCount, int distinctCount,
ostream &phraseTableFile,
const ScoreFeatureManager& featureManager,
const MaybeLog& maybeLogProb )
const ALIGNMENT *bestAlignmentT2S = phrasePair.FindBestAlignmentTargetToSource();
float count = phrasePair.GetCount();
map< string, float > domainCount;
// collect count of count statistics
if (goodTuringFlag || kneserNeyFlag) {
int countInt = count + 0.99999;
if (countInt <= COC_MAX)
countOfCounts[ countInt ]++;
// compute PCFG score
float pcfgScore = 0;
if (pcfgFlag && !inverseFlag) {
pcfgScore = phrasePair.GetPcfgScore() / count;
// output phrases
const PHRASE *phraseSource = phrasePair.GetSource();
const PHRASE *phraseTarget = phrasePair.GetTarget();
// do not output if hierarchical and count below threshold
if (hierarchicalFlag && count < minCountHierarchical) {
for(size_t j=0; j<phraseSource->size()-1; ++j) {
if (isNonTerminal(vcbS.getWord( phraseSource->at(j) )))
// source phrase (unless inverse)
if (!inverseFlag) {
printSourcePhrase(phraseSource, phraseTarget, bestAlignmentT2S, phraseTableFile);
phraseTableFile << " ||| ";
// target phrase
printTargetPhrase(phraseSource, phraseTarget, bestAlignmentT2S, phraseTableFile);
phraseTableFile << " ||| ";
// source phrase (if inverse)
if (inverseFlag) {
printSourcePhrase(phraseSource, phraseTarget, bestAlignmentT2S, phraseTableFile);
phraseTableFile << " ||| ";
// alignment
if ( hierarchicalFlag ) {
// always output alignment if hiero style
assert(phraseTarget->size() == bestAlignmentT2S->size()+1);
std::vector<std::string> alignment;
for ( size_t j = 0; j < phraseTarget->size() - 1; ++j ) {
if ( isNonTerminal(vcbT.getWord( phraseTarget->at(j) ))) {
if ( bestAlignmentT2S->at(j).size() != 1 ) {
std::cerr << "Error: unequal numbers of non-terminals. Make sure the text does not contain words in square brackets (like [xxx])." << std::endl;
assert(bestAlignmentT2S->at(j).size() == 1);
size_t sourcePos = *(bestAlignmentT2S->at(j).begin());
//phraseTableFile << sourcePos << "-" << j << " ";
std::stringstream point;
point << sourcePos << "-" << j;
} else {
for ( std::set<size_t>::iterator setIter = (bestAlignmentT2S->at(j)).begin();
setIter != (bestAlignmentT2S->at(j)).end(); ++setIter ) {
size_t sourcePos = *setIter;
std::stringstream point;
point << sourcePos << "-" << j;
// now print all alignments, sorted by source index
sort(alignment.begin(), alignment.end());
for (size_t i = 0; i < alignment.size(); ++i) {
phraseTableFile << alignment[i] << " ";
} else if ( !inverseFlag && wordAlignmentFlag) {
// alignment info in pb model
for (size_t j = 0; j < bestAlignmentT2S->size(); ++j) {
for ( std::set<size_t>::iterator setIter = (bestAlignmentT2S->at(j)).begin();
setIter != (bestAlignmentT2S->at(j)).end(); ++setIter ) {
size_t sourcePos = *setIter;
phraseTableFile << sourcePos << "-" << j << " ";
phraseTableFile << " ||| ";
// lexical translation probability
if (lexFlag) {
double lexScore = computeLexicalTranslation( phraseSource, phraseTarget, bestAlignmentT2S );
phraseTableFile << maybeLogProb( lexScore );
// unaligned word penalty
if (unalignedFlag) {
double penalty = computeUnalignedPenalty( bestAlignmentT2S );
phraseTableFile << " " << maybeLogProb( penalty );
// unaligned function word penalty
if (unalignedFWFlag) {
double penalty = computeUnalignedFWPenalty( phraseTarget, bestAlignmentT2S );
phraseTableFile << " " << maybeLogProb( penalty );
if (crossedNonTerm && !inverseFlag) {
phraseTableFile << " " << calcCrossedNonTerm( phraseTarget, bestAlignmentT2S );
// target-side PCFG score
if (pcfgFlag && !inverseFlag) {
phraseTableFile << " " << maybeLogProb( pcfgScore );
// extra features
ScoreFeatureContext context(phrasePair, maybeLogProb);
std::vector<float> extraDense;
map<string,float> extraSparse;
featureManager.addFeatures(context, extraDense, extraSparse);
for (size_t i = 0; i < extraDense.size(); ++i) {
phraseTableFile << " " << extraDense[i];
for (map<string,float>::const_iterator i = extraSparse.begin();
i != extraSparse.end(); ++i) {
phraseTableFile << " " << i->first << " " << i->second;
// counts
phraseTableFile << " ||| " << totalCount << " " << count;
if (kneserNeyFlag)
phraseTableFile << " " << distinctCount;
if ((treeFragmentsFlag) &&
!inverseFlag) {
phraseTableFile << " |||";
// tree fragments
if (treeFragmentsFlag && !inverseFlag) {
const std::string *bestTreeFragment = phrasePair.FindBestPropertyValue("Tree");
if (bestTreeFragment) {
phraseTableFile << " {{Tree " << *bestTreeFragment << "}}";
phraseTableFile << std::endl;
bool calcCrossedNonTerm( size_t targetPos, size_t sourcePos, const ALIGNMENT *alignmentTargetToSource )
for (size_t currTarget = 0; currTarget < alignmentTargetToSource->size(); ++currTarget) {
if (currTarget == targetPos) {
// skip
} else {
const std::set<size_t> &sourceSet = alignmentTargetToSource->at(currTarget);
for (std::set<size_t>::const_iterator iter = sourceSet.begin();
iter != sourceSet.end(); ++iter) {
size_t currSource = *iter;
if ((currTarget < targetPos && currSource > sourcePos)
|| (currTarget > targetPos && currSource < sourcePos)
) {
return true;
return false;
int calcCrossedNonTerm( const PHRASE *phraseTarget, const ALIGNMENT *alignmentTargetToSource )
assert(phraseTarget->size() >= alignmentTargetToSource->size() );
for (size_t targetPos = 0; targetPos < alignmentTargetToSource->size(); ++targetPos) {
if ( isNonTerminal(vcbT.getWord( phraseTarget->at(targetPos) ))) {
const std::set<size_t> &alignmentPoints = alignmentTargetToSource->at(targetPos);
assert( alignmentPoints.size() == 1 );
size_t sourcePos = *alignmentPoints.begin();
bool ret = calcCrossedNonTerm(targetPos, sourcePos, alignmentTargetToSource);
if (ret)
return 1;
return 0;
double computeUnalignedPenalty( const ALIGNMENT *alignmentTargetToSource )
// unaligned word counter
double unaligned = 1.0;
// only checking target words - source words are caught when computing inverse
for(size_t ti=0; ti<alignmentTargetToSource->size(); ++ti) {
const set< size_t > & srcIndices = alignmentTargetToSource->at(ti);
if (srcIndices.empty()) {
unaligned *= 2.718;
return unaligned;
double computeUnalignedFWPenalty( const PHRASE *phraseTarget, const ALIGNMENT *alignmentTargetToSource )
// unaligned word counter
double unaligned = 1.0;
// only checking target words - source words are caught when computing inverse
for(size_t ti=0; ti<alignmentTargetToSource->size(); ++ti) {
const set< size_t > & srcIndices = alignmentTargetToSource->at(ti);
if (srcIndices.empty() && functionWordList.find( vcbT.getWord( phraseTarget->at(ti) ) ) != functionWordList.end()) {
unaligned *= 2.718;
return unaligned;
void loadFunctionWords( const string &fileName )
std::cerr << "Loading function word list from " << fileName;
ifstream inFile;;
if ( {
std::cerr << " - ERROR: could not open file" << std::endl;
istream *inFileP = &inFile;
char line[LINE_MAX_LENGTH];
while(true) {
SAFE_GETLINE((*inFileP), line, LINE_MAX_LENGTH, '\n', __FILE__);
if (inFileP->eof()) break;
std::vector<string> token = tokenize( line );
if (token.size() > 0)
functionWordList.insert( token[0] );
std::cerr << " - read " << functionWordList.size() << " function words" << std::endl;
double computeLexicalTranslation( const PHRASE *phraseSource, const PHRASE *phraseTarget, const ALIGNMENT *alignmentTargetToSource )
// lexical translation probability
double lexScore = 1.0;
int null = vcbS.getWordID("NULL");
// all target words have to be explained
for(size_t ti=0; ti<alignmentTargetToSource->size(); ti++) {
const set< size_t > & srcIndices = alignmentTargetToSource->at(ti);
if (srcIndices.empty()) {
// explain unaligned word by NULL
lexScore *= lexTable.permissiveLookup( null, phraseTarget->at(ti) );
} else {
// go through all the aligned words to compute average
double thisWordScore = 0;
for (set< size_t >::const_iterator p(srcIndices.begin()); p != srcIndices.end(); ++p) {
thisWordScore += lexTable.permissiveLookup( phraseSource->at(*p), phraseTarget->at(ti) );
lexScore *= thisWordScore / (double)srcIndices.size();
return lexScore;
void LexicalTable::load( const string &fileName )
std::cerr << "Loading lexical translation table from " << fileName;
ifstream inFile;;
if ( {
std::cerr << " - ERROR: could not open file" << std::endl;
istream *inFileP = &inFile;
char line[LINE_MAX_LENGTH];
int i=0;
while(true) {
if (i%100000 == 0) std::cerr << "." << flush;
SAFE_GETLINE((*inFileP), line, LINE_MAX_LENGTH, '\n', __FILE__);
if (inFileP->eof()) break;
std::vector<string> token = tokenize( line );
if (token.size() != 3) {
std::cerr << "line " << i << " in " << fileName
<< " has wrong number of tokens, skipping:" << std::endl
<< token.size() << " " << token[0] << " " << line << std::endl;
double prob = atof( token[2].c_str() );
WORD_ID wordT = vcbT.storeIfNew( token[0] );
WORD_ID wordS = vcbS.storeIfNew( token[1] );
ltable[ wordS ][ wordT ] = prob;
std::cerr << std::endl;
void printSourcePhrase(const PHRASE *phraseSource, const PHRASE *phraseTarget,
const ALIGNMENT *targetToSourceAlignment, ostream &out)
// get corresponding target non-terminal and output pair
ALIGNMENT *sourceToTargetAlignment = new ALIGNMENT();
invertAlignment(phraseSource, phraseTarget, targetToSourceAlignment, sourceToTargetAlignment);
// output source symbols, except root, in rule table format
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < phraseSource->size()-1; ++i) {
const std::string &word = vcbS.getWord(phraseSource->at(i));
if (!unpairedExtractFormatFlag || !isNonTerminal(word)) {
out << word << " ";
const std::set<std::size_t> &alignmentPoints = sourceToTargetAlignment->at(i);
assert(alignmentPoints.size() == 1);
size_t j = *(alignmentPoints.begin());
if (inverseFlag) {
out << vcbT.getWord(phraseTarget->at(j)) << word << " ";
} else {
out << word << vcbT.getWord(phraseTarget->at(j)) << " ";
// output source root symbol
if (conditionOnTargetLhsFlag && !inverseFlag) {
out << "[X]";
} else {
out << vcbS.getWord(phraseSource->back());
delete sourceToTargetAlignment;
void printTargetPhrase(const PHRASE *phraseSource, const PHRASE *phraseTarget,
const ALIGNMENT *targetToSourceAlignment, ostream &out)
// output target symbols, except root, in rule table format
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < phraseTarget->size()-1; ++i) {
const std::string &word = vcbT.getWord(phraseTarget->at(i));
if (!unpairedExtractFormatFlag || !isNonTerminal(word)) {
out << word << " ";
// get corresponding source non-terminal and output pair
std::set<std::size_t> alignmentPoints = targetToSourceAlignment->at(i);
assert(alignmentPoints.size() == 1);
int j = *(alignmentPoints.begin());
if (inverseFlag) {
out << word << vcbS.getWord(phraseSource->at(j)) << " ";
} else {
out << vcbS.getWord(phraseSource->at(j)) << word << " ";
// output target root symbol
if (conditionOnTargetLhsFlag) {
if (inverseFlag) {
out << "[X]";
} else {
out << vcbS.getWord(phraseSource->back());
} else {
out << vcbT.getWord(phraseTarget->back());
void invertAlignment(const PHRASE *phraseSource, const PHRASE *phraseTarget,
const ALIGNMENT *inTargetToSourceAlignment, ALIGNMENT *outSourceToTargetAlignment) {
// typedef std::vector< std::set<size_t> > ALIGNMENT;
size_t numberOfSourceSymbols = (hierarchicalFlag ? phraseSource->size()-1 : phraseSource->size());
// add alignment point
for (size_t targetPosition = 0; targetPosition < inTargetToSourceAlignment->size(); ++targetPosition) {
for ( std::set<size_t>::iterator setIter = (inTargetToSourceAlignment->at(targetPosition)).begin();
setIter != (inTargetToSourceAlignment->at(targetPosition)).end(); ++setIter ) {
size_t sourcePosition = *setIter;