Jeroen Vermeulen ef028446f3 Add license notices to scripts.
This is not pleasant to read (and much, much less pleasant to write!) but
sort of necessary in an open project.  Right now it's quite hard to figure
out what is licensed how, which doesn't matter much to most people but can
suddenly become very important when people want to know what they're being
allowed to do.

I kept the notices as short as I could.  As far as I could see, everything
without a clear license notice is LGPL v2.1 or later.
2015-05-29 18:30:26 +07:00

217 lines
6.2 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env perl
# This file is part of moses. Its use is licensed under the GNU Lesser General
# Public License version 2.1 or, at your option, any later version.
# $Id$
# given a moses.ini file, creates a fresh version of it
# in the current directory
# All relevant files are hardlinked or copied to the directory, too.
use warnings;
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
my @fixpath = ();
# specify search-replace pattern to fix paths.
# use a space to delimit source and target pathnames
my $symlink = 0; # prefer symlink over hardlink, but revert to hardlink or copy
# if symlink fails
"fixpath=s" => \@fixpath,
my @fixrepls = map {
my ($fixsrc, $fixtgt) = split / /, $_;
print STDERR "Will replace >$fixsrc< with >$fixtgt<\n";
[ $fixsrc, $fixtgt ];
} @fixpath;
my $ini = shift;
die "usage: /a/source/moses.ini" if !defined $ini;
die "./moses.ini exists, will not overwrite" if -e "moses.ini";
my %cnt; # count files per section
open INI, $ini or die "Can't read $ini";
open OUT, ">moses.ini" or die "Can't write ./moses.ini";
my $section = undef;
while (<INI>) {
if (/^\[([^\]]*)\]\s*$/) {
$section = $1;
if (/^[0-9]/) {
if ($section eq "ttable-file") {
my ($a, $b, $c, $d, $fn) = split(/ /, $_, 5);
if ( $a eq '8' ) {
# suffix arrays model: <src-corpus> <tgt-corpus> <alignment>.
my ($src, $tgt, $align) = split(/ /, $fn);
$src = fixpath($src);
$src = ensure_relative_from_origin($src, $ini);
$src = ensure_exists_or_gzipped_exists($src);
my $src_suffix = ($src =~ /\.gz$/ ? ".gz" : "");
clone_file_or_die($src, "./sa.src.$cnt{$section}$src_suffix");
$tgt = fixpath($tgt);
$tgt = ensure_relative_from_origin($tgt, $ini);
$tgt = ensure_exists_or_gzipped_exists($tgt);
my $tgt_suffix = ($tgt =~ /\.gz$/ ? ".gz" : "");
clone_file_or_die($tgt, "./sa.tgt.$cnt{$section}$tgt_suffix");
$align = fixpath($align);
$align = ensure_relative_from_origin($align, $ini);
$align = ensure_exists_or_gzipped_exists($align);
my $align_suffix = ($align =~ /\.gz$/ ? ".gz" : "");
clone_file_or_die($align, "./sa.align.$cnt{$section}$align_suffix");
$_ = "$a $b $c $d ./sa.src.$cnt{$section}$src_suffix ./sa.tgt.$cnt{$section}$tgt_suffix ./sa.align.$cnt{$section}$align_suffix\n";
elsif ( $a eq '1' ) {
# handle binarized phrase tables
$fn = ensure_relative_from_origin(fixpath($fn));
foreach my $suf (qw( idx srctree srcvoc tgtdata tgtvoc )) {
my $fullname = "$fn.binphr.$suf";
if (-f $fullname) {
clone_file_or_die($fullname, "./$section.$cnt{$section}.binphr.$suf");
} else {
die "Binary format specified but file $fullname not found!\n";
$_ = "$a $b $c $d ./$section.$cnt{$section}\n";
} else {
$fn = fixpath($fn);
$fn = ensure_relative_from_origin($fn, $ini);
$fn = ensure_exists_or_gzipped_exists($fn);
my $suffix = ($fn =~ /\.gz$/ ? ".gz" : "");
clone_file_or_die($fn, "./$section.$cnt{$section}$suffix");
$_ = "$a $b $c $d ./$section.$cnt{$section}$suffix\n";
if ($section eq "generation-file" || $section eq "lmodel-file") {
my ($a, $b, $c, $fn) = split / /;
$fn = fixpath($fn);
$fn = ensure_relative_from_origin($fn, $ini);
$fn = ensure_exists_or_gzipped_exists($fn);
my $suffix = ($fn =~ /\.gz$/ ? ".gz" : "");
clone_file_or_die($fn, "./$section.$cnt{$section}$suffix");
$_ = "$a $b $c ./$section.$cnt{$section}$suffix\n";
if ($section eq "distortion-file") {
my ($a, $b, $c, $fn) = split / /;
$fn = fixpath($fn);
$fn = ensure_relative_from_origin($fn, $ini);
$fn = ensure_exists_or_gzipped_exists($fn);
my $suffix = ($fn =~ /\.gz$/ ? ".gz" : "");
clone_file_or_die($fn, "./$section.$cnt{$section}$suffix");
$_ = "$a $b $c ./$section.$cnt{$section}$suffix\n";
print OUT $_;
close INI;
close OUT;
sub clone_file_or_die {
my $src = shift;
my $tgt = shift;
my $src = resolve($src); # resolve symlinks
my $ok = 0;
if ($symlink) {
# attemt a symlink
$ok = safesystem("ln", "-s", $src, $tgt);
if (!$ok) {
# perform a hardlink or a copy
if (! safesystem("ln", $src, $tgt)) {
# hardlink failed perform a copy
safesystem("cp", "-u", $src, $tgt)
or die "Failed to clone $src into $tgt";
safesystem("echo $src > $"); # dump a short information
sub ensure_exists_or_gzipped_exists {
my $fn = shift;
return $fn if -e $fn;
my $tryfn = $fn.".gz";
return $tryfn if -e $tryfn;
die "$0:$ini:Neither file $fn nor $tryfn found.";
sub fixpath {
my $fn = shift;
foreach my $pair (@fixrepls) {
$fn =~ s/$pair->[0]/$pair->[1]/g;
return $fn;
sub safesystem {
print STDERR "Executing: @_\n";
if ($? == -1) {
print STDERR "Failed to execute: @_\n $!\n";
elsif ($? & 127) {
printf STDERR "Execution of: @_\n died with signal %d, %s coredump\n",
($? & 127), ($? & 128) ? 'with' : 'without';
else {
my $exitcode = $? >> 8;
print STDERR "Exit code: $exitcode\n" if $exitcode;
return ! $exitcode;
sub resolve {
my $f = shift;
return $f if ! -l $f;
my $targ_from_lnk = readlink($f) or die "Can't lstat $f";
my $targ = ensure_relative_from_origin($targ_from_lnk, $f);
# print STDERR "$f ---> $targ_from_lnk ---> $targ\n";
my $fully = 1; # resolve the full chain of symlinks
if ($fully) {
my $newtarg = resolve($targ);
$targ = $newtarg if defined $newtarg;
return $targ;
sub ensure_relative_from_origin {
my $target = shift;
my $originfile = shift;
return $target if $target =~ /^\/|^~/; # the target path is absolute already
$originfile =~ s/[^\/]*$//;
my $prefix = ($originfile eq "" ? "" : $originfile."/");
return simplify_path($prefix.$target);
sub simplify_path {
my $path = shift;
my $lastpath = "";
while ($lastpath ne $path) {
$lastpath = $path;
$path =~ s/\/+/\//g;
$path =~ s/(\/\.)+\//\//g;
$path =~ s/\/[^\/]+(?<!\/\.\.)\/\.\.\//\//g;
$path =~ s/^[^\/]+(?<!\/\.\.)\/\.\.\///g;
return $path;