Ulrich Germann 524109e2ca Reorganisation of options.
The purpose of this effort is to have options local to the individual translation task,
so that they can be changed in the running system in a multi-threaded system.
2015-08-06 21:11:43 +01:00

583 lines
19 KiB

#include <cmath>
#include <stdexcept>
#include "moses/Incremental.h"
#include "moses/ChartCell.h"
#include "moses/ChartParserCallback.h"
#include "moses/FeatureVector.h"
#include "moses/StaticData.h"
#include "moses/Util.h"
#include "moses/LM/Base.h"
#include "moses/OutputCollector.h"
#include "lm/model.hh"
#include "search/applied.hh"
#include "search/config.hh"
#include "search/context.hh"
#include "search/edge_generator.hh"
#include "search/rule.hh"
#include "search/vertex_generator.hh"
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
namespace Moses
namespace Incremental
// This is called by EdgeGenerator. Route hypotheses to separate vertices for
// each left hand side label, populating ChartCellLabelSet out.
template <class Best> class HypothesisCallback
typedef search::VertexGenerator<Best> Gen;
HypothesisCallback(search::ContextBase &context, Best &best, ChartCellLabelSet &out, boost::object_pool<search::Vertex> &vertex_pool)
: context_(context), best_(best), out_(out), vertex_pool_(vertex_pool) {}
void NewHypothesis(search::PartialEdge partial) {
// Get the LHS, look it up in the output ChartCellLabel, and upcast it.
// It's not part of the union because it would have been ugly to expose template types in ChartCellLabel.
ChartCellLabel::Stack &stack = out_.FindOrInsert(static_cast<const TargetPhrase *>(partial.GetNote().vp)->GetTargetLHS());
Gen *entry = static_cast<Gen*>(stack.incr_generator);
if (!entry) {
entry = generator_pool_.construct(boost::ref(context_), boost::ref(*vertex_pool_.construct()), boost::ref(best_));
stack.incr_generator = entry;
void FinishedSearch() {
for (ChartCellLabelSet::iterator i(out_.mutable_begin()); i != out_.mutable_end(); ++i) {
if ((*i) == NULL) {
ChartCellLabel::Stack &stack = (*i)->MutableStack();
Gen *gen = static_cast<Gen*>(stack.incr_generator);
stack.incr = &gen->Generating();
search::ContextBase &context_;
Best &best_;
ChartCellLabelSet &out_;
boost::object_pool<search::Vertex> &vertex_pool_;
boost::object_pool<Gen> generator_pool_;
// This is called by the moses parser to collect hypotheses. It converts to my
// edges (search::PartialEdge).
template <class Model> class Fill : public ChartParserCallback
Fill(search::Context<Model> &context, const std::vector<lm::WordIndex> &vocab_mapping, search::Score oov_weight)
: context_(context), vocab_mapping_(vocab_mapping), oov_weight_(oov_weight) {}
void Add(const TargetPhraseCollection &targets, const StackVec &nts, const WordsRange &ignored);
void AddPhraseOOV(TargetPhrase &phrase, std::list<TargetPhraseCollection*> &waste_memory, const WordsRange &range);
float GetBestScore(const ChartCellLabel *chartCell) const;
bool Empty() const {
return edges_.Empty();
template <class Best> void Search(Best &best, ChartCellLabelSet &out, boost::object_pool<search::Vertex> &vertex_pool) {
HypothesisCallback<Best> callback(context_, best, out, vertex_pool);
edges_.Search(context_, callback);
// Root: everything into one vertex.
template <class Best> search::History RootSearch(Best &best) {
search::Vertex vertex;
search::RootVertexGenerator<Best> gen(vertex, best);
edges_.Search(context_, gen);
return vertex.BestChild();
void EvaluateWithSourceContext(const InputType &input, const InputPath &inputPath) {
// TODO for input lattice
lm::WordIndex Convert(const Word &word) const;
search::Context<Model> &context_;
const std::vector<lm::WordIndex> &vocab_mapping_;
search::EdgeGenerator edges_;
const search::Score oov_weight_;
template <class Model> void Fill<Model>::Add(const TargetPhraseCollection &targets, const StackVec &nts, const WordsRange &range)
std::vector<search::PartialVertex> vertices;
float below_score = 0.0;
for (StackVec::const_iterator i(nts.begin()); i != nts.end(); ++i) {
below_score += (*i)->GetBestScore(this);
std::vector<lm::WordIndex> words;
for (TargetPhraseCollection::const_iterator p(targets.begin()); p != targets.end(); ++p) {
const TargetPhrase &phrase = **p;
const AlignmentInfo::NonTermIndexMap &align = phrase.GetAlignNonTerm().GetNonTermIndexMap();
search::PartialEdge edge(edges_.AllocateEdge(nts.size()));
search::PartialVertex *nt = edge.NT();
for (size_t i = 0; i < phrase.GetSize(); ++i) {
const Word &word = phrase.GetWord(i);
if (word.IsNonTerminal()) {
*(nt++) = vertices[align[i]];
} else {
edge.SetScore(phrase.GetFutureScore() + below_score);
// prob and oov were already accounted for.
search::ScoreRule(context_.LanguageModel(), words, edge.Between());
search::Note note;
note.vp = &phrase;
template <class Model> void Fill<Model>::AddPhraseOOV(TargetPhrase &phrase, std::list<TargetPhraseCollection*> &, const WordsRange &range)
std::vector<lm::WordIndex> words;
UTIL_THROW_IF2(phrase.GetSize() > 1,
"OOV target phrase should be 0 or 1 word in length");
if (phrase.GetSize())
search::PartialEdge edge(edges_.AllocateEdge(0));
// Appears to be a bug that FutureScore does not already include language model.
search::ScoreRuleRet scored(search::ScoreRule(context_.LanguageModel(), words, edge.Between()));
edge.SetScore(phrase.GetFutureScore() + scored.prob * context_.LMWeight() + static_cast<search::Score>(scored.oov) * oov_weight_);
search::Note note;
note.vp = &phrase;
// for pruning
template <class Model> float Fill<Model>::GetBestScore(const ChartCellLabel *chartCell) const
search::PartialVertex vertex = chartCell->GetStack().incr->RootAlternate();
UTIL_THROW_IF2(vertex.Empty(), "hypothesis with empty stack");
return vertex.Bound();
// TODO: factors (but chart doesn't seem to support factors anyway).
template <class Model> lm::WordIndex Fill<Model>::Convert(const Word &word) const
std::size_t factor = word.GetFactor(0)->GetId();
return (factor >= vocab_mapping_.size() ? 0 : vocab_mapping_[factor]);
struct ChartCellBaseFactory {
ChartCellBase *operator()(size_t startPos, size_t endPos) const {
return new ChartCellBase(startPos, endPos);
} // namespace
Manager::Manager(ttasksptr const& ttask)
: BaseManager(ttask)
, cells_(m_source, ChartCellBaseFactory(), parser_)
, parser_(ttask, cells_)
, n_best_(search::NBestConfig(StaticData::Instance().options().nbest.nbest_size))
{ }
{ }
// Natural logarithm of 10.
// Some implementations of <cmath> define M_LM10, but not all.
const float log_10 = logf(10);
template <class Model, class Best>
PopulateBest(const Model &model, const std::vector<lm::WordIndex> &words, Best &out)
const LanguageModel &abstract = LanguageModel::GetFirstLM();
const float oov_weight = abstract.OOVFeatureEnabled() ? abstract.GetOOVWeight() : 0.0;
const StaticData &data = StaticData::Instance();
size_t cpl = data.options().cube.pop_limit;
size_t nbs = data.options().nbest.nbest_size;
search::Config config(abstract.GetWeight() * log_10, cpl, search::NBestConfig(nbs));
search::Context<Model> context(config, model);
size_t size = m_source.GetSize();
boost::object_pool<search::Vertex> vertex_pool(std::max<size_t>(size * size / 2, 32));
for (int startPos = size-1; startPos >= 0; --startPos) {
for (size_t width = 1; width <= size-startPos; ++width) {
// full range uses RootSearch
if (startPos == 0 && startPos + width == size) {
WordsRange range(startPos, startPos + width - 1);
Fill<Model> filler(context, words, oov_weight);
parser_.Create(range, filler);
filler.Search(out, cells_.MutableBase(range).MutableTargetLabelSet(), vertex_pool);
WordsRange range(0, size - 1);
Fill<Model> filler(context, words, oov_weight);
parser_.Create(range, filler);
return filler.RootSearch(out);
template <class Model> void Manager::LMCallback(const Model &model, const std::vector<lm::WordIndex> &words)
std::size_t nbest = StaticData::Instance().options().nbest.nbest_size;
if (nbest <= 1) {
search::History ret = PopulateBest(model, words, single_best_);
if (ret) {
backing_for_single_[0] = search::Applied(ret);
} else {
completed_nbest_ = &backing_for_single_;
} else {
search::History ret = PopulateBest(model, words, n_best_);
if (ret) {
completed_nbest_ = &n_best_.Extract(ret);
} else {
completed_nbest_ = &backing_for_single_;
template void Manager::LMCallback<lm::ngram::ProbingModel>(const lm::ngram::ProbingModel &model, const std::vector<lm::WordIndex> &words);
template void Manager::LMCallback<lm::ngram::RestProbingModel>(const lm::ngram::RestProbingModel &model, const std::vector<lm::WordIndex> &words);
template void Manager::LMCallback<lm::ngram::TrieModel>(const lm::ngram::TrieModel &model, const std::vector<lm::WordIndex> &words);
template void Manager::LMCallback<lm::ngram::QuantTrieModel>(const lm::ngram::QuantTrieModel &model, const std::vector<lm::WordIndex> &words);
template void Manager::LMCallback<lm::ngram::ArrayTrieModel>(const lm::ngram::ArrayTrieModel &model, const std::vector<lm::WordIndex> &words);
template void Manager::LMCallback<lm::ngram::QuantArrayTrieModel>(const lm::ngram::QuantArrayTrieModel &model, const std::vector<lm::WordIndex> &words);
void Manager::Decode()
const std::vector<search::Applied> &Manager::GetNBest() const
return *completed_nbest_;
void Manager::OutputBest(OutputCollector *collector) const
const long translationId = m_source.GetTranslationId();
const std::vector<search::Applied> &nbest = GetNBest();
if (!nbest.empty()) {
OutputBestHypo(collector, nbest[0], translationId);
} else {
OutputBestNone(collector, translationId);
void Manager::OutputNBest(OutputCollector *collector) const
if (collector == NULL) {
OutputNBestList(collector, *completed_nbest_, m_source.GetTranslationId());
void Manager::OutputNBestList(OutputCollector *collector, const std::vector<search::Applied> &nbest, long translationId) const
const StaticData &staticData = StaticData::Instance();
const std::vector<Moses::FactorType> &outputFactorOrder = staticData.GetOutputFactorOrder();
std::ostringstream out;
// wtf? copied from the original OutputNBestList
if (collector->OutputIsCout()) {
Phrase outputPhrase;
ScoreComponentCollection features;
for (std::vector<search::Applied>::const_iterator i = nbest.begin(); i != nbest.end(); ++i) {
Incremental::PhraseAndFeatures(*i, outputPhrase, features);
// <s> and </s>
UTIL_THROW_IF2(outputPhrase.GetSize() < 2,
"Output phrase should have contained at least 2 words (beginning and end-of-sentence)");
outputPhrase.RemoveWord(outputPhrase.GetSize() - 1);
out << translationId << " ||| ";
OutputSurface(out, outputPhrase, outputFactorOrder, false);
out << " ||| ";
out << " ||| " << i->GetScore() << '\n';
out << std::flush;
collector->Write(translationId, out.str());
void Manager::OutputDetailedTranslationReport(OutputCollector *collector) const
if (collector && !completed_nbest_->empty()) {
const search::Applied &applied = completed_nbest_->at(0);
static_cast<const Sentence&>(m_source),
void Manager::OutputDetailedTranslationReport(
OutputCollector *collector,
const search::Applied *applied,
const Sentence &sentence,
long translationId) const
if (applied == NULL) {
std::ostringstream out;
ApplicationContext applicationContext;
OutputTranslationOptions(out, applicationContext, applied, sentence, translationId);
collector->Write(translationId, out.str());
void Manager::OutputTranslationOptions(std::ostream &out,
ApplicationContext &applicationContext,
const search::Applied *applied,
const Sentence &sentence, long translationId) const
if (applied != NULL) {
OutputTranslationOption(out, applicationContext, applied, sentence, translationId);
out << std::endl;
// recursive
const search::Applied *child = applied->Children();
for (size_t i = 0; i < applied->GetArity(); i++) {
OutputTranslationOptions(out, applicationContext, child++, sentence, translationId);
void Manager::OutputTranslationOption(std::ostream &out,
ApplicationContext &applicationContext,
const search::Applied *applied,
const Sentence &sentence,
long translationId) const
ReconstructApplicationContext(applied, sentence, applicationContext);
const TargetPhrase &phrase = *static_cast<const TargetPhrase*>(applied->GetNote().vp);
out << "Trans Opt " << translationId
<< " " << applied->GetRange()
<< ": ";
WriteApplicationContext(out, applicationContext);
out << ": " << phrase.GetTargetLHS()
<< "->" << phrase
<< " " << applied->GetScore(); // << hypo->GetScoreBreakdown() TODO: missing in incremental search hypothesis
// Given a hypothesis and sentence, reconstructs the 'application context' --
// the source RHS symbols of the SCFG rule that was applied, plus their spans.
void Manager::ReconstructApplicationContext(const search::Applied *applied,
const Sentence &sentence,
ApplicationContext &context) const
const WordsRange &span = applied->GetRange();
const search::Applied *child = applied->Children();
size_t i = span.GetStartPos();
size_t j = 0;
while (i <= span.GetEndPos()) {
if (j == applied->GetArity() || i < child->GetRange().GetStartPos()) {
// Symbol is a terminal.
const Word &symbol = sentence.GetWord(i);
context.push_back(std::make_pair(symbol, WordsRange(i, i)));
} else {
// Symbol is a non-terminal.
const Word &symbol = static_cast<const TargetPhrase*>(child->GetNote().vp)->GetTargetLHS();
const WordsRange &range = child->GetRange();
context.push_back(std::make_pair(symbol, range));
i = range.GetEndPos()+1;
void Manager::OutputDetailedTreeFragmentsTranslationReport(OutputCollector *collector) const
if (collector == NULL || Completed().empty()) {
const search::Applied *applied = &Completed()[0];
const Sentence &sentence = dynamic_cast<const Sentence &>(m_source);
const size_t translationId = m_source.GetTranslationId();
std::ostringstream out;
ApplicationContext applicationContext;
OutputTreeFragmentsTranslationOptions(out, applicationContext, applied, sentence, translationId);
//Tree of full sentence
//TODO: incremental search doesn't support stateful features
collector->Write(translationId, out.str());
void Manager::OutputTreeFragmentsTranslationOptions(std::ostream &out,
ApplicationContext &applicationContext,
const search::Applied *applied,
const Sentence &sentence,
long translationId) const
if (applied != NULL) {
OutputTranslationOption(out, applicationContext, applied, sentence, translationId);
const TargetPhrase &currTarPhr = *static_cast<const TargetPhrase*>(applied->GetNote().vp);
out << " ||| ";
if (const PhraseProperty *property = currTarPhr.GetProperty("Tree")) {
out << " " << *property->GetValueString();
} else {
out << " " << "noTreeInfo";
out << std::endl;
// recursive
const search::Applied *child = applied->Children();
for (size_t i = 0; i < applied->GetArity(); i++) {
OutputTreeFragmentsTranslationOptions(out, applicationContext, child++, sentence, translationId);
void Manager::OutputBestHypo(OutputCollector *collector, search::Applied applied, long translationId) const
if (collector == NULL) return;
std::ostringstream out;
if (StaticData::Instance().GetOutputHypoScore()) {
out << applied.GetScore() << ' ';
Phrase outPhrase;
Incremental::ToPhrase(applied, outPhrase);
// delete 1st & last
UTIL_THROW_IF2(outPhrase.GetSize() < 2,
"Output phrase should have contained at least 2 words (beginning and end-of-sentence)");
outPhrase.RemoveWord(outPhrase.GetSize() - 1);
out << outPhrase.GetStringRep(StaticData::Instance().GetOutputFactorOrder());
out << '\n';
collector->Write(translationId, out.str());
VERBOSE(1,"BEST TRANSLATION: " << outPhrase << "[total=" << applied.GetScore() << "]" << std::endl);
void Manager::OutputBestNone(OutputCollector *collector, long translationId) const
if (collector == NULL) return;
if (StaticData::Instance().GetOutputHypoScore()) {
collector->Write(translationId, "0 \n");
} else {
collector->Write(translationId, "\n");
struct NoOp {
void operator()(const TargetPhrase &) const {}
struct AccumScore {
AccumScore(ScoreComponentCollection &out) : out_(&out) {}
void operator()(const TargetPhrase &phrase) {
ScoreComponentCollection *out_;
template <class Action> void AppendToPhrase(const search::Applied final, Phrase &out, Action action)
const TargetPhrase &phrase = *static_cast<const TargetPhrase*>(final.GetNote().vp);
const search::Applied *child = final.Children();
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < phrase.GetSize(); ++i) {
const Word &word = phrase.GetWord(i);
if (word.IsNonTerminal()) {
AppendToPhrase(*child++, out, action);
} else {
} // namespace
void ToPhrase(const search::Applied final, Phrase &out)
AppendToPhrase(final, out, NoOp());
void PhraseAndFeatures(const search::Applied final, Phrase &phrase, ScoreComponentCollection &features)
AppendToPhrase(final, phrase, AccumScore(features));
// If we made it this far, there is only one language model.
float full, ignored_ngram;
std::size_t ignored_oov;
const LanguageModel &model = LanguageModel::GetFirstLM();
model.CalcScore(phrase, full, ignored_ngram, ignored_oov);
// CalcScore transforms, but EvaluateWhenApplied doesn't.
features.Assign(&model, full);
} // namespace Incremental
} // namespace Moses