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### directory in which experiment is run
working-dir = WORKDIR/ems_workdir
# Giza and friends
external-bin-dir = WORKDIR/giza-pp/bin/
# specification of the language pair
input-extension = fr
output-extension = en
pair-extension = fr-en
### directories that contain tools and data
# moses
moses-src-dir = WORKDIR
# moses scripts
moses-script-dir = WORKDIR/scripts
# srilm
# data
toy-data = $moses-script-dir/ems/example/data
### basic tools
# moses decoder
decoder = $moses-src-dir/bin/moses
# conversion of phrase table into binary on-disk format
ttable-binarizer = $moses-src-dir/bin/processPhraseTable
# conversion of rule table into binary on-disk format
#ttable-binarizer = "$moses-src-dir/CreateOnDisk/src/CreateOnDiskPt 1 1 5 100 2"
# tokenizers - comment out if all your data is already tokenized
input-tokenizer = "$moses-script-dir/tokenizer/tokenizer.perl -a -l $input-extension"
output-tokenizer = "$moses-script-dir/tokenizer/tokenizer.perl -a -l $output-extension"
# truecasers - comment out if you do not use the truecaser
input-truecaser = $moses-script-dir/recaser/truecase.perl
output-truecaser = $moses-script-dir/recaser/truecase.perl
detruecaser = $moses-script-dir/recaser/detruecase.perl
### generic parallelizer for cluster and multi-core machines
# you may specify a script that allows the parallel execution
# parallizable steps (see meta file). you also need specify
# the number of jobs (cluster) or cores (multicore)
#generic-parallelizer = $moses-script-dir/ems/support/generic-parallelizer.perl
#generic-parallelizer = $moses-script-dir/ems/support/generic-multicore-parallelizer.perl
### cluster settings (if run on a cluster machine)
# number of jobs to be submitted in parallel
#jobs = 10
# arguments to qsub when scheduling a job
#qsub-settings = ""
# project for priviledges and usage accounting
#qsub-project = iccs_smt
# memory and time
#qsub-memory = 4
#qsub-hours = 48
### multi-core settings
# when the generic parallelizer is used, the number of cores
# specified here
cores = 8
# create a tokenized, sentence-aligned corpus, ready for training
### long sentences are filtered out, since they slow down GIZA++
# and are a less reliable source of data. set here the maximum
# length of a sentence
max-sentence-length = 80
### command to run to get raw corpus files
# get-corpus-script =
### raw corpus files (untokenized, but sentence aligned)
raw-stem = $toy-data/nc-5k
### tokenized corpus files (may contain long sentences)
#tokenized-stem =
### if sentence filtering should be skipped,
# point to the clean training data
#clean-stem =
### if corpus preparation should be skipped,
# point to the prepared training data
#lowercased-stem =
### tool to be used for language model training
# for instance: ngram-count (SRILM), train-lm-on-disk.perl (Edinburgh)
lm-training = $srilm-dir/ngram-count
settings = "-interpolate -kndiscount -unk"
order = 5
### tool to be used for training randomized language model from scratch
# (more commonly, a SRILM is trained)
#rlm-training = "$moses-src-dir/randlm/bin/buildlm -falsepos 8 -values 8"
### script to use for binary table format for irstlm or kenlm
# (default: no binarization)
# irstlm
#lm-binarizer = $moses-src-dir/irstlm/bin/compile-lm
# kenlm, also set type to 8
#lm-binarizer = $moses-src-dir/kenlm/build_binary
type = 8
### script to create quantized language model format (irstlm)
# (default: no quantization)
#lm-quantizer = $moses-src-dir/irstlm/bin/quantize-lm
### script to use for converting into randomized table format
# (default: no randomization)
#lm-randomizer = "$moses-src-dir/randlm/bin/buildlm -falsepos 8 -values 8"
### each language model to be used has its own section here
### command to run to get raw corpus files
#get-corpus-script = ""
type = 8
### raw corpus (untokenized)
raw-corpus = $toy-data/nc-5k.$output-extension
### tokenized corpus files (may contain long sentences)
#tokenized-corpus =
### if corpus preparation should be skipped,
# point to the prepared language model
#lm =
### training script to be used: either a legacy script or
# current moses training script (default)
script = $moses-script-dir/training/train-model.perl
### general options
#training-options = ""
### factored training: specify here which factors used
# if none specified, single factor training is assumed
# (one translation step, surface to surface)
#input-factors = word lemma pos morph
#output-factors = word lemma pos
#alignment-factors = "word -> word"
#translation-factors = "word -> word"
#reordering-factors = "word -> word"
#generation-factors = "word -> pos"
#decoding-steps = "t0, g0"
### pre-computation for giza++
# giza++ has a more efficient data structure that needs to be
# initialized with snt2cooc. if run in parallel, this may reduces
# memory requirements. set here the number of parts
run-giza-in-parts = 5
### symmetrization method to obtain word alignments from giza output
# (commonly used: grow-diag-final-and)
alignment-symmetrization-method = grow-diag-final-and
### use of berkeley aligner for word alignment
#use-berkeley = true
#alignment-symmetrization-method = berkeley
#berkeley-train = $moses-script-dir/ems/support/berkeley-train.sh
#berkeley-process = $moses-script-dir/ems/support/berkeley-process.sh
#berkeley-jar = /your/path/to/berkeleyaligner-1.1/berkeleyaligner.jar
#berkeley-java-options = "-server -mx30000m -ea"
#berkeley-training-options = "-Main.iters 5 5 -EMWordAligner.numThreads 8"
#berkeley-process-options = "-EMWordAligner.numThreads 8"
#berkeley-posterior = 0.5
### if word alignment should be skipped,
# point to word alignment files
#word-alignment = $working-dir/model/aligned.1
### create a bilingual concordancer for the model
#biconcor = $moses-script-dir/ems/biconcor/biconcor
### lexicalized reordering: specify orientation type
# (default: only distance-based reordering model)
lexicalized-reordering = msd-bidirectional-fe
### hierarchical rule set
#hierarchical-rule-set = true
### settings for rule extraction
#extract-settings = ""
### unknown word labels (target syntax only)
# enables use of unknown word labels during decoding
# label file is generated during rule extraction
#use-unknown-word-labels = true
### if phrase extraction should be skipped,
# point to stem for extract files
# extracted-phrases =
### settings for rule scoring
score-settings = "--GoodTuring"
### include word alignment in phrase table
#include-word-alignment-in-rules = yes
### if phrase table training should be skipped,
# point to phrase translation table
# phrase-translation-table =
### if reordering table training should be skipped,
# point to reordering table
# reordering-table =
### if training should be skipped,
# point to a configuration file that contains
# pointers to all relevant model files
#config =
### TUNING: finding good weights for model components
### instead of tuning with this setting, old weights may be recycled
# specify here an old configuration file with matching weights
weight-config = $toy-data/weight.ini
### tuning script to be used
tuning-script = $moses-script-dir/training/mert-moses.pl
tuning-settings = "-mertdir $moses-src-dir/mert"
### specify the corpus used for tuning
# it should contain 1000s of sentences
#input-sgm =
#raw-input =
#tokenized-input =
#factorized-input =
#input =
#reference-sgm =
#raw-reference =
#tokenized-reference =
#factorized-reference =
#reference =
### size of n-best list used (typically 100)
nbest = 100
### ranges for weights for random initialization
# if not specified, the tuning script will use generic ranges
# it is not clear, if this matters
# lambda =
### additional flags for the filter script
filter-settings = ""
### additional flags for the decoder
decoder-settings = ""
### if tuning should be skipped, specify this here
# and also point to a configuration file that contains
# pointers to all relevant model files
#config =
## RECASER: restore case, this part only trains the model
#decoder = $moses-src-dir/moses-cmd/src/moses.1521.srilm
### training data
# raw input needs to be still tokenized,
# also also tokenized input may be specified
#tokenized = [LM:europarl:tokenized-corpus]
# recase-config =
#lm-training = $srilm-dir/ngram-count
## TRUECASER: train model to truecase corpora and input
### script to train truecaser models
trainer = $moses-script-dir/recaser/train-truecaser.perl
### training data
# data on which truecaser is trained
# if no training data is specified, parallel corpus is used
# raw-stem =
# tokenized-stem =
### trained model
# truecase-model =
## EVALUATION: translating a test set using the tuned system and score it
### additional flags for the filter script
#filter-settings = ""
### additional decoder settings
# switches for the Moses decoder
decoder-settings = "-search-algorithm 1 -cube-pruning-pop-limit 5000 -s 5000"
### specify size of n-best list, if produced
#nbest = 100
### multiple reference translations
#multiref = yes
### prepare system output for scoring
# this may include detokenization and wrapping output in sgm
# (needed for nist-bleu, ter, meteor)
detokenizer = "$moses-script-dir/tokenizer/detokenizer.perl -l $output-extension"
#recaser = $moses-script-dir/recaser/recase.perl
wrapping-script = "$moses-script-dir/ems/support/wrap-xml.perl $output-extension"
#output-sgm =
### BLEU
nist-bleu = $moses-script-dir/generic/mteval-v12.pl
nist-bleu-c = "$moses-script-dir/generic/mteval-v12.pl -c"
#multi-bleu = $moses-script-dir/generic/multi-bleu.perl
#ibm-bleu =
### TER: translation error rate (BBN metric) based on edit distance
# not yet integrated
# ter =
### METEOR: gives credit to stem / worknet synonym matches
# not yet integrated
# meteor =
### Analysis: carry out various forms of analysis on the output
analysis = $moses-script-dir/ems/support/analysis.perl
# also report on input coverage
analyze-coverage = yes
# also report on phrase mappings used
report-segmentation = yes
# report precision of translations for each input word, broken down by
# count of input word in corpus and model
#report-precision-by-coverage = yes
# further precision breakdown by factor
#precision-by-coverage-factor = pos
### input data
input-sgm = $toy-data/test-src.$input-extension.sgm
# raw-input =
# tokenized-input =
# factorized-input =
# input =
### reference data
reference-sgm = $toy-data/test-ref.$output-extension.sgm
# raw-reference =
# tokenized-reference =
# reference =
### analysis settings
# may contain any of the general evaluation analysis settings
# specific setting: base coverage statistics on earlier run
#precision-by-coverage-base = $working-dir/evaluation/test.analysis.5
### wrapping frame
# for nist-bleu and other scoring scripts, the output needs to be wrapped
# in sgm markup (typically like the input sgm)
wrapping-frame = $input-sgm
### REPORTING: summarize evaluation scores
### currently no parameters for reporting section