2013-03-13 17:54:29 +00:00

292 lines
8.8 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Getopt::Long "GetOptions";
my $FILLER = ":s:es";
my $MIN_SIZE = 3;
my $MIN_COUNT = 5;
my $MAX_COUNT = 5;
my $FACTORED = 0;
my $SYNTAX = 0;
my $MARK_SPLIT = 0;
my $BINARIZE = 0;
$HELP = 1
unless &GetOptions('corpus=s' => \$CORPUS,
'model=s' => \$MODEL,
'filler=s' => \$FILLER,
'factored' => \$FACTORED,
'min-size=i' => \$MIN_SIZE,
'min-count=i' => \$MIN_COUNT,
'max-count=i' => \$MAX_COUNT,
'help' => \$HELP,
'verbose' => \$VERBOSE,
'syntax' => \$SYNTAX,
'binarize' => \$BINARIZE,
'mark-split' => \$MARK_SPLIT,
'train' => \$TRAIN);
if ($HELP ||
( $TRAIN && !$CORPUS) ||
(!$TRAIN && !$MODEL)) {
print "Compound splitter\n";
print "-----------------\n\n";
print "train: compound-splitter -train -corpus txt-file -model new-model\n";
print "apply: compound-splitter -model trained-model < in > out\n";
print "options: -min-size: minimum word size (default $MIN_SIZE)\n";
print " -min-count: minimum word count (default $MIN_COUNT)\n";
print " -filler: filler letters between words (default $FILLER)\n";
print " -factor: factored data, assuming factor 0 as surface (default $FACTORED)\n";
print " -syntax: syntactically parsed data (default $SYNTAX)\n";
print " -mark-split: mark non-terminal label of split words (default $MARK_SPLIT)\n";
print " -binarize: binarize subtree for split word (default $BINARIZE)\n";
if ($TRAIN) {
if ($SYNTAX) { &train_syntax(); }
elsif ($FACTORED) { &train_factored(); }
else { &train(); }
else {
sub train {
my %COUNT;
open(CORPUS,$CORPUS) || die("ERROR: could not open corpus '$CORPUS'");
while(<CORPUS>) {
chop; s/\s+/ /g; s/^ //; s/ $//;
foreach (split) {
sub save_trained_model {
my ($COUNT) = @_;
my $id = 0;
foreach my $word (keys %$COUNT) {
print MODEL "".(++$id)."\t".$word."\t".$$COUNT{$word}."\n";
print STDERR "written model file with ".(scalar keys %$COUNT)." words.\n";
sub train_factored {
# collect counts for interpretations for each surface word
open(CORPUS,$CORPUS) || die("ERROR: could not open corpus '$CORPUS'");
while(<CORPUS>) {
chop; s/\s+/ /g; s/^ //; s/ $//;
foreach my $factored_word (split) {
my $word = $factored_word;
$word =~ s/\|.+//g; # just first factor
# only preserve most frequent interpretation, assign sum of counts
foreach my $word (keys %FACTORED_COUNT) {
my ($max,$best,$total) = (0,"",0);
foreach my $factored_word (keys %{$FACTORED_COUNT{$word}}) {
my $count = $FACTORED_COUNT{$word}{$factored_word};
$total += $count;
if ($count > $max) {
$max = $count;
$best = $factored_word;
$COUNT{$best} = $total;
sub train_syntax {
# collect counts for interpretations for each surface word
open(CORPUS,$CORPUS) || die("ERROR: could not open corpus '$CORPUS'");
while(<CORPUS>) {
chop; s/\s+/ /g; s/^ //; s/ $//;
my $label;
foreach (split) {
if (/^label="([^\"]+)"/) {
$label = $1;
elsif (! /^</) {
# only preserve most frequent label, assign sum of counts
foreach my $word (keys %LABELED_COUNT) {
my ($max,$best,$total) = (0,"",0);
foreach my $label (keys %{$LABELED_COUNT{$word}}) {
my $count = $LABELED_COUNT{$word}{$label};
$total += $count;
if ($count > $max) {
$max = $count;
$best = "$word $label";
$COUNT{$best} = $total;
sub apply {
open(MODEL,$MODEL) || die("ERROR: could not open model '$MODEL'");
while(<MODEL>) {
my ($id,$factored_word,$count) = split(/\t/);
my $label;
($factored_word,$label) = split(/ /,$factored_word);
my $word = $factored_word;
$word =~ s/\|.+//g; # just first factor
my $lc = lc($word);
# if word exists with multipe casings, only record most frequent
next if defined($COUNT{$lc}) && $COUNT{$lc} > $count;
$COUNT{$lc} = $count;
$TRUECASE{$lc} = $factored_word;
$LABEL{$lc} = $label if $SYNTAX;
while(<STDIN>) {
my $first = 1;
chop; s/\s+/ /g; s/^ //; s/ $//;
my @BUFFER; # for xml tags
foreach my $factored_word (split) {
print " " unless $first;
$first = 0;
# syntax: don't split xml
if ($SYNTAX && ($factored_word =~ /^</ || $factored_word =~ />$/)) {
push @BUFFER,$factored_word;
$first = 1;
# get case class
my $word = $factored_word;
$word =~ s/\|.+//g; # just first factor
my $lc = lc($word);
print STDERR "considering $word ($lc)...\n" if $VERBOSE;
# don't split frequent words
if ((defined($COUNT{$lc}) && $COUNT{$lc}>=$MAX_COUNT) ||
$lc !~ /[a-zA-Z]/) {; # has to have at least one letter
print join(" ",@BUFFER)." " if scalar(@BUFFER); @BUFFER = (); # clear buffer
print $factored_word;
print STDERR "\tfrequent word ($COUNT{$lc}>=$MAX_COUNT), skipping\n" if $VERBOSE;
# consider possible splits
my $final = length($word)-1;
for(my $i=0;$i<=$final;$i++) { $REACHABLE{$i} = (); }
print STDERR "splitting $word:\n" if $VERBOSE;
for(my $end=$MIN_SIZE;$end<length($word);$end++) {
for(my $start=0;$start<=$end-$MIN_SIZE;$start++) {
next unless $start == 0 || defined($REACHABLE{$start-1});
foreach my $filler (split(/:/,$FILLER)) {
next if $start == 0 && $filler ne "";
next if lc(substr($word,$start,length($filler))) ne $filler;
my $subword = lc(substr($word,
next unless defined($COUNT{$subword});
next unless $COUNT{$subword} >= $MIN_COUNT;
print STDERR "\tmatching word $start .. $end ($filler)$subword $COUNT{$subword}\n" if $VERBOSE;
push @{$REACHABLE{$end}},"$start $TRUECASE{$subword} $COUNT{$subword}";
# no matches at all?
if (!defined($REACHABLE{$final})) {
print join(" ",@BUFFER)." " if scalar(@BUFFER); @BUFFER = (); # clear buffer
print $factored_word;
my ($best_split,$best_score) = ("",0);
for(my $i=0;$i<=$final;$i++) { $ITERATOR{$i}=0; }
my $done = 0;
while(1) {
# read off word
my ($pos,$decomp,$score,$num,@INDEX) = ($final,"",1,0);
while($pos>0) {
last unless scalar @{$REACHABLE{$pos}} > $ITERATOR{$pos}; # dead end?
my ($nextpos,$subword,$count)
= split(/ /,$REACHABLE{$pos}[ $ITERATOR{$pos} ]);
$decomp = $subword." ".$decomp;
$score *= $count;
push @INDEX,$pos;
# print STDERR "($nextpos-$pos,$decomp,$score,$num)\n";
$pos = $nextpos-1;
print STDERR "\tsplit: $decomp ($score ** 1/$num) = ".($score ** (1/$num))."\n" if $VERBOSE;
$score **= 1/$num;
if ($score>$best_score) {
$best_score = $score;
$best_split = $decomp;
# increase iterator
my $increase = -1;
while($increase<$final) {
$increase = pop @INDEX;
last if scalar @{$REACHABLE{$increase}} > $ITERATOR{$increase};
last unless scalar @{$REACHABLE{$final}} > $ITERATOR{$final};
for(my $i=0;$i<$increase;$i++) { $ITERATOR{$i}=0; }
if ($best_split !~ / /) {
print join(" ",@BUFFER)." " if scalar(@BUFFER); @BUFFER = (); # clear buffer
print $factored_word; # do not change case for unsplit words
if (!$SYNTAX) {
print $best_split;
else {
$BUFFER[$#BUFFER] =~ s/label=\"/label=\"SPLIT-/ if $MARK_SPLIT;
$BUFFER[$#BUFFER] =~ /label=\"([^\"]+)\"/ || die("ERROR: $BUFFER[$#BUFFER]\n");
my $pos = $1;
print join(" ",@BUFFER)." " if scalar(@BUFFER); @BUFFER = (); # clear buffer
my @SPLIT = split(/ /,$best_split);
my @OUT = ();
if ($BINARIZE) {
for(my $w=0;$w<scalar(@SPLIT)-2;$w++) {
push @OUT,"<tree label=\"\@$pos\">";
for(my $w=0;$w<scalar(@SPLIT);$w++) {
if ($BINARIZE && $w>=2) { push @OUT, "</tree>"; }
push @OUT,"<tree label=\"".$LABEL{lc($SPLIT[$w])}."\"> $SPLIT[$w] </tree>";
print join(" ",@OUT);
print " ".join(" ",@BUFFER) if scalar(@BUFFER); @BUFFER = (); # clear buffer
print "\n";