Michael Denkowski fa15d60afd Revert "Query member phrase tables in batch mode for forward compatibility"
This reverts commit 2462c81f7a.

Looks like legacy is still the least-breaking way to query phrase tables
2016-03-21 16:44:23 -04:00

400 lines
14 KiB

Moses - factored phrase-based language decoder
Copyright (C) 2006 University of Edinburgh
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "moses/TranslationModel/PhraseDictionaryGroup.h"
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <boost/unordered_map.hpp>
#include "util/exception.hh"
using namespace std;
using namespace boost;
namespace Moses
PhraseDictionaryGroup::PhraseDictionaryGroup(const string &line)
: PhraseDictionary(line, true),
void PhraseDictionaryGroup::SetParameter(const string& key, const string& value)
if (key == "members") {
m_memberPDStrs = Tokenize(value, ",");
m_numModels = m_memberPDStrs.size();
m_seenByAll = dynamic_bitset<>(m_numModels);
} else if (key == "restrict") {
m_restrict = Scan<bool>(value);
} else if (key == "phrase-counts") {
m_phraseCounts = Scan<bool>(value);
} else if (key == "word-counts") {
m_wordCounts = Scan<bool>(value);
} else if (key == "model-bitmap-counts") {
m_modelBitmapCounts = Scan<bool>(value);
} else if (key =="default-scores") {
m_haveDefaultScores = true;
m_defaultScores = Scan<float>(Tokenize(value, ","));
} else if (key =="default-average-others") {
m_defaultAverageOthers = Scan<bool>(value);
} else if (key =="mmsapt-lr-func") {
m_haveMmsaptLrFunc = true;
} else {
PhraseDictionary::SetParameter(key, value);
void PhraseDictionaryGroup::Load(AllOptions::ptr const& opts)
m_options = opts;
size_t numScoreComponents = 0;
// Locate/check component phrase tables
BOOST_FOREACH(const string& pdName, m_memberPDStrs) {
bool pdFound = false;
BOOST_FOREACH(PhraseDictionary* pd, PhraseDictionary::GetColl()) {
if (pd->GetScoreProducerDescription() == pdName) {
pdFound = true;
size_t nScores = pd->GetNumScoreComponents();
numScoreComponents += nScores;
if (m_scoresPerModel == 0) {
m_scoresPerModel = nScores;
} else if (m_defaultAverageOthers) {
UTIL_THROW_IF2(nScores != m_scoresPerModel,
m_description << ": member models must have the same number of scores when using default-average-others");
m_description << ": could not find member phrase table " << pdName);
m_totalModelScores = numScoreComponents;
// Check feature total
if (m_phraseCounts) {
numScoreComponents += m_numModels;
if (m_wordCounts) {
numScoreComponents += m_numModels;
if (m_modelBitmapCounts) {
numScoreComponents += (pow(2, m_numModels) - 1);
UTIL_THROW_IF2(numScoreComponents != m_numScoreComponents,
m_description << ": feature count mismatch: specify \"num-features=" << numScoreComponents << "\" and supply " << numScoreComponents << " weights");
#ifdef PT_UG
// Locate mmsapt lexical reordering functions if specified
if (m_haveMmsaptLrFunc) {
BOOST_FOREACH(PhraseDictionary* pd, m_memberPDs) {
// pointer to pointer, all start as NULL and some may be populated prior
// to translation
// Determine "zero" scores for features
if (m_haveDefaultScores) {
UTIL_THROW_IF2(m_defaultScores.size() != m_numScoreComponents,
m_description << ": number of specified default scores is unequal to number of member model scores");
} else {
// Default is all 0 (as opposed to e.g. -99 or similar to approximate log(0)
// or a smoothed "not in model" score)
m_defaultScores = vector<float>(m_numScoreComponents, 0);
void PhraseDictionaryGroup::InitializeForInput(const ttasksptr& ttask)
// Member models are registered as FFs and should already be initialized
void PhraseDictionaryGroup::GetTargetPhraseCollectionBatch(
const ttasksptr& ttask, const InputPathList& inputPathQueue) const
// Some implementations (mmsapt) do work in PrefixExists
BOOST_FOREACH(const InputPath* inputPath, inputPathQueue) {
const Phrase& phrase = inputPath->GetPhrase();
BOOST_FOREACH(const PhraseDictionary* pd, m_memberPDs) {
pd->PrefixExists(ttask, phrase);
// Look up each input in each model
BOOST_FOREACH(InputPath* inputPath, inputPathQueue) {
const Phrase &phrase = inputPath->GetPhrase();
TargetPhraseCollection::shared_ptr targetPhrases =
this->GetTargetPhraseCollectionLEGACY(ttask, phrase);
inputPath->SetTargetPhrases(*this, targetPhrases, NULL);
TargetPhraseCollection::shared_ptr PhraseDictionaryGroup::GetTargetPhraseCollectionLEGACY(
const Phrase& src) const
UTIL_THROW2("Don't call me without the translation task.");
GetTargetPhraseCollectionLEGACY(const ttasksptr& ttask, const Phrase& src) const
TargetPhraseCollection::shared_ptr ret
= CreateTargetPhraseCollection(ttask, src);
ret->NthElement(m_tableLimit); // sort the phrases for pruning later
return ret;
CreateTargetPhraseCollection(const ttasksptr& ttask, const Phrase& src) const
// Aggregation of phrases and corresponding statistics (scores, models seen by)
vector<TargetPhrase*> phraseList;
typedef unordered_map<const TargetPhrase*, PDGroupPhrase, UnorderedComparer<Phrase>, UnorderedComparer<Phrase> > PhraseMap;
PhraseMap phraseMap;
// For each model
size_t offset = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_numModels; ++i) {
// Collect phrases from this table
const PhraseDictionary& pd = *m_memberPDs[i];
ret_raw = pd.GetTargetPhraseCollectionLEGACY(ttask, src);
if (ret_raw != NULL) {
// Process each phrase from table
BOOST_FOREACH(const TargetPhrase* targetPhrase, *ret_raw) {
vector<float> raw_scores =
// Phrase not in collection -> add if unrestricted or first model
PhraseMap::iterator iter = phraseMap.find(targetPhrase);
if (iter == phraseMap.end()) {
if (m_restrict && i > 0) {
// Copy phrase to avoid disrupting base model
TargetPhrase* phrase = new TargetPhrase(*targetPhrase);
// Correct future cost estimates and total score
vector<FeatureFunction*> pd_feature;
const vector<FeatureFunction*> pd_feature_const(pd_feature);
phrase->EvaluateInIsolation(src, pd_feature_const);
// Zero out scores from original phrase table
// Add phrase entry
phraseMap[targetPhrase] = PDGroupPhrase(phrase, m_defaultScores, m_numModels);
} else {
// For existing phrases: merge extra scores (such as lr-func scores for mmsapt)
TargetPhrase* phrase = iter->second.m_targetPhrase;
BOOST_FOREACH(const TargetPhrase::ScoreCache_t::value_type pair, targetPhrase->GetExtraScores()) {
phrase->SetExtraScores(pair.first, pair.second);
// Don't repeat lookup if phrase already found
PDGroupPhrase& pdgPhrase = (iter == phraseMap.end()) ? phraseMap.find(targetPhrase)->second : iter->second;
// Copy scores from this model
for (size_t j = 0; j < pd.GetNumScoreComponents(); ++j) {
pdgPhrase.m_scores[offset + j] = raw_scores[j];
// Phrase seen by this model
pdgPhrase.m_seenBy[i] = true;
offset += pd.GetNumScoreComponents();
// Compute additional scores as phrases are added to return collection
TargetPhraseCollection::shared_ptr ret(new TargetPhraseCollection);
const vector<FeatureFunction*> pd_feature_const(m_pdFeature);
BOOST_FOREACH(TargetPhrase* phrase, phraseList) {
PDGroupPhrase& pdgPhrase = phraseMap.find(phrase)->second;
// Score order (example with 2 models)
// member1_scores member2_scores [m1_pc m2_pc] [m1_wc m2_wc]
// Extra scores added after member model scores
size_t offset = m_totalModelScores;
// Phrase count (per member model)
if (m_phraseCounts) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_numModels; ++i) {
if (pdgPhrase.m_seenBy[i]) {
pdgPhrase.m_scores[offset + i] = 1;
offset += m_numModels;
// Word count (per member model)
if (m_wordCounts) {
size_t wc = pdgPhrase.m_targetPhrase->GetSize();
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_numModels; ++i) {
if (pdgPhrase.m_seenBy[i]) {
pdgPhrase.m_scores[offset + i] = wc;
offset += m_numModels;
// Model bitmap features (one feature per possible bitmap)
// e.g. seen by models 1 and 3 but not 2 -> "101" fires
if (m_modelBitmapCounts) {
// Throws exception if someone tries to combine more than 64 models
pdgPhrase.m_scores[offset + (pdgPhrase.m_seenBy.to_ulong() - 1)] = 1;
offset += m_seenByAll.to_ulong();
// Average other-model scores to fill in defaults when models have not seen
// this phrase
if (m_defaultAverageOthers) {
// Average seen scores
if (pdgPhrase.m_seenBy != m_seenByAll) {
vector<float> avgScores(m_scoresPerModel, 0);
size_t seenBy = 0;
offset = 0;
// sum
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_numModels; ++i) {
if (pdgPhrase.m_seenBy[i]) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < m_scoresPerModel; ++j) {
avgScores[j] += pdgPhrase.m_scores[offset + j];
seenBy += 1;
offset += m_scoresPerModel;
// divide
for (size_t j = 0; j < m_scoresPerModel; ++j) {
avgScores[j] /= seenBy;
// copy
offset = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_numModels; ++i) {
if (!pdgPhrase.m_seenBy[i]) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < m_scoresPerModel; ++j) {
pdgPhrase.m_scores[offset + j] = avgScores[j];
offset += m_scoresPerModel;
#ifdef PT_UG
// Also average LexicalReordering scores if specified
// We don't necessarily have a lr-func for each model
if (m_haveMmsaptLrFunc) {
SPTR<Scores> avgLRScores;
size_t seenBy = 0;
// For each model
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_numModels; ++i) {
const LexicalReordering* lrFunc = *m_mmsaptLrFuncs[i];
// Add if phrase seen and model has lr-func
if (pdgPhrase.m_seenBy[i] && lrFunc != NULL) {
const Scores* scores = pdgPhrase.m_targetPhrase->GetExtraScores(lrFunc);
if (!avgLRScores) {
avgLRScores.reset(new Scores(*scores));
} else {
for (size_t j = 0; j < scores->size(); ++j) {
(*avgLRScores)[j] += (*scores)[j];
seenBy += 1;
// Make sure we have at least one lr-func
if (avgLRScores) {
// divide
for (size_t j = 0; j < avgLRScores->size(); ++j) {
(*avgLRScores)[j] /= seenBy;
// set
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_numModels; ++i) {
const LexicalReordering* lrFunc = *m_mmsaptLrFuncs[i];
if (!pdgPhrase.m_seenBy[i] && lrFunc != NULL) {
pdgPhrase.m_targetPhrase->SetExtraScores(lrFunc, avgLRScores);
// Assign scores
phrase->GetScoreBreakdown().Assign(this, pdgPhrase.m_scores);
// Correct future cost estimates and total score
phrase->EvaluateInIsolation(src, pd_feature_const);
return ret;
CreateRuleLookupManager(const ChartParser &,
const ChartCellCollectionBase&, size_t)
UTIL_THROW(util::Exception, "Phrase table used in chart decoder");
//copied from PhraseDictionaryCompact; free memory allocated to TargetPhraseCollection (and each TargetPhrase) at end of sentence
void PhraseDictionaryGroup::CacheForCleanup(TargetPhraseCollection::shared_ptr tpc)
PhraseCache &ref = GetPhraseCache();
CleanUpAfterSentenceProcessing(const InputType &source)
void PhraseDictionaryGroup::CleanUpComponentModels(const InputType &source)
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_numModels; ++i) {
} //namespace