2008-05-14 13:36:55 +00:00

186 lines
5.4 KiB
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#include "BleuScorer.h"
const int BleuScorer::LENGTH = 4;
* Tokenise line and encode.
* Note: We assume that all tokens are separated by single spaces
void BleuScorer::encode(const string& line, vector<int>& encoded) {
//cerr << line << endl;
istringstream in (line);
string token;
while (in >> token) {
if (!_preserveCase) {
for (string::iterator i = token.begin(); i != token.end(); ++i) {
*i = tolower(*i);
encodings_it encoding = _encodings.find(token);
int encoded_token;
if (encoding == _encodings.end()) {
encoded_token = (int)_encodings.size();
_encodings[token] = encoded_token;
//cerr << encoded_token << "(n) ";
} else {
encoded_token = encoding->second;
//cerr << encoded_token << " ";
//cerr << endl;
* count the ngrams of each type, up to the given length in the input line.
size_t BleuScorer::countNgrams(const string& line, counts_t& counts, unsigned int n) {
vector<int> encoded_tokens;
//cerr << line << endl;
//copy(encoded_tokens.begin(), encoded_tokens.end(), ostream_iterator<int>(cerr," "));
//cerr << endl;
for (size_t k = 1; k <= n; ++k) {
//ngram order longer than sentence - no point
if (k > encoded_tokens.size()) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < encoded_tokens.size()-k+1; ++i) {
vector<int> ngram;
for (size_t j = i; j < i+k && j < encoded_tokens.size(); ++j) {
int count = 1;
counts_it oldcount = counts.find(ngram);
if (oldcount != counts.end()) {
count = (oldcount->second) + 1;
//cerr << count << endl;
counts[ngram] = count;
//cerr << endl;
//cerr << "counted ngrams" << endl;
return encoded_tokens.size();
void BleuScorer::setReferenceFiles(const vector<string>& referenceFiles) {
//make sure reference data is clear
//load reference data
for (size_t i = 0; i < referenceFiles.size(); ++i) {
TRACE_ERR("Loading reference from " << referenceFiles[i] << endl);
ifstream refin(referenceFiles[i].c_str());
if (!refin) {
throw runtime_error("Unable to open" + referenceFiles[i]);
string line;
size_t sid = 0; //sentence counter
while (getline(refin,line)) {
//<2F>cerr << line << endl;
if (i == 0) {
counts_t* counts = new counts_t(); //these get leaked
vector<size_t> lengths;
if (_refcounts.size() <= sid) {
throw runtime_error("File " + referenceFiles[i] + " has too many sentences");
counts_t counts;
size_t length = countNgrams(line,counts,LENGTH);
//for any counts larger than those already there, merge them in
for (counts_it ci = counts.begin(); ci != counts.end(); ++ci) {
counts_it oldcount_it = _refcounts[sid]->find(ci->first);
int oldcount = 0;
if (oldcount_it != _refcounts[sid]->end()) {
oldcount = oldcount_it->second;
int newcount = ci->second;
if (newcount > oldcount) {
_refcounts[sid]->operator[](ci->first) = newcount;
//add in the length
if (sid > 0 && sid % 100 == 0) {
void BleuScorer::prepareStats(int sid, const string& text, ScoreStats& entry) {
if (sid >= _refcounts.size()) {
stringstream msg;
msg << "Sentence id (" << sid << ") not found in reference set";
throw runtime_error(msg.str());
counts_t testcounts;
//stats for this line
vector<float> stats(LENGTH*2);;
size_t length = countNgrams(text,testcounts,LENGTH);
if (_refLengthStrategy == SHORTEST) {
//cerr << reflengths.size() << " " << sid << endl;
int shortest = *min_element(_reflengths[sid].begin(),_reflengths[sid].end());
} else if (_refLengthStrategy == AVERAGE) {
int total = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < _reflengths[sid].size(); ++i) {
total += _reflengths[sid][i];
float mean = (float)total/_reflengths[sid].size();
} else if (_refLengthStrategy == CLOSEST) {
int min_diff = INT_MAX;
for (size_t i = 0; i < _reflengths[sid].size(); ++i) {
int reflength = _reflengths[sid][i];
if (abs(reflength-(int)length) < abs(min_diff)) {
min_diff = reflength-length;
stats.push_back(length + min_diff);
} else {
throw runtime_error("Unsupported reflength strategy");
//cerr << "computed length" << endl;
//precision on each ngram type
for (counts_it testcounts_it = testcounts.begin();
testcounts_it != testcounts.end(); ++testcounts_it) {
counts_it refcounts_it = _refcounts[sid]->find(testcounts_it->first);
int correct = 0;
int guess = testcounts_it->second;
if (refcounts_it != _refcounts[sid]->end()) {
correct = min(refcounts_it->second,guess);
size_t len = testcounts_it->first.size();
stats[len*2-2] += correct;
stats[len*2-1] += guess;
stringstream sout;
copy(stats.begin(),stats.end(),ostream_iterator<float>(sout," "));
//TRACE_ERR(sout.str() << endl);
string stats_str = sout.str();
void BleuScorer::prepare(const vector<string>& referencefiles, const string& nbestfile) {
//processReferences(referencefiles, refcounts,reflengths,encodings);