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* Data.cpp
* met - Minimum Error Training
* Created by Nicola Bertoldi on 13/05/08.
#include <cassert>
#include <fstream>
#include "Data.h"
#include "FileStream.h"
#include "Scorer.h"
#include "ScorerFactory.h"
#include "Util.h"
Data::Data(Scorer& ptr):
score_type = (*theScorer).getName();
TRACE_ERR("Data::score_type " << score_type << std::endl);
TRACE_ERR("Data::Scorer type from Scorer: " << theScorer->getName() << endl);
featdata = new FeatureData;
scoredata = new ScoreData(*theScorer);
Data::~Data() {
if (featdata) {
delete featdata;
featdata = NULL;
if (scoredata) {
delete scoredata;
scoredata = NULL;
void Data::loadnbest(const std::string &file)
TRACE_ERR("loading nbest from " << file << std::endl);
FeatureStats featentry;
ScoreStats scoreentry;
std::string sentence_index;
inputfilestream inp(file); // matches a stream with a file. Opens the file
if (!inp.good())
throw runtime_error("Unable to open: " + file);
std::string substring, subsubstring, stringBuf;
std::string theSentence;
std::string::size_type loc;
while (getline(inp,stringBuf,'\n')) {
if (stringBuf.empty()) continue;
// TRACE_ERR("stringBuf: " << stringBuf << std::endl);
getNextPound(stringBuf, substring, "|||"); //first field
sentence_index = substring;
getNextPound(stringBuf, substring, "|||"); //second field
theSentence = substring;
// adding statistics for error measures
theScorer->prepareStats(sentence_index, theSentence, scoreentry);
scoredata->add(scoreentry, sentence_index);
getNextPound(stringBuf, substring, "|||"); //third field
// examine first line for name of features
if (!existsFeatureNames()) {
std::string stringsupport=substring;
std::string features="";
std::string tmpname="";
size_t tmpidx=0;
while (!stringsupport.empty()) {
// TRACE_ERR("Decompounding: " << substring << std::endl);
getNextPound(stringsupport, subsubstring);
// string ending with ":" are skipped, because they are the names of the features
if ((loc = subsubstring.find_last_of(":")) != subsubstring.length()-1) {
features+=tmpname+"_"+stringify(tmpidx)+" ";
// ignore sparse feature name
else if (subsubstring.find("_") != string::npos) {
// also ignore its value
getNextPound(stringsupport, subsubstring);
// update current feature name
else {
tmpname=subsubstring.substr(0,subsubstring.size() - 1);
// adding features
while (!substring.empty()) {
// TRACE_ERR("Decompounding: " << substring << std::endl);
getNextPound(substring, subsubstring);
// no ':' -> feature value that needs to be stored
if ((loc = subsubstring.find_last_of(":")) != subsubstring.length()-1) {
// sparse feature name? store as well
else if (subsubstring.find("_") != string::npos) {
std::string name = subsubstring;
getNextPound(substring, subsubstring);
featentry.addSparse( name, atof(subsubstring.c_str()) );
_sparse_flag = true;
//cerr << "number of sparse features: " << featentry.getSparse().size() << endl;
void Data::mergeSparseFeatures() {
std::cerr << "ERROR: sparse features can only be trained with pairwise ranked optimizer (PRO), not traditional MERT\n";
// really not the right place...
float sentenceLevelBleuPlusOne( ScoreStats &stats ) {
float logbleu = 0.0;
const unsigned int bleu_order = 4;
for (unsigned int j=0; j<bleu_order; j++) {
//cerr << (stats.get(2*j)+1) << "/" << (stats.get(2*j+1)+1) << " ";
logbleu += log(stats.get(2*j)+1) - log(stats.get(2*j+1)+1);
logbleu /= bleu_order;
float brevity = 1.0 - (float)stats.get(bleu_order*2)/stats.get(1);
if (brevity < 0.0) {
logbleu += brevity;
//cerr << brevity << " -> " << exp(logbleu) << endl;
return exp(logbleu);
class SampledPair {
unsigned int translation1;
unsigned int translation2;
float scoreDiff;
SampledPair( unsigned int t1, unsigned int t2, float diff ) {
if (diff > 0) {
translation1 = t1;
translation2 = t2;
scoreDiff = diff;
else {
translation1 = t2;
translation2 = t1;
scoreDiff = -diff;
float getDiff() { return scoreDiff; }
unsigned int getTranslation1() { return translation1; }
unsigned int getTranslation2() { return translation2; }
void Data::sampleRankedPairs( const std::string &rankedpairfile ) {
cout << "Sampling ranked pairs." << endl;
ofstream *outFile = new ofstream();
outFile->open( rankedpairfile.c_str() );
ostream *out = outFile;
const unsigned int n_samplings = 5000;
const unsigned int n_samples = 50;
const float min_diff = 0.05;
// loop over all sentences
for(unsigned int S=0; S<featdata->size(); S++) {
unsigned int n_translations = featdata->get(S).size();
// sample a fixed number of times
vector< SampledPair* > samples;
vector< float > scores;
for(unsigned int i=0; i<n_samplings; i++) {
unsigned int translation1 = rand() % n_translations;
float bleu1 = sentenceLevelBleuPlusOne(scoredata->get(S,translation1));
unsigned int translation2 = rand() % n_translations;
float bleu2 = sentenceLevelBleuPlusOne(scoredata->get(S,translation2));
if (abs(bleu1-bleu2) < min_diff)
samples.push_back( new SampledPair( translation1, translation2, bleu1-bleu2) );
scores.push_back( 1.0 - abs(bleu1-bleu2) );
//cerr << "sampled " << samples.size() << " pairs\n";
float min_diff = -1.0;
if (samples.size() > n_samples) {
nth_element(scores.begin(), scores.begin()+(n_samples-1), scores.end());
min_diff = 0.99999-scores[n_samples-1];
//cerr << "min_diff = " << min_diff << endl;
unsigned int collected = 0;
for(unsigned int i=0; i<samples.size() && collected < n_samples; i++) {
if (samples[i]->getDiff() >= min_diff) {
*out << "1";
outputSample(*out, featdata->get(S,samples[i]->getTranslation1()),
*out << endl;
*out << "0";
outputSample(*out, featdata->get(S,samples[i]->getTranslation2()),
*out << endl;
delete samples[i];
//cerr << "collected " << collected << endl;
void Data::outputSample( ostream &out, const FeatureStats &f1, const FeatureStats &f2 )
// difference in score in regular features
for(unsigned int j=0; j<f1.size(); j++)
if (abs(f1.get(j)-f2.get(j)) > 0.00001)
out << " F" << j << " " << (f1.get(j)-f2.get(j));
if (!hasSparseFeatures())
out << " ";
// sparse features
const SparseVector &s1 = f1.getSparse();
const SparseVector &s2 = f2.getSparse();
SparseVector diff = s1 - s2;
void Data::createShards(size_t shard_count, float shard_size, const string& scorerconfig,
std::vector<Data>& shards)
assert(shard_size >=0);
assert(shard_size <= 1);
size_t data_size = scoredata->size();
assert(data_size == featdata->size());
shard_size *= data_size;
for (size_t shard_id = 0; shard_id < shard_count; ++shard_id) {
vector<size_t> shard_contents;
if (shard_size == 0) {
//split into roughly equal size shards
size_t shard_start = floor(0.5 + shard_id * (float)data_size / shard_count);
size_t shard_end = floor(0.5 + (shard_id+1) * (float)data_size / shard_count);
for (size_t i = shard_start; i < shard_end; ++i) {
} else {
//create shards by randomly sampling
for (size_t i = 0; i < floor(shard_size+0.5); ++i) {
shard_contents.push_back(rand() % data_size);
Scorer* scorer = ScorerFactory::getScorer(score_type, scorerconfig);
shards.back().score_type = score_type;
shards.back().number_of_scores = number_of_scores;
shards.back()._sparse_flag = _sparse_flag;
for (size_t i = 0; i < shard_contents.size(); ++i) {
//cerr << endl;