2012-03-23 14:39:24 +01:00

222 lines
5.6 KiB

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <algorithm>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <iterator>
#include "SemposScorer.h"
#include "Util.h"
SemposScorer::SemposScorer(const string& config)
: StatisticsBasedScorer("SEMPOS",config),
string debugSwitch = getConfig("debug", "0");
if (debugSwitch == "1") debug = true;
string overlapping = getConfig("overlapping", "cap-micro");
if (overlapping == "cap-micro") {
ovr = new CapMicroOverlapping();
} else if (overlapping == "cap-macro") {
ovr = new CapMacroOverlapping();
} else {
throw runtime_error("Unknown overlapping: " + overlapping);
void SemposScorer::setReferenceFiles(const vector<string>& referenceFiles)
//make sure reference data is clear
//load reference data
for (size_t rid = 0; rid < referenceFiles.size(); ++rid) {
ifstream refin(referenceFiles[rid].c_str());
if (!refin) {
throw runtime_error("Unable to open: " + referenceFiles[rid]);
string line;
while (getline(refin,line)) {
line = applyFactors(line);
str_sentence_t sentence;
splitSentence(line, sentence);
sentence_t encodedSentence;
encodeSentence(sentence, encodedSentence);
void SemposScorer::prepareStats(size_t sid, const string& text, ScoreStats& entry)
vector<int> stats;
string sentence = applyFactors(text);
str_sentence_t splitCandSentence;
splitSentence(sentence, splitCandSentence);
sentence_t encodedCandSentence;
encodeSentence(splitCandSentence, encodedCandSentence);
if (ref_sentences.size() == 1) {
stats = ovr->prepareStats(encodedCandSentence, ref_sentences[0][sid]);
} else {
float max = -1;
for (size_t rid = 0; rid < ref_sentences.size(); ++rid) {
vector<int> tmp = ovr->prepareStats(encodedCandSentence, ref_sentences[rid][sid]);
if (ovr->calculateScore(tmp) > max) {
stats = tmp;
stringstream sout;
copy(stats.begin(),stats.end(),ostream_iterator<int>(sout," "));
string stats_str = sout.str();
float SemposScorer::calculateScore(const vector<int>& comps) const
return ovr->calculateScore(comps);
void SemposScorer::splitSentence(const string& sentence, str_sentence_t& splitSentence)
vector<string> tokens;
split(sentence, ' ', tokens);
for (vector<string>::iterator it = tokens.begin(); it != tokens.end(); ++it)
vector<string> factors;
split(*it, '|', factors);
if (factors.size() != 2) throw runtime_error("Sempos scorer accepts two factors (item|class)");
string Item = factors[0];
string Class = factors[1];
splitSentence.push_back(make_pair(Item, Class));
void SemposScorer::encodeSentence(const str_sentence_t& sentence, sentence_t& encodedSentence)
for (str_sentence_it it = sentence.begin(); it != sentence.end(); ++it) {
int tlemma = encodeString(it->first);
int sempos = encodeSempos(it->second);
if (sempos >= 0) {
int SemposScorer::encodeString(const string& str)
encoding_it encoding = stringMap.find(str);
int encoded_str;
if (encoding == stringMap.end()) {
encoded_str = (int)stringMap.size();
stringMap[str] = encoded_str;
} else {
encoded_str = encoding->second;
return encoded_str;
int SemposScorer::encodeSempos(const string& sempos)
if (sempos == "-") return -1;
encoding_it it = semposMap.find(sempos);
if (it == semposMap.end())
if (semposMap.size() == maxNOC)
throw std::runtime_error("Number of classes is greater than maxNOC");
int classNumber = semposMap.size();
semposMap[sempos] = classNumber;
return classNumber;
return it->second;
delete ovr;
vector<int> CapMicroOverlapping::prepareStats(const sentence_t& cand, const sentence_t& ref)
vector<int> stats(2);
sentence_t intersection;
set_intersection(cand.begin(),cand.end(),ref.begin(),ref.end(), inserter(intersection, intersection.begin()));
stats[0] = intersection.size();
stats[1] = ref.size();
return stats;
float CapMicroOverlapping::calculateScore(const vector<int>& stats)
if (stats.size() != 2)
throw std::runtime_error("Size of stats vector has to be 2");
if (stats[1] == 0) return (float) 1;
return stats[0]/(float)stats[1];
vector<int> CapMacroOverlapping::prepareStats(const sentence_t& cand, const sentence_t& ref)
vector<int> stats(2*maxNOC);
sentence_t intersection;
set_intersection(cand.begin(),cand.end(),ref.begin(),ref.end(), inserter(intersection, intersection.begin()));
for (int i = 0; i < 2*maxNOC; ++i) stats[i]=0;
for (sentence_t::const_iterator it = intersection.begin(); it != intersection.end(); ++it) {
int sempos = it->second;
for (sentence_t::const_iterator it = ref.begin(); it != ref.end(); ++it) {
int sempos = it->second;
return stats;
float CapMacroOverlapping::calculateScore(const vector<int>& stats)
if (stats.size() != 2*maxNOC) throw std::runtime_error("Size of stats vector has to be 38");
int n = 0;
float sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < maxNOC; ++i) {
int clipped = stats[2*i];
int refsize = stats[2*i+1];
if (refsize > 0) {
sum += clipped / (float) refsize;
if (n == 0) return 1;
return sum / n;