Ulrich Germann 524109e2ca Reorganisation of options.
The purpose of this effort is to have options local to the individual translation task,
so that they can be changed in the running system in a multi-threaded system.
2015-08-06 21:11:43 +01:00

884 lines
29 KiB

// $Id$
// vim:tabstop=2
Moses - factored phrase-based language decoder
Copyright (C) 2010 Hieu Hoang
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include <cstdio>
#include "ChartManager.h"
#include "ChartCell.h"
#include "ChartHypothesis.h"
#include "ChartKBestExtractor.h"
#include "ChartTranslationOptions.h"
#include "HypergraphOutput.h"
#include "StaticData.h"
#include "DecodeStep.h"
#include "TreeInput.h"
#include "moses/FF/StatefulFeatureFunction.h"
#include "moses/FF/WordPenaltyProducer.h"
#include "moses/OutputCollector.h"
#include "moses/ChartKBestExtractor.h"
#include "moses/HypergraphOutput.h"
using namespace std;
namespace Moses
extern bool g_mosesDebug;
/* constructor. Initialize everything prior to decoding a particular sentence.
* \param source the sentence to be decoded
* \param system which particular set of models to use.
ChartManager::ChartManager(ttasksptr const& ttask)
: BaseManager(ttask)
, m_hypoStackColl(m_source, *this)
, m_start(clock())
, m_hypothesisId(0)
, m_parser(ttask, m_hypoStackColl)
, m_translationOptionList(StaticData::Instance().GetRuleLimit(), m_source)
{ }
clock_t end = clock();
float et = (end - m_start);
et /= (float)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
VERBOSE(1, "Translation took " << et << " seconds" << endl);
//! decode the sentence. This contains the main laps. Basically, the CKY++ algorithm
void ChartManager::Decode()
VERBOSE(1,"Translating: " << m_source << endl);
VERBOSE(2,"Decoding: " << endl);
size_t size = m_source.GetSize();
for (int startPos = size-1; startPos >= 0; --startPos) {
for (size_t width = 1; width <= size-startPos; ++width) {
size_t endPos = startPos + width - 1;
WordsRange range(startPos, endPos);
// create trans opt
m_parser.Create(range, m_translationOptionList);
const InputPath &inputPath = m_parser.GetInputPath(range);
m_translationOptionList.EvaluateWithSourceContext(m_source, inputPath);
// decode
ChartCell &cell = m_hypoStackColl.Get(range);
cell.Decode(m_translationOptionList, m_hypoStackColl);
for (size_t startPos = 0; startPos < size; ++startPos) {
cerr << startPos << " ";
cerr << endl;
for (size_t width = 1; width <= size; width++) {
for( size_t space = 0; space < width-1; space++ ) {
cerr << " ";
for (size_t startPos = 0; startPos <= size-width; ++startPos) {
WordsRange range(startPos, startPos+width-1);
cerr << m_hypoStackColl.Get(range).GetSize() << " ";
cerr << endl;
/** add specific translation options and hypotheses according to the XML override translation scheme.
* Doesn't seem to do anything about walls and zones.
* @todo check walls & zones. Check that the implementation doesn't leak, xml options sometimes does if you're not careful
void ChartManager::AddXmlChartOptions()
// const StaticData &staticData = StaticData::Instance();
const std::vector <ChartTranslationOptions*> xmlChartOptionsList = m_source.GetXmlChartTranslationOptions();
cerr << "AddXmlChartOptions " << xmlChartOptionsList.size() << endl;
if (xmlChartOptionsList.size() == 0) return;
for(std::vector<ChartTranslationOptions*>::const_iterator i = xmlChartOptionsList.begin();
i != xmlChartOptionsList.end(); ++i) {
ChartTranslationOptions* opt = *i;
const WordsRange &range = opt->GetSourceWordsRange();
RuleCubeItem* item = new RuleCubeItem( *opt, m_hypoStackColl );
ChartHypothesis* hypo = new ChartHypothesis(*opt, *item, *this);
ChartCell &cell = m_hypoStackColl.Get(range);
//! get best complete translation from the top chart cell.
const ChartHypothesis *ChartManager::GetBestHypothesis() const
size_t size = m_source.GetSize();
if (size == 0) // empty source
return NULL;
else {
WordsRange range(0, size-1);
const ChartCell &lastCell = m_hypoStackColl.Get(range);
return lastCell.GetBestHypothesis();
/** Calculate the n-best paths through the output hypergraph.
* Return the list of paths with the variable ret
* \param n how may paths to return
* \param ret return argument
* \param onlyDistinct whether to check for distinct output sentence or not (default - don't check, just return top n-paths)
void ChartManager::CalcNBest(
std::size_t n,
std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<ChartKBestExtractor::Derivation> > &nBestList,
bool onlyDistinct) const
if (n == 0 || m_source.GetSize() == 0) {
// Get the list of top-level hypotheses, sorted by score.
WordsRange range(0, m_source.GetSize()-1);
const ChartCell &lastCell = m_hypoStackColl.Get(range);
boost::scoped_ptr<const std::vector<const ChartHypothesis*> > topLevelHypos(
if (!topLevelHypos) {
ChartKBestExtractor extractor;
if (!onlyDistinct) {
// Return the n-best list as is, including duplicate translations.
extractor.Extract(*topLevelHypos, n, nBestList);
// Determine how many derivations to extract. If the n-best list is
// restricted to distinct translations then this limit should be bigger
// than n. The n-best factor determines how much bigger the limit should be,
// with 0 being 'unlimited.' This actually sets a large-ish limit in case
// too many translations are identical.
const StaticData &staticData = StaticData::Instance();
const std::size_t nBestFactor = staticData.options().nbest.factor;
std::size_t numDerivations = (nBestFactor == 0) ? n*1000 : n*nBestFactor;
// Extract the derivations.
ChartKBestExtractor::KBestVec bigList;
extractor.Extract(*topLevelHypos, numDerivations, bigList);
// Copy derivations into nBestList, skipping ones with repeated translations.
std::set<Phrase> distinct;
for (ChartKBestExtractor::KBestVec::const_iterator p = bigList.begin();
nBestList.size() < n && p != bigList.end(); ++p) {
boost::shared_ptr<ChartKBestExtractor::Derivation> derivation = *p;
Phrase translation = ChartKBestExtractor::GetOutputPhrase(*derivation);
if (distinct.insert(translation).second) {
void ChartManager::WriteSearchGraph(const ChartSearchGraphWriter& writer) const
size_t size = m_source.GetSize();
// which hypotheses are reachable?
std::map<unsigned,bool> reachable;
WordsRange fullRange(0, size-1);
const ChartCell &lastCell = m_hypoStackColl.Get(fullRange);
const ChartHypothesis *hypo = lastCell.GetBestHypothesis();
if (hypo == NULL) {
// no hypothesis
size_t winners = 0;
size_t losers = 0;
FindReachableHypotheses( hypo, reachable, &winners, &losers);
writer.WriteHeader(winners, losers);
for (size_t width = 1; width <= size; ++width) {
for (size_t startPos = 0; startPos <= size-width; ++startPos) {
size_t endPos = startPos + width - 1;
WordsRange range(startPos, endPos);
TRACE_ERR(" " << range << "=");
const ChartCell &cell = m_hypoStackColl.Get(range);
cell.WriteSearchGraph(writer, reachable);
void ChartManager::FindReachableHypotheses(
const ChartHypothesis *hypo, std::map<unsigned,bool> &reachable, size_t* winners, size_t* losers) const
// do not recurse, if already visited
if (reachable.find(hypo->GetId()) != reachable.end()) {
// recurse
reachable[ hypo->GetId() ] = true;
if (hypo->GetWinningHypothesis() == hypo) {
} else {
const std::vector<const ChartHypothesis*> &previous = hypo->GetPrevHypos();
for(std::vector<const ChartHypothesis*>::const_iterator i = previous.begin(); i != previous.end(); ++i) {
FindReachableHypotheses( *i, reachable, winners, losers );
// also loop over recombined hypotheses (arcs)
const ChartArcList *arcList = hypo->GetArcList();
if (arcList) {
ChartArcList::const_iterator iterArc;
for (iterArc = arcList->begin(); iterArc != arcList->end(); ++iterArc) {
const ChartHypothesis &arc = **iterArc;
FindReachableHypotheses( &arc, reachable, winners, losers );
OutputSearchGraphAsHypergraph(std::ostream& out) const
ChartSearchGraphWriterHypergraph writer(&out);
void ChartManager::OutputSearchGraphMoses(std::ostream &outputSearchGraphStream) const
ChartSearchGraphWriterMoses writer(&outputSearchGraphStream, m_source.GetTranslationId());
void ChartManager::OutputBest(OutputCollector *collector) const
const ChartHypothesis *bestHypo = GetBestHypothesis();
if (collector && bestHypo) {
const size_t translationId = m_source.GetTranslationId();
const ChartHypothesis *bestHypo = GetBestHypothesis();
OutputBestHypo(collector, bestHypo, translationId);
void ChartManager::OutputNBest(OutputCollector *collector) const
const StaticData &staticData = StaticData::Instance();
size_t nBestSize = staticData.options().nbest.nbest_size;
if (nBestSize > 0) {
const size_t translationId = m_source.GetTranslationId();
<< staticData.options().nbest.output_file_path << endl);
std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<ChartKBestExtractor::Derivation> > nBestList;
CalcNBest(nBestSize, nBestList,staticData.options().nbest.only_distinct);
OutputNBestList(collector, nBestList, translationId);
PrintUserTime("N-Best Hypotheses Generation Time:");
void ChartManager::OutputNBestList(OutputCollector *collector,
const ChartKBestExtractor::KBestVec &nBestList,
long translationId) const
const StaticData &staticData = StaticData::Instance();
const std::vector<Moses::FactorType> &outputFactorOrder = staticData.GetOutputFactorOrder();
std::ostringstream out;
if (collector->OutputIsCout()) {
// Set precision only if we're writing the n-best list to cout. This is to
// preserve existing behaviour, but should probably be done either way.
NBestOptions const& nbo = StaticData::Instance().options().nbest;
bool includeWordAlignment = nbo.include_alignment_info;
bool PrintNBestTrees = nbo.print_trees;
for (ChartKBestExtractor::KBestVec::const_iterator p = nBestList.begin();
p != nBestList.end(); ++p) {
const ChartKBestExtractor::Derivation &derivation = **p;
// get the derivation's target-side yield
Phrase outputPhrase = ChartKBestExtractor::GetOutputPhrase(derivation);
// delete <s> and </s>
UTIL_THROW_IF2(outputPhrase.GetSize() < 2,
"Output phrase should have contained at least 2 words (beginning and end-of-sentence)");
outputPhrase.RemoveWord(outputPhrase.GetSize() - 1);
// print the translation ID, surface factors, and scores
out << translationId << " ||| ";
OutputSurface(out, outputPhrase, outputFactorOrder, false);
out << " ||| ";
boost::shared_ptr<ScoreComponentCollection> scoreBreakdown = ChartKBestExtractor::GetOutputScoreBreakdown(derivation);
out << " ||| " << derivation.score;
// optionally, print word alignments
if (includeWordAlignment) {
out << " ||| ";
Alignments align;
OutputAlignmentNBest(align, derivation, 0);
for (Alignments::const_iterator q = align.begin(); q != align.end();
++q) {
out << q->first << "-" << q->second << " ";
// optionally, print tree
if (PrintNBestTrees) {
TreePointer tree = ChartKBestExtractor::GetOutputTree(derivation);
out << " ||| " << tree->GetString();
out << std::endl;
collector->Write(translationId, out.str());
size_t ChartManager::CalcSourceSize(const Moses::ChartHypothesis *hypo) const
size_t ret = hypo->GetCurrSourceRange().GetNumWordsCovered();
const std::vector<const ChartHypothesis*> &prevHypos = hypo->GetPrevHypos();
for (size_t i = 0; i < prevHypos.size(); ++i) {
size_t childSize = prevHypos[i]->GetCurrSourceRange().GetNumWordsCovered();
ret -= (childSize - 1);
return ret;
size_t ChartManager::OutputAlignmentNBest(
Alignments &retAlign,
const Moses::ChartKBestExtractor::Derivation &derivation,
size_t startTarget) const
const ChartHypothesis &hypo = derivation.edge.head->hypothesis;
size_t totalTargetSize = 0;
size_t startSource = hypo.GetCurrSourceRange().GetStartPos();
const TargetPhrase &tp = hypo.GetCurrTargetPhrase();
size_t thisSourceSize = CalcSourceSize(&hypo);
// position of each terminal word in translation rule, irrespective of alignment
// if non-term, number is undefined
vector<size_t> sourceOffsets(thisSourceSize, 0);
vector<size_t> targetOffsets(tp.GetSize(), 0);
const AlignmentInfo &aiNonTerm = hypo.GetCurrTargetPhrase().GetAlignNonTerm();
vector<size_t> sourceInd2pos = aiNonTerm.GetSourceIndex2PosMap();
const AlignmentInfo::NonTermIndexMap &targetPos2SourceInd = aiNonTerm.GetNonTermIndexMap();
UTIL_THROW_IF2(sourceInd2pos.size() != derivation.subderivations.size(),
size_t targetInd = 0;
for (size_t targetPos = 0; targetPos < tp.GetSize(); ++targetPos) {
if (tp.GetWord(targetPos).IsNonTerminal()) {
UTIL_THROW_IF2(targetPos >= targetPos2SourceInd.size(), "Error");
size_t sourceInd = targetPos2SourceInd[targetPos];
size_t sourcePos = sourceInd2pos[sourceInd];
const Moses::ChartKBestExtractor::Derivation &subderivation =
// calc source size
size_t sourceSize = subderivation.edge.head->hypothesis.GetCurrSourceRange().GetNumWordsCovered();
sourceOffsets[sourcePos] = sourceSize;
// calc target size.
// Recursively look thru child hypos
size_t currStartTarget = startTarget + totalTargetSize;
size_t targetSize = OutputAlignmentNBest(retAlign, subderivation,
targetOffsets[targetPos] = targetSize;
totalTargetSize += targetSize;
} else {
// convert position within translation rule to absolute position within
// source sentence / output sentence
ShiftOffsets(sourceOffsets, startSource);
ShiftOffsets(targetOffsets, startTarget);
// get alignments from this hypo
const AlignmentInfo &aiTerm = hypo.GetCurrTargetPhrase().GetAlignTerm();
// add to output arg, offsetting by source & target
AlignmentInfo::const_iterator iter;
for (iter = aiTerm.begin(); iter != aiTerm.end(); ++iter) {
const std::pair<size_t,size_t> &align = *iter;
size_t relSource = align.first;
size_t relTarget = align.second;
size_t absSource = sourceOffsets[relSource];
size_t absTarget = targetOffsets[relTarget];
pair<size_t, size_t> alignPoint(absSource, absTarget);
pair<Alignments::iterator, bool> ret = retAlign.insert(alignPoint);
UTIL_THROW_IF2(!ret.second, "Error");
return totalTargetSize;
void ChartManager::OutputAlignment(OutputCollector *collector) const
if (collector == NULL) {
ostringstream out;
const ChartHypothesis *hypo = GetBestHypothesis();
if (hypo) {
Alignments retAlign;
OutputAlignment(retAlign, hypo, 0);
// output alignments
Alignments::const_iterator iter;
for (iter = retAlign.begin(); iter != retAlign.end(); ++iter) {
const pair<size_t, size_t> &alignPoint = *iter;
out << alignPoint.first << "-" << alignPoint.second << " ";
out << endl;
collector->Write(m_source.GetTranslationId(), out.str());
size_t ChartManager::OutputAlignment(Alignments &retAlign,
const Moses::ChartHypothesis *hypo,
size_t startTarget) const
size_t totalTargetSize = 0;
size_t startSource = hypo->GetCurrSourceRange().GetStartPos();
const TargetPhrase &tp = hypo->GetCurrTargetPhrase();
size_t thisSourceSize = CalcSourceSize(hypo);
// position of each terminal word in translation rule, irrespective of alignment
// if non-term, number is undefined
vector<size_t> sourceOffsets(thisSourceSize, 0);
vector<size_t> targetOffsets(tp.GetSize(), 0);
const vector<const ChartHypothesis*> &prevHypos = hypo->GetPrevHypos();
const AlignmentInfo &aiNonTerm = hypo->GetCurrTargetPhrase().GetAlignNonTerm();
vector<size_t> sourceInd2pos = aiNonTerm.GetSourceIndex2PosMap();
const AlignmentInfo::NonTermIndexMap &targetPos2SourceInd = aiNonTerm.GetNonTermIndexMap();
UTIL_THROW_IF2(sourceInd2pos.size() != prevHypos.size(), "Error");
size_t targetInd = 0;
for (size_t targetPos = 0; targetPos < tp.GetSize(); ++targetPos) {
if (tp.GetWord(targetPos).IsNonTerminal()) {
UTIL_THROW_IF2(targetPos >= targetPos2SourceInd.size(), "Error");
size_t sourceInd = targetPos2SourceInd[targetPos];
size_t sourcePos = sourceInd2pos[sourceInd];
const ChartHypothesis *prevHypo = prevHypos[sourceInd];
// calc source size
size_t sourceSize = prevHypo->GetCurrSourceRange().GetNumWordsCovered();
sourceOffsets[sourcePos] = sourceSize;
// calc target size.
// Recursively look thru child hypos
size_t currStartTarget = startTarget + totalTargetSize;
size_t targetSize = OutputAlignment(retAlign, prevHypo, currStartTarget);
targetOffsets[targetPos] = targetSize;
totalTargetSize += targetSize;
} else {
// convert position within translation rule to absolute position within
// source sentence / output sentence
ShiftOffsets(sourceOffsets, startSource);
ShiftOffsets(targetOffsets, startTarget);
// get alignments from this hypo
const AlignmentInfo &aiTerm = hypo->GetCurrTargetPhrase().GetAlignTerm();
// add to output arg, offsetting by source & target
AlignmentInfo::const_iterator iter;
for (iter = aiTerm.begin(); iter != aiTerm.end(); ++iter) {
const std::pair<size_t,size_t> &align = *iter;
size_t relSource = align.first;
size_t relTarget = align.second;
size_t absSource = sourceOffsets[relSource];
size_t absTarget = targetOffsets[relTarget];
pair<size_t, size_t> alignPoint(absSource, absTarget);
pair<Alignments::iterator, bool> ret = retAlign.insert(alignPoint);
UTIL_THROW_IF2(!ret.second, "Error");
return totalTargetSize;
void ChartManager::OutputDetailedTranslationReport(OutputCollector *collector) const
if (collector) {
static_cast<const Sentence&>(m_source),
void ChartManager::OutputDetailedTranslationReport(
OutputCollector *collector,
const ChartHypothesis *hypo,
const Sentence &sentence,
long translationId) const
if (hypo == NULL) {
std::ostringstream out;
ApplicationContext applicationContext;
OutputTranslationOptions(out, applicationContext, hypo, sentence, translationId);
collector->Write(translationId, out.str());
const StaticData &staticData = StaticData::Instance();
if (staticData.IsDetailedAllTranslationReportingEnabled()) {
const Sentence &sentence = dynamic_cast<const Sentence &>(m_source);
size_t nBestSize = staticData.options().nbest.nbest_size;
std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<ChartKBestExtractor::Derivation> > nBestList;
CalcNBest(nBestSize, nBestList, staticData.options().nbest.nbest_size);
OutputDetailedAllTranslationReport(collector, nBestList, sentence, translationId);
void ChartManager::OutputTranslationOptions(std::ostream &out,
ApplicationContext &applicationContext,
const ChartHypothesis *hypo,
const Sentence &sentence,
long translationId) const
if (hypo != NULL) {
OutputTranslationOption(out, applicationContext, hypo, sentence, translationId);
out << std::endl;
// recursive
const std::vector<const ChartHypothesis*> &prevHypos = hypo->GetPrevHypos();
std::vector<const ChartHypothesis*>::const_iterator iter;
for (iter = prevHypos.begin(); iter != prevHypos.end(); ++iter) {
const ChartHypothesis *prevHypo = *iter;
OutputTranslationOptions(out, applicationContext, prevHypo, sentence, translationId);
void ChartManager::OutputTranslationOption(std::ostream &out,
ApplicationContext &applicationContext,
const ChartHypothesis *hypo,
const Sentence &sentence,
long translationId) const
ReconstructApplicationContext(*hypo, sentence, applicationContext);
out << "Trans Opt " << translationId
<< " " << hypo->GetCurrSourceRange()
<< ": ";
WriteApplicationContext(out, applicationContext);
out << ": " << hypo->GetCurrTargetPhrase().GetTargetLHS()
<< "->" << hypo->GetCurrTargetPhrase()
<< " " << hypo->GetTotalScore() << hypo->GetScoreBreakdown();
// Given a hypothesis and sentence, reconstructs the 'application context' --
// the source RHS symbols of the SCFG rule that was applied, plus their spans.
void ChartManager::ReconstructApplicationContext(const ChartHypothesis &hypo,
const Sentence &sentence,
ApplicationContext &context) const
const std::vector<const ChartHypothesis*> &prevHypos = hypo.GetPrevHypos();
std::vector<const ChartHypothesis*>::const_iterator p = prevHypos.begin();
std::vector<const ChartHypothesis*>::const_iterator end = prevHypos.end();
const WordsRange &span = hypo.GetCurrSourceRange();
size_t i = span.GetStartPos();
while (i <= span.GetEndPos()) {
if (p == end || i < (*p)->GetCurrSourceRange().GetStartPos()) {
// Symbol is a terminal.
const Word &symbol = sentence.GetWord(i);
context.push_back(std::make_pair(symbol, WordsRange(i, i)));
} else {
// Symbol is a non-terminal.
const Word &symbol = (*p)->GetTargetLHS();
const WordsRange &range = (*p)->GetCurrSourceRange();
context.push_back(std::make_pair(symbol, range));
i = range.GetEndPos()+1;
void ChartManager::OutputUnknowns(OutputCollector *collector) const
if (collector) {
long translationId = m_source.GetTranslationId();
const std::vector<Phrase*> &oovs = GetParser().GetUnknownSources();
std::ostringstream out;
for (std::vector<Phrase*>::const_iterator p = oovs.begin();
p != oovs.end(); ++p) {
out << **p;
out << std::endl;
collector->Write(translationId, out.str());
void ChartManager::OutputDetailedTreeFragmentsTranslationReport(OutputCollector *collector) const
const ChartHypothesis *hypo = GetBestHypothesis();
if (collector == NULL || hypo == NULL) {
std::ostringstream out;
ApplicationContext applicationContext;
const Sentence &sentence = dynamic_cast<const Sentence &>(m_source);
const size_t translationId = m_source.GetTranslationId();
OutputTreeFragmentsTranslationOptions(out, applicationContext, hypo, sentence, translationId);
//Tree of full sentence
const StatefulFeatureFunction* treeStructure = StaticData::Instance().GetTreeStructure();
if (treeStructure != NULL) {
const vector<const StatefulFeatureFunction*>& sff = StatefulFeatureFunction::GetStatefulFeatureFunctions();
for( size_t i=0; i<sff.size(); i++ ) {
if (sff[i] == treeStructure) {
const TreeState* tree = dynamic_cast<const TreeState*>(hypo->GetFFState(i));
out << "Full Tree " << translationId << ": " << tree->GetTree()->GetString() << "\n";
collector->Write(translationId, out.str());
void ChartManager::OutputTreeFragmentsTranslationOptions(std::ostream &out,
ApplicationContext &applicationContext,
const ChartHypothesis *hypo,
const Sentence &sentence,
long translationId) const
if (hypo != NULL) {
OutputTranslationOption(out, applicationContext, hypo, sentence, translationId);
const TargetPhrase &currTarPhr = hypo->GetCurrTargetPhrase();
out << " ||| ";
if (const PhraseProperty *property = currTarPhr.GetProperty("Tree")) {
out << " " << *property->GetValueString();
} else {
out << " " << "noTreeInfo";
out << std::endl;
// recursive
const std::vector<const ChartHypothesis*> &prevHypos = hypo->GetPrevHypos();
std::vector<const ChartHypothesis*>::const_iterator iter;
for (iter = prevHypos.begin(); iter != prevHypos.end(); ++iter) {
const ChartHypothesis *prevHypo = *iter;
OutputTreeFragmentsTranslationOptions(out, applicationContext, prevHypo, sentence, translationId);
void ChartManager::OutputSearchGraph(OutputCollector *collector) const
if (collector) {
long translationId = m_source.GetTranslationId();
std::ostringstream out;
OutputSearchGraphMoses( out);
collector->Write(translationId, out.str());
void ChartManager::OutputDetailedAllTranslationReport(
OutputCollector *collector,
const std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<Moses::ChartKBestExtractor::Derivation> > &nBestList,
const Sentence &sentence,
long translationId) const
std::ostringstream out;
ApplicationContext applicationContext;
const ChartCellCollection& cells = GetChartCellCollection();
size_t size = GetSource().GetSize();
for (size_t width = 1; width <= size; ++width) {
for (size_t startPos = 0; startPos <= size-width; ++startPos) {
size_t endPos = startPos + width - 1;
WordsRange range(startPos, endPos);
const ChartCell& cell = cells.Get(range);
const HypoList* hyps = cell.GetAllSortedHypotheses();
out << "Chart Cell [" << startPos << ".." << endPos << "]" << endl;
HypoList::const_iterator iter;
size_t c = 1;
for (iter = hyps->begin(); iter != hyps->end(); ++iter) {
out << "----------------Item " << c++ << " ---------------------"
<< endl;
OutputTranslationOptions(out, applicationContext, *iter,
sentence, translationId);
collector->Write(translationId, out.str());
// void ChartManager::OutputSearchGraphHypergraph() const
// {
// const StaticData &staticData = StaticData::Instance();
// if (staticData.GetOutputSearchGraphHypergraph()) {
// HypergraphOutput<ChartManager> hypergraphOutputChart(PRECISION);
// hypergraphOutputChart.Write(*this);
// }
// }
void ChartManager::OutputBestHypo(OutputCollector *collector, const ChartHypothesis *hypo, long translationId) const
if (!collector)
std::ostringstream out;
if (hypo != NULL) {
VERBOSE(1,"BEST TRANSLATION: " << *hypo << endl);
VERBOSE(3,"Best path: ");
VERBOSE(3,"0" << std::endl);
if (StaticData::Instance().GetOutputHypoScore()) {
out << hypo->GetTotalScore() << " ";
if (StaticData::Instance().IsPathRecoveryEnabled()) {
out << "||| ";
Phrase outPhrase(ARRAY_SIZE_INCR);
// delete 1st & last
UTIL_THROW_IF2(outPhrase.GetSize() < 2,
"Output phrase should have contained at least 2 words (beginning and end-of-sentence)");
outPhrase.RemoveWord(outPhrase.GetSize() - 1);
const std::vector<FactorType> outputFactorOrder = StaticData::Instance().GetOutputFactorOrder();
string output = outPhrase.GetStringRep(outputFactorOrder);
out << output << endl;
} else {
if (StaticData::Instance().GetOutputHypoScore()) {
out << "0 ";
out << endl;
collector->Write(translationId, out.str());
void ChartManager::Backtrack(const ChartHypothesis *hypo) const
const vector<const ChartHypothesis*> &prevHypos = hypo->GetPrevHypos();
vector<const ChartHypothesis*>::const_iterator iter;
for (iter = prevHypos.begin(); iter != prevHypos.end(); ++iter) {
const ChartHypothesis *prevHypo = *iter;
VERBOSE(3,prevHypo->GetId() << " <= ");
} // namespace Moses