
64 lines
1.8 KiB

#include "util/probing_hash_table.hh"
#include "util/scoped.hh"
#include "util/usage.hh"
#include <boost/random/mersenne_twister.hpp>
#include <boost/version.hpp>
#if BOOST_VERSION / 100000 < 1
#error BOOST_LIB_VERSION is to old. Time to upgrade.
#elif BOOST_VERSION / 100000 > 1 || BOOST_VERSION / 100 % 1000 > 46
#include <boost/random/uniform_int_distribution.hpp>
#define have_uniform_int_distribution
#include <boost/random/uniform_int.hpp>
#include <iostream>
namespace util {
namespace {
struct Entry {
typedef uint64_t Key;
Key key;
Key GetKey() const { return key; }
typedef util::ProbingHashTable<Entry, util::IdentityHash> Table;
void Test(uint64_t entries, uint64_t lookups, float multiplier = 1.5) {
std::size_t size = Table::Size(entries, multiplier);
scoped_malloc backing(util::CallocOrThrow(size));
Table table(backing.get(), size);
#ifdef have_uniform_int_distribution
boost::random::mt19937 gen;
boost::random::uniform_int_distribution<> dist(std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::min(), std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max());
boost::mt19937 gen;
boost::uniform_int<> dist(std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::min(), std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max());
double start = UserTime();
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < entries; ++i) {
Entry entry;
entry.key = dist(gen);
double inserted = UserTime();
bool meaningless = true;
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < lookups; ++i) {
Table::ConstIterator it;
meaningless ^= table.Find(dist(gen), it);
std::cout << meaningless << ' ' << entries << ' ' << multiplier << ' ' << (inserted - start) << ' ' << (UserTime() - inserted) / static_cast<double>(lookups) << std::endl;
} // namespace
} // namespace util
int main() {
for (uint64_t i = 1; i <= 10000000ULL; i *= 10) {
util::Test(i, 10000000);