
252 lines
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#include "Optimiser.h"
#include "Hildreth.h"
using namespace Moses;
using namespace std;
namespace Mira {
int MiraOptimiser::updateWeights(ScoreComponentCollection& currWeights,
const vector< vector<ScoreComponentCollection> >& featureValues,
const vector< vector<float> >& losses,
const vector< ScoreComponentCollection>& oracleFeatureValues) {
if (m_hildreth) {
size_t violatedConstraintsBefore = 0;
vector< ScoreComponentCollection> featureValueDiffs;
vector< float> lossMarginDistances;
for (size_t i = 0; i < featureValues.size(); ++i) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < featureValues[i].size(); ++j) {
// check if optimisation criterion is violated for one hypothesis and the oracle
// h(e*) >= h(e_ij) + loss(e_ij)
// h(e*) - h(e_ij) >= loss(e_ij)
ScoreComponentCollection featureValueDiff = oracleFeatureValues[i];
float modelScoreDiff = featureValueDiff.InnerProduct(currWeights);
//cerr << "loss of hypothesis: " << losses[i][j] << endl;
//cerr << "model score difference: " << modelScoreDiff << endl;
float loss = losses[i][j] * m_marginScaleFactor;
bool addConstraint = true;
if (modelScoreDiff < loss) {
// constraint violated
else if (m_onlyViolatedConstraints) {
// constraint not violated
addConstraint = false;
if (addConstraint) {
// Objective: 1/2 * ||w' - w||^2 + C * SUM_1_m[ max_1_n (l_ij - Delta_h_ij.w')]
// To add a constraint for the optimiser for each sentence i and hypothesis j, we need:
// 1. vector Delta_h_ij of the feature value differences (oracle - hypothesis)
// 2. loss_ij - difference in model scores (Delta_h_ij.w') (oracle - hypothesis)
float lossMarginDistance = loss - modelScoreDiff;
//cerr << "Number of constraints passed to optimiser: " << featureValueDiffs.size() << endl;
if (violatedConstraintsBefore > 0) {
// TODO: slack?
// run optimisation
//cerr << "\nNumber of violated constraints: " << violatedConstraintsBefore << endl;
// compute deltas for all given constraints
vector< float> alphas;
if (m_regulariseHildrethUpdates) {
alphas = Hildreth::optimise(featureValueDiffs, lossMarginDistances, m_c);
else {
alphas = Hildreth::optimise(featureValueDiffs, lossMarginDistances);
// Update the weight vector according to the deltas and the feature value differences
// * w' = w' + delta * Dh_ij ---> w' = w' + delta * (h(e*) - h(e_ij))
float sumOfAlphas = 0;
for (size_t k = 0; k < featureValueDiffs.size(); ++k) {
//cerr << "alpha " << k << ": " << alphas[k] << endl;
sumOfAlphas += alphas[k];
// compute update
// apply update to weight vector
//cerr << "sum of alphas: " << sumOfAlphas << endl;
// sanity check: how many constraints violated after optimisation?
size_t violatedConstraintsAfter = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < featureValues.size(); ++i) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < featureValues[i].size(); ++j) {
ScoreComponentCollection featureValueDiff = oracleFeatureValues[i];
float modelScoreDiff = featureValueDiff.InnerProduct(currWeights);
float loss = losses[i][j] * m_marginScaleFactor;
if (modelScoreDiff < loss) {
//cerr << "New model score difference: " << modelScoreDiff << endl;
//cerr << "Number of violated constraints after optimisation: " << violatedConstraintsAfter << endl;
if (violatedConstraintsAfter > violatedConstraintsBefore) {
cerr << "Increase: " << violatedConstraintsAfter - violatedConstraintsBefore << endl << endl;
return violatedConstraintsBefore - violatedConstraintsAfter;
else {
cerr << "No constraint violated for this batch" << endl;
else {
// SMO:
for (size_t i = 0; i < featureValues.size(); ++i) {
vector< float> alphas(featureValues[i].size()); // TODO: dont pass alphas if not needed
if (!m_fixedClipping) {
// initialise alphas for each source (alpha for oracle translation = C, all other alphas = 0)
for (size_t j = 0; j < featureValues[i].size(); ++j) {
if (j == m_oracleIndices[i]) {
// oracle
alphas[j] = m_c;
else {
alphas[j] = 0;
// consider all pairs of hypotheses
size_t violatedConstraintsBefore = 0;
size_t pairs = 0;
for (size_t j = 0; j < featureValues[i].size(); ++j) {
for (size_t k = 0; k < featureValues[i].size(); ++k) {
if (j <= k) {
ScoreComponentCollection featureValueDiff = featureValues[i][k];
float modelScoreDiff = featureValueDiff.InnerProduct(currWeights);
float loss_jk = (losses[i][j] - losses[i][k]) * m_marginScaleFactor;
if (m_onlyViolatedConstraints) {
// check if optimisation criterion is violated for current hypothesis pair
// (oracle - hypothesis j) - (oracle - hypothesis_k) = hypothesis_k - hypothesis_j
bool addConstraint = true;
if (modelScoreDiff < loss_jk) {
// constraint violated
else if (m_onlyViolatedConstraints) {
// constraint not violated
addConstraint = false;
if (addConstraint) {
// Compute delta:
float delta = computeDelta(currWeights, featureValueDiff, loss_jk, j, k, alphas);
// update weight vector:
if (delta != 0) {
update(currWeights, featureValueDiff, delta);
cerr << "\nComparing pair" << j << "," << k << endl;
cerr << "Update with delta: " << delta << endl;
else {
// add all constraints
// Compute delta:
float delta = computeDelta(currWeights, featureValueDiff, loss_jk, j, k, alphas);
// update weight vector:
if (delta != 0) {
update(currWeights, featureValueDiff, delta);
cerr << "\nComparing pair" << j << "," << k << endl;
cerr << "Update with delta: " << delta << endl;
cerr << "number of pairs: " << pairs << endl;
return 0;
* Compute delta for weight update.
* As part of this compute feature value differences
* Dh_ij - Dh_ij' ---> h(e_ij') - h(e_ij)) --> h(hope) - h(fear)
* which are used in the delta term and in the weight update term.
float MiraOptimiser::computeDelta(ScoreComponentCollection& currWeights,
const ScoreComponentCollection featureValueDiff,
float loss_jk,
float j,
float k,
vector< float>& alphas) {
// compute delta
float delta = 0.0;
float modelScoreDiff = featureValueDiff.InnerProduct(currWeights);
float squaredNorm = featureValueDiff.InnerProduct(featureValueDiff);
if (squaredNorm == 0.0) {
delta = 0.0;
else {
delta = (loss_jk - modelScoreDiff) / squaredNorm;
// clipping
if (m_fixedClipping) {
if (delta > m_c) {
delta = m_c;
else if (delta < -1 * m_c) {
delta = -1 * m_c;
else {
// alpha_ij = alpha_ij + delta
// alpha_ij' = alpha_ij' - delta
// clipping interval: [-alpha_ij, alpha_ij']
// clip delta
if (delta > alphas[j]) {
delta = alphas[j];
else if (delta < (-1 * alphas[k])) {
delta = (-1 * alphas[k]);
// update alphas
alphas[j] -= delta;
alphas[k] += delta;
return delta;
* Update the weight vector according to delta and the feature value difference
* w' = w' + delta * (Dh_ij - Dh_ij') ---> w' = w' + delta * (h(e_ij') - h(e_ij)))
void MiraOptimiser::update(ScoreComponentCollection& currWeights, ScoreComponentCollection& featureValueDiffs, const float delta) {