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synced 2025-01-05 19:23:13 +03:00
This will limit the influence of model score on oracle (hope) selection. Good for cases whith extremely large feature values. May make it the defult.
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334 lines
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// $Id$
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K-best Batch MIRA for Moses
Copyright (C) 2012, National Research Council Canada / Conseil national
de recherches du Canada
* k-best Batch Mira, as described in:
* Colin Cherry and George Foster
* Batch Tuning Strategies for Statistical Machine Translation
* NAACL 2012
* Implemented by colin.cherry@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca
* To license implementations of any of the other tuners in that paper,
* please get in touch with any member of NRC Canada's Portage project
* Input is a set of n-best lists, encoded as feature and score files.
* Output is a weight file that results from running MIRA on these
* n-btest lists for J iterations. Will return the set that maximizes
* training BLEU.
#include <cmath>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
#include <algorithm>
#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
#include "BleuScorer.h"
#include "HypPackEnumerator.h"
#include "MiraFeatureVector.h"
#include "MiraWeightVector.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace MosesTuning;
namespace po = boost::program_options;
ValType evaluate(HypPackEnumerator* train, const AvgWeightVector& wv) {
vector<ValType> stats(kBleuNgramOrder*2+1,0);
for(train->reset(); !train->finished(); train->next()) {
// Find max model
size_t max_index=0;
ValType max_score=0;
for(size_t i=0;i<train->cur_size();i++) {
MiraFeatureVector vec(train->featuresAt(i));
ValType score = wv.score(vec);
if(i==0 || score > max_score) {
max_index = i;
max_score = score;
// Update stats
const vector<float>& sent = train->scoresAt(max_index);
for(size_t i=0;i<sent.size();i++) {
return unsmoothedBleu(stats);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
const ValType BLEU_RATIO = 5;
bool help;
string denseInitFile;
string sparseInitFile;
vector<string> scoreFiles;
vector<string> featureFiles;
int seed;
string outputFile;
float c = 0.01; // Step-size cap C
float decay = 0.999; // Pseudo-corpus decay \gamma
int n_iters = 60; // Max epochs J
bool streaming = false; // Stream all k-best lists?
bool no_shuffle = false; // Don't shuffle, even for in memory version
bool model_bg = false; // Use model for background corpus
bool verbose = false; // Verbose updates
bool safe_hope = false; // Model score cannot have more than BLEU_RATIO times more influence than BLEU
// Command-line processing follows pro.cpp
po::options_description desc("Allowed options");
("help,h", po::value(&help)->zero_tokens()->default_value(false), "Print this help message and exit")
("scfile,S", po::value<vector<string> >(&scoreFiles), "Scorer data files")
("ffile,F", po::value<vector<string> > (&featureFiles), "Feature data files")
("random-seed,r", po::value<int>(&seed), "Seed for random number generation")
("output-file,o", po::value<string>(&outputFile), "Output file")
("cparam,C", po::value<float>(&c), "MIRA C-parameter, lower for more regularization (default 0.01)")
("decay,D", po::value<float>(&decay), "BLEU background corpus decay rate (default 0.999)")
("iters,J", po::value<int>(&n_iters), "Number of MIRA iterations to run (default 60)")
("dense-init,d", po::value<string>(&denseInitFile), "Weight file for dense features")
("sparse-init,s", po::value<string>(&sparseInitFile), "Weight file for sparse features")
("streaming", po::value(&streaming)->zero_tokens()->default_value(false), "Stream n-best lists to save memory, implies --no-shuffle")
("no-shuffle", po::value(&no_shuffle)->zero_tokens()->default_value(false), "Don't shuffle hypotheses before each epoch")
("model-bg", po::value(&model_bg)->zero_tokens()->default_value(false), "Use model instead of hope for BLEU background")
("verbose", po::value(&verbose)->zero_tokens()->default_value(false), "Verbose updates")
("safe-hope", po::value(&safe_hope)->zero_tokens()->default_value(false), "Mode score's influence on hope decoding is limited")
po::options_description cmdline_options;
po::variables_map vm;
options(cmdline_options).run(), vm);
if (help) {
cout << "Usage: " + string(argv[0]) + " [options]" << endl;
cout << desc << endl;
cerr << "kbmira with c=" << c << " decay=" << decay << " no_shuffle=" << no_shuffle << endl;
if (vm.count("random-seed")) {
cerr << "Initialising random seed to " << seed << endl;
} else {
cerr << "Initialising random seed from system clock" << endl;
// Initialize weights
// Dense
vector<parameter_t> initParams;
if(!denseInitFile.empty()) {
ifstream opt(denseInitFile.c_str());
string buffer;
if (opt.fail()) {
cerr << "could not open dense initfile: " << denseInitFile << endl;
parameter_t val;
istringstream strstrm(buffer);
while(strstrm >> val) {
size_t initDenseSize = initParams.size();
// Sparse
if(!sparseInitFile.empty()) {
if(initDenseSize==0) {
cerr << "sparse initialization requires dense initialization" << endl;
ifstream opt(sparseInitFile.c_str());
if(opt.fail()) {
cerr << "could not open sparse initfile: " << sparseInitFile << endl;
int sparseCount=0;
parameter_t val; std::string name;
while(opt >> name >> val) {
size_t id = SparseVector::encode(name) + initDenseSize;
while(initParams.size()<=id) initParams.push_back(0.0);
initParams[id] = val;
cerr << "Found " << sparseCount << " initial sparse features" << endl;
MiraWeightVector wv(initParams);
// Initialize background corpus
vector<ValType> bg;
for(int j=0;j<kBleuNgramOrder;j++){
// Training loop
boost::scoped_ptr<HypPackEnumerator> train;
train.reset(new StreamingHypPackEnumerator(featureFiles, scoreFiles));
train.reset(new RandomAccessHypPackEnumerator(featureFiles, scoreFiles, no_shuffle));
cerr << "Initial BLEU = " << evaluate(train.get(), wv.avg()) << endl;
ValType bestBleu = 0;
for(int j=0;j<n_iters;j++)
// MIRA train for one epoch
int iNumHyps = 0;
int iNumExamples = 0;
int iNumUpdates = 0;
ValType totalLoss = 0.0;
for(train->reset(); !train->finished(); train->next()) {
// Hope / fear decode
ValType hope_scale = 1.0;
size_t hope_index=0, fear_index=0, model_index=0;
ValType hope_score=0, fear_score=0, model_score=0;
int iNumHypsBackup = iNumHyps;
for(size_t safe_loop=0; safe_loop<2; safe_loop++) {
iNumHyps = iNumHypsBackup;
ValType hope_bleu, hope_model;
for(size_t i=0; i< train->cur_size(); i++) {
const MiraFeatureVector& vec=train->featuresAt(i);
ValType score = wv.score(vec);
ValType bleu = sentenceLevelBackgroundBleu(train->scoresAt(i),bg);
// Hope
if(i==0 || (hope_scale*score + bleu) > hope_score) {
hope_score = hope_scale*score + bleu;
hope_index = i;
hope_bleu = bleu;
hope_model = score;
// Fear
if(i==0 || (score - bleu) > fear_score) {
fear_score = score - bleu;
fear_index = i;
// Model
if(i==0 || score > model_score) {
model_score = score;
model_index = i;
// Outer loop rescales the contribution of model score to 'hope' in antagonistic cases
// where model score is having far more influence than BLEU
hope_bleu *= BLEU_RATIO; // We only care about cases where model has MUCH more influence than BLEU
if(safe_hope && safe_loop==0 && abs(hope_model)>1e-8 && abs(hope_bleu)/abs(hope_model)<hope_scale)
hope_scale = abs(hope_bleu) / abs(hope_model);
else break;
// Update weights
if(hope_index!=fear_index) {
// Vector difference
const MiraFeatureVector& hope=train->featuresAt(hope_index);
const MiraFeatureVector& fear=train->featuresAt(fear_index);
MiraFeatureVector diff = hope - fear;
// Bleu difference
const vector<float>& hope_stats = train->scoresAt(hope_index);
ValType hopeBleu = sentenceLevelBackgroundBleu(hope_stats, bg);
const vector<float>& fear_stats = train->scoresAt(fear_index);
ValType fearBleu = sentenceLevelBackgroundBleu(fear_stats, bg);
assert(hopeBleu + 1e-8 >= fearBleu);
ValType delta = hopeBleu - fearBleu;
// Loss and update
ValType diff_score = wv.score(diff);
ValType loss = delta - diff_score;
if(verbose) {
cerr << "Updating sent " << train->cur_id() << endl;
cerr << "Wght: " << wv << endl;
cerr << "Hope: " << hope << " BLEU:" << hopeBleu << " Score:" << wv.score(hope) << endl;
cerr << "Fear: " << fear << " BLEU:" << fearBleu << " Score:" << wv.score(fear) << endl;
cerr << "Diff: " << diff << " BLEU:" << delta << " Score:" << diff_score << endl;
cerr << "Loss: " << loss << " Scale: " << hope_scale << endl;
cerr << endl;
if(loss > 0) {
ValType eta = min(c, loss / diff.sqrNorm());
// Update BLEU statistics
const vector<float>& model_stats = train->scoresAt(model_index);
for(size_t k=0;k<bg.size();k++) {
// Training Epoch summary
cerr << iNumUpdates << "/" << iNumExamples << " updates"
<< ", avg loss = " << (totalLoss / iNumExamples);
// Evaluate current average weights
AvgWeightVector avg = wv.avg();
ValType bleu = evaluate(train.get(), avg);
cerr << ", BLEU = " << bleu << endl;
if(bleu > bestBleu) {
size_t num_dense = train->num_dense();
if(initDenseSize>0 && initDenseSize!=num_dense) {
cerr << "Error: Initial dense feature count and dense feature count from n-best do not match: "
<< initDenseSize << "!=" << num_dense << endl;
// Write to a file
ostream* out;
ofstream outFile;
if (!outputFile.empty() ) {
if (!(outFile)) {
cerr << "Error: Failed to open " << outputFile << endl;
out = &outFile;
} else {
out = &cout;
for(size_t i=0;i<avg.size();i++) {
*out << "F" << i << " " << avg.weight(i) << endl;
else {
*out << SparseVector::decode(i-num_dense) << " " << avg.weight(i) << endl;
bestBleu = bleu;
cerr << "Best BLEU = " << bestBleu << endl;
// --Emacs trickery--
// Local Variables:
// mode:c++
// c-basic-offset:2
// End: