Matthias Huck 3a5dee12e8 implementation of phrase orientation in GHKM extraction
(...but a corresponding feature function for the chart-based decoder has not been written yet)
2014-07-28 18:27:12 +01:00

559 lines
20 KiB

Moses - factored phrase-based language decoder
Copyright (C) 2009 University of Edinburgh
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include <sstream>
#include "ExtractionPhrasePair.h"
#include "tables-core.h"
#include "score.h"
#include "moses/Util.h"
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
namespace MosesTraining {
extern Vocabulary vcbT;
extern Vocabulary vcbS;
extern bool hierarchicalFlag;
ExtractionPhrasePair::ExtractionPhrasePair( const PHRASE *phraseSource,
const PHRASE *phraseTarget,
ALIGNMENT *targetToSourceAlignment,
float count, float pcfgSum ) :
m_count = count;
m_pcfgSum = pcfgSum;
std::pair< std::map<ALIGNMENT*,float>::iterator, bool > insertedAlignment =
m_targetToSourceAlignments.insert( std::pair<ALIGNMENT*,float>(targetToSourceAlignment,count) );
m_lastTargetToSourceAlignment = insertedAlignment.first;
m_lastCount = m_count;
m_lastPcfgSum = m_pcfgSum;
m_isValid = true;
ExtractionPhrasePair::~ExtractionPhrasePair( ) {
// return value: true if the given alignment was seen for the first time and thus will be stored,
// false if it was present already (the pointer may thus be deleted(
bool ExtractionPhrasePair::Add( ALIGNMENT *targetToSourceAlignment,
float count, float pcfgSum )
m_count += count;
m_pcfgSum += pcfgSum;
m_lastCount = count;
m_lastPcfgSum = pcfgSum;
std::map<ALIGNMENT*,float>::iterator iter = m_lastTargetToSourceAlignment;
if ( *(iter->first) == *targetToSourceAlignment ) {
iter->second += count;
return false;
} else {
std::pair< std::map<ALIGNMENT*,float>::iterator, bool > insertedAlignment =
m_targetToSourceAlignments.insert( std::pair<ALIGNMENT*,float>(targetToSourceAlignment,count) );
if ( !insertedAlignment.second ) {
// the alignment already exists: increment count
insertedAlignment.first->second += count;
return false;
m_lastTargetToSourceAlignment = insertedAlignment.first;
return true;
void ExtractionPhrasePair::IncrementPrevious( float count, float pcfgSum )
m_count += count;
m_pcfgSum += pcfgSum;
m_lastTargetToSourceAlignment->second += count;
// properties
for ( std::map<std::string, std::pair< PROPERTY_VALUES*, LAST_PROPERTY_VALUE* > >::iterator iter=m_properties.begin();
iter !=m_properties.end(); ++iter ) {
LAST_PROPERTY_VALUE *lastPropertyValue = (iter->second).second;
(*lastPropertyValue)->second += count;
m_lastCount = count;
m_lastPcfgSum = pcfgSum;
// Check for lexical match
// and in case of SCFG rules for equal non-terminal alignment.
bool ExtractionPhrasePair::Matches( const PHRASE *otherPhraseSource,
const PHRASE *otherPhraseTarget,
ALIGNMENT *otherTargetToSourceAlignment ) const
if (*otherPhraseTarget != *m_phraseTarget) {
return false;
if (*otherPhraseSource != *m_phraseSource) {
return false;
return MatchesAlignment( otherTargetToSourceAlignment );
// Check for lexical match
// and in case of SCFG rules for equal non-terminal alignment.
// Set boolean indicators.
// (Note that we check in the order: target - source - alignment
// and do not touch the subsequent boolean indicators once a previous one has been set to false.)
bool ExtractionPhrasePair::Matches( const PHRASE *otherPhraseSource,
const PHRASE *otherPhraseTarget,
ALIGNMENT *otherTargetToSourceAlignment,
bool &sourceMatch,
bool &targetMatch,
bool &alignmentMatch ) const
if (*otherPhraseSource != *m_phraseSource) {
sourceMatch = false;
return false;
} else {
sourceMatch = true;
if (*otherPhraseTarget != *m_phraseTarget) {
targetMatch = false;
return false;
} else {
targetMatch = true;
if ( !MatchesAlignment(otherTargetToSourceAlignment) ) {
alignmentMatch = false;
return false;
} else {
alignmentMatch = true;
return true;
// Check for equal non-terminal alignment in case of SCFG rules.
// Precondition: otherTargetToSourceAlignment has the same size as m_targetToSourceAlignments.begin()->first
bool ExtractionPhrasePair::MatchesAlignment( ALIGNMENT *otherTargetToSourceAlignment ) const
if (!hierarchicalFlag) return true;
// all or none of the phrasePair's word alignment matrices match, so just pick one
const ALIGNMENT *thisTargetToSourceAlignment = m_targetToSourceAlignments.begin()->first;
assert(m_phraseTarget->size() == thisTargetToSourceAlignment->size() + 1);
assert(thisTargetToSourceAlignment->size() == otherTargetToSourceAlignment->size());
// loop over all symbols but the left hand side of the rule
for (size_t i=0; i<thisTargetToSourceAlignment->size()-1; ++i) {
if (isNonTerminal( vcbT.getWord( m_phraseTarget->at(i) ) )) {
size_t thisAlign = *(thisTargetToSourceAlignment->at(i).begin());
size_t otherAlign = *(otherTargetToSourceAlignment->at(i).begin());
if (thisTargetToSourceAlignment->at(i).size() != 1 ||
otherTargetToSourceAlignment->at(i).size() != 1 ||
thisAlign != otherAlign) {
return false;
return true;
void ExtractionPhrasePair::Clear()
delete m_phraseSource;
delete m_phraseTarget;
m_count = 0.0f;
m_pcfgSum = 0.0f;
for ( std::map<ALIGNMENT*,float>::iterator iter=m_targetToSourceAlignments.begin();
iter!=m_targetToSourceAlignments.end(); ++iter) {
delete iter->first;
for ( std::map<std::string, std::pair< PROPERTY_VALUES*, LAST_PROPERTY_VALUE* > >::iterator iter=m_properties.begin();
iter!=m_properties.end(); ++iter) {
delete (iter->second).second;
delete (iter->second).first;
m_lastCount = 0.0f;
m_lastPcfgSum = 0.0f;
m_lastTargetToSourceAlignment = m_targetToSourceAlignments.begin();
m_isValid = false;
void ExtractionPhrasePair::AddProperties( const std::string &propertiesString, float count )
if (propertiesString.empty()) {
vector<std::string> toks;
Moses::TokenizeMultiCharSeparator(toks, propertiesString, "{{");
for (size_t i = 1; i < toks.size(); ++i) {
std::string &tok = toks[i];
if (tok.empty()) {
size_t endPos = tok.rfind("}");
tok = tok.substr(0, endPos - 1);
vector<std::string> keyValue = Moses::TokenizeFirstOnly(tok, " ");
assert(keyValue.size() == 2);
AddProperty(keyValue[0], keyValue[1], count);
const ALIGNMENT *ExtractionPhrasePair::FindBestAlignmentTargetToSource() const
float bestAlignmentCount = -1;
std::map<ALIGNMENT*,float>::const_iterator bestAlignment = m_targetToSourceAlignments.end();
for (std::map<ALIGNMENT*,float>::const_iterator iter=m_targetToSourceAlignments.begin();
iter!=m_targetToSourceAlignments.end(); ++iter) {
if ( (iter->second > bestAlignmentCount) ||
( (iter->second == bestAlignmentCount) &&
(*(iter->first) > *(bestAlignment->first)) ) ) {
bestAlignmentCount = iter->second;
bestAlignment = iter;
if ( bestAlignment == m_targetToSourceAlignments.end()) {
return NULL;
return bestAlignment->first;
const std::string *ExtractionPhrasePair::FindBestPropertyValue(const std::string &key) const
float bestPropertyCount = -1;
const PROPERTY_VALUES *allPropertyValues = GetProperty( key );
if ( allPropertyValues == NULL ) {
return NULL;
PROPERTY_VALUES::const_iterator bestPropertyValue = allPropertyValues->end();
for (PROPERTY_VALUES::const_iterator iter=allPropertyValues->begin();
iter!=allPropertyValues->end(); ++iter) {
if ( (iter->second > bestPropertyCount) ||
( (iter->second == bestPropertyCount) &&
(iter->first > bestPropertyValue->first) ) ) {
bestPropertyCount = iter->second;
bestPropertyValue = iter;
if ( bestPropertyValue == allPropertyValues->end()) {
return NULL;
return &(bestPropertyValue->first);
std::string ExtractionPhrasePair::CollectAllPropertyValues(const std::string &key) const
const PROPERTY_VALUES *allPropertyValues = GetProperty( key );
if ( allPropertyValues == NULL ) {
return "";
std::ostringstream oss;
for (PROPERTY_VALUES::const_iterator iter=allPropertyValues->begin();
iter!=allPropertyValues->end(); ++iter) {
if (iter!=allPropertyValues->begin()) {
oss << " ";
oss << iter->first;
oss << " ";
oss << iter->second;
std::string allPropertyValuesString(oss.str());
return allPropertyValuesString;
std::string ExtractionPhrasePair::CollectAllLabelsSeparateLHSAndRHS(const std::string& propertyKey,
std::set<std::string>& labelSet,
boost::unordered_map<std::string,float>& countsLabelsLHS,
boost::unordered_map<std::string, boost::unordered_map<std::string,float>* >& jointCountsRulesTargetLHSAndLabelsLHS,
Vocabulary &vcbT) const
const PROPERTY_VALUES *allPropertyValues = GetProperty( propertyKey );
if ( allPropertyValues == NULL ) {
return "";
std::string lhs="", rhs="", currentRhs="";
float currentRhsCount = 0.0;
std::list< std::pair<std::string,float> > lhsGivenCurrentRhsCounts;
std::ostringstream oss;
for (PROPERTY_VALUES::const_iterator iter=allPropertyValues->begin();
iter!=allPropertyValues->end(); ++iter) {
size_t space = (iter->first).find_last_of(' ');
if ( space == string::npos ) {
lhs = iter->first;
} else {
lhs = (iter->first).substr(space+1);
rhs = (iter->first).substr(0,space);
if ( ) {
if ( iter!=allPropertyValues->begin() ) {
if ( !currentRhs.empty() ) {
istringstream tokenizer(currentRhs);
std::string rhsLabel;
while ( tokenizer.peek() != EOF ) {
tokenizer >> rhsLabel;
oss << " " << currentRhs << " " << currentRhsCount;
if ( lhsGivenCurrentRhsCounts.size() > 0 ) {
if ( !currentRhs.empty() ) {
oss << " " << lhsGivenCurrentRhsCounts.size();
for ( std::list< std::pair<std::string,float> >::const_iterator iter2=lhsGivenCurrentRhsCounts.begin();
iter2!=lhsGivenCurrentRhsCounts.end(); ++iter2 ) {
oss << " " << iter2->first << " " << iter2->second;
// update countsLabelsLHS and jointCountsRulesTargetLHSAndLabelsLHS
std::string ruleTargetLhs = vcbT.getWord(m_phraseTarget->back());
ruleTargetLhs.erase(ruleTargetLhs.begin()); // strip square brackets
std::pair< boost::unordered_map<std::string,float>::iterator, bool > insertedCountsLabelsLHS =
if (!insertedCountsLabelsLHS.second) {
(insertedCountsLabelsLHS.first)->second += iter2->second;
boost::unordered_map<std::string, boost::unordered_map<std::string,float>* >::iterator jointCountsRulesTargetLHSAndLabelsLHSIter =
if ( jointCountsRulesTargetLHSAndLabelsLHSIter == jointCountsRulesTargetLHSAndLabelsLHS.end() ) {
boost::unordered_map<std::string,float>* jointCounts = new boost::unordered_map<std::string,float>;
jointCountsRulesTargetLHSAndLabelsLHS.insert(std::pair<std::string,boost::unordered_map<std::string,float>* >(ruleTargetLhs,jointCounts));
} else {
boost::unordered_map<std::string,float>* jointCounts = jointCountsRulesTargetLHSAndLabelsLHSIter->second;
std::pair< boost::unordered_map<std::string,float>::iterator, bool > insertedJointCounts =
if (!insertedJointCounts.second) {
(insertedJointCounts.first)->second += iter2->second;
currentRhsCount = 0.0;
currentRhs = rhs;
currentRhsCount += iter->second;
lhsGivenCurrentRhsCounts.push_back( std::pair<std::string,float>(lhs,iter->second) );
if ( !currentRhs.empty() ) {
istringstream tokenizer(currentRhs);
std::string rhsLabel;
while ( tokenizer.peek() != EOF ) {
tokenizer >> rhsLabel;
oss << " " << currentRhs << " " << currentRhsCount;
if ( lhsGivenCurrentRhsCounts.size() > 0 ) {
if ( !currentRhs.empty() ) {
oss << " " << lhsGivenCurrentRhsCounts.size();
for ( std::list< std::pair<std::string,float> >::const_iterator iter2=lhsGivenCurrentRhsCounts.begin();
iter2!=lhsGivenCurrentRhsCounts.end(); ++iter2 ) {
oss << " " << iter2->first << " " << iter2->second;
// update countsLabelsLHS and jointCountsRulesTargetLHSAndLabelsLHS
std::string ruleTargetLhs = vcbT.getWord(m_phraseTarget->back());
ruleTargetLhs.erase(ruleTargetLhs.begin()); // strip square brackets
std::pair< boost::unordered_map<std::string,float>::iterator, bool > insertedCountsLabelsLHS =
if (!insertedCountsLabelsLHS.second) {
(insertedCountsLabelsLHS.first)->second += iter2->second;
boost::unordered_map<std::string, boost::unordered_map<std::string,float>* >::iterator jointCountsRulesTargetLHSAndLabelsLHSIter =
if ( jointCountsRulesTargetLHSAndLabelsLHSIter == jointCountsRulesTargetLHSAndLabelsLHS.end() ) {
boost::unordered_map<std::string,float>* jointCounts = new boost::unordered_map<std::string,float>;
jointCountsRulesTargetLHSAndLabelsLHS.insert(std::pair<std::string,boost::unordered_map<std::string,float>* >(ruleTargetLhs,jointCounts));
} else {
boost::unordered_map<std::string,float>* jointCounts = jointCountsRulesTargetLHSAndLabelsLHSIter->second;
std::pair< boost::unordered_map<std::string,float>::iterator, bool > insertedJointCounts =
if (!insertedJointCounts.second) {
(insertedJointCounts.first)->second += iter2->second;
std::string allPropertyValuesString(oss.str());
return allPropertyValuesString;
void ExtractionPhrasePair::CollectAllPhraseOrientations(const std::string &key,
const std::vector<float> &orientationClassPriorsL2R,
const std::vector<float> &orientationClassPriorsR2L,
double smoothingFactor,
std::ostream &out) const
assert(orientationClassPriorsL2R.size()==4 && orientationClassPriorsR2L.size()==4); // mono swap dright dleft
const PROPERTY_VALUES *allPropertyValues = GetProperty( key );
if ( allPropertyValues == NULL ) {
// bidirectional MSLR phrase orientation with 2x4 orientation classes:
// mono swap dright dleft
std::vector<float> orientationClassCountSumL2R(4,0);
std::vector<float> orientationClassCountSumR2L(4,0);
for (PROPERTY_VALUES::const_iterator iter=allPropertyValues->begin();
iter!=allPropertyValues->end(); ++iter) {
std::string l2rOrientationClass, r2lOrientationClass;
try {
istringstream tokenizer(iter->first);
tokenizer >> l2rOrientationClass;
tokenizer >> r2lOrientationClass;
if ( tokenizer.peek() != EOF ) {
UTIL_THROW(util::Exception, "ExtractionPhrasePair"
<< ": Collecting phrase orientations failed. "
<< "Too many tokens?");
} catch (const std::exception &e) {
UTIL_THROW(util::Exception, "ExtractionPhrasePair"
<< ": Collecting phrase orientations failed. "
<< "Flawed property value in extract file?");
int l2rOrientationClassId = -1;
if (!"mono")) {
l2rOrientationClassId = 0;
if (!"swap")) {
l2rOrientationClassId = 1;
if (!"dright")) {
l2rOrientationClassId = 2;
if (!"dleft")) {
l2rOrientationClassId = 3;
if (l2rOrientationClassId == -1) {
UTIL_THROW(util::Exception, "ExtractionPhrasePair"
<< ": Collecting phrase orientations failed. "
<< "Unknown orientation class \"" << l2rOrientationClass << "\"." );
int r2lOrientationClassId = -1;
if (!"mono")) {
r2lOrientationClassId = 0;
if (!"swap")) {
r2lOrientationClassId = 1;
if (!"dright")) {
r2lOrientationClassId = 2;
if (!"dleft")) {
r2lOrientationClassId = 3;
if (r2lOrientationClassId == -1) {
UTIL_THROW(util::Exception, "ExtractionPhrasePair"
<< ": Collecting phrase orientations failed. "
<< "Unknown orientation class \"" << r2lOrientationClass << "\"." );
orientationClassCountSumL2R[l2rOrientationClassId] += iter->second;
orientationClassCountSumR2L[r2lOrientationClassId] += iter->second;
for (size_t i=0; i<4; ++i) {
if (i>0) {
out << " ";
out << (float)( (smoothingFactor*orientationClassPriorsL2R[i] + orientationClassCountSumL2R[i]) / (smoothingFactor + m_count) );
for (size_t i=0; i<4; ++i) {
out << " " << (float)( (smoothingFactor*orientationClassPriorsR2L[i] + orientationClassCountSumR2L[i]) / (smoothingFactor + m_count) );