Jeroen Vermeulen ef028446f3 Add license notices to scripts.
This is not pleasant to read (and much, much less pleasant to write!) but
sort of necessary in an open project.  Right now it's quite hard to figure
out what is licensed how, which doesn't matter much to most people but can
suddenly become very important when people want to know what they're being
allowed to do.

I kept the notices as short as I could.  As far as I could see, everything
without a clear license notice is LGPL v2.1 or later.
2015-05-29 18:30:26 +07:00

1712 lines
55 KiB

This file is part of moses. Its use is licensed under the GNU Lesser General
Public License version 2.1 or, at your option, any later version.
var xmlns="";
var FROM = 1;
var TO = 2;
var OUTPUT = 3;
var ALIGNMENT = 4;
var CHILDREN = 5;
var RULE_SCORE = 6;
var HYP_SCORE = 8;
var LHS = 9;
var CHART_WIDTH = window.innerWidth * 0.8;
var CHART_HEIGHT = window.innerHeight;
var CELL_WIDTH = CHART_WIDTH/input.length;
var CELL_HEIGHT = CHART_HEIGHT/(input.length+1);
var CELL_MARGIN = 4;
var CELL_BORDER = 2;
if (input.length < 6) { CELL_MARGIN = 5; CELL_BORDER = 3; CELL_PADDING = 3; }
if (input.length > 10) { CELL_MARGIN = 1; CELL_BORDER = 1; CELL_PADDING = 2; }
if (input.length > 20) { CELL_MARGIN = 0; CELL_BORDER = 0; CELL_PADDING = 1; }
var BUTTON_WIDTH = 170;
var OPTION_WIDTH = 60;
var CELL_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR = "#c0ffc0";
var CELL_REGULAR_COLOR = "#ffff80";
var INPUT_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR = "#c0c0c0";
var INPUT_REGULAR_COLOR = "#ffffff";
var SORT_OPTION = 2;
var ZOOM = 0;
var ZOOM_FROM = 0;
var ZOOM_TO = input.length+1;
var ZOOM_WIDTH = input.length;
var length = input.length;
var chart = document.getElementById("chart");
var reachable = new Array();
var cell_hyps = new Array(length);
var cell_derivation_score = Array();
// init basic layout
// process hypotheses
function process_hypotheses() {
function index_hypotheses_by_cell() {
// init edge_lists
var from, to, id;
for(from=0; from<length; from++) {
cell_hyps[from] = new Array(length);
for(to=0; to<length; to++) {
cell_hyps[from][to] = new Array();
// populate
for (id in edge) {
from = edge[id][FROM];
to = edge[id][TO];
edge[id][FROM] = parseInt(from);
edge[id][TO] = parseInt(to);
edge[id][RULE_SCORE] = parseFloat(edge[id][RULE_SCORE]);
edge[id][HEURISTIC_RULE_SCORE] = parseFloat(edge[id][HEURISTIC_RULE_SCORE]);
edge[id][HYP_SCORE] = parseFloat(edge[id][HYP_SCORE]);
edge[id][DERIVATION_SCORE] = parseFloat(edge[id][DERIVATION_SCORE]);
function find_reachable_hypotheses() {
var i;
for (i=0;i<cell_hyps[0][length-1].length;i++) {
id = cell_hyps[0][length-1][i];
find_reachable_hypotheses_recursive( id );
function find_reachable_hypotheses_recursive( id ) {
var children, c;
if (!(reachable[id] === undefined)) { return; }
reachable[id] = 1;
children = get_children( id );
for(c=0;c<children.length;c++) {
find_reachable_hypotheses_recursive( children[c] );
function compute_best_derivation_scores() {
var from, to, width, cell_max_score, i, id, c;
for(from=0; from<length; from++ ) {
cell_derivation_score[from] = Array();
for(width=length-1; width>=0; width-- ) {
for(from=0; from<length-width; from++ ) {
to = from+width;
cell_max_score = -9.9e9;
for (i=0;i<cell_hyps[from][to].length;i++) {
id = cell_hyps[from][to][i];
if (width == length-1) {
edge[id][DERIVATION_SCORE] = edge[id][HYP_SCORE];
if (edge[id][DERIVATION_SCORE] != null) {
var children = get_children(id);
for(c=0;c<children.length;c++) {
if (edge[children[c]][DERIVATION_SCORE] == null ||
edge[children[c]][DERIVATION_SCORE] < edge[id][DERIVATION_SCORE]) {
edge[children[c]][DERIVATION_SCORE] = edge[id][DERIVATION_SCORE];
if (edge[id][DERIVATION_SCORE] != null &&
edge[id][DERIVATION_SCORE] > cell_max_score) {
cell_max_score = edge[id][DERIVATION_SCORE];
cell_derivation_score[from][to] = cell_max_score;
function draw_menu() {
draw_menu_button(1,"Best Derivation");
draw_menu_button(2,"Number of Hypotheses");
draw_menu_button(3,"Number of Rule Cubes");
draw_menu_button(4,"Derivation Score");
var MENU_POSITION_HYPOTHESES = 6; // where is "Hypotheses" in the menu?
var current_menu_selection = 0;
var menu_processing = 0;
function click_menu( id, force_flag ) {
if (!force_flag && (menu_processing || current_menu_selection == id)) {
menu_processing = 1;
if (current_menu_selection == 1) { best_derivation(0); }
if (current_menu_selection == 2) { unannotate_cells(); }
if (current_menu_selection == 3) { unannotate_cells(); }
if (current_menu_selection == 4) { unannotate_cells(); }
if (current_menu_selection == 5) { remove_non_terminal_treemap(0); }
if (current_menu_selection == 6 && SORT_OPTION != 3) { remove_hypothesis_overview(); }
if (current_menu_selection == 6 && SORT_OPTION == 3) { remove_hypothesis_overview(); remove_non_terminal_treemap(); }
if (current_menu_selection > 0) {
highlight_menu_button( current_menu_selection, 0 );
if (id == 1) { best_derivation(1); }
if (id == 2) { annotate_cells_with_hypcount(); }
if (id == 3) { annotate_cells_with_rulecount(); }
if (id == 4) { annotate_cells_with_derivation_score(); }
if (id == 5) { non_terminal_treemap(); }
if (id == 6 && SORT_OPTION != 3) { hypothesis_overview(); }
if (id == 6 && SORT_OPTION == 3) { draw_hypothesis_sort_buttons(); non_terminal_treemap(1); }
highlight_menu_button( id, 1 );
current_menu_selection = id;
menu_processing = 0;
function draw_menu_button( id, label ) {
var button = document.createElementNS(xmlns,"rect");
button.setAttribute("id", "button-" + id);
button.setAttribute("x", 5);
button.setAttribute("y", 5 + BUTTON_HEIGHT*(id-1));
button.setAttribute("rx", 3);
button.setAttribute("ry", 3);
button.setAttribute("width", BUTTON_WIDTH-10);
button.setAttribute("height", BUTTON_HEIGHT-10);
button.setAttribute("fill", "#c0c0ff");
button.setAttribute("stroke", "black");
button.setAttribute("stroke-width", "1");
button.setAttribute("onclick","click_menu(" + id + ",0);");
chart.appendChild( button );
var button_label = document.createElementNS(xmlns,"text");
button_label.setAttribute("x", BUTTON_WIDTH/2);
button_label.setAttribute("y", 4+BUTTON_HEIGHT/2 + BUTTON_HEIGHT*(id-1));
button_label.setAttribute("style", "font-size: 12; font-family: Verdana, Arial;");
button_label.setAttribute("text-anchor", "middle");
button_label.setAttribute("pointer-events", "none");
var content = document.createTextNode( label );
button_label.appendChild( content );
button_label.setAttribute("onclick","click_menu(" + id + ",0);");
chart.appendChild( button_label );
function highlight_menu_button( id, on_off ) {
var button = document.getElementById("button-" + id);
if (on_off) {
button.setAttribute("fill", "#8080ff");
else {
button.setAttribute("fill", "#c0c0ff");
function draw_options() {
function draw_rule_options() {
function draw_option_button( rule_option, id, label ) {
var button = document.createElementNS(xmlns,"rect");
button.setAttribute("id", (rule_option?"rule-":"") + "option-" + id);
button.setAttribute("x", rule_option ? CHART_WIDTH-BUTTON_WIDTH-OPTION_WIDTH : BUTTON_WIDTH+10);
button.setAttribute("y", 5 + OPTION_HEIGHT*(id-1));
button.setAttribute("rx", 3);
button.setAttribute("ry", 3);
button.setAttribute("width", OPTION_WIDTH-10);
button.setAttribute("height", OPTION_HEIGHT-10);
button.setAttribute("fill", "#fdd017");
button.setAttribute("stroke", "black");
button.setAttribute("stroke-width", "1");
button.setAttribute("onclick","click_"+(rule_option?"rule_":"")+"option(" + id + ");");
chart.appendChild( button );
var button_label = document.createElementNS(xmlns,"text");
var distance_from_side = BUTTON_WIDTH+5+OPTION_WIDTH/2;
button_label.setAttribute("id", (rule_option?"rule-":"") + "option-label-" + id);
button_label.setAttribute("x", rule_option ? CHART_WIDTH-distance_from_side : distance_from_side);
button_label.setAttribute("y", 4+OPTION_HEIGHT/2 + OPTION_HEIGHT*(id-1));
button_label.setAttribute("style", "font-size: 12; font-family: Verdana, Arial;");
button_label.setAttribute("text-anchor", "middle");
button_label.setAttribute("pointer-events", "none");
var content = document.createTextNode( label );
button_label.appendChild( content );
chart.appendChild( button_label );
function draw_sort_button( id, label ) {
var button = document.createElementNS(xmlns,"rect");
button.setAttribute("id", "sort-" + id);
button.setAttribute("x", BASE_X);
button.setAttribute("y", BASE_Y);
button.setAttribute("width", WIDTH);
button.setAttribute("height", BUTTON_HEIGHT-12);
if (id==0) {
button.setAttribute("fill", "none");
else {
button.setAttribute("rx", 3);
button.setAttribute("ry", 3);
if (SORT_OPTION == id) {
button.setAttribute("fill", "#6080ff");
else {
button.setAttribute("fill", "#a0c0ff");
button.setAttribute("onclick","click_sort(" + id + ");");
button.setAttribute("stroke", "black");
button.setAttribute("stroke-width", "1");
chart.appendChild( button );
var button_label = document.createElementNS(xmlns,"text");
button_label.setAttribute("id", "sort-label-" + id);
button_label.setAttribute("x", BASE_X + WIDTH/2);
button_label.setAttribute("y", BASE_Y + 12);
button_label.setAttribute("style", "font-size: 10; font-family: Verdana, Arial;");
button_label.setAttribute("text-anchor", "middle");
button_label.setAttribute("pointer-events", "none");
var content = document.createTextNode( label );
button_label.appendChild( content );
chart.appendChild( button_label );
function click_sort( id ) {
if (SORT_OPTION == 3) {
if (SORT_OPTION == 3) {
else {
var show_scores = 0;
var show_id = 0;
var show_derivation = 0;
function click_option( id ) {
if (id == 1) {
show_scores = !show_scores;
highlight_option_button( 0, 1, show_scores );
if (id == 2) {
show_derivation = !show_derivation;
highlight_option_button( 0, 2, show_derivation );
if (id == 3) {
show_id = !show_id;
highlight_option_button( 0, 3, show_id );
if (current_menu_selection > 0) {
click_menu( current_menu_selection, 1 );
var show_hyp_score = 0;
var show_derivation_score = 0;
function click_rule_option( id ) {
if (id == 1) {
show_hyp_score = !show_hyp_score;
highlight_option_button( 1, 1, show_hyp_score );
if (id == 2) {
show_derivation_score = !show_derivation_score;
highlight_option_button( 1, 2, show_derivation_score );
if (id == 3) {
if (ZOOM > 0) {
ZOOM = 0;
else {
ZOOM = 0.3;
highlight_option_button( 1, 3, ZOOM );
function highlight_option_button( rule_option, id, on_off ) {
var button = document.getElementById((rule_option?"rule-":"") + "option-" + id);
if (on_off) {
button.setAttribute("fill", "#cd853f");
else {
button.setAttribute("fill", "#fdd017");
function draw_chart() {
for (var from=0;from<length;from++) {
for(var width=1; width<=length-from; width++) {
var to = from + width - 1;
// logical container
var container = document.createElementNS(xmlns,"svg");
container.setAttribute("id", "cell-container-" + from + "-" + to);
chart.appendChild( container );
var transform = document.createElementNS(xmlns,"g");
transform.setAttribute("id", "cell-" + from + "-" + to);
container.appendChild( transform );
// yellow box for the cell
var cell = document.createElementNS(xmlns,"rect");
cell.setAttribute("id", "cellbox-" + from + "-" + to);
cell.setAttribute("x", CELL_MARGIN);
cell.setAttribute("y", CELL_MARGIN);
cell.setAttribute("rx", CELL_BORDER);
cell.setAttribute("ry", CELL_BORDER);
cell.setAttribute("width", CELL_WIDTH-2*CELL_MARGIN);
cell.setAttribute("height", CELL_HEIGHT-2*CELL_MARGIN);
cell.setAttribute("opacity", .75);
cell.setAttribute("fill", get_cell_color(from,to));
cell.setAttribute("stroke", "black");
cell.setAttribute("stroke-width", "1");
cell.setAttribute("onmouseover","hover_cell(" + from + "," + to + ");")
cell.setAttribute("onclick","click_cell(" + from + "," + to + ");")
transform.appendChild( cell );
// box for the input word
var input_box = document.createElementNS(xmlns,"rect");
input_box.setAttribute("id", "inputbox-" + from);
input_box.setAttribute("x", CELL_MARGIN+from*CELL_WIDTH);
input_box.setAttribute("y", CELL_MARGIN+(length)*CELL_HEIGHT);
input_box.setAttribute("rx", 3);
input_box.setAttribute("ry", 3);
input_box.setAttribute("width", CELL_WIDTH-2*CELL_MARGIN);
input_box.setAttribute("height", CELL_HEIGHT/2);
//cell.setAttribute("opacity", .75);
input_box.setAttribute("fill", INPUT_REGULAR_COLOR);
chart.appendChild( input_box );
// input word
input_word = document.createElementNS(xmlns,"text");
input_word.setAttribute("id", "input-" + from);
input_word.setAttribute("x", (from+0.5)*CELL_WIDTH);
input_word.setAttribute("y", 10+(length+0.25)*CELL_HEIGHT);
input_word.setAttribute("style", "font-size:18;");
input_word.setAttribute("text-anchor", "middle");
var content = document.createTextNode( input[from] );
input_word.appendChild( content );
chart.appendChild( input_word );
function assign_chart_coordinates() {
for (var from=0;from<length;from++) {
for(var width=1; width<=length-from; width++) {
var to = from + width - 1;
var x = from*CELL_WIDTH + (width-1)*CELL_WIDTH/2;
var y = (length-width)*CELL_HEIGHT*(1-ZOOM);
//alert("(x,y) = (" + length + "," + width + "), width = " + ZOOM + ", height = " + (1-ZOOM));
var cell_width = CELL_WIDTH;
var cell_height = CELL_HEIGHT;
if (ZOOM > 0) {
// adjust (x,y)
if (width > ZOOM_WIDTH) { // above
else if (width == ZOOM_WIDTH) { // same level
x = from*CELL_WIDTH*(1-ZOOM) + (width-1)*CELL_WIDTH*(1-ZOOM)/2
if (from < ZOOM_FROM) { // left
else if (from == ZOOM_FROM) { // the focus
else { // right
else { // below
// adjust width and height
if (width == ZOOM_WIDTH) { // same level
cell_width *= 1-ZOOM;
if (from < ZOOM_FROM) { // left
else if (from == ZOOM_FROM) { // the focus
cell_width += CHART_WIDTH*ZOOM;
cell_height = CHART_HEIGHT*ZOOM;
else {
cell_height *= 1-ZOOM;
var container = document.getElementById("cell-container-" + from + "-" + to);
container.setAttribute("x", x);
container.setAttribute("y", y);
var transform = document.getElementById("cell-" + from + "-" + to);
transform.setAttribute("transform", "scale(" + (cell_width/CELL_WIDTH) + "," + (cell_height/CELL_HEIGHT) + ")");
function remove_chart() {
for (var from=0;from<length;from++) {
for(var width=1; width<=length-from; width++) {
var to = from + width - 1;
var container = document.getElementById("cell-" + from + "-" + to);
var cell = document.getElementById("cellbox-" + from + "-" + to);
var input_word = document.getElementById("input-" + from);
var input_box = document.getElementById("inputbox-" + from);
var current_from = -1;
var current_to;
function hover_cell( from, to ) {
if (current_from >= 0) {
highlight_input( current_from, current_to, 0)
highlight_input( from, to, 1)
current_from = from;
current_to = to;
function click_cell( from, to ) {
if (from == current_rule_from && to == current_rule_to) {
current_rule_from = -1;
ZOOM = 0;
else {
show_rules( from, to );
ZOOM_FROM = current_rule_from;
ZOOM_TO = current_rule_to;
ZOOM_WIDTH = to-from+1;
function highlight_input( from, to, on_off ) {
for(var i=from; i<=to; i++) {
var input_box = document.getElementById("inputbox-" + i);
input_box.setAttribute("fill", on_off ? INPUT_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR : INPUT_REGULAR_COLOR);
function annotate_cells_with_hypcount() {
for (var from=0;from<length;from++) {
for(var width=1; width<=length-from; width++) {
var to = from + width - 1;
annotate_cell( from, to, cell_hyps[from][to].length, 20 )
function annotate_cells_with_rulecount() {
for (var from=0;from<length;from++) {
for(var width=1; width<=length-from; width++) {
var to = from + width - 1;
var rule_hash = Array();
var rule_count = 0;
for (var i=0;i<cell_hyps[from][to].length;i++) {
var rule = get_rule( cell_hyps[from][to][i] );
if (rule_hash[rule] === undefined) {
rule_hash[rule] = 1;
annotate_cell( from, to, rule_count, 20 )
function annotate_cells_with_derivation_score() {
for (var from=0;from<length;from++) {
for(var width=1; width<=length-from; width++) {
var to = from + width - 1;
var score = cell_derivation_score[from][to];
if (score < -9e9) { score = "dead end"; }
annotate_cell( from, to, score, 15 )
function annotate_cell( from, to, label, font_size ) {
var cell_label_group = document.createElementNS(xmlns,"svg");
cell_label_group.setAttribute("id", "celllabel-" + from + "-" + to);
cell_label_group.setAttribute("x", 0);
cell_label_group.setAttribute("y", -3);
cell_label_group.setAttribute("pointer-events", "none");
label = "" + label; // make it a string, if not already
var line = label.split("<br>");
for(var i=0; i<line.length; i++) {
var cell_label = document.createElementNS(xmlns,"text");
cell_label.setAttribute("id", "celllabelline-" + from + "-" + to + "-" + i);
cell_label.setAttribute("x", CELL_WIDTH/2);
cell_label.setAttribute("y", CELL_HEIGHT/2 + font_size * (1 - line.length/2 + i));
cell_label.setAttribute("style", "font-size: " + font_size + ";font-family: Verdana, Arial;");
cell_label.setAttribute("pointer-events", "none");
cell_label.setAttribute("text-anchor", "middle");
var content = document.createTextNode(line[i]);
cell_label.appendChild( content );
cell_label_group.appendChild( cell_label );
var cell = document.getElementById("cell-" + from + "-" + to);
cell.appendChild( cell_label_group );
function unannotate_cells() {
for (var from=0;from<length;from++) {
for(var width=1; width<=length-from; width++) {
var to = from + width - 1;
unannotate_cell( from, to );
function unannotate_cell( from, to ) {
var cell = document.getElementById("cell-" + from + "-" + to);
var cell_label = document.getElementById("celllabel-" + from + "-" + to);
function non_terminal_treemap( with_hyps ) {
for (var from=0;from<length;from++) {
for(var width=1; width<=length-from; width++) {
var to = from + width - 1;
// get nt counts
var lhs = new Array();
var lhs_list = new Array();
for (var i=0;i<cell_hyps[from][to].length;i++) {
var id = cell_hyps[from][to][i];
var nt = edge[id][LHS];
if (lhs[nt] === undefined) {
lhs[nt] = 1;
else {
// sort
function sortByCount(a,b) {
return lhs[b] - lhs[a];
treemap_squarify( from, to, lhs_list, lhs, cell_hyps[from][to].length, with_hyps );
function remove_non_terminal_treemap() {
for (var from=0;from<length;from++) {
for(var width=1; width<=length-from; width++) {
var to = from + width - 1;
var cell = document.getElementById("cell-" + from + "-" + to);
var done = false;
var j=0;
while(!done) {
var rect = document.getElementById("rect-" + from + "-" + to + "-" + j);
if (rect == null) {
done = true;
else {
var rect_label = document.getElementById("rect-label-" + from + "-" + to + "-" + j);
if (rect_label != null) {
function treemap_cell( from, to, label, count, total, with_hyps ) {
var cell = document.getElementById("cell-" + from + "-" + to);
var x = CELL_MARGIN;
var y = CELL_MARGIN;
var width = CELL_WIDTH - 2*CELL_MARGIN;
var height = CELL_HEIGHT - 2*CELL_MARGIN;
// TO DO
for (var i=0;i<label.length;i++) {
var rect = document.createElementNS(xmlns,"rect");
rect.setAttribute("id", "-" + id);
rect.setAttribute("x", x);
rect.setAttribute("y", y);
rect.setAttribute("width", width * count[label[i]] / total);
rect.setAttribute("height", height);
rect.setAttribute("fill", "#c0c0ff");
rect.setAttribute("stroke", "black");
rect.setAttribute("stroke-width", "0.5");
rect.setAttribute("onclick","click_menu(" + id + ",0);")
cell.appendChild( rect );
x += width * count[label[i]] / total;
function treemap_squarify( from, to, label, count, total, with_hyps ) {
var cell = document.getElementById("cell-" + from + "-" + to);
// conversion of counts to area
var width = CELL_WIDTH - 2*CELL_MARGIN;
var height = CELL_HEIGHT - 2*CELL_MARGIN;
var area_factor = width*height / total;
var scale_factor = Math.sqrt( area_factor );
width /= scale_factor;
height /= scale_factor;
var offset_x = 0;
var offset_y = 0;
// main algorithm
var extend = Math.min(width,height);
var current_worst = squarify_worst( label, count, 0, 0, extend );
var start = 0;
for(var i=1; i<=label.length; i++) {
// add to sequence or start new one?
var next_worst = 0;
if (i != label.length) {
next_worst = squarify_worst( label, count, start, i, extend );
if (i != label.length && current_worst >= next_worst) {
current_worst = next_worst; // ... and keep going
else {
// compute rectangles...
var sum = 0;
for(var j=start; j<i; j++) {
sum += count[label[j]];
var cum_x = 0;
var cum_y = 0;
var remaining_ratio = sum / ((width - offset_x) * (height - offset_y));
var this_width = (width - offset_x) * remaining_ratio;
var this_height = (height - offset_y) * remaining_ratio;
var adding_on_left = height-offset_y < width-offset_x;
for(var j=start; j<i; j++) {
if (adding_on_left) { this_height = count[label[j]] / sum * (height - offset_y); }
else { this_width = count[label[j]] / sum * (width - offset_x); }
// rectangle
var rect = document.createElementNS(xmlns,"rect");
rect.setAttribute("id", "rect-" + from + "-" + to + "-" + j);
rect.setAttribute("x", CELL_MARGIN + (offset_x + cum_x) * scale_factor);
rect.setAttribute("y", CELL_MARGIN + (offset_y + cum_y) * scale_factor);
rect.setAttribute("width", this_width * scale_factor);
rect.setAttribute("height", this_height * scale_factor);
rect.setAttribute("pointer-events", "none");
rect.setAttribute("stroke", "black");
rect.setAttribute("stroke-width", "0.5");
cell.appendChild( rect );
// hypotheses
if (with_hyps) {
var hyp_list = Array();
for(var k=0; k<cell_hyps[from][to].length; k++) {
var id = cell_hyps[from][to][k];
var nt = edge[id][LHS];
if (nt == label[j]) {
hyp_list.push( id );
hypothesis_in_rect( this_width * scale_factor - 2,
this_height * scale_factor - 2,
CELL_MARGIN + (offset_x + cum_x) * scale_factor + 1,
CELL_MARGIN + (offset_y + cum_y) * scale_factor + 1,
cell, hyp_list );
// label
var font_size = Math.min( Math.round(this_width * scale_factor / label[j].length * 1.3),
Math.round(this_height * scale_factor ));
if (font_size > 20) { font_size = 20; }
if (font_size >= 3) {
var rect_label = document.createElementNS(xmlns,"text");
rect_label.setAttribute("id", "rect-label-" + from + "-" + to + "-" + j);
rect_label.setAttribute("x", CELL_MARGIN + (offset_x + cum_x + this_width/2) * scale_factor);
rect_label.setAttribute("y", CELL_MARGIN + (offset_y + cum_y + this_height/2) * scale_factor + font_size/2 -2);
rect_label.setAttribute("style", "font-size: " + font_size + "; font-family: Verdana, Arial; font-weight:900;");
rect_label.setAttribute("fill", "#00f");
rect_label.setAttribute("opacity", .3);
rect_label.setAttribute("text-anchor", "middle");
rect_label.setAttribute("pointer-events", "none");
var content = document.createTextNode( label[j] );
rect_label.appendChild( content );
cell.appendChild( rect_label );
if (adding_on_left) { cum_y += this_height; }
else { cum_x += this_width; }
if (adding_on_left) { offset_x += this_width; }
else { offset_y += this_height; }
// move to next sequence
if (i != label.length) {
start = i;
extend = Math.min( width-offset_x, height-offset_y );
current_worst = squarify_worst( label, count, i, i, extend );
function squarify_worst( label, count, start, end, extend ) {
var sum = 0;
for(var i=start; i<=end; i++) {
sum += count[label[i]];
var max_ratio = 0;
for(var i=start; i<=end; i++) {
var ratio = count[label[i]] * extend*extend /sum/sum;
if (ratio < 1) { ratio = 1/ratio; }
max_ratio = Math.max( ratio, max_ratio );
return max_ratio;
function best_derivation( on_off ) {
var best_score = -9e9;
var best_id = -1;
for (var i=0;i<cell_hyps[0][length-1].length;i++) {
id = cell_hyps[0][length-1][i];
if (edge[id][HYP_SCORE] > best_score) {
best_score = edge[id][HYP_SCORE];
best_id = id;
best_derivation_recurse( best_id, on_off, -1, -1, 0 );
function best_derivation_recurse( id, on_off, parent_from, parent_to, child_pos ) {
var from = edge[id][FROM];
var to = edge[id][TO];
// highlight cell and annotate with rule
highlight_cell( from, to, on_off );
if (on_off) {
var annotation = "";
if (show_id) { annotation += id + "<br>"; }
annotation += edge[id][LHS] + "\u2192";
annotation += edge[id][OUTPUT];
if (show_scores) { annotation += "<br>" + edge[id][HYP_SCORE]; }
annotate_cell( from, to, annotation, 10 );
else {
unannotate_cell( from, to );
// highlight hyp
highlight_hyp( id, on_off );
// arrow to parent
if (parent_from >= 0) {
if (on_off) {
make_arrow( id, parent_from, parent_to, from, to, 0, child_pos );
else {
var arrow = document.getElementById("arrow-" + id);
var child_order = Array();
if (edge[id][ALIGNMENT] != "") {
var alignment = edge[id][ALIGNMENT].split(" ");
// sorting: array position is source nonterminal pos
// alignment target sympol pos -> source nonterminal pos
var reversed_alignment = Array();
for(var i=0; i<alignment.length; i++) {
var source_target = alignment[i].split("-");
// sorting by symbols pos: array position is nonterminal pos
// mapping child -> target nonterminal pos
for(var i=0; i<reversed_alignment.length; i++) {
var target_source = reversed_alignment[i].split("-");
child_order[target_source[1]] = i;
// recurse
var covered = new Array;
var children = get_children( id );
for(var c=0;c<children.length;c++) {
var child = children[c];
for( var i=edge[child][FROM]; i<=edge[child][TO]; i++ ) {
covered[i] = 1;
best_derivation_recurse( child, on_off, from, to, children.length == 1 ? 0.5 : child_order[c]/(children.length-1.0) );
// arrows to words
for( var i=from; i<=to; i++ ) {
if (covered[i] === undefined) {
if (on_off) {
make_arrow( "word-" + i, from, to, i, i, 1, 0.5 );
else {
var arrow = document.getElementById("arrow-word-" + i);
function make_arrow( id, parent_from, parent_to, from, to, word_flag, position ) {
var arrow = document.createElementNS(xmlns,"line");
arrow.setAttribute("id", "arrow-" + id);
var parent = get_cellbox_coordinates( parent_from, parent_to );
arrow.setAttribute("x1", parent.x+(0.5+position)/2*CELL_WIDTH*parent.scale_x);
arrow.setAttribute("y1", parent.y+(CELL_HEIGHT-CELL_MARGIN)*parent.scale_y);
if (word_flag) {
arrow.setAttribute("x2", (from+.5)*CELL_WIDTH);
arrow.setAttribute("y2", CELL_MARGIN+length*CELL_HEIGHT);
else {
var child = get_cellbox_coordinates( from, to );
arrow.setAttribute("x2", child.x+child.scale_x*CELL_WIDTH/2);
arrow.setAttribute("y2", child.y+child.scale_y*CELL_MARGIN+word_flag*(CELL_HEIGHT+5));
arrow.setAttribute("stroke", word_flag ? "#808080" : "#008000");
arrow.setAttribute("stroke-width", "3");
chart.appendChild( arrow );
function get_cellbox_coordinates(from, to) {
var container = document.getElementById("cell-container-" + from + "-" + to);
var transform = document.getElementById("cell-" + from + "-" + to);
var scale = transform.getAttribute("transform").split(/[\(\),]/g);
var scale_x = scale[1];
var scale_y = scale[2];
return { x: Math.round(container.getAttribute("x")),
y: Math.round(container.getAttribute("y")),
scale_x: scale[1],
scale_y: scale[2]
function highlight_cell( from, to, on_off ) {
var cell = document.getElementById("cellbox-" + from + "-" + to);
cell.setAttribute("fill", on_off ? CELL_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR : get_cell_color(from,to) );
function color_cells() {
for (var from=0;from<length;from++) {
for(var width=1; width<=length-from; width++) {
var to = from+width-1;
function get_cell_color( from, to ) {
if (!show_derivation) {
var score_diff = cell_derivation_score[from][to] - cell_derivation_score[0][length-1];
var dec = 128 - (score_diff*8);
if (dec>255) { dec = 255; }
var color = Math.round(dec).toString(16);
return "#ffff"+color;
function get_children( id ) {
if (edge[id][CHILDREN] == "") {
return [];
return edge[id][CHILDREN].split(" ");
function hypothesis_overview() {
for (var from=0;from<length;from++) {
for(var width=1; width<=length-from; width++) {
var to = from + width - 1;
hypothesis_overview_cell( from, to );
function draw_hypothesis_sort_buttons() {
// draw sort buttons
draw_sort_button(0,"sort by");
var SORT_BUTTON_COUNT = 4; // how many in total (incl. "sort by")?
function hypothesis_overview_cell( from, to ) {
var cell = document.getElementById("cell-" + from + "-" + to);
hypothesis_in_rect( width, height, CELL_BORDER+CELL_MARGIN+CELL_PADDING, CELL_BORDER+CELL_MARGIN+CELL_PADDING, cell, cell_hyps[from][to] );
function hypothesis_in_rect( width, height, offset_x, offset_y, parent_element, hyp_list ) {
// diameter, based on perfect fill
var diameter = Math.sqrt( width * height / hyp_list.length );
// if it does not fit the discrete objects, increase
while( Math.floor( width/diameter ) * Math.floor( height/diameter ) < hyp_list.length ) {
diameter = Math.max( width / Math.ceil( width/diameter + 0.0001 ), // fitting one more in row
height / Math.ceil( height/diameter + 0.0001 ) ); // fitting one more in column
var row_size = Math.floor( width / diameter );
var column_size = Math.floor( height / diameter );
// sort hypotheses
function sortByScore(a,b) {
return edge[b][HYP_SCORE] - edge[a][HYP_SCORE];
function sortById(a,b) {
return a-b;
if (SORT_OPTION == 1) {
else {
// draw hypothesis
var x=0
var y=0;
var column = 0;
for (var i=0; i<hyp_list.length;i++) {
id = hyp_list[i];
//alert("adding circle (" + (x + diameter/2) + "," + (y + diameter/2) + ") - " + (diameter/2) );
var hyp = document.createElementNS(xmlns,"circle");
hyp.setAttribute("id", "hyp-" + id);
hyp.setAttribute("cx", x + diameter/2 + offset_x);
hyp.setAttribute("cy", y + diameter/2 + offset_y);
hyp.setAttribute("r", diameter/2);
hyp.setAttribute("fill", hyp_color(id, 0));
hyp.setAttribute("onmouseover","hover_hyp(" + id + ");")
hyp.setAttribute("onmouseout","unhover_hyp(" + id + ");")
parent_element.appendChild( hyp );
x += diameter;
if (++column >= row_size) {
column = 0;
y += diameter;
x = 0;
function remove_hypothesis_overview() {
for (var id in edge) {
var cell = document.getElementById("cell-" + edge[id][FROM] + "-" + edge[id][TO]);
var hyp = document.getElementById("hyp-" + id);
// remove sort buttons
for(var i=0; i<4; i++) {
var old = document.getElementById("sort-" + i);
chart.removeChild( old );
var old = document.getElementById("sort-label-" + i);
chart.removeChild( old );
function hover_hyp( id ) {
best_derivation_recurse( id, 1, -1, -1 );
function unhover_hyp( id ) {
best_derivation_recurse( id, 0, -1, -1 );
function hover_rule_hyp( id ) {
highlight_rule_hyp( id, 1 );
if (current_menu_selection == 1) {
best_derivation( 0 );
if (current_menu_selection <= 2) {
best_derivation_recurse( id, 1, -1, -1 );
function unhover_rule_hyp( id ) {
highlight_rule_hyp( id, 0 );
if (current_menu_selection <= 2) {
best_derivation_recurse( id, 0, -1, -1 );
if (current_menu_selection == 1) {
best_derivation( 1 );
function highlight_hyp( id, on_off ) {
var hyp = document.getElementById("hyp-" + id);
if (hyp == null) { return; }
hyp.setAttribute("fill", hyp_color(id, on_off));
function highlight_rule_hyp( id, on_off ) {
var hyp = document.getElementById("rule-hyp-" + id);
if (hyp == null) { return; }
hyp.setAttribute("fill", rule_hyp_color(id, on_off));
function hyp_color( id, on_off ) {
if (on_off) {
var color = "#ff0000";
if (edge[id][RECOMBINED]>0) { color = "#808080"; }
else if (id in reachable) { color = "#00c000"; }
return color;
var color = "#ffc0c0";
if (edge[id][RECOMBINED]>0) { color = "#c0c0c0"; }
else if (id in reachable) { color = "#80ff80"; }
return color;
function get_rule( id ) {
// get non-terminal labels
if (edge[id] === undefined) { alert("unknown edge "+id); return ""; }
var output = edge[id][OUTPUT].split(" ");
var alignment = edge[id][ALIGNMENT].split(" ");
var nt_label = Array();
for(var i=0;i<alignment.length;i++) {
var source_target = alignment[i].split("-");
var rule = edge[id][LHS]+"\u2192";
var children = get_children(id);
var pos = edge[id][FROM];
for (var i=0; i<children.length; i++) {
if (pos != edge[id][FROM]) { rule += " "; }
var child = children[i];
for(;pos<edge[child][FROM];pos++) {
rule += (input[pos].length <= 10) ? input[pos] : input[pos].substr(0,8) + ".";
rule += " ";
rule += nt_label[i];
rule += (edge[child][FROM] == edge[child][TO]) ?
"[" + edge[child][FROM] + "]" :
"[" + edge[child][FROM] + "-" + edge[child][TO] + "]";
pos = edge[child][TO]+1;
for(;pos<=edge[id][TO];pos++) {
if (pos != edge[id][FROM]) { rule += " "; }
rule += (input[pos].length <= 10) ? input[pos] : input[pos].substr(0,8) + ".";
return rule;
var rule_list;
var edge2rule;
var current_rule_from = -1;
var current_rule_to;
var best_hyp_score;
var best_derivation_score;
function show_rules( from, to ) {
var cell = document.getElementById("cellbox-" + from + "-" + to);
cell.setAttribute("stroke", "#800000");
cell.setAttribute("stroke-width", "3");
current_rule_from = from;
current_rule_to = to;
best_hyp_score = -9e9;
best_derivation_score = cell_derivation_score[from][to];
var rule_hash = Array();
var rule_count = Array();
rule_list = Array();
edge2rule = Array();
for (var i=0;i<cell_hyps[from][to].length;i++) {
var id = cell_hyps[from][to][i];
var rule = get_rule( id );
if (rule_hash[rule] === undefined) {
rule_hash[rule] = rule_list.length;
rule_count[rule_list.length] = 1;
else {
edge2rule[id] = rule_hash[rule];
if (edge[id][HYP_SCORE] > best_hyp_score) {
best_hyp_score = edge[id][HYP_SCORE];
function sortByRuleCount( a, b ) {
return rule_count[rule_hash[b]] - rule_count[rule_hash[a]];
rule_list = rule_list.sort(sortByRuleCount);
// squeeze if too many rules
if (rule_list.length * RULE_HEIGHT > (CHART_HEIGHT-50)) {
var factor = (CHART_HEIGHT-50)/rule_list.length/RULE_HEIGHT;
RULE_HEIGHT = Math.floor( RULE_HEIGHT * factor );
RULE_FONT_SIZE = Math.ceil( RULE_FONT_SIZE * factor );
for(var i=-1; i<rule_list.length; i++) {
draw_rule(from, to, i);
if (rule_list.length > 0) {
click_rule( from, to, 0 );
function unshow_rules() {
if (current_rule_from >= 0) {
var cell = document.getElementById("cellbox-" + current_rule_from + "-" + current_rule_to);
cell.setAttribute("stroke", "black");
cell.setAttribute("stroke-width", "1");
var finished = 0;
for(var i=-1; !finished; i++) {
var old = document.getElementById("rule-" + i);
if (old != null) { chart.removeChild( old ); }
else { finished = 1; }
var old = document.getElementById("rule-message");
if (old != null) { chart.removeChild( old ); }
old = document.getElementById("rule-cube");
if (old != null) { chart.removeChild( old ); }
finished = 0;
for(var i=1; !finished; i++) {
var old = document.getElementById("rule-option-" + i);
if (old != null) {
chart.removeChild( old );
var old = document.getElementById("rule-option-label-" + i);
chart.removeChild( old );
else { finished = 1; }
function draw_rule( from, to, rule_id ) {
var rule_label = document.createElementNS(xmlns,"text");
rule_label.setAttribute("id", "rule-" + rule_id);
rule_label.setAttribute("x", CHART_WIDTH-120);
rule_label.setAttribute("y", 10 + RULE_HEIGHT*(rule_id+1));
rule_label.setAttribute("text-anchor", "middle");
if (rule_id>-1) {
rule_label.setAttribute("style", "font-size: "+RULE_FONT_SIZE+"; font-family: Verdana, Arial;");
rule_label.setAttribute("onclick","click_rule(" + from + "," + to + "," + rule_id + ");");
var content = document.createTextNode( rule_list[rule_id] );
rule_label.appendChild( content );
else {
rule_label.setAttribute("style", "font-size: "+(RULE_FONT_SIZE-2)+"; font-family: Verdana, Arial; font-weight: bold;");
var content = document.createTextNode( rule_list.length == 0 ? "NO RULES" : "RULES" );
rule_label.appendChild( content );
chart.appendChild( rule_label );
function draw_rule_message( message ) {
var old = document.getElementById("rule-message");
if (old != null) { chart.removeChild( old ); }
var rule_message_group = document.createElementNS(xmlns,"svg");
rule_message_group.setAttribute("x", 0);
rule_message_group.setAttribute("y", 250);
var line = message.split("<br>");
for(var i=0;i<line.length;i++) {
var line_label = document.createElementNS(xmlns,"text");
line_label.setAttribute("id", "rule-message-line" + id);
line_label.setAttribute("x", 0);
line_label.setAttribute("y", RULE_HEIGHT*(i+1));
line_label.setAttribute("style", "font-size: 9; font-family: Verdana, Arial;");
var content = document.createTextNode( line[i] );
line_label.appendChild( content );
rule_message_group.appendChild( line_label );
chart.appendChild( rule_message_group );
var output_list;
var children_list;
var current_edge;
var current_rule_id = -1;
var axis;
var dimension_order;
function click_rule( from, to, rule_id ) {
// highlight current rule
if (current_rule_id>=0) {
var rule_label = document.getElementById("rule-"+current_rule_id);
rule_label.setAttribute("style", "font-size: "+RULE_FONT_SIZE+"; font-family: Verdana, Arial;");
var rule_label = document.getElementById("rule-"+rule_id);
rule_label.setAttribute("style", "font-size: "+RULE_FONT_SIZE+"; font-family: Verdana, Arial; font-weight: bold;");
current_rule_id = rule_id;
// first get all the data
output_list = Array();
var output_hash = Array();
children_list = Array();
var children_hash = Array();
current_edge = Array();
for (var i=0;i<cell_hyps[from][to].length;i++) {
var id = cell_hyps[from][to][i];
var rule = get_rule( id );
if (rule == rule_list[rule_id]) {
current_edge.push( id );
// create index for output (target rhs)
var output = edge[id][OUTPUT]+"|"+edge[id][HEURISTIC_RULE_SCORE];
if (output_hash[output] === undefined) {
output_hash[output] = output_list.length;
// create index for children
var children = get_children( id );
for(var j=0;j<children.length;j++) {
// init children indices if needed
if (j > children_list.length-1) {
// build index
var child = ""+children[j];
if (children_hash[j][child] === undefined) {
children_hash[j][child] = children_list[j].length;
// sort
function sortBySecond(a,b) {
asplit = a.split("|");
bsplit = b.split("|");
return bsplit[1] - asplit[1];
output_list = output_list.sort(sortBySecond);
function sortHypByScore(a,b) {
return edge[b][HYP_SCORE] - edge[a][HYP_SCORE];
for(var i=0;i<children.length;i++) {
// select dimensions of rule cube
axis = Array();
for(var i=0;i<children_list.length;i++) {
// determine order
var dimension_size = Array();
for(var i=0;i<axis.length;i++) {
dimension_size.push(i+"|"+(axis[i].length - i/10));
dimension_order = Array();
for(var i=0;i<dimension_size.length;i++) {
id_size = dimension_size[i].split("|");
var z_pos = Array();
for(i=2;i<axis.length;i++) { z_pos.push(0); }
var z_pos_string = z_pos.join(",");
var current_z_pos_string = "";
function draw_rule_cube(z_pos_string) {
current_z_pos_string = z_pos_string;
var z_pos = Array();
if (z_pos_string != "") {
z_pos = z_pos_string.split(",");
// draw rube cube
var old = document.getElementById("rule-cube");
if (old != null) { chart.removeChild( old ); }
// dimensions of the 2x2 view
var max_length = axis[dimension_order[0]].length;
//if (axis.length>1 && axis[dimension_order[1]].length > max_length) {
// max_length = axis[dimension_order[1]].length;
// space for additional dimensions
var z_dimension_length = 0;
if (dimension_order.length > 2) {
z_dimension_length = -2;
for(var i=2; i<dimension_order.length; i++ ) {
z_dimension_length += axis[dimension_order[i]].length + 2;
max_length += axis[dimension_order[i]].length + 2;
//if (dimension_order.length > 2) {
// for(var i=2; i<dimension_order.length; i++ ) {
// if (axis[dimension_order[i]].length > max_z_dimension_length) {
// max_z_dimension_length = axis[dimension_order[i]].length;
// }
// }
//if (max_z_dimension_length > 10) {
// max_z_dimension_length = 10;
//var y_length = axis[dimension_order[0]].length;
//if (max_z_dimension_length > 0) {
// y_length += max_z_dimension_length + 2;
// if (y_length > max_length) {
// max_length = y_length;
// }
// calculate table cell and font size
if (max_length+8 <= CHART_HEIGHT/15) {
else if (max_length+8 > CHART_HEIGHT/9) {
else {
var Z_HEIGHT = 0;
if (dimension_order.length > 2) {
Z_HEIGHT = (z_dimension_length + 2) * RULE_CUBE_HYP_SIZE;
var rule_cube = document.createElementNS(xmlns,"svg");
rule_cube.setAttribute("x", CHART_WIDTH - 30);
rule_cube.setAttribute("y", 0);
chart.appendChild( rule_cube );
// draw y axis
var label = get_rule_axis_name(dimension_order[0]);
for(var y=0; y<axis[dimension_order[0]].length; y++) {
var label = get_rule_axis_label(dimension_order[0], y);
if (axis[dimension_order[0]].length > (CHART_HEIGHT-Z_HEIGHT)/9-10) {
draw_rule_row(Math.ceil(CHART_HEIGHT/9-10),"(more, "+axis[dimension_order[0]].length+" total)");
// draw x axis
if (axis.length > 1) {
var label = get_rule_axis_name(dimension_order[1]);
for(var x=0; x<axis[dimension_order[1]].length && x<CHART_HEIGHT/9-10; x++) {
var label = get_rule_axis_label(dimension_order[1], x);
if (axis[dimension_order[1]].length > CHART_HEIGHT/9-10) {
draw_rule_column(Math.ceil(CHART_HEIGHT/9-10),"(more, "+axis[dimension_order[1]].length+" total)");
// draw hyps
for(var y=0; y<axis[dimension_order[0]].length && y<(CHART_HEIGHT-Z_HEIGHT)/9-10; y++) {
if (axis.length == 1) {
var hyp = find_hyp_by_rule([y],dimension_order);
else {
for(var x=0; x<axis[dimension_order[1]].length && x<CHART_HEIGHT/9-10; x++) {
var hyp = find_hyp_by_rule([y,x].concat(z_pos),dimension_order);
// draw z-axes
var pos_offset = axis[dimension_order[0]].length+2;
for(var z=2;z<dimension_order.length;z++) {
var label = get_rule_axis_name(dimension_order[z]);
draw_rule_z(z-2,dimension_order.length-2, z_pos, -1, pos_offset, label);
for(var i=0;i<axis[dimension_order[z]].length && i<z_dimension_length; i++) {
var label = get_rule_axis_label(dimension_order[z], i);
draw_rule_z(z-2,dimension_order.length-2, z_pos, i, pos_offset, label);
pos_offset += axis[dimension_order[z]].length+2;
// report summary statistics
var message = output_list.length + " output phrases";
message += "<br>DEBUG: " + axis.length;
message += "<br>" + dimension_order.length;
for(var i=0;i<children_list.length;i++) {
message += "<br>" + children_list[i].length + " hyps for NT" + (i+1);
function find_hyp_by_rule(position, dimension_order) {
for(var e=0;e<current_edge.length;e++) {
var id = current_edge[e];
var children = get_children( id );
var match = 1;
for(var p=0; p<position.length; p++) {
if (dimension_order[p] == 0) {
if (output_list[position[p]] != edge[id][OUTPUT]+"|"+edge[id][HEURISTIC_RULE_SCORE]) {
match = 0;
else {
var nt_number = dimension_order[p]-1;
if (children_list[nt_number][position[p]] != children[nt_number]) {
match = 0;
if (match) { return id; }
return -1;
function get_rule_axis_label( dimension, i ) {
if (dimension == 0) {
var output_score = output_list[i].split("|");
var score = 1 * output_score[1];
return output_score[0]+" "+score.toFixed(1);
var id = children_list[dimension-1][i];
return get_display_output( id ) + " " + edge[id][HYP_SCORE].toFixed(1);
function get_rule_axis_name( dimension ) {
if (dimension == 0) {
return "TARGET";
return "NT" + dimension;
function get_display_output( id ) {
var output_string = get_full_output( id );
var output = output_string.split(" ");
if (output.length <= 2) {
return output_string;
else {
return output[0] + "\u203B" + output[output.length-1];
function get_full_output( id ) {
var output = edge[id][OUTPUT].split(" ");
var alignment = edge[id][ALIGNMENT].split(" ");
var children = get_children( id );
var nonterminal = Array();
for(var i=0; i<alignment.length; i++) {
var source_target = alignment[i].split("-");
nonterminal[source_target[1]] = children[i];
var full_output = "";
for(var i=0;i<output.length;i++) {
if (nonterminal[i] === undefined) {
full_output += " " + output[i];
else {
full_output += " " + get_full_output( nonterminal[i] );
return full_output.substr(1);
function draw_rule_row( pos, label ) {
var rule_label = document.createElementNS(xmlns,"text");
rule_label.setAttribute("id", "rule-row-" + pos);
rule_label.setAttribute("y", RULE_CUBE_FONT_SIZE*10 + RULE_CUBE_HYP_SIZE*pos);
if (pos>=0) {
rule_label.setAttribute("style", "font-size: "+RULE_CUBE_FONT_SIZE+"; font-family: Verdana, Arial;");
rule_label.setAttribute("x", RULE_CUBE_FONT_SIZE*10+5);
else {
rule_label.setAttribute("style", "font-size: "+(RULE_CUBE_FONT_SIZE-2)+"; font-family: Verdana, Arial; font-weight: bold;");
rule_label.setAttribute("x", RULE_CUBE_FONT_SIZE*10-30);
rule_label.setAttribute("text-anchor", "end");
var content = document.createTextNode( label );
rule_label.appendChild( content );
var rule_cube = document.getElementById("rule-cube");
rule_cube.appendChild( rule_label );
function draw_rule_column( pos, label ) {
var rule_label = document.createElementNS(xmlns,"text");
rule_label.setAttribute("id", "rule-column-" + pos);
rule_label.setAttribute("x", RULE_CUBE_FONT_SIZE*10 -3 + RULE_CUBE_HYP_SIZE*(1+pos) );
rule_label.setAttribute("y", RULE_CUBE_FONT_SIZE*10 -12);
rule_label.setAttribute("transform", "rotate(60 "+ (RULE_CUBE_FONT_SIZE*10-3+RULE_CUBE_HYP_SIZE*(1+pos)) +" "+(RULE_CUBE_FONT_SIZE*10 - 12)+")")
if (pos>=0) {
rule_label.setAttribute("style", "font-size: "+RULE_CUBE_FONT_SIZE+"; font-family: Verdana, Arial;");
else {
rule_label.setAttribute("style", "font-size: "+(RULE_CUBE_FONT_SIZE-2)+"; font-family: Verdana, Arial; font-weight: bold;");
rule_label.setAttribute("text-anchor", "end");
var content = document.createTextNode( label );
rule_label.appendChild( content );
var rule_cube = document.getElementById("rule-cube");
rule_cube.appendChild( rule_label );
function draw_rule_z( z,total_z, z_pos, pos,pos_offset, label ) {
var rule_label = document.createElementNS(xmlns,"text");
rule_label.setAttribute("id", "rule-z-" + z + "-" + pos);
//rule_label.setAttribute("x", RULE_CUBE_FONT_SIZE*10+10 + CHART_HEIGHT*z/(total_z+1) );
rule_label.setAttribute("x", RULE_CUBE_FONT_SIZE*10+10 );
rule_label.setAttribute("y", RULE_CUBE_FONT_SIZE*10 + RULE_CUBE_HYP_SIZE*(pos+pos_offset));
if (pos >= 0) {
rule_label.setAttribute("style", "font-size: "+RULE_CUBE_FONT_SIZE+"; font-family: Verdana, Arial;"
+((z_pos[z] == pos)?" font-weight: bold;":""));
z_pos_copy = z_pos.join(",").split(",");
z_pos_copy[z] = pos;
rule_label.setAttribute("onclick","draw_rule_cube(\"" + z_pos_copy.join(",") + "\");");
else {
rule_label.setAttribute("style", "font-size: "+(RULE_CUBE_FONT_SIZE-2)+"; font-family: Verdana, Arial; font-weight: bold;");
var content = document.createTextNode( label );
rule_label.appendChild( content );
var rule_cube = document.getElementById("rule-cube");
rule_cube.appendChild( rule_label );
function draw_rule_hyp( xpos, ypos, id ) {
if (id == -1) { return; }
var diameter = RULE_CUBE_HYP_SIZE-2;
var hyp = document.createElementNS(xmlns,"circle");
hyp.setAttribute("id", "rule-hyp-" + id);
hyp.setAttribute("cx", RULE_CUBE_FONT_SIZE*10+10 + RULE_CUBE_HYP_SIZE*xpos + diameter/2);
hyp.setAttribute("cy", RULE_CUBE_FONT_SIZE*10-2 + RULE_CUBE_HYP_SIZE*(ypos-0.5) + diameter/2);
hyp.setAttribute("r", diameter/2);
hyp.setAttribute("fill", rule_hyp_color(id, 0));
hyp.setAttribute("onmouseover","hover_rule_hyp(" + id + ");")
hyp.setAttribute("onmouseout","unhover_rule_hyp(" + id + ");")
var rule_cube = document.getElementById("rule-cube");
rule_cube.appendChild( hyp );
function rule_hyp_color( id, on_off ) {
if (!show_hyp_score && !show_derivation_score) {
return hyp_color( id, on_off );
var inactive_color = on_off ? "80" : "00";
var hyp_score_color = inactive_color;
var derivation_score_color = inactive_color;
if (show_hyp_score) {
hyp_score_color = get_score_from_color(best_hyp_score-edge[id][HYP_SCORE]);
if (show_derivation_score) {
if (edge[id][DERIVATION_SCORE] == null) {
derivation_score_color = "00";
else {
derivation_score_color = get_score_from_color(best_derivation_score-edge[id][DERIVATION_SCORE]);
return "#" + inactive_color + derivation_score_color + hyp_score_color;
function get_score_from_color( score, on_off ) {
if (score == null) { return "00"; }
var dec = 255 - 255 * (score/8);
if (dec < 0) { dec = 0; }
if (on_off) { dec = dec/2+128; }
dec = Math.floor(dec/16)*16+15;
var color = dec.toString(16);
if (dec < 16) { color = "0"+color; }
return color;